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GENERIC NAME phenoba -rbital sodium

DRUG CLASSIFICA TION Antiepileptic Barbiturate (long acting) Sedative

BRAND NAME Luminal Sodium

DOSAGE AND ROUTE General CNS IVTT: depressant; Slow as barbiturates loading inhibit dose impulse THEN conduction in 40mg q the 12 ascending RAS, depress the cerebral cortex, alter cerebellar HOW function, SUPPLIED depress motor output, and can produce excitation, sedation, hypnosis, anesthesia, and deep coma At subhypnnotic doses, has anti-seizure activity, making it suitable for long term use as an antiepileptic






Sedative With CNS: BEFORE: hypersensitivity Agitation, Treatment Check the doctors order to barbiturates, confusion, of Check the vital signs severe hyperkinesias, generalize including BP respiratory ataxia, vertigo, d tonic Check for history of drug distress, CNS depression clonic and hypersensitivity and condition marked liver nightmares, cortical of patient if not impairment lethargy, residual focal contraindicated or cautioned sedation, seizures Use cautiously with psychiatric with acute or Emergenc Asses patients and familys disturbances, chronic pain, y control knowledge on drug hallucinations, seizure of certain Follow and apply 10 rights of anxiety, dizziness, disorders, acute patients: thinking fever, seizures Right patient abnormality hyperthyroidis (associate Right route m, diabetes CV: d with Right dosage mellitus, severe Bradycardia, meningitis) Right time anemia, hypotension, Right assessment pulmonary or syncope Right to administer cardiac disease, GI: Right to educate impaired liver Nausea, vomiting, Right to documentation or renal constipation, function Right to refuse diarrhea,constipati on, epigastric pain Right to evaluation Hypersensitivity: DURING: Rashes, Check drug preparation and angioneurotic expiration date edema, serum Continuously monitor sickness, urticaria response when used including Local: vital signs and BP carefully Pain, tissue AFTER: necrosis at Continuously monitor vital injection site, signs including BP carefully gangrene, Do not reduce dosage or thrombophlebitis stop drug unless consulted Respiratory: from the health care provider Hypoventilation, Report sever dizziness, apnea, respiratory weakness, fever, drowsiness, depression, rash sore throat, easy bruising laryngospasm, or bleeding, mouth sore bronchospasm, circulatory collapse

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