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Kukum Campus, Telephone: 677- 42799,

P O Box R113, Honiara, Solomon Islands
Individual Assignment Cover Sheet:
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Office for assignment submission locations.
Name: Ozmalyn Rohorua
ID 7 0 0 0 3 9 4 5 9
Course code and Title: MGT701: Project Managment
School: Business & Tourism Program Code: BE
Course Coordinator: Dr. Jerry Siota Lecturer/Tutor: Dr. Jerry Siota
Day, Time, Location of Tutorial/Practical: C17: 2pm-4pm (Lect) - Tuesday &
C17: 10am-12pm(Tutorial)- Friday
Assignment number: Three (3) Due date: 17/04/2023
Assignment topic as stated in Course Outline: Assessment 3: Find out about
the National Institute of Sports, why is it important to the socio-economic
development of this country?

Table of Contents


Assessment three (3) is all about identifying problems and creating solutions in a project. This
research is done by creating a research group with team F that consists of four (4) team members.
It based mainly on the research topic that aims to get the most relevant information on facts and
the point of views from each selected sample respondents or interviewees. Hence, to carrying out
this research project our team F discussed and agreed upon a title which was relevant to the
chosen topic and then we formulate well-structured questionnaires or open-ended interview
questions. And we did mixed methodology to carrying out the research by using both the
qualitative and quantitative methods. Besides the formulated well-structured questionnaires or
open ended interview questions given to chosen sample of respondents within the Solomon
Islands National Institute of Sport (SINIS), we also did observation of players doing their
trainings as well as the area of various sports played. Thus, our research study is located at the
Solomon Islands National Institute of Sport (SINIS) near Ranadi, East Honiara and at the office
of the 2023 SPG National Hosting Authority, Town Council. Hence, the topic is on the
importance of Solomon Islands National Institute of Sport (SINIS) to the development of socio-
economy in Solomon Islands. This is relevant to the Unit703: Project Management that is one of
the units covered under the school of business within the department of Entrepreneurship at the
Solomon Islands National University (SINU). However, the findings will help to motivate future
researchers to carrying out more researches on the topic and also it can help to encourage young
Solomon Islanders that the fact in which sport is obviously vital whereby contributed a lot to
socio-economic side in our country Solomon Islands.

Moreover, the finding presentation will be presented in the following layout in the discussion
part as follows; Discussion which included the respondent‟s demography, the key findings and
analysis of the relevant findings presented in a thematic format for better understanding of the
issue of the relevant information on facts analyses and then the conclusion.

The valid information assembled is all about the facts gathered throughout the research interview
of open-ended questionnaires given to respondents and also via observations. Hence, the
interview process was done by interviewing of selected sample of respondents or interviewees
through randomly and purposive sampling. The relevant information of facts is derived through
mixed methodology which included both the qualitative and quantitative method as required to
gather efficient facts of data. Thus, these findings is arranged according to themes which have
been identified and grouped into relevant information on facts and point of views from each
respondent to help in analyzing them for the purpose of better understanding of the issue.

Table: Respondents Personal Details for demography.

No.of Age Gender Occupation Place of Types of
Respondents Residence Sports played
1 37 M Contract Manager Tasahe -

2 40 M Assistance manager Mbokonavera -

Operation 3
3 30 M Well-being Coordinator White River -

4 24 F Student (SINU) Gilbert Camp Athletic

5 17 F Athlete Tuvaruvu Weight lifter

6 19 M Athlete Burns Creek Weight Lifter

7 35 M Team captain (National Mbokonavera 3 Football

Player, currently Real
Kakamora Captain
8 22 M Athlete Mbokonavera Athletic

The table above clearly determines some of the personal details for demography that each chosen
sample respondents have answered to the interview questions given to them. Hence, it presents
much of the personal details of each player and few staffs as well as few top people being
questioned and interviewed from the Solomon Islands National Institute of Sport (SINIS). And
also some data taken from the questioned answered by the contract manager of the National
Hosting Authority (NHA) for the South Pacific games (SPG) 2023, where its office is located at
Honiara City Council.

However, the different types of details of the sample respondents will help to give relevant and
efficient data or information when analyzing the findings on the issue on the chosen topic which
is the importance of Solomon Islands National Institute of Sport (SINIS) to the development of
socio-economic in Solomon Islands. The interview that has been conducted during the research
can be used to put the findings into key thematic areas which will help to easily give justification
of arguments to the facts in light of the issue stated.

Facts and information accumulated or gathered through recording of all the 8 respondents
answering interviewed questions given as well as doing personal observation of the players
during their training sessions within the Solomon Islands National Institute of Sports (SINIS)
area. This is very interesting thou because after carrying out the research project or that particular
filed work encountered that most of the respondents have the same point of view on the chosen
topic or the issue where Solomon Islands National Institute of Sports (SINIS) has social and
economic benefit to the development in Solomon Islands. However, with that, the respondents
shares their views on the fact in which it contributes much to the socio-economic development in
Solomon Islands. The themes in the findings will be grouped with each main heading to be
discussed as points of views according to the facts gathered when interviewing by recording each
respondents, and personal observations of players during training sessions in four thematic areas.

These are the findings according to each thematic areas which encountered by the researchers
during the field work in the table below.

Thematic Area 1: Beneficiaries of the project

Economic Benefits.  Employment creation.
 Increases marketing (Players)
 It assists the private sectors (PAYE in tax).
 Provide Sponsorship.
 Increases Human Resource Development (SINIS employed 70%-80%
staffs and 70% of staffs are females. 60%- females are in senior roles &
 Also SIG provide 20% circulated in labor and materials.
Thematic Area 2: Beneficiaries of the project
Social Benefits  Improve training skills to players (athletes).
 Contribute to high performances to players in sportsmanship.
 Increase fitness & healthy life.
 Build self-control & improve players training (discipline side).
 Provide education to drop out athletes.
 Create teamwork.

Thematic Area 3: Project Stakeholders
 SIG (The Solomon Islands Government)

Thematic Area 4: Infrastructure Development

 Investment of business improves/ increase infrastructure.
 New infrastructure contributes to the development of the economy.

Thematic Area 1: Economic Benefits

In fact, economic benefits have more impacts on the development in Solomon Islands.
According to OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS (2023), defined “economic benefits” are gains
that can be conveyed in financial terms as the result of an improvement in facilities provided by
a government, local, etc. or benefits can be measured in terms of money generated. Hence, this is
one of the main impacts that benefited towards the development of a particular country in terms
of the results of an improvement in facilities provided by the government, local, etc. However, as
stated by (Taka, 2023) that his view of the Solomon Islands National Institute of Sport provides
education to both young drop-outs athletes from high school and also for staffs, etc. And also the
other interviewee„s point of view is that the facilities create job or employment opportunities
(Himane, 2023). Moreover, another interviewee‟s view on economic benefits of the project is the
increases in human resource management development and also some of the beneficiaries listed
in the table above will contribute to the economic development of Solomon Islands to become
boost. Therefore, better facilities can help to improve and increase the level of employment in
the country as well as the income level (Vaidya, D, CFA & FRM., 2023).

Fig 1: Pie Chart determines the employment level.

Employment of Staffs In fig 1, the pie chart determines the level

of employment that the Solomon Islands
National Institute of Sports creates for
staffs which this leads to the economic
30% Female Staffs development in Solomon Islands in terms
70% Male staffs of increasing income and PAYE (Tax) to
the SIG.

In addition to the discussion above under thematic area 1, this shows the employment
information on the facts in the findings during the field work or research on interviewing chosen
sample respondents. This additional information in the pie chart with each percentage is derived
from the interviewed questions and answers which derived from theme 1 that comes under the
economic benefits in the table above. Through analyzing the findings that resulted of the staffs
being employed by Solomon Islands National Institute of Sports with majority of 70% of staffs
held senior roles while only 30% Males. Hence, employment is one of the important area when

comes to analyzing the findings on the issue that the facts of information where Solomon Islands
National Institute of Sports (SINIS) contributes much to the development in Solomon Islands.

With that, economic benefits have more impacts on the development in any developing or
developed country around the globe through the beneficiaries of a particular project of
developing and creation of facilities. In addition, as mentioned the fact that sport facilities create
jobs contributes a lot to the economic development in a country, revealed in a case study where
creating employments or jobs both permanent and temporary for the economy increases incomes
whereas to reduce unemployment and poverty (Subhakti, D., Raharja, P., Kusmaedi, N, &
Berliana M, A., 2021). Thus, this is a true fact gathered when carrying out interviews for
respondents because most of their views were same as the views obtained from some authors in
the internet. The thematic area 1 listed above in the table are all the economic benefits which
analyzed the findings for discussion that comes under one thematic area.

Conversely, sometimes countries can experience economic recession or decrease in economic

development due to some unexpected events or uncertainties like the Covid-19 slows down the
work for construction of the development of Solomon Islands National Institute of Sports. But on
the other hand there are some ways to overcome the decreasing of economy by boosting the
economy of the country through the government providing enough facilities towards economic
development in a country.

Thematic Area 2: Social Benefits

Obviously in the thematic area 2 social benefits of the Solomon Islands National Institute of
Sport has contributed a lot towards the development in the country. Social benefits are defined as
the positive effects that have benefits on the society as a whole or positively benefits individuals
(MBA., 2021). Hence, it is evident that the data gathered from each interviewee of the
respondents are the facts in which the Solomon Islands National Institute of Sports has
beneficiaries on society especially players as well as the staffs. For instance, as mentioned by
(Hiri, 2023) that involved in sports through training has improved his health condition, also high
performance training and create teamwork among players. Another interviewee said that the
sports facilities provided education to drop-out athletes from high school (Taka, 2023). Hence, it
is evident that projects like the construction of sports facilities can be anticipated to provide
substantial long-term benefits through workforce training, the enhancement of existing skills,
provides education and opportunities necessary to gain employment on the project that benefited
the society as well (Subhakti, D., Raharja, P., Kusmaedi, N, & Berliana M, A., 2021).

However, this is very true because the fact that social benefit contributes to the development in a
country where sport facilities will help to provide athletes enhancing new skills especially in
sportsmanship. For instance, high performance players will be marketable to overseas clubs that
can be benefited both the individual player to learn new skills as well as the economy of the
country with the money paid to them like Raphael Lea‟ai who signed an agreement with one of
the club in Europe (SIG, 2021). Thus, government facilities have much social benefits that
impact the society or individuals in terms of providing payments of salaries to employees which
really helps them to pay food for their families, etc. (OECD, 2014).

But sometimes the facilities provided by the government did not even benefits all the people
within the society. Yet the social benefits of the project facilities help to contribute to the
development of the country‟s economy to become boost.

Thematic Area 3: The Stakeholder

In the findings only the Solomon Islands Government (SIG) funded the Solomon Islands
National Institute of Sports. In some cases, from the data assembled during interview for the
research project found out that the sport facility also benefited the government itself and it
contributes towards socio-economic development in the Solomon Islands. However, it is evident
that the fact in which the government facilities can provide employment opportunities to
individuals within the society where this can leads to the economic development in the country
(Subhakti, D., Raharja, P., Kusmaedi, N, & Berliana M, A., 2021). Therefore, project
stakeholders must ensure that their funding on a particular project can be benefited to the
country‟s socio-economic development in both short-term and long-term and also to recover
their expenses on a particular facility provided.

Thematic Area 4: Infrastructure Development

Infrastructure development is one of the benefits towards the socio-economic development in a
particular country. Hence, in fact new infrastructure development has been evident that it
contributes to the development of the economy. According to (Calderon, C & Serven, L., 2004),
stated that development of new infrastructures can contribute to boost the country‟s economy
through investment especially in developing countries. In addition, due to the development of
infrastructures within a country can help towards growth and development via productivity gains
(Du, X., Zhang, H, & Han, Y. , 2022). The focuses in newly developed infrastructures like sports
facilities such as the stadium at King George Vii School and etc. constructed by china Donors
mainly to host any sport events in Solomon Islands. This will not only bring benefits now or
during the SPG 2023 but also beneficiaries towards future generations. Along with the rapid
development of the infrastructures facilities will expand and this can lead to the increase in
socio-economic development of Solomon Islands. According to (Du, X., Zhang, H, & Han, Y. ,
2022) noted that newly and expansion of project infrastructure investment upraises economic
growth quality by enhancing regional or international partnership development, create job
opportunities, improvement in sport industry and increasing production efficiency. Therefore,
some of the respondents view that infrastructure development may lead to socio-economic
development in Solomon Islands.

Fig 2: The column graph below shows views on infrastructure development.

Infrastrcuture Development leads to socio-

economic development

1 Series1
view infrastructure no view on
development infrastructure

The column graph in fig 2 above concludes with the views of some respondents who viewed that
infrastructure development contributes to the development of socio-economy in Solomon Islands
and also with those has no view at all when carrying out the interview questions to each
individual. Hence, after collecting data or information during the field work through the findings
brings to the facts that from the 8 respondents only 3 individual have the views that
infrastructure development contributes to the socio-economy development in Solomon Islands
whilst 5 interviewees did not. These findings of facts or information gathered shows in the
column graph above where it is evident that each respondent must employ at top level of
management who understand the development of the project. As a result, the findings is analyzed
and categorized under thematic area 4.

This is why the infrastructure development of project analyzed and discussed under thematic
area 4 is the last theme found in the findings. It is evidence that the fact where newly developed
infrastructure investment affects economic progress quality towards boosting the country‟s
economy for sustainable development (Du, X., Zhang, H, & Han, Y. , 2022). Thus, investment in
newly infrastructures development or businesses can lead to the development of the country‟s
economy to become increase and sustainable

To conclude, during the research project interview or field work carry out there is not adequate
or enough collection of work. Regardless of the available information of data gathered from
chosen sample respondents is necessary to start this research through having the understanding
of that particular issue or chosen topic at hand. And also with that, there is secondary data
assembled to support the view point of the respondents through literature work from other
authors in the internet. Hence, through analyzing the findings it brings out those economic
benefits, social benefits, project stakeholders and infrastructure development of projects to have
evidence that Solomon Islands National Institute of Sports contributes a lot to the socio-
economic development in Solomon Islands. This field work or research project interview is done
by carrying out mixed methodology by selecting of sample respondents to be interviewed and the
relevant data of facts or information gathered analyzed and then classified in each thematic area.
These will be further detailed and organized in the final report write-up of this selected research

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Calderon, C & Serven, L. (2004, September). Retrieved April 13, 2023, from Unirioja-es:
Du, X., Zhang, H, & Han, Y. . (2022, March 16). Retrieved April 13, 2023, from Doi:
Himane, P. (2023, April 03). Contract Manager. (O. T. Rohorua, Interviewer)
Hiri, P. (2023, April 03). Team Captain; Real Kakamora. (O. T. Rohorua, Interviewer)
MBA. (2021). MBA Knowledge Base. Retrieved April 10, 2023, from
OECD. (2014). Retrieved April 13, 2023, from Doi:
OXFORDUNIVERSITYPRESS. (2023). PRESS. Retrieved April 12, 2023, from oxfordreference:
SIG. (2021, March 17). Retrieved April 13, 2023, from Solomon Islands Government.:
Subhakti, D., Raharja, P., Kusmaedi, N, & Berliana M, A. (2021, August 09). JUARA. Retrieved
April 10, 2023, from ResearchGate:
Taka, P. (2023, April 03). Well-being coordinator. (O. T. Rohorua, Interviewer)
Vaidya, D, CFA & FRM. (2023). Wallstreetmojo. Retrieved April 12, 2023, from

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