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Teacher’s name: Iancu Mara Carmen


School: Technological High School”Sfanta Ecaterina” Urziceni-Ialomita

Grade: 11th D

Unite of learning:Unite 5 SHOPPING –‘When Shopping Is A Problem’

Type of lesson: lesson of reinforcement

Content: -vocabulary: text: ‘When Shopping Is A Problem’

Main focus: reading, speaking and writing

Time: 50 minutes

Competences: By the end of lesson the students will have been able:

1. To read the text for general idea,

2. To read the text for specific information,
3. To translate/explain the unknown words from the text,
4. To use the newly acquired words in contexts of their own,
5. To use the dictionary, and translate the words means of shopping.

Lesson objectives:

ACTIVITY 1:- to create positive attitude towards learning English( Good

morning!;Organisation; Presence);

- to check students’ previous lesson knowledge.

ACTIVITY 2: -to warm up the students and involve them from the start:

-to introduce title of the lesson: ‘When Shopping Is A Problem’

ACTIVITY 3: -to read, the text and choose the most suitable sentence from list
(A-I) for each part(1-7) of the article;

-to answer the questions;

-to translate into English some name stores using the dictionary.

ACTIVITY 4: -to evaluate students’ activity;

-to assign students homework

Teaching aids: worksheets, text, blackboard, dictionary.

Methods ans techniques: explanation, observation, discussion, dialogue,

deductive approach, examples, reading comprehension text and exercices.


-initial: the previous lesson knowledge, checking the homework;

-continue: through activities, worksheets;

-final: through oral and written feedback


ACTIVITY 1: organisation, the previous lesson knowledge, checking


Aims: :- to create positive attitude towards learning English

- to check students’ previous lesson knowledge;

Estimated time: 5 min.

Methods: conversation, explanation Interaction: S-T, T-S, lockstep, whole


Teacher asks two or three students to presente the previous lesson knowledge
and the other students to listen and then say if they agree with them or thew may
comment about it. Teacher agrees or corrects them if is necessary.

ACTIVITY 2: presentation of the theoretical part

Aims: : -to warm up the students and involve them from the start:

-to introduce title of the lesson: ‘When Shopping Is A Problem’

Estimated time: 20 min.

Methods: explanation, exemplification, dialog, deductive approach.

Interaction: S-T, T-S, lockstep,

whole class

Teacher asks all the students to read and to translate the sentences from the list
A-I(at page:108) and to read amd translate the text of the lesson: ‘When
shopping is a problem’(at page:109)

Students read and translate, teacher helps them.

ACTIVITY 3 practice (vocabulary and grammar- worksheet 1, worksheet 2)

-to answer the question;

-to translate into English ten name stores using the dictionary.

Estimated time: 15 min

Methods: conversation, explanation,dialogue. Interaction: T-S, S-S,

Students are seated in semicircle,get the worksheets and teacher instructs them.

1)They have to answer the three questions.

2)They have to translate into English ten name stores using the dictionary.

Teacher checkes and helps them.

ACTIVITY 4: evaluation and homework assignment

Aims: -to evaluate students’ activity;

-to assign students homework

Estimated time: 10 min

Methods: conversation, explanation. Interaction: T-Ss, S-T, lockstep

Teacher evaluates students’ activity during the class and she dictates a paragraph
of text studiated and asks the students to exchange notebooks between them and
correct dictated text.

Homework: the exercice 6 at page: 111.

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