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Neuropathic pain : Redefinition and a grading system for clinical

and research purposes

R. -D. Treede, T. S. Jensen, J. N. Campbell, et al.
Neurology 2008;70;1630; Published online before print November 14, 2007;
DOI 10.1212/01.wnl.0000282763.29778.59

This information is current as of July 11, 2012

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Neurology ® is the official journal of the American Academy of Neurology. Published continuously
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Neuropathic pain
Redefinition and a grading system for clinical and research

R.-D. Treede, MD* ABSTRACT

T.S. Jensen, MD, Pain usually results from activation of nociceptive afferents by actually or potentially tissue-
PhD* damaging stimuli. Pain may also arise by activity generated within the nervous system without
J.N. Campbell, MD adequate stimulation of its peripheral sensory endings. For this type of pain, the International
G. Cruccu, MD Association for the Study of Pain introduced the term neuropathic pain, defined as “pain initiated
J.O. Dostrovsky, PhD or caused by a primary lesion or dysfunction in the nervous system.” While this definition has been
J.W. Griffin, MD useful in distinguishing some characteristics of neuropathic and nociceptive types of pain, it lacks
P. Hansson, MD, defined boundaries. Since the sensitivity of the nociceptive system is modulated by its adequate
DMSc, DDS activation (e.g., by central sensitization), it has been difficult to distinguish neuropathic dysfunc-
R. Hughes, MD tion from physiologic neuroplasticity. We present a more precise definition developed by a group
T. Nurmikko, MD, of experts from the neurologic and pain community: pain arising as a direct consequence of a
PhD lesion or disease affecting the somatosensory system. This revised definition fits into the nosol-
J. Serra, MD ogy of neurologic disorders. The reference to the somatosensory system was derived from a wide
range of neuropathic pain conditions ranging from painful neuropathy to central poststroke pain.
Because of the lack of a specific diagnostic tool for neuropathic pain, a grading system of definite,
Address correspondence and
reprint requests to Dr. Troels S. probable, and possible neuropathic pain is proposed. The grade possible can only be regarded as
Jensen, Department of a working hypothesis, which does not exclude but does not diagnose neuropathic pain. The grades
Neurology, Aarhus University
Hospital, Norrebrogade 44, probable and definite require confirmatory evidence from a neurologic examination. This grading
8000 Aarhus C, Denmark system is proposed for clinical and research purposes. Neurology® 2008;70:1630–1635

IASP ⫽ International Association for the Study of Pain; MS ⫽ multiple sclerosis; NeuPSIG ⫽ IASP Special Interest Group on
Neuropathic Pain.

Pain usually arises as a consequence of activation of primary nociceptive afferents by

actually or potentially tissue-damaging stimuli and processing of this activity within the
nociceptive system. This type of pain is physiologic. Pain, however, may also arise by
activity generated within the nociceptive system without adequate stimulation of its pe-
ripheral sensory endings. For these clinical conditions, the term neuropathic pain has
been introduced.
The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) defines neuropathic pain as
“pain initiated or caused by a primary lesion or dysfunction in the nervous system.”1 This
definition has been useful to distinguish between neuropathic and other types of pain, but
it lacks both diagnostic specificity and anatomic precision.2-7 Two issues need to be re-
solved: 1) neuropathic pain needs to be distinguished from pain due to secondary neuro-
plastic changes in the nociceptive system resulting from sufficiently strong nociceptive
Editorial, page 1582
e-Pub ahead of print on November 14, 2007, at
*R.-D. Treede and T.S. Jensen contributed equally to this work.
From the Institute of Physiology and Pathophysiology (R.-D.T.), Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany; Department of
Neurology (T.S.J.), Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark; Departments of Neurosurgery (J.N.C.) and Neurology (J.W.G.), Johns Hopkins
Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD; Department of Neurology (G.C.), La Sapienza University, Rome, Italy; Department of Physiology
(J.O.D.), University of Toronto, Canada; Department of Neurosurgery (P.H.), Pain Center, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm,
Sweden; Department of Clinical Neuroscience (R.H.), King’s College London, UK; Pain Research Institute (T.N.), Division of Neurological
Science, University of Liverpool, UK; and Department of Neurology (J.S.), MC Mutual, Barcelona, Spain.
Supported in part by travel grants from NeuPSIG, the Special Interest Group on Neuropathic Pain of the International Association for the
Study of Pain (IASP).
Disclosure: The authors report no conflicts of interest.

1630 Copyright © 2008 by AAN Enterprises, Inc.

stimulation, e.g., inflammatory pain8,9; 2) time, a systematic literature review will be per-
neuropathic pain needs to be distinguished formed summarizing its clinical use. A systematic
from musculoskeletal and other types of review of the sensitivity and specificity of tests for
pain that arise indirectly in the course of symptoms and signs of neuropathic pain has been
published elsewhere by a task force of the EFNS.7
neurologic disorders.10-12 The lack of preci-
These tests are needed to obtain the evidence for
sion in the current definition has prevented
the grades probable and definite neuropathic
progress in diagnosis, classification, epide- pain.
miology, and treatment.
Revised definition of neuropathic pain. We propose
The aim of this article is to develop a
to replace the current definition of neuropathic
more precise definition of neuropathic pain
pain as “pain initiated or caused by a primary le-
that will be useful for clinical and research
sion or dysfunction in the nervous system” by the
purposes and will fit into the nosology of following wording: “pain arising as a direct con-
neurologic disorders. In addition, a grad- sequence of a lesion or disease affecting the so-
ing system is presented that defines the matosensory system.”
level of certainty as to how likely a given The term disease replaces the previous term
pain condition is neuropathic in nature. dysfunction, which is an ill-defined term and may
erroneously be interpreted as including the nor-
PROCEDURE The objective of this consensus mal plasticity of the nociceptive system.5 In con-
process was to revise the current definition of trast, the term disease refers to identifiable disease
neuropathic pain according to the major criti- processes such as inflammatory, autoimmune
cisms that had been published since 1994.2-7,13 conditions, or channelopathies, while lesion re-
Neuropathic pain is a symptom, whose diagnosis fers to macro- or microscopically identifiable
indicates a lesion or a disease of the somatosen- damage. The restriction to the somatosensory
sory system which links symptom and lesion/dis- system is necessary because diseases and lesions
ease together. It was recognized that at present of other parts of the nervous system may cause
there is no specific diagnostic tool which permits other types of pain that should not be confused
an unequivocal diagnosis of neuropathic pain to with neuropathic pain, such as the pain associ-
be established. Accordingly, a grading system ated with spasticity and rigidity that is mediated
with different levels of certainty about the pres- by activation of nociceptive afferents from mus-
ence of neuropathic pain was considered to be a cles. These two changes with respect to the old
useful way to progress. A similar approach was definition reflect the concept that in neuropathic
taken for multiple sclerosis (MS)14 before the in- pain an aberrant somatosensory processing is in-
troduction of the current McDonald criteria ferred that goes beyond the normal plasticity of
based on lesions observed on T2-weighted MRI.15 the undamaged nociceptive system.17
A group of neurologists, neuroscientists, clini- Where possible, neuropathic pain should be
cal neurophysiologists, and neurosurgeons estab- divided into peripheral or central neuropathic
lished a task force in collaboration with the IASP pain based on the anatomic location of the lesion
Special Interest Group on Neuropathic Pain (Ne-
or disease.6,18,19 This distinction is clinically im-
uPSIG). Through several face-to-face meetings
portant, as lesions or diseases of the CNS and
and electronic mail, members of the NeuPSIG
PNS are distinct in terms of clinical manifesta-
task force reviewed several drafts of a revised def-
tions and underlying pathophysiology. For that
inition and grading system for neuropathic pain
reason the terms peripheral neuropathic pain and
by comparing those definitions with the charac-
central neuropathic pain are proposed to refer to
teristics of disorders generally accepted to cause
lesions/diseases in the PNS and CNS.
neuropathic pain (trigeminal neuralgia, painful
diabetic polyneuropathy, postherpetic neuralgia, Grading system for neuropathic pain. The neuro-
central poststroke pain) to those of disorders gen- pathic pain grading system is intended to be used
erally accepted to lead to nociceptive pain (post- to decide on the level of certainty with which the
operative pain, osteoarthritis, musculoskeletal presence or absence of neuropathic pain can be
pain). A draft of this article has been reviewed by determined in an individual patient (table). The
the NeuPSIG management committee prior to levels definite and probable indicate that the pres-
submission. As recommended in the guideline for ence of this condition has been established. The
guidelines,16 the grading system is intended to be level possible indicates that the presence of this
reviewed 5 years after its publication. At that condition has not yet been established, which

Neurology 70 April 29, 2008 1631

the initial damage and the subsequent develop-
Table Grading system for neuropathic pain
ment of pain. It is not possible to give exact tem-
Criteria to be evaluated for each patient poral criteria for the development of pain, but in
1. Pain with a distinct neuroanatomically plausible neuropathic pain conditions, pain onset is usually
immediate or within the first weeks after the inju-
2. A history suggestive of a relevant lesion or disease ry.20,21 When these requirements are fulfilled, the
affecting the peripheral or central somatosensory
system† pain complaint may be termed possible neuro-
3. Demonstration of the distinct neuroanatomically pathic pain. Higher levels of certainty about the
plausible distribution by at least one confirmatory test‡
presence of neuropathic pain require confirma-
4. Demonstration of the relevant lesion or disease by at
least one confirmatory test§
tory evidence from a neurologic examination and
diagnostic tests to reach a level of probable or def-
Grading of certainty for the presence of neuropathic pain: inite neuropathic pain.
definite neuropathic pain: all (1 to 4); probable neuropathic
The first criterion of the grading system (table)
pain: 1 and 2, plus either 3 or 4; possible neuropathic pain:
1 and 2, without confirmatory evidence from 3 or 4. relates to pain distribution. In peripheral neuro-
*A region corresponding to a peripheral innervation territory pathic pain the distribution has to conform to the
or to the topographic representation of a body part in the innervation territories of peripheral nerves,
†The suspected lesion or disease is reported to be associated
branches of the brachial or lumbar plexus, or spi-
with pain, including a temporal relationship typical for the nal segments. However, the distribution of pain
condition. or hyperalgesia does not necessarily need to be
‡As part of the neurologic examination, these tests confirm
identical to the innervation territory of a periph-
the presence of negative or positive neurologic signs concor-
dant with the distribution of pain. Clinical sensory examina- eral nerve or root, but it should be in a distribu-
tion may be supplemented by laboratory and objective tests tion that is typical for the underlying disorder.
to uncover subclinical abnormalities. For example, in carpal tunnel syndrome it is not
As part of the neurologic examination, these tests confirm
the diagnosis of the suspected lesion or disease. These con-
unusual for patients to describe proximal painful
firmatory tests depend on which lesion or disease is causing symptoms because of referred pain, and in pos-
neuropathic pain. therpetic neuralgia brush-evoked pain may ex-
tend outside the primarily affected dermatome
should instigate additional investigations in this due to central sensitization. In central neuro-
patient, either immediately or during follow-up pathic pain, the pain distribution needs to con-
(figure). If a patient does not fulfill the criteria for form to the somatotopic representation of the
any of these three levels, it is considered unlikely body within the CNS. Since central sensitization
that this patient has neuropathic pain. is one of the mechanisms that contribute to neu-
The neurologic diagnosis depends on the an- ropathic pain, expansions of receptive and pro-
swers to two questions: “Where is the lesion?” jected fields should be taken into account when
(anatomy) and “What type of lesion?” (pathol- making this judgment. The burden of proof is on
ogy, including pathophysiology). These princi- the clinician to show that a sensory or pain pat-
ples also apply to neuropathic pain and hence tern is the result of a lesion or disease of the so-
form the basis of the proposed grading system (ta- matosensory system. A diagnostic manual for
ble, figure). Ideally, it should be possible to diag- neuropathic pain conditions containing a list of
nose and classify neuropathic pain solely on the sensory patterns will be of value in the future. De-
basis of history, but as in other neurologic condi- tailed analysis of pain distribution is a standard
tions, a clinical examination is mandatory. Based part of taking the medical history of a patient,
on the history, there are two requirements: 1) a and is also represented as a pain drawing in many
pain distribution consistent with the principles of pain questionnaires.
topographic diagnosis in neurology, i.e., it must The second criterion of the grading system (ta-
correspond to a peripheral innervation territory ble) relates to establishing a link between history
(nerves, fascicles, roots) or to the topographic and the pain distribution. Following the general
representation of a body part in the CNS; 2) clini- diagnostic principles of neurology, causality is as-
cal suspicion of a relevant lesion or disease that sumed if spatial and temporal congruence can be
affects the peripheral or central somatosensory shown for the signs and symptoms of the patient
system and with a temporal link between the le- and the location of the underlying lesion or dis-
sion or disease causing the pain. Although the on- ease process. To qualify for causing neuropathic
set of pain following nerve lesions can be delayed pain, the lesion or disease should be capable of
for weeks up to a few months, a careful history affecting the somatosensory system. This require-
and examination will often indicate links between ment is fulfilled by many classic neuropathic pain

1632 Neurology 70 April 29, 2008

naires, quantitative sensory testing, electrophysi-
Figure Flow chart of grading system for neuropathic pain
ology, biopsies, and neuroimaging were recently
reviewed systematically by an EFNS task force.7
With a level B of strength of recommendation, the
following tests were considered as validated as
confirmatory tests for the anatomically plausible
distribution: nerve conduction studies, electro-
myography, laser-evoked potentials, blink reflex,
masseter inhibitory reflex, RIII component of the
withdrawal reflex, and skin biopsy.7 More work
is needed to establish the sensitivity and specific-
ity of these or other tests. The availability of a
grading system will greatly facilitate the valida-
tion of confirmatory tests. In turn, the grading
system can be validated according to the interob-
server reliability that is obtained when two or
more experts apply the grading system to repre-
sentative patients based on findings from these
confirmatory tests.
The fourth criterion of the grading system (ta-
disorders such as painful neuropathies, syringo- ble) relates to diagnostic tests for the presence of a
myelia, and central poststroke pain. However, for relevant disease or lesion affecting the somatosen-
less well-defined disorders, such as fibromyalgia, sory system. Examples of such tests include MRI
the evidence for a lesion or primary disease of the or CT confirmation of stroke, surgical or radio-
somatosensory system is not established so these logic confirmation of nerve compression, labora-
conditions cannot be characterized as neuro- tory confirmation of diabetes or MS, or nerve
pathic. Therefore, in the well-defined neuro- biopsy confirmation of neuropathy. An etiology
pathic pain disorders it will be sufficient to of the underlying lesion or disease does not have
establish the diagnosis of the underlying disorder to be found in order to reach the level definite
(evidence for the disease), whereas for the less neuropathic pain. Peripheral neuropathies can be
well-defined disorders it is essential to demon- idiopathic but the pain is clearly neuropathic. The
strate in the individual patient that this disorder characterization of pain as neuropathic or not de-
does affect the somatosensory system (evidence pends on the application of the usual, careful neu-
for neural damage). rologic diagnostic process. In this respect, the
The third criterion of the grading system (ta- presence of a single positive finding on investiga-
ble) relies on a clinical examination with demon- tion is often not diagnostic. Take the simple case
stration of neurologic signs (negative or positive of a painful foot drop, where the differential diag-
sensory signs) that support the presence of a le- nosis may be an L5 radiculopathy or a peroneal
sion or disease consistent with the distribution of nerve lesion. Neurophysiologic and other (e.g.,
pain. Some tests can serve a dual purpose, i.e., imaging) investigations are carried out to confirm
determine the distribution of pain (criterion 3) a diagnosis that has been made on history and
and document a relevant lesion (criterion 4), e.g., examination. While this provides a certain proba-
the use of a von Frey hair to delineate an area with bility about the anatomic location, it does not
cutaneous hyperalgesia/allodynia or the demon- necessarily indicate a pathologic diagnosis. The
stration of a loss of sensitivity to pinprick stimuli. proposed redefinition of neuropathic pain reflects
These sensory signs may or may not be accompa- this well-established clinical approach in neurol-
nied by motor or autonomic signs in the same dis- ogy. Any suggestion that neuropathic pain might
tribution. For many clinical conditions such as be recognized and treated without a thorough di-
distal symmetric polyneuropathy,22 signs and ob- agnostic assessment of the underlying lesion or
jective tests carry more weight than subjective disease must be resisted.
symptoms. Questionnaires with verbal descrip-
tors are useful in suggesting a neuropathic pain DISCUSSION The revised definition of neuro-
disorder,23-25 and symptoms have in some,24,25 but pathic pain replaces the term dysfunction by the
not all,13 studies proven to be useful in classifying term disease. In this way, diagnostic criteria for
neuropathic pain. The relative merits of question- neuropathic pain are linked to generally accepted

Neurology 70 April 29, 2008 1633

principles in neurology. The revised definition ilar strategy was used in the classification of
specifies that the underlying lesion or disease headache done by the International Headache So-
must involve the somatosensory system, which in- ciety.28 Note that this grading system is for com-
cludes the nociceptive system and its ascending munication among clinicians and researchers, not
and descending pathways. This revision serves to for medico-legal purposes. The level of definite
distinguish neuropathic pain from, e.g., musculo- neuropathic pain should only be reached by those
skeletal pain that arises indirectly from disorders cases where there is no reasonable doubt about
of the motor system. the presence of a lesion/disease of the somatosen-
It is important to note that neuropathic and sory system and that the pain is directly due to
other types of pains are often present in the same such disorder. It needs to be stressed that patients
patient (e.g., degenerative spine disease). Even in with somatosensory deficits do not necessarily
cases of definite neuropathic pain, a coexisting in- have pain.20
flammatory pain may be clinically more impor- Controversy over whether diseases such as
tant. The word primary has been omitted in the complex regional pain syndrome type I or fibro-
definition because of the difficulty in distinguish- myalgia constitute neuropathic pain cannot be re-
ing between primary and secondary causes. solved by the process of formulating a definition.
The proposed grading system relies entirely on These issues must be decided on the basis of evi-
positive criteria and can be used both for clinical dence from scientific research into the pathophys-
and research purposes. It is intended to be used to iology of these clinical entities. A definition of
decide on the level of certainty with which painful neuropathic pain, however, should include a set
symptoms can be attributed to an underlying neu- of rules on how such new scientific findings will
rologic disease. Identification of the presence of lead to a decision one way or the other. We be-
neuropathic pain requires evidence for a disease lieve that the proposed definition and grading sys-
process or lesion affecting a neuroanatomically tem provide such a set of rules, both for
identifiable part of the peripheral or central so- individual cases and for clinical entities.
matosensory system, which is concordant with The present grading system includes two levels
the distribution of the pain. The neuropathic na- of established neuropathic pain. For many condi-
ture of a pain complaint cannot be determined tions it is not possible to obtain these levels of
without a physical examination of the patient, be- evidence although the pain may have neuropathic
cause the concept of neuropathic pain implies pa- features or a neuropathic component. This may
thology of the nervous system, more precisely the be the case for certain types of low back pain
somatosensory system. If neuropathic pain could where it is impossible with currently available in-
be defined on symptoms only, such information vestigations to distinguish neuropathic from noci-
should be included in the grading system. How- ceptive pain with confidence, particularly when
ever, there is not (yet) agreement about the valid- they coexist. A large proportion of patients with
ity of symptoms.16 Research criteria can only be chronic pain may only fulfill the first two criteria
guidelines. In drug trials more stringent criteria of the grading system and could as such be termed
may be necessary than those used, for example, in possible neuropathic pain. The present grading
epidemiologic studies. Explanatory trials investi- system makes it possible to test groups of patients
gating possible pathophysiologic mechanisms with different pain types, as defined by the crite-
ria proposed here, and test whether they differ,
must rely on selective recruitment of cases with
for example in terms of underlying pathophysiol-
definite neuropathic pain,26 whereas in pragmatic
ogy or response to treatment. The figure presents
trials investigating treatment efficacy in daily
a flow chart for practical use of the grading
practice inclusive recruitment at the level of prob-
able neuropathic pain may be appropriate.27 In-
clusion in trials of patients with possible Received December 18, 2006. Accepted in final form June 14,
neuropathic pain would usually be inappropriate. 2007.
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Neurology 70 April 29, 2008 1635

Neuropathic pain : Redefinition and a grading system for clinical and research
R. -D. Treede, T. S. Jensen, J. N. Campbell, et al.
Neurology 2008;70;1630; Published online before print November 14, 2007;
DOI 10.1212/01.wnl.0000282763.29778.59
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