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Republic of the Philippines


Camarines Sur

Caramoan Campus
Name of student: Nicol Purisima Corporal______________________ Week Number: 4-5
Course Code: THC1 Name of Faculty: Carol J. Valencia
Course Title: Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality


1. Identify the direct and indirect components of tourism and hospitality network.

 - The direct tourism and hospitality network is the amount of money spent by tourists. The indirect,
or secondary, impact is what occurs when money passes through the economy.
 Direct tourism output includes all products and services purchased by tourists that are produced in the
United States (for example, traveler lodgings and passenger air transportation). Tourist employment Total
tourism-related employment includes both direct and indirect tourism employment.
 Indirect components of the tourism industry are sometimes referred to as support sectors. Those
components of the tourism business do not have direct interaction with tourists but are necessary for the
rest of the sector to function.

2. Differentiate and compare tourism and hospitality supply components.

Tourism is both an industry and concept. As a concept, tourism refers to traveling to
a destination -- either within a person's own country or outside his or her own country -- for
business or leisure purposes. More specifically, the World Tourism Organization defines the
word "tourism" as the practice of "traveling to and staying in places outside their usual
environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure and not less than 24 hours,
business and other purposes." As an industry, tourism consists of businesses that sell
products or services to these travelers, whom are also known as "tourists."

Common examples of tourism businesses include:

       Cruise lines
       Hotels
       Tour guides
       Amusement parks
       Travel agents

Republic of the Philippines
Camarines Sur


Like tourism, hospitality is both a concept and industry. As a concept, hospitality

refers to the relationship between a guest and a host. When you visit a friend's home for
dinner, for example, he or she acts as the host while you act as the guest. Hospitality is the
concept that governs this relationship. As an industry, hospitality consists of businesses that
are heavily dependent upon such relationships. To succeed, hospitality businesses must
foster strong and meaningful relationships with their guests. Failure to do so will likely
result in guests leaving the business for a competitor's products or services.

Common examples of hospitality businesses include:

       Restaurants
       Cafes
       Hotels
       Bed & breakfasts
       Clubs
       Event planning

The terms " hospitality " and " tourism " are often used interchangeably. While similar,
though, they aren't necessarily the same. If you're considering a career in either of these
industries, you'll need to familiarize yourself with the differences between hospitality and
tourism. Only then will you be able to choose the right career.


For wider information about the topic we discussed, kindly watch the Youtube Video entitled: Components Of Tourism | Learn
More About The Structure of the Travel and Tourism Industry - YouTube .
1. After watching the video make a reflection what is your own understanding about the Components of Tourism and Hospitality

-This was demonstrated, for example, during the Coronavirus pandemic, which halted air travel

around the world. Travel services are a vital component of tourism and without these services being

operational, the tourism industry struggled to survive!

There are six major components of tourism, each with their own sub-components. These are: tourist

boards, travel services, accommodation services, conferences and events, attractions and tourism services.

A tourist board is an essential component of tourism and an integral part of the structure of the tourism


A tourism board is responsible for the promotion of tourism in a particular area. This could be a city, a

region, a country or a group of countries.

Republic of the Philippines
Camarines Sur

A tourism board is usually Government funded and is usually a public travel and tourism organization. A

tourism board is also often referred to as a Destination Marketing Organisation (DMO).

Most tourist boards focus on promoting tourism in a particular area, city or country. There are, however,

some organisations which aim to promote tourism across more than one country.

Whilst these organisation often have many functions other than tourism, they will also play a role in the

promotion of tourism in particular parts of the world. This could include the European Union, the

ASEAN network or organisations such as the United Nations.

Tourism services are an essential component of tourism. Without many tourism services, the tourism

industry would fail to adequately function.

2. In your own words how do you described or differentiate the three categories of tourism and hospitality network.

- Restaurants, lodging and recreation form the trifecta of the hospitality industry. Throughout
the intertwined facets there’s a common thread: From tiny Bed & Breakfasts to massive
convention centers, success is based on a mix of businesses working together to please
guests. Hospitality is the nation’s No. 1 private-sector employer and the world’s fastest-
growing industry, and it creates a new position every 2.5 seconds. But the industry is
vulnerable to economic dips -- so a loyal customer base is the best protection .

1.Recall previous visits to tourist attractions or previous vacation. You may also interview a family member who travelled to
domestic or international destination via Video Call or virtual platforms. 2 or more Tourist Attraction is required.
2.Identify the specific components of tourism and hospitality during your/their trip. Create a table to present your answer. Please
include photos. A sample output is given below. This activity does not require you to go out. You must only include


COMPONENTS Place Visited: Davao

Transportation  Air travel via Philippine Airline from Manila to Davao International Airport
 Ground transfer (Van) within Davao
 Taxi Service within Davao
Accommodation  Room accommodation at Pinnache Hotel and Suites

Republic of the Philippines
Camarines Sur

Attractions and Activities  Shopping at Gateway Mall

 Malagos Chocolate Museum
 Chocolate-making at Malagos Chocolate Factory
 Malagos Beach Resort
 Eden Nature Park and Resort (shy biking, sightseeing)
Food and Beverages  Madayaw Café
 Claude’s Le Café de Valle
 De Bonte Ke


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