Week 1 - Foundations - Speech Comm

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L E C / PROF. Vivian Buhain
● Interaction coordination
OUTLINE - consists of the behavioral adjustments each
participant makes in an attempt to create shared
I. Foundations of Communication
meaning (Burgoon, 1998)
A. Nature of communication
● Channels
B. Communication Process
- are both route traveled by the message and the
C. Characteristics of Communication
means of transportation
D. Context of Communicating
- Face to face communication has 3 basic channels
II. Feedback
- verbal symbols
III. Communication Ethics
- non-verbal cues
IV. Communication Competence
- visual images
V. Quiz
● Interference
- Noises
- 3 types of Noises ( Internal, external and semantic)
How we communicate with:
● Ourselves
● Others
● In a group
● To the public

● Intrapersonal
○ interactions that occur in our minds when we
are talking to ourselves
● Interpersonal
○ characterized by informal interaction
between two people who have an identifiable
relationship with each other
○ 3-20 people who come together to ● Communication has a Purpose
communicate with one another ● Communication is Continuous. It does not stop with
○ ex. Family, group of friends speaking
● Public Communication - Involves exchange and interaction
● Mass Communication ● Communication is Irreversible
- words cannot taken back anymore
● Communication is Situated and guided by Cultural Norms
A. NATURE OF COMMUNICATION ○ ex. “We also want development. But for us; development
● Communication means taking care of our land..”
- Complete process through which we D. CONTEXT OF COMMUNICATING
express, interpret and coordinate messages - Ideal communication situation is impossible to
with others achieve considering, context, as we communicate,
● Messages can move us closer to the goal ( littlejohn & foss,
- Can be a verbal, nonverbal behaviors and 2010)
visual images Context of Communicating
● Encoding 1. Physical
- process of creating messages ● Includes the location, the environmental
● Decoding conditions ( temperature, lighting and noise
- process of interpreting messages level) the distance between communicators,
● Feedback and the time of day.
- is response message that indicates how the ○ consider the physical context of the
initial message was interpreted situation
2. Social
B. THE COMMUNICATION PROCESS ● The nature of the relationship between the
● Message production participants
- what we do when we encode a message ○ There should be a social presence
● Message interpretation 3. Historical
- what we do when we decode a message ● judgment

● Background provided by previous
communication episodes between the QUIZ
4. Psychological QUIZ ON JANUARY 28, 2023 (1:10PM) - 10 ITEMS
● Includes the moods and feelings each
person brings to the interpersonal encounter. - with pre - lecture quiz about chapter 2 not
5. Cultural recorded
● Includes the values, beliefs, orientations
underlying assumptions, and rituals EXAM COVERAGE (PRELIMS)
prevalent among people in a society Chapters 1-5

Communication is INDEXICAL. It reveals the status of our Chapter 1: Foundations of Communication

relationship. Chapter 2: Perception of Self and Others
- Indexical - measurement of relationship/ how you Chapter 3: Intercultural Communication
communicate others based on your relationship with Chapter 4: Verbal Messages
them. Chapter 5: Non-verbal Messages

Communication messages VARY in conscious thought. We

have spontaneous expressions and constructed messages

● Symmetrical Feedback - you have control on it, there’s
disagreement. “No, it’s not like that.”
● Complementary Feedback
● are honest
- no bluffing and fabrication
- challenging mortality
- central concept to ethics as the foundation or a moral life
- not bias and demonstrate with respect
● acts with integrity
- practice what they preach
● behave freely
- to be fair to someone is to gather all of the relevant
facts. consider only circumstances relevant to the
situation at hand
- not acting biased
● demonstrate respect
● responsible

● is the impression that communicative behavior is
appropriate and effective in a given situation
○ Communication is effective when it achieves
our goals
○ Communication is appropriate when it
CONFORMS to what is expected in a
● Is achieved through personal motivation, knowledge
acquisition, and skills practice
● We become competent when we are motivated,
knowledgeable, and trained
● Credibility and social ease also influence whether
others perceive us to be competent communicators
○ Credibility - is a perception of a speaker’s
knowledge, trustworthiness, and warmth
○ Social Ease - managing communication
apprehension so we do not appear nervous
or anxious
1. Bright Side - ethical and appropriate, educated
2. Dark Side - unethical and inappropriate

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