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ECE 7 – CREATIVE ARTS, MUSIC AND MOVEMENT Varieties of Experience Look for ways to provide multi-

ethnic, multi-cultural and other community experiences for

children. Activities such as field trips. celebrating holidays
and activities with other ethnic groups and encouraging
children to bring visitors to school enhances the creative
process. The more varied experiences children have in their
lives, the wider the range of creative expression. The more
personal experiences children have with people and
situations outside of their own environment, the more
material they can draw on to incorporate in their play. Our
challenge is to try not to be intimidated by the variety and
diversity of artistic expression in our classroom.

Fostering the Creative Process

Encouraging children to make their own choices is important.

CREATIVITY AND PLAY: Children should be permitted frequent opportunities and lots
Fostering Creativity of time to experience and explore expressive materials. Put
your emphasis on the process of creativity and not on the
Creativity is the freest form of self-expression. There is finished product. What children learn and discover about
nothing more satisfying and fulfilling for children than to themselves is vital to their development. Show your support
be able to express themselves openly and without for the creative process by appreciating and offering support
judgment. for children's efforts. Independence and control are
important components in the creative process. This is
The ability to be creative, to create something from especially true when working with children with disabilities.
personal feelings and experiences, can reflect and nurture
children's emotional health. The experiences children have Creative Play
during their first years of life can significantly enhance the
development of their creativity. One of the most important types of creative activity for
young children is creative play Creative play is expressed
Importance of the Creative Process when children use familiar materials in a new or unusual
All children need to be truly creative is the freedom to way, and when children engage in role-playing and
commit themselves completely to the effort and make imaginative play. Nothing reinforces the creative spirit and
whatever activity they are doing their own. What’s nourishes a child's soul more than providing large blocks of
important in any creative act is the process of self- time to engage in spontaneous, self-directed play
expression. Creative experiences can help children express throughout the day. Play is the serious business of young
and cope with their feelings. A child's creative activity can children and the opportunity to play freely is vital to their
help teachers to learn more about what the child may be healthy development.
thinking or feeling. Creativity also fosters mental growth in
children by providing opportunities for trying out new Even as early as infancy, play fosters physical development
ideas, and new ways of thinking and problem-solving by promoting the development of sensory exploration and
Creative actives help acknowledge and celebrate children's motor skis Through play and the repetition of basic physical
uniqueness and diversity as well as offer excellent skills, children perfect the abilities and become competent at
opportunities to personalize our teaching and focus on increasingly difficult physical tasks. Play fosters mental
each child. development and new ways of Thinking and problem solving.
Through block play, children are confronted with many
Opportunities for Creativity mental challenges having to do with measurement, equality,
Children need plenty of opportunities for creative play and balance, shape, spatial relationships and physical proportion.
creative thinking Start by providing activities that are
based on the children's interests and ideas. This means One of the strongest benefits of play is the way it enhances
learning how to listen intently to what children are saying. social development. Playful social interactions begin from the
It is very helpful to tape record and transcribe children's moment of birth, Dramatic play helps children experiment
conversations as well as take notes and revie them with with and understand social roles. It can also give them
your co-teachers. countess opportunities for acquiring social skills as they play
with others. Through dramatic play, children gradually learn
Be sure to offer children a wide range of creative materials to take each other's needs into account, and appreciate
and experiences. Being creative is more than drawing or different values and perspectives.
painting There's also photography, music, field trips,
working with wire, clay, paper, wood, water or shadows. Through play, children are able to express and cope with
The possibilities are endless. It's important to provide their feelings. Play also helps relieve stress and pressure for
children lots of time to explore materials and pursue their children They can just be themselves. There's no need to live
ideas. This includes time to think about how to plan, up to adult standards during play. Play offers children an
design, construct, experiment, and revise project ideas. opportunity to achieve mastery of their environment. They
Don't forget to build in time to talk these ideas over with control the experience through their imaginations, and they
other people both teachers and children exorcise their powers of choice and decision-making as the
play progresses.
Play helps develop each child's unique perspective and Creativity in young children
individual style of creative expression. Play expresses the Children who amaze their teachers with unusual
child's personal, unique responses to the environment Play responses to questions, who display a keen sense of
is a self-expressive activity that draws on the child's powers humor, who perhaps are nonconforming and
of imagination Play is open-ended, free-form and children unpredictable are thinking creatively. Because creative
have the freedom to try out new ideas as well as build on thought often goes against the set rules of a strict
and experiment with the old Play provides an excellent classroom or home, adults may be irritated by the
opportunity for integrating and including children with behavior of a creative child.
disabilities in your program. The opportunities y provides
for control and independence are important issues for 10y Adults often do not recognize the value these creative
child but are especially important for these youngsters. children bring to families and classrooms. Eventually,
these children become the adults who make a difference
What are some of the ways we can encourage play in our in our world with their creative problem-solving skills.
classrooms? As caregivers, we must be careful to avoid
dominating the play ourselves. Play should be the result of Encouraging creativity
the children's ideas and not directed by the adult. Through Teachers and parents can help children learn to think and
play, we should try to foster children's abilities to express solve problems in creative ways by giving them the
themselves. We should also try to help children base play freedom to make mistakes and by respecting their ideas.
on their own inspirations- not ours. Our goal is to stimulate To solve a problem creatively, children need to be able to
play-not control it- and to encourage children's satisfaction see a variety of perspectives and to generate several
in playing with each other. solutions. When working on a problem, teach children to
examine their surroundings for "cues" that will help them
Pay attention to play, plan for it, encourage it. Learn how to generate a pool of possible solutions. In addition, adults
extend children's play through comments and questions. can encourage creative thought simply by providing:
Stimulate creative ideas by encouraging children to come
up with new and unusual uses of equipment. Try to remain Choices
open to new and original ideas and encourage children to Children who are given choices show more creativity than
come up with more than one solution or answer. Be careful do children who have all choices made for them.
about over-restricting equipment and make sure to have
play materials quickly available when children want them. Stimulation
Buy and use equipment in ways that encourage the use of Physical environments designed to stimulate the senses
imagination. Avoid toys and activities that spell everything can enhance creative problem solving. For example, when
out for the child and leave nothing to the imagination shown an object in the shape of a half-moon and asked,
Provide children with a good range and balance of "What can we use this for? Children will exhaust their first
equipment and keep equipment exciting by changing it mental images and begin developing ideas from what they
frequently or changing its location. see in their surroundings Looking around a classroom or
playroom for cues is a creative problem-solving method.
WHAT IS CREATIVITY? An environment that provides both novelty and variety
will greatly aid creativity.
Creativity in Young Children
Time for play and fantasy
Creativity is more than a product - it's a process. An Dramatic play just prior to engaging in problem-solving
interesting painting, a thought-provoking writing, or a tasks can lead to more creative thought.
unique response may be examples of creative work, but the
decisions people make as they paint, sculpt, write and think Independence (with reasonable limits) - Parents and
are at the core of the creative process. The objective of this teachers should encourage children to think and act freely
publication is to broaden understanding about the creative without adult direction, yet within the limits of rules and
process for parents and others who work with children and considering the safety of children.
Exposure to a diverse community
What does creativity look like? Give children the opportunity to see and experience other
cultures and ways of living to help them learn to respect
Art and music are common examples of creativity, but you the choices other people make.
can find creative thought in almost all aspects of life - from
the way a parent quiets a crying child to the methods a Brainstorming sessions
scientist uses to discover a cure for a disease. Encourage children to tackle problems as a group by freely
expressing their ideas with no fear of a negative response.
Creativity in young children Brainstorming can take place between a child and an adult
or between two or more children.
Children who amaze their teachers with unusual responses
to questions, who display a keen sense of humor, who
perhaps are nonconforming and unpredictable are thinking
creatively. Because creative thought often goes against the
set rules of a strict classroom or home, adults may be
irritated by the behavior of a creative child.

Adults often do not recognize the value these creative

children bring to families and classrooms. Eventually, these
children become the adults who make a difference in our
world with their creative problem-solving skills.
A time to leave reality behind Expected external evaluation
Knowing beforehand that a piece of art is going to be
The joining together of two or more irrelevant elements, graded, can -lead to a decrease in creativity.
called synectics can lead to creative answers. The process
of synectics can take many forms: Peer pressure
There is some evidence that pressure to conform can lead
 Hand a child a piece of modeling clay and ask the to temporary decreases in creativity.
child to imagine that he or she is the modeling
clay. Surveillance
Being observed by others while engaged in a creative
 Place a child in a different time and place. For process can undermine the creativity of a performance.
instance, ask a child h to describe how he or she
would cook a meat without electricity,
silverware, others, etc. CREATIVITY THROUGH ART

 Ask a child to describe a problem or an event by The following is a brief overview of the developmental
using pictures instead of words. stages of children's art. Please keep in mind that the ages
given are general guidelines and that children will enter
 Ask a child to solve a problem using the most and leave each stage at their own pace.
fantastic solutions he or she can come up with.
Scribbling stage, approximately 2 to 4 years

Encouragement  Children are amazed at their ability to make

When children show special aptitudes, such as an ability marks. They have just realized that they can
to generate many questions, a keen memory, advanced interact with and affect their environment.
reading or pre-reading skills, artistic skills or other above-
average abilities, adults should encourage them to build  Much time is spent practicing motor skills.
on and expand their skills.
 Children draw circles first, then squares and other
Honest critiques
geometric shapes.
Evaluate student work constructively so that they can
see ways to improve their work and still feel positive
 Children begin trying to recreate their world. They
about themselves and what they have created.
may want to point to and name parts of their
An environment where there is no one right answer for
every problem.
Schematic stage, approximately 7 to 9 years
Teachers who enthusiastically encourage children to
 Increased use of symbols, such as a cross for a
develop more than one solution to a problem see greater
church or dark colors to represent night, both in
creativity in problem solving.
number and frequency.
 Less self-centered.

Often people are not able to perform at their best  Still not have realist understanding of the
because of outside influences that make them feel environment - for example, the sky may not meet
pressured or insecure: the ground at the horizon.
Reward  Improved eye-hand coordination and fine motor
When people do not expect a reward, they are more
creative and enjoy the process more. An unexpected
 Increased attention span.
reward that comes after a project is completed is
valuable but not necessary to the creative process.
 Begin to develop sense of humor.
Intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation
 Children guide by gender in play.
As in the case of reward, external motivation, such as
 Special characteristics are represented for each
money or special privileges, undermines creativity.
person or object of Mom wears glasses and has
Artists indicate that when they are working for the
curly hair, the child will include the characteristics
enjoyment of the process, they are far more effective
in the drawing)
and productive than when they are commissioned to
create for money.
Realistic stage, 9 to 12 years

 Greatly affected by peer influence.

 Increased amount of detail and use of symbols.
 Expanded individual differences.
 Beginning to develop a set of values.
 Want to do things "right.”
Pseudo-naturalistic stage, 12 to 14 years
What is Creativity?
 Children are highly critical of the products they
made. Creativity is the ability to produce work that is
original yet appropriate - something that others have
 There is a more adult like mode of expression. not thought of but that is useful in some way.

 This is a period of great individual differences in the What is Conformity?

physical, mental, emotional, and social arenas.
Conformity can be defined as adjusting one's
 Art often becomes an elective in school. For many behavior or thinking to match those of other people
children or a group standard. There are lots of reasons why
people conform, including the desire/need to fit in
 this will be their last opportunity for art instruction. or be accepted by others and maintaining order in
one's life.
 This is a period of heightened self-consciousness.
Children in this age group often feel a need to For example, when you go to class, do you sit in a
conform to their peers. which can stifle their chair like other students or sit in the aisle? Do you
creativity. face the front of the room like everyone else or do
you sit facing the back wall? WHY??
Children want their art to look like the object they are
Intelligence vs. Creativity
looking at Failing in this attempt can be discouraging.
Children need to be taught that art does not have to mean
The relationship between intelligence and creativity
copying what they see. Show children other styles of art,
is that both of them are functions of the brain that
such as impressionistic or cubist. to help them see that the
process information to determine a solution or an
free expression of ideas and emotions is more important
answer to a problem. Intelligence and creativity are
than creating a mirror image.
different abilities that contribute to the other.
Never compare one child's work to another's or select one
Intelligence can be measured by the intelligence
piece to be the "model" or "ideal" Children will go through
quotient or IQ Creativity on the other hand, is not so
these developmental stages in the same order, but the pace
easy to measure. The general belief is that people
at which they enter and leave them will vary.
with high IQs are generally more creative, and
people who are highly creative have high IQs. This
 Avoid projects that can be completed in only one
isn't necessarily true. Although scientists have found
way: (paint- by-numbers, kits to be assembled).
a correlation between those individuals with an IQ of
120 or more having a higher level of creativity, the
 Do not use art as indoor recess or as a reward for
relationship between intelligence and creativity is
behaving Art activities should be well thought out
more of an overlap of skits or abilities instead of a
and planned.
dependence on one another.
 Make a wide variety of materials available to
For example. If someone uses creativity to solve a
problem, if they are faced with the same problem in
the future, intelligence might be used because the
 •Suggest options, but let children make the final
brain has already learned how to solve the problem.
decisions for art projects. Conversely, in order to solve a problem creatively, a
person's level of intelligence gives them their
 Ask children about their art while it is happening, starting point. So, the lower the level of intelligence,
not just at the end. Children should describe their the more difficult it will be to solve the problem
work, but don't ask them to name objects or creatively. So in terms of relationship, creativity and
feelings depicted. intelligence would have to define their social media
relationship status as 'complicated.
 Praise the effort, use of color and uniqueness rather
than just the final product-the trip is more The Importance of Creativity for Child's
important than the destination. Development

 Display art at a child's eye level. Encouraging children to try out new things and ideas
is a crucial factor in their intellectual, physical and
 •Encourage individual expression. Avoid the emotional growth. Everything kids experience and
regimented use of materials and adult-directed explore about themselves influences their further
projects. A classroom full of samples of individual development.
creativeness, as opposed to 23 identical pieces
hanging in a row, indicates that the teacher has
given children choices and has focused on the
process rather than the product.
• Physical development CHAPTER 2

Various arts and crafts are ways for children to encourage CREATIVE THINKING
movement, develop fine motor skills, control, and
coordination. When children manipulate tools and explore WHAT IS CREATIVE THINKING?
constructing and assembling, they are unconsciously
involved in physical interaction with the world. They use Is the ability of individual to come up with unique, original
senses to learn about the environment and connect with solutions. Also known as creative problem-solving, creative
things they already know. For example, while painting or thinking is a valuable and marketable soft skill in a wide
paper coloring, kids get to know how to hold and control a variety of careers.
paintbrush and define their preferences to use the right (or

 Emotional development creative thinking involves the interplay of the brain’s default
and executive control networks, and that these connections
Younger kids can use various arts and tools to express their allow us to spontaneously generate ideas and critically
thoughts they are not yet able to share verbally. In this way, evaluate them, respectively. And we are learning about how
creative arts can help children release their feeling by our memory systems contribute: the same networks that we
putting them on a specific piece of artwork. Such activities use to recall the past also allow us to imagine future
also let children feel proud of their achievements and get experiences and think creatively.
mastery of the environment, when they craft something. On
top of that, kids gain confidence in their capacities and raise

 Intellectual development PROBLEM SOLVING

Defining a problem; determining the cause of the problem;
At a basic level, they develop concentration and the abilities identifying, prioritizing, and selecting alternatives for a
to measure and sort things. To make sense of the world solution; and implementing a solution.
around them, kids ask themselves some basic questions and
get engaged in activities that foster understanding of some BRAINSTORMING
basic concepts. As children grow older, they learn to Problem-solving method that involves the spontaneous
develop critical thinking and problem solving. In this contribution of creative ideas and solutions.
respect, the creative curriculum for preschool teaches
young learners to consider alternatives, analyze them and LATERAL THINKING
decide how to apply them in the appropriate context. It is the solving of problems by an indirect and creative
approach, typically through viewing the problem in a new
 Social development and unusual light.

Being together in a creative environment, children learn to DIVERGENT THINKING

share and interact with each other. These are basic aspects Divergent thinking is a thought process or method used to
of social learning. Singing, dancing and drama acting imply generate creative ideas by exploring many possible
development of indispensable social skills, such as solutions. It typically occurs in a spontaneous, free flowing,
communication, sympathy and respect. “non-linear” manner such that many ideas are generated in
an emergent cognitive fashion.


UNIQUE WAYS. – Jacque Fresco To create, fashion, execute, or construct according to plan.

Creativity is intelligence having fun. – Albert Einstein ART

The expression of application of human creative skill and
imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or
sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for
their beauty or emotional power.





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