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Project Feasibility Study

‘University energy use over lockdown’

1.0 Project Definition

1.1 Aim

This project will attempt to analyse the university energy usage before, during and after the lockdown
period. For this particular project the mentioned ‘lockdown period’ will be set as being between
March 2020 and December 2020. The project will also aim to analyse how certain trends in university
energy usage compared with usage at Warwick Hospital as well as general energy usage data
collected from similarly sized sites across the UK. The project will also aim to compare the usage
between specific buildings on campus and then aim to explain any differences that may have

1.2 Objective

By reviewing literature on the usage of energy in the period from 2019 through early 2021, it will
become easier to develop an understanding of how usage changed across the UK and how it can be
compared to the university data. The university data is provided by the Coherent Research Data
Collection Server (DCS) and consists of multiple different meter readings across all of the sites on
campus. The general energy usage data across the UK can be located in the Digest of UK Energy
Statistics (DUKES), which provides a detailed report of all types of energy usage on a yearly basis.

1.3 Scope

 Looking at data from the university, Warwick Hospital and other relevant sites across the UK
that may aid in reaching a comprehensive conclusion as to how energy was used over this
time period

1.4 Stretch Targets

2.0 Project Analysis

2.1 Literature Review

2.2 Risk Assessment

2.3 Ethical Assessment

3.0 Project Plan

3.1 Gantt Chart

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