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A Detailed Lesson Plan in

Technology and Livelihood Education – Home Economics

Cookery 10


At the end of the lesson, 85% of the students are expected to;

A. Explain the principles in preparing stocks

B . Classify stocks according to the ingredients used

C. Give the importance in preparing stocks


Topic: Prepare Stocks for Required Menu Items

Reference: Technical vocational Livelihood – cookery 10 pages 198

Materials: PowerPoint, Pictures

Skill: Explaining, Classifying, and Giving importance

Strategies: Group Activity, Discussion, and Slide show

Value integration: Cooperation, and Participation





Good morning everybody. Good morning sir


Let us all stand for our prayer, please lead the prayer?

Yes, sir. Classmates, are you now ready to pray?

Yes, we are ready. In the name….

Thank you.

Checking of attendance

Class secretary please check the attendance if there is

We are all present, Sir.

Very good! I hope every day you will be here as you are
here today.


Before we start with our new lesson let’s take a short

recap of what we discussed last meeting.

Can anyone give me his/her taught about what we have

discussed? Sir last meeting we have discussed about proper storing
of fish and shellfish.

Yes very good. What kind of fish and shellfish we have

discussed? Sir fresh fish, frozen fish, shellfish and lobsters

Very good you have reviewed from our previous lesson


Presentation of the lesson

For today’s new lesson, you are expected to know

The principles, different classifications, and ingredients At the end of the lesson, 85% of the students are
in preparing stocks. Can anyone read our objective for expected to;
A. Explain the principles in preparing stocks

B . Classify stocks according to the ingredients used

C. Give the importance in preparing stocks

Thank you.


Before we proceed with our lesson let us have first a


Direction: Below have different words, all you need to

do is to find it. It can be vertically, horizontally, or

Sir chicken

Sir fish

Sir vegetable

Sir beef

Sir stock

What can you say about the words?

It can use in making stocks

Yes very good, these are words that are related to our
topic for today about stocks.

Before we start with our proper discussion let us watch

a video presentation. Kindly listen and take note
important things. We will need that for our group
activity later.

(Present video)

Did you listen and take notes? Or I will play again?

Yes sir, can you play again.

(Present video)

Okay that is enough. As I said a while ago we will have a

group activity based from the video presentation. I will
group you into 3 groups. Count yourselves and you can
now proceed to your groupmates. (Count themselves and proceed to their groupmates)

Are you done ?

Yes sir.


In the presentation it talks about 3 important things;

principle in preparing stocks, classification of stocks,
and ingredients in preparing stocks. Each group will be
given a topic and you will explain that Infront. Each
group will have 2 representative to present.

Group 1- principles in preparing stocks

Group 2 - classification of stocks
Group 3 ingredients in preparing stocks

Are we clear?
I will give you 15 mins to prepare your presentation. Yes sir.

(Doing the activity)

Are you done? You may now present Infront. Let us

start from group 1.

Good morning sir. These is our presentation about the

principles in preparing stocks.

Principles of Preparing Stocks

Stocks are among the most basic preparations found in

professional kitchens.

They are referred to in French as fonds de cuisine, or

"the foundation of cooking.

"It is a flavorful liquid prepared by simmering meaty

bones from meat or poultry, seafood and/or vegetables
in water with aromatics until their flavor, aroma, color
and body, and nutritive value are extracted a clear, thin
liquid flavored by soluble substances extracted from
meat, poultry, and fish; and their bones, and from
vegetables and seasonings.

Yes very good, next is group 2.

Sir we are group 2 and we are here to present the

different classifications of stocks.

Classification of Stocks

Chicken stock-made from the chicken- bones.

White stock-made from beef or veal bones

Brown stock-made from beef or veal bones that have

been browned in an oven.

Fish stock-made from fish bones and trimmings left

over after filleting
Very good. Let us come to our last group, group 3.

Good morning sir we are here to present the

ingredients in preparing stocks.

Ingredients in Preparing Stocks

1. Bones

Most of the flavor and body of stocks are derived from

the bones of beef, veal, chicken, fish, and pork. The
kinds of bones used determine the kind of stock, except
vegetable stock.

2. Mirepoix

is the French term for the combination of coarsely

chopped onions, carrots and I celery used to flavor
stocks. Basic formula for Mirepoix- used to flavor white
stocks and soups, tomato pasta or pureo is often
included for brown stock, gravy, stew or soun

-2 parts onion

-1 part celery

-part carrot

3. Acid products - Acid helps dissolve connective tissues,

and extract favor and body from bones.

4. Scraps and left-over-Scraps may be used in stocks if

they are clear, wholesome, and appropriate to the stock
being made.

5. Seasoning and spices

6. Bouquet garni-assortment of fresh herbs and

Thank you everyone. aromatic ingredients tied in a bundle with string so it
Stocks are flavorful liquids used in the preparation of can be removed easily from the stock.
soups, sauces, and stews, derived by gently simmering
various ingredients in water. They are based on meat,
poultry, fish, game, or seafood, and flavored with
mirepoix, herbs, and spices.

There are different classifications of stocks which are;

Chicken stock, White stock, Brown stock, and Fish stock.

You also discussed about the different ingredients in

preparing stocks; bones, Mirepoix, Acid products,
Scraps and left-over, Seasoning and spices, and Bouquet

What is the difference of stock and broth?

Stocks are often confused for broths. As a general rule,

a stock is made from bones, where a broth is made
from meat and other protein trimmings. Traditionally
stock is thicker than broth, since it's made just from the
animal bones-no actual meat-and requires longer
Do you think preparing stocks is easy? cooking to become flavorful.

Yes sir, as long as the ingredients are available we can

just follow the procedures in making stocks even at
home. Stocks can be made from different Ingredients
found in our home or kitchen. It can be bone of meat or
fishes, or even vegetables.
Very good.

Class Reporting

⚫Each group is advice to report the assigned topic to

the class and have an active discussion.

⚫ Scoring Rubrics below will be the basis for assessing

the class performance


Why is preparing stocks important?

Making homemade stock allows you to have complete

control over the flavor of a finished dish, which is
especially important if you're reducing stock to make a
concentrated sauce. Store-bought stocks often contain
What is the importance of preparing stocks in the extra sodium and preservatives, which can

Stocks and sauces play an important role in the kitchen.

Stocks are the perfect kitchen companion as they are
easy to prepare and utilize scraps that would otherwise
be wasted. The ability to create delicious stocks will be
your ticket to deep rich flavor


In a 1/2 crosswise, answer the following.

Directions: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer

1. What do you call the liquid in which meat, fish, and sometimes vegetables have been cooked?

A. glaze. B. sauce C. stock D. water

2. Which of the following stocks uses veal bone as its main ingredient?

A. brown stock B. ham stock

C. prawn stock D. white stock

3. What kind of stock uses fish as its main ingredient?

A. brown stock B. fish stock

C. glace viands D. ham stock

4. What stock uses the chicken bone as its main ingredient?

A. fish stock B. ham stock

C. prawn stocks D. chicken stock

5. Which one is the easiest to prepare?

A. brown stock B. fish stock

C. white stock. D. vegetable


Directions: list down different kinds of spices and seasonings used in the kitchen.

Abitan, Jorge S.
Practice teacher

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