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Culture, Society, & Politics

Marriage, &
The H ousehold
At the end of this lesson, you’re expected to:

A. Identify the different types of kinship by blood and

B. Understand the relationship of individuals and family
in the development of political institutions; and
C. Explain how the politics of kinship is formed in the
H ow do you describe a family and a clan in
the Philippines?

H ow do you describe marriage in

the Philippines from other countries?
➢ The bond of blood or
marriage binds people
together in a group.

➢ In Anthropology, it includes
socially recognized
Types of Kinship
Connections between people
that traced by blood
Affinal kinship
People who are related through
Bond of marriage
Kinship & Descent
A system of social A socially existing recognized
relationships between people biological relationships
based on blood or marriage between people in the society
Considers both biological Considers only biological
relationships and relationships
non-biological relationships
Universally important Culturally recognized only in
some societies.
Symbols used by Anthropologists
to study patterns of descent and kin groups
Kinship by Blood
1. Unilineal descent when a child is born, he or she is automatically assigned
to either his or her mother's or father's group.

Patrilineal descent
children are automatically made
members of the father's group only.

Matrilineal descent
children are automatically made
members of the mother’s group
2. Double unilineal 3. Bilateral descent
descent the child at birth is used to categorize children that are
assigned to the mother's group or made members of all ancestors' groups-
father's group for specific purposes. of both parents and grandparents,
among others.
Kinship by Marriage
➢ is an institution that admits men
and women to family life.
➢ Accdg. to Edward Westermarck,
more or less durable connection
between male and female
lasting beyond the mere act of
propagation till after the birth of
Forms of Social monogamy
two persons that live together, and
Marriage cooperate in acquiring basic
Sexual monogamy
Monogamy two persons that remain sexually
exclusive with one another and have
no outside sex partners.
Greek words: monos & Genetic monogamy
gamos mean “one union” two partners that only have offspring
with one another.
is the practice of having
only one spouse at one Serial monogamy
a series of relationships.
time. Emotional monogamy
two partners that have strong
emotional connection
Greek word means "The practice of multiple Marriage"
An individual is married to more than one person at a

is the practice of one man
involves one woman having
having more than one wife or
multiple husbands.
sexual partner at a time.
or compulsory marriage
a marriage that takes place within a community, tribe,
social group, and class.

or out-marriage
a marriage where an individual is required by society’s
norms and rules to marry outside of their own group,
community or social classes
Group marriage
marriage of two or more women with two or
more men.
Fixed-term marriage
temporary marriages that are entered into for
a fixed period of time.
once the time period is ended, the parties go
their separate ways.
Arranged marriage
Planned and agreed to by the families or
guardians of the bride and groom.
Done to preserve traditional values highly
regarded by the family of origin.
Kinship by Ritual
Accdg. to Donn Hart
Kinship through ritual or ceremony in the Philippines and Latin America
The godparenthood complex.
spiritual parenthood which emphasizes a vertical relationship.

stresses a horizontal relationship or ritual ties binding adults.
Family &
The H ousehold
➢ basic element of society.
➢ two or more people related by blood, marriage, or adoption

H ousehold
➢ the basic residential unit where economic, production, consumption,
inheritance, child rearing, and shelter are organized and carried out.
Basic Types of Family
Nuclear family Extended family
smallest family unit consisting of a consisting of parents like father,
married man and woman and their mother, and their children, aunts,
biological children. uncles, grandparents, and cousins, all
living in the same household.

Blended/Reconstituted family Conditional Separated family

parents have a child or children from a family member is separated from
previous marital relationships but all the rest of the family.
the members stay and congregate to
form a new family unit.
Kinship of Politics
➢ commonly found in tribal societies across the world.
➢ the traditional pattern of bequeathing political power family members.
➢ based on the classic political principle: blood is thicker than water.

Political Dynasty
in the Philippines
It started emerging after the Philippine
Revolution when the First Republic of the
Philippines was established.

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