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A Detailed Lesson Plan in

Technology and Livelihood Education – Home Economics


At the end of the lesson, 85% of the students are expected to;

A. Analyze different types and uses of cleaning materials

B . Demonstrate how disinfectant use

C. Give importance in proper disinfecting the kitchen


Topic: Types and Uses of Cleaning Materials/Disinfectant

Reference: Technology and Livelihood Education- B.P.P. Module 3 page- 6

Materials: PowerPoint

Skill: Demonstrating, demonstrating, and giving importance

Strategies: discussion, and recitation

Value integration: attentiveness and participation





Good morning everybody. Good morning sir


let us all stand for our prayer, please lead the

Yes, sir. Classmates, are you now ready to pray?

Yes, we are ready. In the name….

Thank you.

Checking of attendance

Class secretary please check the attendance if

there is absent. We are all present, Sir.

Very good! I hope every day you will be here as

you are here today.


Before we start with our lesson for today let's

have a short recap of what we have done from
our previous lesson.

Can anyone share his/her taught about what we

have discussed last meeting? Last meeting we have discussed about the
specifications of tools.

Kitchen tools makes cooking easier, it also have

Yes, can you elaborate? different uses and function.
Can you give me some tools that we have

-cutting boards

-measuring cups

-measuring spoons

-tongs and spatula

Proper maintenance is important for what


Sir it is important to have a good quality of

service, sanitation, fire prevention, safety, and
less cost of production

Very good, you have studied well our discussion

last meeting.


Presentation of the lesson

For today's new lesson, you are expected to

know the different types and uses of cleaning
materials/disinfectant. Can anyone read our At the end of the lesson, 85% of the students are
expected to;
objective for today's?
a. Analyze different types and uses of
cleaning materials
b. Demonstrate how disinfectant use
c. Give importance in proper disinfecting
the kitchen It was a clean kitchen,
everything are arrange from their
designated places.
Thank you.


What can you say about the picture? It was a clean kitchen. Everything is arranged
from their designated places.

Yes sir, everyone wants to have a clean and

Would you like to have such kitchen? organize kitchen. It’s like everything we are
cooking will be delicious.

Keeping our kitchen clean and tidy will decrease

the risk of appearance of pesky microorganism.


For our activity, we will watch a video

presentation on how to clean and sanitize our
kitchen sink. Listen carefully and we will have a
short activity for that later.

(present video)
Yes sir.
Do you follow the video?

I will group you into 5 groups, all you need to do

is list down the steps in cleaning and sanitizing as
shown in the video presentation.

You will read that in front. (group themselves into t groups and do the

Yes sir.
Are you done? I will give you 10 minutes to
Proceed in front and read their activity.
As you finish raise your hand to recognize. The
we will start.

Thank you, everyone.


I guess you have now the idea of different

sanitizing and cleaning disinfectants we can use
to clean our kitchen. For today, we will talk about
different types and uses of cleaning materials/

Disinfection does not necessarily kill all

microorganisms, especially nonresistant bacterial
spores; it is less effective than sterilization, which
is an extreme physical and/or chemical process
that kills all types of life.

Let us start with our natural cleaning materials.

1. Vinegar

Vinegar is very effective at cleaning precisely

What is the use of vinegar in cleaning? because of the acid which will break down grease
and dirt easily.

Very good.

Vinegar is a great natural cleaning product as well

as a disinfectant and deodorizer. Mix a solution
of 1 part water to 1 part vinegar in a clean spray
bottle and you have a solution that will clean
most areas of your kitchen. Don't worry about
your kitchen smelling like vinegar. The smell
disappears when it dries. You can use it in the
kitchen for cleaning the stove top, appliances
counter tops, and floor. Improperly diluted
vinegar is acidic and can eat away tile grout.
Never use vinegar on marble surfaces.

2. Lemon

Lemon acid is a naturally antibacterial and

antiseptic, and also serve as a natural bleach.
Do you think what is the purpose of lemon in

Yes, Lemon juice can be used to dissolve soap

scum and hard water deposits. Lemon is a great
substance to clean and shine brass and copper.
Lemon juice can be mixed with vinegar and or
baking soda to make cleaning pasles. Cut a lemon
in half and sprinkle baking soda on the cut
section. Use the lemon to scrub dishes. surfaces,
and stains. Mix 1 cup olive oil with % cup lemon
juice and you have a furniture polish for your
hardwood furniture.

3. Baking soda
Baking soda can be used to scrub surfaces in
much the same way as commercial abrasive
cleansers, Baking soda is great as a
deodorizer. Place a box in the refrigerator
and freezer to absorb odors. Put it anywhere
you need deodorizing action.

4. Bacteria-free sponge and some muscle

It is typically used for cleaning surfaces, sponge is

especially good at absorbing water and water-
based solutions.
What do you think is the use of these

Yes, very good. Sponges are great scrubbers

which help to disinfect your kitchen by
cleaning away the food debris that bacteria
thrive on. To keep your sponges disinfected,
wet them down and place them in the
microwave and heat for one minute each.

5. Borax

Borax is an effective stain remover because of its

alkalinity helps to break down acidic stains.

Do you think what is borax?

Very good. This common household product is
another natural cleaning powder, and like baking
soda (but stronger) acts as a kitchen disinfectant
and stain remover. Borax is also used to kill mold
and mildew spores while removing their stains
making it great for mopping floors.

6. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has antibacterial, antifungal, and

antiseptic qualities. It is safe, versatile, and
natural solution to use when cleaning all around
the house.
Our last natural cleaning material is tea tree oil.
What is the use of these tea tree oil?

Yes, very good. This natural, essential

concentrated oil from the tea tree is a natural
disinfectant which removes mold and mildew
while also working to remove build-up from dirty
kitchen. surfaces. It's completely non-poisonous
and perhaps a bit more expensive than other
natural cleaning products but worthy due to the
aromatic fragrance that will freshen up areas as
well as clean them.

Aside from these natural cleaning materials,

there are also different uses of disinfectants.
1. Use a plain, liquid, vegetable-based soap or
rub a sponge with bar soap. You may add a few
slices of lemon to the water to help cut grease
and make dishes smell like lemon.

2. Use soap, water, and borax or sodium

carbonate mono hydrate (washing soda). Wash
large surfaces with a solution of one-half cup
borax dissolved in one gallon of hot water.

3. Oven Cleaner

 If there are spills, wipe away along with

any grease after each meal. Periodically
clean with baking soda and water.
 Remove baked grease or spills by
scrubbing with a nonmetallic metal brush
using a paste made of baking soda, salt,
and water.
 Another option is to mix two tablespoons
of liquid dish soap, two teaspoons of
borax into two cups of warm water.
Apply and let sit for 20 minutes and then
 Do not use any abrasive cleaning
materials on self-cleaning ovens.

Those are the types and uses of different cleaning

materials and disinfectant.

Cleaning removes loose soils, preparing the

surface or object to be disinfected. On the other
ABSTRACTION hand, disinfecting kills germs on the surface,
preventing them from spreading.
What is the difference of cleaning and
disinfecting kitchen?

In particular, we must clean and sanitize every

time we use tools, equipment, and any surfaces.
After using them to prepare raw meat, fruits,
vegetables and other ingredients.
How many times we should clean and disinfect
our kitchen?

Thank you everyone.


In a ½ crosswise, what is being referred to each


A. Identify what is referred to in each number.

_________1. Cleaning product made by mixing

vinegar, lemon and baking soda.

_________2. It is a great scrubber and a kitchen


_________3. Destroys microorganisms that are

present in the object.

_________4. It is completely non-poisonous and

bit expensive as compared to other natural

_________5. This can be used to scrub surfaces

just like other abrasive cleanser and also a good

B. Identify 5 natural cleaning materials and their

Disinfecting refers to using chemicals to kill germs
on surfaces. Disinfecting does not necessarily
clean dirty surfaces or remove germs, but by
killing germs that remain on a surface after
cleaning, disinfecting can further lower the risk of
What is the important use of these kinds of
spreading infection.
Creating a clean and safe kitchen is an important
step to a healthy home. A clean house will help
reduce your family's risk of exposure to many
indoor pollutants such as bacteria, and allergens,
What is the importance of having clean kitchen? like dust mites. A clean house is also less inviting
to mice, rats, and other pests


To evaluation the knowledge of the student about the lesson the application will be served as an


Directions: From the video presented a while ago, you need to create a short video of proper cleaning
and sanitizing your own kitchen. You can also use the disinfectant that we have discussed.

Prepared by:


Student teacher Noted by:


TLE Teacher

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