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Aims: 6. To provide a context for the individual student

to reflect on his/her beliefs and values in
1. To help the student appreciate man's place in
relation to the environment.
the natural systems.
7. To provide an opportunity to acquire
2. To provide a wide understanding of knowledge
interdisciplinary skills, knowledge and
resources relevant to environment protection
understanding and to apply this logically and
and conservation.
coherently in the field of environmental
3. To provide an in-depth study of certain conservation.
environment related areas.
8. To encourage student initiative and
4. To place environmental concerns in a resourcefulness in action leading to
technological, social, political and economic environmental protection and conservation.
9. To present environmental concerns in a
5. To provide a context for understanding the role challenging way and thereby encourage
of individual values in conservation. students to consider careers in the
environmental field.


There will be two papers in the subject: (iii) Their ecological impact: land transformation;
Paper I: Theory - 3 hours ... 70 marks habitat; diversity; modification of
biogeochemical cycles; modification of
Paper II: Practical/ Project Work - … 30 marks climate; substantial use.
The scale of catchment; quantity of resources
There will be one written paper of three hours used, land transformation; impact on habitat,
duration carrying 70 marks divided into two parts. biodiversity, modification of biogeochemical
Part 1 (20 marks) will consist of compulsory short cycles, modification of climate, substantial
answer questions from the entire syllabus. use to be taught only to create a better
understanding and not for testing
Part 2 (50 marks) will be divided into three sections.
Each section will consist of three questions. (iv) Their social organisation: size of group;
Candidates will be expected to answer five questions kinship; division of labour; access to
choosing at least one from each section. resources.
1. Modes of Existence
(v) Their ideology and idiom of man-nature
(i) Modes of existence and resource use: hunting relationship.
- gathering; pastoral; agricultural; industrial.
Modes of existence and resource use:
hunting - gathering; pastoral; agricultural; (vi) An appreciation of the coexistence of all four
industrial. Two features defining each mode modes of existence in contemporary India.
of existence.
(ii) Their impact on natural resource base: energy
resources; material resources; scale of (vii) Ecological conflicts arising therein.
catchment; quantity of resources used.
Self -explanatory.
Impact of each mode on the available natural

2. Ecology species thrive under different conditions – a
(i) Concept of an ecosystem: definition; basic understanding of the Law of
relationships between living organism, e.g. Tolerance).
competition, predation, pollination, dispersal, Definition of Ecological succession.
food chains, webs; the environment - Classification as primary and secondary.
physical (soil, topography, climate); biotic - Causes (autogenic and allogenic).
types of relationships (competition, Understanding of the stages of succession.
mutualism, parasitism, predation, defence); (v) Biomes: terrestrial; fresh water; marine; a
soil types and vegetation; co-evolution and survey of the biomes of India and their
introduction of species. inhabitants.
Definition of ecology and ecosystem. Examples of Biomes - Tropical rain forests,
Structure of an ecosystem: biotic and abiotic deserts, grasslands, coral reefs, lakes. Any
components. five biomes to be explained with reference to
Trophic relationships: food chains and food climate, topography, flora, fauna and their
webs. Biomagnification and adaptations.
bioaccumulation of toxic wastes.
Relationships between living organisms: 3. Pollution
competition, predation, mutualism, (i) Disruption of nutrient cycles and habitats:
parasitism, commensalism. Examples of each atmospheric pollution; human activities that
type. change the composition of the atmosphere;
Coevolution - Definition and types with connection between pollution and
examples. development; local and global effects
(greenhouse effect, ozone depletion) and
(ii) Habitats and niches: Gause's competitive
their impact on human life; burning of fossil
exclusion principle; resource partitioning.
fuel products - effect on ecosystem and
Definition and a basic understanding of the human health.
• Air pollution: definition and causes.
(iii) Flow of energy: efficiencies - photosynthetic
- trophic - assimilation - production; trophic • Human activities that disrupt
levels; generalised model of the ecosystem; hydrological, carbon, phosphorus and
ecological pyramid (numbers and biomass); nitrogen cycles. The effects of these
food webs. disruptions. An understanding of how
An understanding that a small fraction of the developmental activities lead to air
sun’s energy is captured by the primary pollution. A few examples at local and
producers and thereafter, at every trophic global level.
level, assimilation efficiency reduces. • An understanding of greenhouse effect.
Pyramid of flow of energy. Human sources of greenhouse gases.
(iv) Nutrient cycles: generalised model; a study Explanation of the local and global
of carbon, nitrogen cycles (biological and effects of:
geological); man's intervention; pollution as – burning fossil fuel products (any two)
disruption of these cycles; ecosystem as a
source of material and sink waste for human – global warming with particular
societies; ecological succession - causes reference to the ecosystem, human
(autogenic and allogenic) - patterns of health, sea level, biodiversity and
successions. forests.
An understanding of hydrological, carbon, (ii) Pollution control approaches - prevention and
nitrogen and phosphorous cycles showing the control: as applied to fossil fuel burning; the
linkages between the biotic and abiotic role of PCBs; industrial pollution control -
elements (An understanding that different principles - devices - costs - policy
incentives; combating global warming; the • Industrial pollution – heat and
international political dimensions; third radioactive substances and their effects –
world interest; impact on economic growth. early hatching of fish eggs, failure to
spawn, decrease in species diversity,
• Need for pollution control. Pollution
migration of aquatic forms.
prevention and control measures – Role of
Pollution Control Boards; one example of • Domestic sewage treatment – primary
a PCB in a metropolitan city. and secondary treatment and treatment
by working with nature.
• Approach: correction at source
(prevention), pollution cleanup – study of • Protective measures taken for conserving
any two common devices. [As applied to marine ecosystems and coastal zone
fossil fuel burning] management.- establishment of
protective marine sanctuaries, integrated
• Industrial pollution: removal of
coastal management, regulated coastal
particulate pollutants (cyclone collector,
development, ban on dumping waste and
electrostatic precipitator) – removal of
sewage in coastal water, ban on dumping
gaseous pollutants by wet dry system.
sludge in oceans, protection of sensitive
• Indoor pollution: Common pollutants, areas from oil drilling, double hull for oil
sources and effect. tankers.
• Subsidies and incentives for green • Soil pollution – sources, effects and
automobiles, green architecture, green mitigation.
energy and green technology in the Indian
context. SECTION B
• Problems related to combating global 4. Legal Regimes for Sustainable Development
warming – lack of international (i) National legislative frameworks for
cooperation, long term issue, effect not environment protection and conservation;
uniform, impact on lifestyle and economy survey of constitutional provisions (including
as a reason for resistance. directive principles); national laws; state laws
• International political dimensions – in India.
developing countries not prepared to take  Constitutional provisions- the Article
steps at the cost of development, demand 48A and 51 A of Directive Principles of
for cheap green technology to reduce State Policy. 73rd and 74th constitutional
emissions. amendment act (Main objectives of the
(iii) Water pollution: water cycle; pollution of above).
surface water, ground water, ocean water;  Legislative framework:
industrial pollution and its effects; domestic
sewage and its treatment - techniques and 1. Environmental Protection Act 1986.
appropriate technology; marine ecosystem The Bhopal Gas Tragedy and how it
protection and coastal zone management; soil influenced Environmental
pollution - sources - effects. Legislation in India – The passing of
• Definition of water pollution. an Umbrella Environmental
Legislation - The Environmental
• Understanding water cycle. Protection Act 1986;
• Causes of pollution of surface, ground 2. Forest (Conservation) Act 1981;
and ocean water and their effects. Point
and non-point sources of water pollution. 3. Wildlife Protection Act 1972;
4. Biological Diversity Act 2002;
• Difficulty in dealing with ground water
5. Water (Prevention and Control of  Industrial revolution - genesis of ongoing
Pollution) Act 1974; technological revolution leading to
development and degradation of
6. Air (Prevention and Control of
environment. Dependence on energy for
Pollution) Act 1981.
all development.
Two main objectives of each of the above
 How technology can be used to generate
Acts to be studied.
a more equitable use of resources and
(ii) International legal regimes: on trade and build environmental sustainability.
environment (GATT, WTO, IPR, TNC's,
(ii) Renewable energy: limitations of
regional arrangements and preferential trade
conventional sources; sources of renewable
arrangements); on climate; on common
energy and their features (solar, wind,
resources (forests, bio-diversities, oceans and
biomass, micro-hydel and muscle power).
space); international institutions (UNEP,
UNCTAD, WHO, UNDP, etc.); international Limitations of conventional sources of energy
initiatives (Earth Summit, Agenda 21). such as - coal, natural gas and oil
(extraction, transportation, storage, pollution
GATT: historical perspective (origin and
and degradation of environment).
objectives and transformation into WTO);
WTO: Principles and functions (Case study Renewable Energy: What is renewable
of disputes, examples); IPR : Types: (a) energy; sources of renewable energy, their
Patents (Products vs Process), (b) features and uses: biomass, solar energy,
Trademark, copyright, geographical wind energy, hydel energy, geothermal
indicators and industrial designs; energy – advantages and disadvantages of
Transnational Corporations (TNC) – renewable energy sources.
definition, impact of TNC on the
(iii) Health: incidents of disease as an indicator of
environment, use of resources, waste
the health of the environment; prevention of
disposal, manmade ecological disaster. Case
diseases by better nutrition, sanitation, access
study of EXXON and BP oil spills
to clean water, etc.; communicable and non-
International institutions (UNEP, UNCTAD, communicable diseases; techniques of low
WHO, UNDP, etc.); international initiatives cost sanitation; policy and organisation to
(Earth Summit, Agenda 21) – a brief provide access to basic health service for all;
understanding of their role in environmental the role of traditional and local systems of
protection. medicine.
 Diseases as indicators of health of the
5. Technology and Environment
Environment: Malaria – standing water,
(i) Technological evolution and models: hi-tech; felling of trees. Enteric diseases –
low-tech; intermediate; appropriate; contaminated water. Respiratory
traditional; interaction between technology, diseases – air pollution.
resources, environment and development;
 How diseases can be prevented by better
energy as a binding factor; the need for
nutrition, sanitation and access to clean
reorienting technology.
 Definition of technology, a brief
 Role of sanitation, water supply, good
overview of the evolution of technology
nutrition in maintenance of health and
and its impact on human societies.
prevention of diseases: Prevention of
 Definitions of hi-tech, low-tech. and deficiency diseases and water borne
intermediate technology – their impacts diseases.
on natural resources.
 Definition of communicable and
 Understanding the difference between non-communicable diseases.
appropriate and traditional technology.

 Communicable diseases: HIV/AIDS, – Understanding of the term Ecosystem
Tuberculosis, Malaria, Hepatitis as analysis.
examples. Causative agents,
– Composition of the ecosystem – multiple
transmission and prevention of each of
biotic and abiotic factors that influence
the above.
each other. Understanding of limiting
 Non communicable diseases: factors and zone of tolerance. Various
Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, skin factors which are considered as critical
cancer, scurvy and rickets (mal variables.
nutrition), and Chronic Obstructive
– Definition and components of state
Pulmonary Diseases (COPD)- causes
related to environment and lifestyle.
– Succession: primary and secondary –
 Some techniques of low cost sanitation,
system resilience.
eg. Decomposition system (pit latrine
and ventilated improved pit latrines) and – What are indicator species – examples,
Dry sanitation method. trouts as indicators of water quality,
butterflies as indicators of habitat loss
 Organization of health services in India.
and fragmentation.
Facilities provided by the government for
basic health services in India (to be (ii) Human environment interactions: quantity of
covered briefly). life vs. quality of environment;
environmental issues and problems; role of
 A brief introduction to traditional
belief and values; analysing brief statements
systems of medicine, e.g.: ayurveda,
for underlying values; issues analysis -
unani and local health traditions. Their
separating symptoms from problems;
role in maintaining health of the
problem identification; identifying the
players and their positions; understanding
(iv) Biotechnology: potential; limitations. interacting problems and identifying critical
control points; problems analysis; identifying
 Explanation of the term “Biotechnology’.
variables (human behaviours, values,
 Use/potential of Biotechnology in the ecological, etc.); determining the
field of medicine, industry, relationships between variables; formulating
manufacturing and agriculture. questions for research; planning research;
 Any five limitations of biotechnology generating problems, solution, briefs and
application. specifications.
 Understanding the state of the
 Bioremediation.
environment and the major
SECTION C environmental problems of the 21st
6. Design and Planning for Environmental
Conservation and Protection  The role of belief and values in creating
maintaining and solving environmental
(i) Ecosystem analysis: understanding complex problems.
systems; critical and state variables as system
indicators; indicators of inter-relationships; A case study to be done by the students based
successions and systems resilience; on the following points:
predicting and assessing system responses to  Identification of an environmental issue
impacts and their interventions; rapid in their city/ town/ village.
appraisal methods.
 Identification of the factors/ people
responsible for this issue.

 Contribution of the local authority /  Designing an EIA for the following:
government to curb this problem.
– Proposed construction of a dam
 Identification to the critical points that (Social impact, Ecological impact).
have led to the problem.
– Proposed resort by the sea
 Urban and rural variations. (Ecological impact).
 Steps to be followed in doing an ‘Action – Proposed residential complex close
Research’ on any environmental to a forested area / national park in
problem. India (Ecological impact).
(iii) Evaluation and assessment of impacts: [Interpret the EIA as a good planning and
approaches and techniques of environment decision making tool].
and social impact assessment; environment
(iv) Design of solutions: generating solution
impact assessment as a planning tool and a
options; overcoming blocks in thinking;
decision making instrument; interpreting
generative and lateral thinking; using criteria
environment impact assessments.
(social, political, ecological, technological,
 Definition and objectives of economic) to rank and prioritise solution
‘Environment Impact Assessment’ (EIA). ideas; check solutions for economic, social
and technical viability; collation of solution
 EIA framework –
into coherent plans; planning sequence and
– Necessity- screening cost.
– Key issues- scoping and focusing Self-explanatory.
– What to study – assessment To be taught through case studies only.
– Impact/ identification/evaluation of Students should be encouraged to think
creatively and develop solutions for
significance – evaluation
environmental problems. (For better
– Identification of mitigating means – understanding, not for testing).
– Report preparation – documentation PAPER II - PRACTICAL/PROJECT WORK

– Reviewing - monitoring Guidelines for Practical/Project Work are given at the

end of this syllabus.


There will be two papers in the subject: Special reference to principles of Deep
Ecology (Gary Snyder) and Laws of Ecology
Paper I: Theory - 3 hours... 70 marks
(Barry Commoner)
Paper II: Practical/ Project Work - … 30 marks Gary Snyder, Barry Commoner, Wendell
PAPER I - THEORY Berry - a short biographical sketch
particularly with reference to their work on
There will be one written paper of three hours the environment.
duration carrying 70 marks divided into two parts.
Earth First – a brief understanding of the
Part 1 (20 marks) will consist of compulsory short organization’s ethos and work.
answer questions on the entire syllabus.
World Wide Fund for Nature – organisation,
Part 2 (50 marks) will consist of three sections. Each mission, strategy for conservation.
section will have three questions. The candidates will Greenpeace – organisation, mission
be expected to answer five questions in all choosing statement, core values, objectives and
at least one from each section. strategy.
Project work will carry 30 marks. The project needs
to be done under the supervision of the teacher. 2. Population and Conservation Ecology
The project work will be evaluated by a (i) Population dynamics: factors causing
Visiting Examiner (who has expertise in that specific population change (birth, death, immigration
area), appointed locally and approved by the and emigration); relation between the factors;
Council. age structure and its significance; population
SECTION A pyramids; survivorship curves; three general
shapes r and K strategies.
1. Human Beings and Nature
Factors causing population change (birth,
(i) Modern schools of ecological thought. death, immigration and emigration); relation
(ii) Deep ecology (Gary Snyder, Earth First) vs. between the factors; Age structure and its
shallow ecology. significance; Population Pyramids –
(iii) Stewardship of land (e.g. Wendell Berry). interpretation and implications. Rate of
change of population – the three general
(iv) Social ecology [Marxist environmentalism shapes of Survivorship Curves, r and K
and socialist ecology (Barry Commoner)]. strategies and differences between the two.
(v) Feminism. (ii) Human populations (Malthusian model and
(vi) Green Politics (e.g. Germany and England). demographic transition).
(vii) Sustainable Development. Definition of Carrying Capacity; Malthusian
view: concept of ‘over-population’ and
Modern schools of ecological thought; shortage of resources; Questioning Malthus.
definition and basic understanding of Deep Population Growth vs. Disparate
Ecology as opposed to Shallow Ecology; Consumption of resources within and
Stewardship, Social Ecology - Marxist amongst nations. Definition and
environmentalism and Socialist Ecology, understanding of Demographic Transition;
Eco feminism, Green political movements of Factors influencing demographic transition.
Germany and England and Sustainable (iii) Population Regulation: growth without
Development (basic concepts). regulation (exponential); simple population
A brief look at the above in terms of regulation (logistic growth curve); factors
definition, origin, basic principles and regulating population size (space, food and
environmental orientations. water, territories, predators, weather and
climate, parasite and diseases, disasters and
Basic understanding of the Exponential developmental projects like roads and dams,
growth curve (J – shaped) and Logistic over exploitation of forest resources (direct
growth curve (S - shaped); Factors and indirect).
regulating population size (space, food and The role of the forest department and NGOs
water, territories, predators, weather and in managing forests.
climate, parasite and diseases, disasters and
self-regulation). Some management measures: scientific
forestry, social forestry (various types of
(iv) Human population control: family planning; social forestry), Joint Forestry Management
education; economic growth; status of (JFM), ecotourism.
Definition, scope, advantages and
Strategies for human population control with disadvantages of each of the above.
emphasis on women’s empowerment.
(Details of methods of family planning not Project Tiger as a case study in
required.) conservation: Origin, aims, and objectives,
successes, failures.
(v) Threats to the ecosystem: habitat destruction;
genetic erosion; loss of diversity; expanding 3. Monitoring Pollution
agriculture; impound water; waste from
human societies; increasing human (i) Pollution monitoring.
consumption. Primary and secondary pollutants.
Only a brief understanding of the causes and Importance of monitoring air pollution
consequences of threats to provisioning and including Ambient Air Quality Monitoring
regulatory functions of the ecosystem with (gaseous and particulate). Concept of carbon
suitable examples. credits and carbon trading in regulating
(vi) Conservation: importance; the critical state of emissions. Causes for excessive vehicular
Indian forests; conflicts surrounding forested pollution and various steps taken to regulate
areas - populations and tribals and their rights pollution-emission standards for new
- tourism - poaching - roads - development vehicles, implementation of CNG
projects - dams; scientific forestry and its programme, inspection & maintenance
limitations; social forestry; the role of the programme for in-use vehicles, phasing
forest department; NGOs; joint forestry out of old commercial vehicles and
management; wild life - sanctuaries, promotion of public transport.
conservation and management in India; (ii) Monitoring the atmosphere: techniques.
Project Tiger as a case study in conservation.
Monitoring at emission source and of
Definition of: Conservation, in situ and ex ambient air quality, criteria for monitoring
situ conservation. Importance of stations, types of stations, number of stations,
Conservation. frequency of data collection, characteristics
In-situ conservation: Wildlife sanctuaries, of ambient air sampling, basic consideration
National parks, Biosphere reserves for sampling (to be dealt with in brief).
(definition, objectives, features, advantages Classification of techniques- manual and
and disadvantages). instrumental. Manual-Passive samplers,
High Volume Samplers and Bubbler Systems.
Ex-situ conservation: zoos, aquaria, plant
collection (objectives, features, advantages Instrumental-photometric techniques-NDIR,
Chemiluminescence - principle and use.
and disadvantages).
Conflicts in managing and conserving (iii) International and national air quality
Forests: India’s forest cover, issues standards.
concerning people living in and around National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring
forests with particular reference to tribal (NAAQM); the main functions of the Central
rights; threats to forests: poaching, Pollution Control Board and the State

Pollution Control Board, objectives of air environmental impacts; (b) Changing
quality standards, New name of NAAQM, patterns of resource use due to market
National Air Monitoring Programme pressures; (c) Overuse and
(NAMP) objectives of the NAMP. exploitation of resources; (d) Diversion of
scarce resources to luxury goods; (e)
Definition of air quality standards and
Disparate access to resources; (f)
importance; National air quality standards
Increasing wastes and pollution.
for gases/particulate matter covered under
WHO guidelines. The above to be explained with suitable
(iv) Water testing: indicators of water quality.
(iii) A case study of Gandhian approach in terms
Indicators (electrical conductivity, turbidity, of its aims and processes.
pH, dissolved oxygen, faecal waste,
temperature, hardness, nitrates and Local self-governance – basic principles
sulphates) the significance of each and their behind village policy, Antoday, Sarvoday,
interpretations. B.O.D. and C.O.D., Panchayati Raj; local self-sufficiency, local
theoretical concept only (lab work for better markets and environmental sustainability.
understanding and not for testing) Village as the basis of development;
promotion of cottage industries and
(v) Soil testing: indicators of soil type and intermediate technologies; focus on
quality and laboratory work. employment.
Soil indicators- the characteristics of a good The above to be contrasted with today’s
soil indicator, the three basic types of soil paradigm of growth.
indicators- biological, physical and
chemical, two examples of each. The (iv) Urban environmental planning and
information provided by each of these types management: problems of sanitation; water
of indicators. Definitions, effects and management; transport; energy; air quality;
experiments to find out soil respiration, soil housing; constraints (economic, political) in
pH, soil aggregate, infiltration rate and tackling the problems; inapplicability of
simple methods of controlling each of these. solutions that have worked in the First World
and the need for indigenous approach to
SECTION B urban environment.
4. Third World Development A basic understanding of the following urban
environmental problems: problems of
(i) Urban-rural divide: urbanisation - push and sanitation, water management, transport,
pull factors; consequences on rural and urban energy; air quality and housing.
sectors; future trends and projections.
Awareness of some indigenous solutions:
Causes of migration - push and pull factors, Rainwater harvesting, garbage segregation,
consequences on rural and urban areas and composting, energy from solid and liquid
ways to reduce migration. Future trends and wastes, sewage management (dry toilets,
projections. Decentralized Water Management System
(ii) A critical appraisal of conventional paradigm (DEWATS)
of development from the viewpoints of Features of new urbanism, goals of smart
sustainability, environmental impact and growth. The following examples of urban
equity. planning and management from the third
Definition of Development. world to be studied:
An understanding that development has  Bogota – Bolivia (Traffic Management);
become synonymous with growth. This
 Cuba (Urban agriculture using organic
approach has the following impacts on the
environment: (a) Ignoring negative methods);

 Curitiba – Brazil (Traffic planning and traditional practices. Bengal famine.
urban renewal using innovative Comparative study of pre-colonial, colonial
measures); and post- colonial agriculture and their
 Cochabamba – (Water management and impact.
protests against privatisation of water Green Revolution: Origin (food scarcity -
supply). food import - need for increasing
5. Sustainable Agriculture
Basic principles of Green Revolution-
(i) Traditional Agriculture in India: irrigation Development of High Yielding Varieties
systems; crop varieties; techniques for (HYV); introduction of fertilizers and
maintaining soil fertility; impact of pesticides; mono cropping.
colonialism; Indian agriculture at
Environmental, social and economic impacts
independence - food scarcity - food import -
-advantages and disadvantages (from the
need for increasing production - the need for
viewpoints of agro-bio diversity; soil health;
land reform; green revolution - HYVs -
ecological impact of pesticides; energy use;
fertilizers - pesticides - large irrigation
input costs; benefits to small and medium
projects (dams); critical appraisal of the
farmers, community level and household
green revolution from the viewpoints of
level food security).
agro-bio diversity; soil health; ecological
impact of pesticides; energy (petroleum and Land reform – need, advantages, failures and
petrochemicals); ability to reach the poorer successes.
sections of the rural communities; Elements of sustainable agriculture: Mixed
sustainability - need for sustainable farming, mixed cropping, inter-cropping,
agriculture - characteristics for sustainable crop rotation, use of sustainable practices of
agriculture; techniques of water soil and pest water soil and pest management for
management. improving soil fertility (organic fertilizers,
Definition of the following terms: traditional bio-fertilizers, green manure, with two
agriculture, natural farming, organic examples) and pest control (bio pesticides).
agriculture, modern agriculture (use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM); eating
hybrid seeds, high yielding varieties, local foods
chemical fertilizers and pesticides), gene Management of agricultural produce:
revolution (genetically modified seeds) and Storage; Food preservation-different
sustainable agriculture. methods like use of low temperatures, high
Irrigation systems: temperatures, drying, canning, preservation
by salt and sugar. Transportation of Food.
Macro vs micro irrigation systems - canal
irrigation/dam as compared to sprinkler/ Food processing - Definition, food
drip/ trickle drip/dug wells. Basic features, preservation, packaging, grading.
advantages and disadvantages of each kind. Food adulteration and Food additives-
Traditional rainwater harvesting- tankas, definitions; types of adulteration, harmful
khadins, ahar, pynes, zings, johads and eris effects of adulteration.
(suitability of each type in the particular
Quality Marks - ISI (Indian Standard
Institute); AGMARK (Agricultural
Features of pre-colonial agriculture in India: Marketing); FPO(Fruit Product Order) - a
growing for sustenance rather than market; brief explanation only.
multi-cropping, management of soil health,
(ii) Food: the twin problems of production and
diversity in seed.
access; food situation in the world; integrated
Colonial influence: punitive taxation, and sustainable approach to food security for
commercial crops for export and British the Third World. Food Security.
industry, devaluation of sustainable

Meaning of Food Security, need for food (iv) Externalities: cost benefit analysis (social,
security. The problems in attaining food ecological).
security - those of production, storage and Externalities – definition, kinds (positive and
access. Integrated and sustainable approach negative), impacts.
to food security for the Third World Cost Benefit analysis - Definition, the
including working for environmental process in brief, advantages and
sustainability and social and economic disadvantages.
sustainability through land reform, credit
EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) -
support to farmers, market support to
definition, examples, advantages.
farmers, inadequacies in the present
marketing system, ways to improve (v) Natural capital regeneration.
marketing system, improving access to food, What is natural capital? Kinds of natural
ownership of seeds. capital; classification of ecosystem services,
An understanding that national level food causes of degradation (acid deposition, air
pollution, deforestation, loss of biodiversity
security may not translate into household
and emission of carbon dioxide), ecological
and community level food security or long
footprint and man’s disproportionate use of
term environmental sustainability unless the natural resources, importance of preserving
above factors are addressed. Main features and regenerating natural capital.
of the Food Security Law 2013.
7. International Relations and the Environment
SECTION C (i) Trans-national characteristics of
6. Environmental and Natural Resource environmental issues using case study of
Economics Amazonia, Trade in Wildlife and Ozone
(i) Definition: resources; scarcity and growth;
natural resource accounting. Case study of Amazonia - causes for
exploitation of forests, reasons for
Classification of natural resources - on the
acceleration of deforestation, effects of
basis of origin (abiotic and biotic), on the
government policies, ecological value of
basis of renewability (renewable and non-
rainforests and possible solutions to the
renewable), on the basis of development
(potential and actual), on the basis of
distribution (ubiquitous and localized); Case study of ivory trade in Africa - reasons
scarcity and growth, natural resource for flourishing trade of ivory in the past,
accounting. steps taken to curb the trade and the
consequences of ban in trade.
Classification of resources as renewable and
non-renewable. Case study of ozone depletion - what is
meant by ozone layer and how does it get
Definition, basic principles, advantages and
depleted, (Chapman’s cycle), potential
disadvantages of Physical accounting.
effects of ozone depletion, common ozone
(ii) GNP vs. other forms of measuring income. depleting substances (halons, carbon
GDP, GNP – definitions, advantages and tetrachloride, CFCs, methyl chloroform,
disadvantages of using them as tools for methyl bromide and HCFCs) and their life
measuring growth. span in the atmosphere; Ozone hole; steps
taken to control ozone depletion.
(iii) Economic status and welfare (net economic
welfare, nature capital, ecological capital, (ii) Impact of international politics, national
etc.) sovereignty and interest.
A broad overview of the purpose of (iii) International trade: a theoretical perspective;
environmental economics. free trade vs. protectionism; import barriers;
domestic industry vs. free trade; transnational
Definition and classification: Defensive companies - a historical perspective
expenditure (its classification); natural/ (colonialism and its lasting impact today);
ecological capital. trade between the first and the third world -
characteristics - terms of trade; India's
international trade - characteristics - major (iv) International aid: agencies; advantages;
imports and exports - foreign exchange crises limitations; need for re-orienting aid; aid vs.
- the export imperative and its impact on the self-reliance.
environment; the case study of aquaculture in
India; diversion of scarce resource from International aid – advantages and
production of subsistence needs to disadvantages; Types of Aid: Tied and
commercial products; toxic waste trade - Untied Aid - advantages and limitations of
extent and impact; Globalisation - trade each.
regimes (WTO, GATT, IPR) and their PAPER II
impact on third world.
Definition, advantages and disadvantages of PRACTICAL/PROJECT WORK – 30 MARKS
globalization, free trade, protectionism. (FOR CLASSES XI &XII)
Transnational Companies (TNCs) – The practical/project work carrying 30 marks needs
definition; TNCs and environment – conflict to be undertaken under the guidance of the teacher.
of interest. The project will be evaluated by a Visiting Examiner
History of third world countries’ trade with (who has specific expertise in the content of the
the developed countries (with special project work) appointed locally and approved by the
reference to India) with regards to Council.
composition and terms of trade (export of The project work could take one of the five forms:
primary goods and import of finished goods 1. Address a current environmental problem
at higher cost- tapping of primary goods (preferably at local or regional scale) and should
leading to environment degradation- open include problem identification and analysis, use
cast mining, agriculture, aquaculture, etc.). of secondary data as well as some collection of
Case study of aquaculture in India to primary data, design of solution, documentation
understand the impact of free trade. of the entire process in the form of a solution
Economic allocation of scarce resources and proposal.
its impact on environment. 2. Design and conduct an environment impact
Toxic waste trade – definition, origin, factors assessment. The candidates may use secondary
sustaining, impact on third world countries data, demonstrate their capacity to collect and
(example – health and environmental analyse primary data by incorporating some
impacts) and steps to mitigate it (Bamako primary data collected and use it in a few sectors
and Basel Conventions). of their work.
GATT – the organization and its 3. Systematic monitoring of an aspect of the local
metamorphosis into WTO. environment over a period of at least six months.
Principles and functions of WTO: creating a The candidate must use quantitative techniques
level playing field for international trade of monitoring, sampling scientifically. The data
through MFN (Most Favoured Nation), NT collected must be interpreted and presented in the
(National Treatment) and reduction of import report.
barriers - tariff and non tariff barriers and 4. Field work and training in an environmental
trading to comparative advantages. organisation (NGOs, Industrial Pollution Control
Full forms of and areas addressed in the Firms, Testing Laboratories, etc.) for a period of
WTO GATT, TRIPS, TRIMS, Agreement on not less than one month. This work should be
Agriculture (AOA). A brief understanding of focused on one area in the syllabus. The
how these agreements impacted India’s candidate will produce a paper on the area of
trade, food security, economic well-being, his/her work and training which will include
environmental sustainability. his/her experience and the special expertise that
Definition of IPR and its categories: she/he has acquired.
copyrights, patents, trademarks, industrial 5. Conduct a study on the density and population of
design rights, geographical indicators and plants growing in a particular area using the
trade secrets. quadral method.
A brief understanding of each of the above NOTE: No question paper for Practical work will
categories. be set by the Council.


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