Debate (English)

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Speech1 : We are against of giving of homework at students, because here in the Philippines student

had to take classes for 10 hours a day that’s enough time for students to learn and study through school,
comparing to other countries that has lesser hours in school. The school shouldn’t give more homework
when this once they reach home because they don’t have enough time for personal necessities which
makes student even more stress.

Speech2 : homework provides 15% of the total grades, while have 40% in projects and 25% in exam’s
which is totally meaningless and it only add stresses to students. Homework and assignment are
meaningless and useless it's because once students receives assignment and homework at home it can
be easily be answered by students searching for the answer in textbooks and in the internet it provides
no educational benefits if it can be easily be answered through textbooks and in the internet

Speech 3: homework puts students off learning. studies shown that many children find doing homework
very stressful boring and tiring. often teacher's underestimate how long a task will take, or set an
unrealistic deadline. sometimes because a teacher has not explained something new well in class, the
homework task Is impossible so children end up paying with their free time for failing of their teachers

Speech 4: setting homework does little to develop good study skills. it is hard to check whether the
homework students produce is really their own. some students have always copied off others or got
their parents to help them. but today there is so much material available on the internet that teachers
can never be sure. it would be better to have a mixture of activities in the classroom which help students
to develop a whole range of skills, including independent learning.

So what's appreciate?

what is the purpose of homework?

what are the advantages and disadvantage of homework?

how much homework should be assigned?

how important is the quality of the assignments?

and most importantly: does homework increase students achievement?

Homework has little educational value and most students view it as a waste of time.
It adds unnecessary stress to the lives students.
It can put students off learning entirely making academic success much harder to achieve.
It encourages students to work more independently.
Ensures that students practice what they learn in school.
Provides a link between the child, the school and the home

It encourages students to work more independently.

Ensures that students practice what they learn in school.
Provides a link between the child, the school and the home.

The pressure to complete homework can also lead to students cheating by copying from other students or
obtaining help other than tutoring, such as getting their parents to complete it for them. Students who
“perceive that achievement is defined by schools and teachers in terms of grades and performance, worry
about school, and believe they can get rewards for doing well in class such as getting out of homework" are
more likely to cheat, and to "avoid using deep level cognitive processing strategies such as trying different
ways to solve a problem." The American Psychological Association (1998)

Homework has little educational worth and adds nothing to the time spent in school. Some schools and some
countries don’t bother with homework at all, and their results do not seem to suffer from it. Studies show
that homework adds nothing to standardized test scores for primary/ elementary pupils. International
comparisons of older students have found no positive relationship between the amount of homework set
and average test scores. If anything, countries with more homework got worse results!
Harris Cooper, of Duke University, found that students in middle school who do more than 60-90 min. a night
perform worse on standardized tests than those who do 20-30 min. a night.

Homework takes up a lot of time, usually enough to push off many extracurricular a student might
want to do. Being young is not just about doing schoolwork. It should also about being physically
active, exploring the environment through play, doing creative things like music and art, and playing
a part in the community. It is also important for young people to build bonds with others, especially
family and friends, but homework often squeezes the time available for all these things.

Homework is discriminatory in that it gives unfair advantages to certain types of people depending
on their home environment. In school everyone is equal, but home is a different story. Middle-class
families with books and computers will be able to help their children much more than poorer families
can. This can mean working class children end up with worse grades and more punishments for
undone or badly done homework. On the other hand pushy parents may even end up doing their
kids’ homework for them – cheating. Even worse, kids who live in an abusive or volatile home
environment (something completely out of the kids control) end up having their homework counting
against them and compared to kids who benefit from doing work at home.
Common sense; there are plenty of homes where education is not the #1 priority and some where it
is. This imbalance only comes out with homework and skewers results unfairly.

Homework de-motivates kids to learn. Most see it as a consequence of going to school. Studies
have shown that many children find doing homework very stressful, boring and tiring. Often teachers
underestimate how long a task will take, or set an unrealistic deadline. Sometimes because a
teacher has not explained something new well in class, the homework task is impossible. So
children end up paying with their free time for the failings of their teachers. They also suffer
punishments if work is done badly or late. After years of bad homework experiences, it is no wonder
that many children come to dislike education and switch off, or drop out too early.
"It's one thing to say we are wasting kids' time and straining parent-kid relationships, but what's
unforgivable is if homework is damaging our kids' interest in learning, undermining their
curiosity." The Homework Myth by Alfie Kohn.

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