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Aquaculture Nutrition 2007 13; 17–34


A feed is only as good as its ingredients – a review of

ingredient evaluation strategies for aquaculture feeds
Department of Fisheries – Western Australia, Research Division, North Beach, WA, Australia; 2 New South Wales Department
of Primary Industries, Port Stephens Fisheries Centre, Nelson Bay, NSW, Australia

formulations. A key aspect to note is the need to design all

Abstract experiments with sufficient experimental capacity to detect
The evaluation of feed ingredients is crucial to nutritional significant effects.
research and feed development for aquaculture species. In
evaluating ingredients for use in aquaculture feeds, there are KEY WORDS: nutrition, fishmeal replacement, methodology
several important knowledge components that should be
understood to enable the judicious use of a particular Received 31 August 2005, accepted 26 June 2006
ingredient in feed formulation. This includes information on Correspondence: Dr Brett Glencross, PO Box 20, North Beach, WA 6920,
(1) ingredient digestibilities, (2) ingredient palatability and (3) Australia. E-mail:
nutrient utilization and interference.
Diet design, feeding strategy, faecal collection method and Introduction
method of calculation all have important implications on the
determination of the digestible value of nutrients from any Fish diets of the future will include a wider range of alterative
ingredient. There are several ways in which palatability of ingredients to fishmeal than is currently the case. Many of
ingredients can be assessed, usually based on variable inclu- these ingredients are more complex than fishmeal and require
sion levels of the ingredient in question in a reference diet and thorough evaluation in order to determine their nutritional
feeding of those diets under an apparent satietal or self- value and appropriate use levels in prospective diets. In the
regulating feeding regimes. However, the design of the diets, evaluation of specific ingredients, ideally, the science of
the parameters of assessment and the feeding regime can all nutrition should endeavour to gain knowledge on the nutri-
be subject to variation depending on subtleties of the tional implications of use of those ingredients, and once this
experimental design. Clearly, issues relating to feed intake are knowledge is gained then to seek apply it to commercial feed
the key performance criteria in palatability assessments, and formulation. While it could be stated that there is no single
it is important that such experiments maintain sufficient strategy by which ingredient evaluation should be under-
stringency to allow some self-discrimination of the test feeds taken, there are clearly pitfalls and problems to be wary of in
by the fish. The ability of fish to use nutrients from the test undertaking the evaluation process. This nutritional evalua-
ingredient, or defining factors that interfere with that process, tion process has several key facets that need to be undertaken
is perhaps the most complex and variable part of the ingre- to provide a clear indication of the potential that any
dient evaluation process. It is crucial to discriminate effects ingredient may have for use in an aquaculture feed.
on feed intake from effects on utilization of nutrients from
ingredients (for growth and other metabolic processes). To The fishmeal and oil problem and ingredient risk
allow an increased focus on nutrient utilization by the ani- reduction
mals, there are several experimental strategies that can be
adopted, which are based on variations in diet design and Fishmeal has traditionally been considered an important
feeding regime used. Other issues such as ingredient func- protein source for use in aquaculture diets for both carni-
tionality, influence on immune status and effects on vorous and omnivorous species, and many aquaculture for-
organoleptic qualities are also important consideration in mulations still have fishmeal included at levels in excess of
determining the value of ingredients in aquaculture feed 50%. However, being too reliant on any one ingredient


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18 B. D. Glencross et al.

presents considerable risk associated with supply, price and defined as the combination of both attractiveness and
quality fluctuations. As a strategy to reduce risk, the identi- ingestion of a diet and therefore of most relevance to feed
fication, development and use of alternatives to fishmeal and development. This is important because, irrespective of
oil in aquaculture diets remains a high priority. As a result of how digestible and available the nutrients and energy from
the volumes of fishmeal and oil used in aquaculture, espe- an ingredient might be, if the ingredient reduces feed intake
cially for carnivorous species, aquaculture of these species is then it will have limited value. A range of methods have
still perceived as a net fish consumer rather than producer, been used to explore palatability and feed intake issues
and this practice has raised concerns about the long-term in aquaculture feeds and a summary of some of these
sustainability of these industries (Naylor et al. 2000). methods used in this aspect of ingredient evaluation is
Substantial effort has been expended over the past decades presented in this review.
in evaluating a wide range of potential alternatives to fish- 4. The determination of nutrient utilization or interference
meal and fish oils for use in aquaculture diets. Those ingre- with nutrient utilization because of incorporation of any
dients can generally be classified into those being derived one ingredient is perhaps the most complex step in the
from either plant origin or terrestrial animal origin. ingredient evaluation process. This complexity is largely
Plant derived resources include soybean meals, protein related to the wide variety of factors that may impact on
concentrates and oils (Kaushik et al. 1995; Refstie et al. 1998, nutrient or energy utilization. The methods employed to
1999), canola meals, protein concentrates and oils (Higgs examine issues relating to nutrient utilization are also
et al. 1982; Mwachireya et al. 1999; Burel et al. 2000; Forster diverse and this review highlights some of the problems
et al. 2000; Glencross et al. 2003b, 2004a,b) and lupin meals that occur with their use.
and protein concentrates (Burel et al. 1998; Booth et al. 2001; 5. Ingredient functionality is another crucial aspect of ingre-
Farhangi & Carter 2001; Glencross et al. 2003a, 2004c). dient evaluation. Irrespective of the compositional or
Key potential terrestrial animal ingredients have included nutritional attributes of an ingredient, if it cannot be
resources such as rendered meat meals (Bureau et al. 1999, functionally introduced into a feed in a manner that allows
2000; Stone et al. 2000; Sugiura et al. 2000; Williams et al. its processing in a suitable manner then it is of diminished
2003a,b), blood meals (Allan et al. 1999a,b; Bureau et al. value as a feed ingredient. Alternatively, some ingredients
1999) and poultry meals (Bureau et al. 1999; Nengas may add additional value to a diet, based on some func-
et al. 1999). tionality features that they contribute to a formulation.
This is particularly the case with modern extruded feeds.

Key evaluation components

Characterization and preparation of
We consider that there are several key components in
ingredient assessment including ingredient characterization,
ingredient digestibility, palatability, nutrient utilization and Detailed compositional information on test samples of all
functionality. ingredients to be evaluated is critical. High level of variability
1. Ingredient characterization is the first part of any evalua- between common ingredients is well recognized and this
tion process. Chemical composition, variability in com- variability can affect the nutritional value of the ingredient
position, source and species of origin are all important and determination of the best strategies to determine the
factors that need to be documented so as to allow any nutritional value of the ingredient (Jiang 2001). As variability
meaningful assessment and reporting of that assessment. can exist within ingredient samples, it is also important that
2. Ingredient digestibility is the measurement of the propor- samples are adequately mixed to ensure that what is ulti-
tion of energy and nutrients, which an animal can obtain mately evaluated is representative. The preparation of diets
from a particular ingredient through its digestive and and ingredients is also important, as is their long-term stor-
absorptive processes. Several methods have been used to age if they are to provide useful information over extended
determine diet and ingredient digestibilities in aquaculture periods of time.
species. This review will examine these methods and
explore some of their key strengths and weaknesses.
Characterizing ingredients
3. Determination of ingredient palatability is the second key
component of knowledge required about an ingredient A key reason for comprehensively characterizing ingredients
before it can be successfully used. Palatability being is so others can use the findings from the study. Simple


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Feed ingredient evaluation strategies for aquaculture feeds 19

identification factors such as the species of origin and whe- noted on not only the composition of the meal, but also on
ther a genotype or cultivar classification exists (if relevant) the nutritional value of the respective meals (Glencross et al.
should be detailed. Differences between production site, 2004a,b). Accordingly, some characterization of the pro-
season or year can also be important. For example, within cessing methods/technologies used to produce the ingredient
the lupin species of Lupinus angustifolius, there are more than from its raw or natural state would be useful. It is well known
a dozen different commercial cultivars being grown and there that protein damage sustained during ingredient or diet
is substantial variation in key nutrient parameters such as processing will affect the value of an ingredient (Peres et al.
protein, amino acid and energy content among those culti- 2003). For example, heat damage to canola meals affects
vars (Table 1). The implications of such variability have been their usefulness when fed to fish (Glencross et al. 2004a), and
noted. For example, Glencross et al. (2003c) found that there it is well known that nutritional loss of some amino acids
was substantial protein and energy digestibility variation occurs through such heat damage and the influence of
among cultivars. protein, carbohydrates and moisture on Malliard reactions
The source of the ingredient may also be important. For (Oste 1984; Anderson et al. 1993). There are potential in vitro
example, significant problems relating to antinutritional assays that can be employed to characterize such
factors (ANF) in canola and rapeseed meals were identified protein damage (e.g. reactive lysine assay) (Rutherfurd et al.
from Canadian-produced meal in studies by Higgs et al. 1997).
(1982, 1983) and Mwachireya et al. (1999) and in European- In addition to the clear identification of the ingredient of
produced meals by Burel et al. (2001). However, Glencross concern, its origins and processing, a detailed analysis of
et al. (2004a,b) found no significant problems attributable to the compositional characteristics should be provided. Ideally,
ANF in Australian-produced rapeseed meals. Identification this analysis should be as comprehensive as possible, but key
of the origins of the ingredient being studied at least to variables such as crude protein (nitrogen · 6.25), total lipids,
country should be considered as a minimum. This is especi- ash, moisture and gross energy should be considered man-
ally important for plant ingredients, as it is well known that datory for all test ingredients and preferably all ingredients
soil type and climate can affect the nutritional composition of used in any experimental diets. Crude fibre is one traditional
many grains. element of proximate analysis, which is losing favour to more
The nature of processing of the ingredient sample prior to useful analyses such as acid-detergent fibre and neutral-
addition to the experimental diets also has important impli- detergent fibre, which relate more closely to levels of cellu-
cations. Booth et al. (2001) noted clear differences in the lose, hemicellulose and lignins (Petterson et al. 1999). A more
chemical composition and also the nutritional value of a comprehensive guide to key compositional parameters to be
range of grain legume meals produced from either whole-seed considered is provided in Table 2. In the absence of clear
or seed kernels. Similarly, clear differences in rapeseed meal information on the ingredient species, cultivar, origin and
produced through different oil extraction methods have been processing level, the importance of the compositional

Table 1 Composition variability within the kernel meals of some narrow-leaf lupin, Lupinus angustifolius, cultivars

Cultivar type Gungurru Tanjil Kalya Merrit Warrah Myallie

Dry matter 873 907 899 903 911 912

Crude protein (N · 6.25) 397 402 429 459 423 469
Phosphorus 4 5 4 4 6 5
Ash 33 33 31 31 33 37
Crude fat 59 58 55 66 56 57
Energy (MJ kg)1 DM) 20.2 20.6 20.7 21.1 20.0 20.4
Arginine 44 47 49 39 45 47
Histidine 12 10 12 10 11 10
Isoleucine 16 17 18 14 17 16
Leucine 28 30 30 23 32 29
Lysine 18 16 20 16 14 12
Methionine 3 2 3 2 5 2
Phenylalanine 16 17 17 14 18 16
Threonine 14 17 15 12 17 16
Valine 16 17 17 14 17 16

All values are g kg)1 DM unless otherwise stated. Data from Glencross (unpublished).


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20 B. D. Glencross et al.

Table 2 Typical composition of commonly used aquaculture feed ingredients (values are g kg)1 DM unless otherwise detailed)
1 2 1
Nutrient Fishmeal Yellow lupin NL lupin LPC Expeller canola meal SE canola meal SE soybean meal SPC

Dry matter content (g kg ) 917

903 885 942 898 962 909 939
Crude protein 770 547 415 690 381 431 518 590
Total lipids 68 87 53 93 136 22 47 54
Ash 142 44 33 31 66 86 69 79
Phosphorus 22 6 4 5 24 23 8 9
Gross energy (MJ kg)1 DM) 21.3 20.9 20.4 22.2 23.1 19.6 19.6 20.3
Arginine 43 61 47 78 39 32 42 45
Histidine 25 15 10 15 28 26 14 15
Isoleucine 28 20 15 27 3 3 23 26
Leucine 55 45 29 51 28 25 44 48
Lysine 46 23 14 25 46 41 28 28
Methionine 21 4 3 5 37 30 9 9
Phenylalanine 29 21 16 28 29 27 27 30
Threonine 32 20 16 23 18 16 24 25
Valine 34 19 14 23 66 78 24 27

NL lupin, narrow-leaf lupin Lupinus angustifolius (mixed cultivars) kernel meal; LPC, Lupinus angustifolius (mixed cultivars) protein concentrate; SE,
solvent-extracted. SPC, soybean protein concentrate; HP300, Hamlet-protein, Horsens, Denmark; EHC, enzymatically hydrolyzed casein. Data from
Glencross (unpublished).
Chilean anchovetta meal. 2 Lupinus luteus (cv. Wodjil) kernel meal.

analysis increases. As many modern aquaculture feeds are recorded, as this information can influence the strategy used
now being formulated on a digestible amino acid basis, the to evaluate the potential for use of an ingredient, or even
importance of ingredient amino acid composition is import- whether it is worth pursuing at all. For a comprehensive
ant (Sorenson et al. 2002). review on ANF, refer Francis et al. (2001). Availability and
Details of ingredient composition should include moisture price are key determinants of the potential for an ingredient
content but other variables should be expressed on a g kg)1 to be used. When characterizing ingredient availability, vol-
dry matter basis, to help standardize the ingredient infor- ume, time of availability (e.g. is it available every day or week
mation. This is because most feeds are prepared with the or is it only available during one season each year), source
addition of water to ingredients followed by a drying process, (e.g. is it available everywhere or only in a particular city or
which dehydrates them to a relatively uniform dry matter region) and accessibility (i.e. supply chain mechanism) are all
content. Therefore, it is more practical to provide a stan- important. Ingredient pricing is obviously critical, and it is
dardized assessment of composition, such as that on a dry important to explain what drives price change. Weather
matter basis. The moisture content of the original raw (especially droughts) will affect supply and price of grains
material is important when considering ingredient storage and other agricultural products, as will the changing patterns
and in the feed manufacturing process, but as pointed out in ingredient use for other purposes.
will not necessarily have an important bearing on the final
moisture content of the feed.
Ingredient preparation prior to evaluation
The methods used for composition analysis should be
consistent with those recommended by the Association of To ensure that any assessment of feed ingredients is under-
Official Analytical Chemists (Association of Official Analy- taken on representative samples, it is important that due
tical Chemists (AOAC) 1993). Specific recommendations consideration is given to the physical preparation of all the
pertaining to the evaluation of grain products were made by feed ingredients with respect to particle size. Fine grinding
Petterson et al. (1999) who identified several opportunities (200–300 lm) is important to ensure homogeneity in the
for improvement or modifications to methods that made finished diet. This extends beyond the test ingredients to all
them more suitable for grain products. those used in any experimental diets. Particle size has been
The presence and concentration of ANF or bioactive implicated as an important factor in affecting the ingredient
compounds such as protease inhibitors, saponins, glucosi- evaluation process (Kaushik 2001; Nir & Ptichi 2001). A
nolates and alkaloids have important implications for recommendation of 250 lm for maximum particle size was
potential ingredient use and as such form an important part made by the National Research Council (NRC 1993).
of the characterization of the ingredient. This too must be Application of this recommendation has not been widely


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Feed ingredient evaluation strategies for aquaculture feeds 21

adopted with a maximum particle size of 600–800 lm being substitution approach is usually used, where test diets com-
more typical (Burel et al. 2000; Glencross & Hawkins 2004). prise the test ingredient plus a reference diet component.
Most studies provide little indication of particle size for any The reference diets used for digestibility studies with most
of the ingredients used. aquaculture species have usually been simple, practical diets.
The sample size required will vary according to many Typically, these diets have been based on fishmeal as a key
factors and every effort should be made to ensure homo- protein and energy source, although other ingredients have
geneity of the batch used, irrespective of any samples taken also been routinely used, such as soybean meals and wheat
for analysis (Jiang 2001). Principally, a large enough sample flours (Cho & Slinger 1979; Gomes et al. 1995; Glencross &
or a number of replicate samples should be taken to account Hawkins 2004). While reference diets are usually formulated
for prospective variation within a batch of an ingredient. The to meet requirements for energy and other nutrients, it is
specific sample size required, however, will vary according acknowledged that diet composition can influence ingredient
to many factors (Jiang 2001). Notably, any intrasample digestibility (Lupatsch et al. 1997). To address this issue,
variability can be largely minimized by thorough mixing of some attempts at formulating test diets to equivalent protein
the ingredient sample prior to allocation to any diet and levels through the complementary substitution of an addi-
should be considered routine practice in experimental diet tional ingredient have been made (Glencross et al. 2003c).
preparation. Essentially, there are two methods of ingredient inclusion
for specific ingredient digestibility assessment. These are
usually referred to as the diet replacement method (DRM) or
Evaluation of ingredient digestibility
the ingredient replacement method (IRM) (Aksnes et al.
Modern aquaculture diets are routinely formulated based on 1996). With the DRM method, a test ingredient is added to
the digestible nutrient and energy criteria (Cho & Kaushik replace a portion of the reference diet to create a test diet.
1990). Measuring digestible energy and digestibility of The digestibility values for both the reference and test diets
ingredients and diets simply means measuring that amount of are then determined and, based on proportionality factors,
the energy or nutrient that is not excreted in faeces. Energy or the digestibility of the ingredient, or any of its nutrients can
nutrients in faeces are clearly unavailable for maintenance or be calculated. It is important to note that, with this method,
growth and represent one of the major ÔlossesÕ from intake to the portion of the reference diet within any test diet must be
tissue growth. fully representative of the complete reference diet. For
In assessing diet digestibilities, the two key methodological example, all ingredients, including additives and the marker,
approaches are the direct and indirect assessment methods must be included in the portion of the reference diet used and
(Maynard & Loosli 1969). In the direct assessment method, a not added to the test diet at equivalent levels as those in the
complete account of both feed inputs and faecal outputs is reference diet.
required. The digestible value of the feeds is then determined The IRM also uses a reference diet, but differs in that the
on a mass-balance basis. Unfortunately, this method is reference diet usually has a single, well-defined reference
fraught with problems, largely because of the difficulty and ingredient at a fixed, moderately high inclusion level (Aksnes
errors involved with collection of accurate data on feed et al. 1996). This single ingredient is then replaced with the
intake and faecal production. Indirect assessment is the test ingredients to create the test diets. The assessment of the
alternative. Here, a representative sample of both the feed digestibility of any ingredient is then based on the relative
and the faeces is required and an indigestible marker is added diet digestibility with regard to the reference ingredient. With
to the diet. The ratio of the marker in the feed and faeces this method, the basis of the digestible value of the test
determines dry matter digestibility and is used to calculate ingredient is largely dependent on the choice of the reference
digestibility of energy and other nutrients. Indirect assess- ingredient and its assigned or measured digestibility values
ment gives Ôapparent digestibilityÕ. (Morales et al. 1994). Furthermore, with the choice of a
reference ingredient as one of the test ingredients in the DRM
method, it effectively becomes possible to capture the
Feed issues in ingredient digestibility assessment
strengths of both methods (Glencross & Hawkins 2004;
Ideally, assessments of the digestibility of ingredients would Glencross et al. 2004d).
be made by feeding single ingredients. However, this is rarely The amount of the test ingredient that is included into a
possible, because aquatic animals will refuse to eat many test diet also has important implications for the rigor of the
diets comprising a single ingredient. Instead, an ingredient digestibility assessment made (Smith & Tabrett 2004).


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22 B. D. Glencross et al.

Typically, it is more reliable where there is a larger con- especially juveniles, using stripping and it is impossible for
tribution to the diet made by the test ingredient. It is useful to crustaceans.
evaluate ingredients at levels more typical to those used in Cho & Slinger (1979) collected rainbow trout faeces after
practical diets and a 20–40% inclusion level on an as-received defaecation using a steep-sided conical tank with the faeces
basis is common (Gomes et al. 1995; Allan et al. 1999a). collecting in a small settling chamber. Allan et al. (1999a)
There are also potential benefits from examining the inclu- adopted a similar approach to collect faeces from silver
sion of a particular ingredient at more than one inclusion perch, Bidyanus bidyanus, but used steeply sloped cylindro-
level, as it allows the examination of potential interactive conical tanks with a terminal collection chamber. Choubert
effects of ingredients within a feed formulation (Allan et al. et al. (1982) developed a modification to the settlement
1999a,b). This is especially important for carbohydrate approach of Cho & Slinger (1979), which involved the settled
sources where effects of inclusive content on digestibility tend faeces being removed from the water onto a moving screen
to be greater than for protein on lipid sources. before being deposited onto a collection tray.
A wide variety of marker types have been used in aqua- A study by Vandenberg & de la Noue (2001) compared the
culture nutrition digestibility studies. While chromic oxide influences of three faecal collection methods (Austreng 1978;
(Cr2O3) is perhaps the most commonly used marker, rare Cho & Slinger 1979; Choubert et al. 1982) of the digestibility of
earth metal oxides such as ytterbium oxide, yttrium oxide and a practical diet containing a range of protein sources (e.g.
other rare earth metal oxides are gaining favour (Austreng fishmeal, soybean meal, whey, blood meal) when fed to rain-
1978; Ringo 1995; Austreng et al. 2000). For studies focusing bow trout. The findings of that study suggested that there was
on lipid utilization, hydrocarbon markers such as cholestane essentially no difference in diet digestibility assessments
have proved useful (Carter et al. 2003). While endogenous between the methods of Cho & Slinger (1979) and Choubert
markers such as acid-insoluble ash and crude fibre have been et al. (1982), but that both of these settlement methods resulted
used, they are somewhat less reliable and more prone to in significantly different (higher) diet digestibilities than those
producing data with larger variance (Morales et al. 1999). determined from the faecal stripping collection method.
Glencross et al. (2005) compared the digestibilities of a
series of ingredients when faeces were collected using either
Collecting faeces for digestibility assessment
settlement (Cho & Slinger 1979) or stripping techniques
The method of ÔfaecalÕ collection used in aquaculture nutri- (Austreng 1978) (Table 3). Significant differences were
tion research has been well debated. Essentially, there are observed between the two faecal collection methods as to
three methods adopted by most researchers; dissection, their effects on ingredient digestibility. Notably, the effect
stripping and collection of voided faeces. Where digesta (not was more pronounced on ingredients high in indigestible
called faeces until actually excreted) are collected by dissec- carbohydrates. Faecal stripping provides a more conservative
tion or stripping, there is the potential to underestimate estimate of both diet and ingredient digestibilities than that
digestibility because of incomplete digestion and potential provided using settlement techniques.
contamination of digesta with endogenous material. In con- The duration of the faecal collection period is usually
trast, when faeces are collected from the water column or largely dependent on obtaining sufficient sample to be able to
following settlement, there is the potential to overestimate undertake the required chemical analyses although in gen-
digestibility because of leaching losses of organic matter. eral, a longer period of collection e.g. >5 days will minimize
Early studies by Austreng (1978) examined the changes variability in faeces composition and improve reliability of
in diet digestibility when assessments were made from results; although arguably this can also be resolved using a
digesta collected from different parts along the gastro- larger number of fish from which to collect faecal samples.
intestinal tract (GIT) of rainbow trout using a dissection Reduction in variance has the potential to substantially
approach. In that study, substantial increases in digestibility improve the experimental power and capacity to detect sig-
were noted throughout the GIT except between the prox- nificant effects (Searcy-Bernal 1995).
imal and distal intestine. Austreng (1978) argued that this
was supportive of the use of faecal stripping techniques,
Experiment management issues in ingredient
where gentle abdominal pressure is applied to the abdomen
digestibility assessment
of the fish, approximately over the distal intestine, to expel
its faecal contents. It should be noted, however, that it is As with any experimental strategy, management of the
not always possible to collect faeces from all species of fish, operational conditions is critical. The experimental condi-


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Feed ingredient evaluation strategies for aquaculture feeds 23

Table 3 Ingredient digestibility when compared using rainbow trout, but different collection methods (data derived from Glencross et al. 2004e)

Fish meal Narrow-leaf lupin LPC LPI Soybean meal SPC EHC Pooled SEM

Organic matter 93.1a a
44.6c a
70.7b a
87.6a a
61.0b a
67.2b a
89.1a 2.95
Phosphorus 35.1de a
346.0a a
138.5bc a
120.9cd a
27.7e a
76.3d a
92.3cd 14.15
Energy 99.0a a
53.1c a
84.2ab a
91.3ab a
72.1bc a
87.3ab a
91.5ab 2.94
Nitrogen/protein 87.5b a
85.3b a
98.4a a
95.1ab a
92.1b a
97.9a a
92.2b 1.21
Organic matter 94.5ab b
64.8c a
76.7c a
94.8a b
77.3c b
82.0c a
98.5a 1.62
Phosphorus 36.2d b
272.2a b
87.2c b
71.7c a
56.7cd a
58.9cd a
85.4c 10.73
Energy 96.4ab b
70.5e a
86.6cd a
93.8ab a
83.3d a
85.6d a
98.8a 1.27
Nitrogen/protein 89.3d b
97.2c a
101.0b a
98.6bc a
99.0bc b
106.9a a
96.0c 0.67

Different presuperscripts within columns indicate significant differences between mean values of collection method, but within nutrients
and ingredients (P < 0.05). Different postsuperscripts within rows indicate significant differences between mean values of ingredients, but within
collection method and nutrients (P < 0.05).

tions used can affect digestibility and need to be managed 1999a; Burel et al. 2000). The length of this period varies
accordingly. Key considerations include environmental con- among researchers, although the data from Wybourne &
ditions, fish size and feeding ration structure. Carter (1999) suggest that, as there was sufficient reduction
Environmental conditions, notably water temperature, in variability of digestibility assessments of most diets after
seem to have minor effects on digestibility; Windell et al. 4 days, that collection should be commenced from day 5.
(1978) noted little influence of water temperature (7, 11 and For an additional degree of conservatism, most researchers
15 C) on dry matter, protein, lipid, carbohydrate or energy use a minimum of 7 days acclimation (Allan et al. 1999b;
digestibility of a diet fed to rainbow trout of three size classes Sorenson et al. 2002).
(19, 207 and 585 g), except for the lowest temperature and
the smallest fish. Conversely, substantial differences were
Calculating diet and ingredient digestibilities
noted in the digestibility of starch of varying levels of gela-
tinization between rainbow trout (Oncorhynchys mykiss) held The calculation of diet and subsequently ingredient digesti-
at either 8 C or 18 C (Kaushik 2001) and Kim et al. (1998) bilities are largely derived from methods developed from ter-
reported temperature effects on lipid and energy digestibility restrial animal nutrition science (Maynard & Loosli 1969). The
for common carp (Cyprinus carpio) at 18 and 25 C. Ideally, use of digestibility assessments for aquaculture was first
conducting experiments in thermal regimes that are optimal adapted by Cho & Slinger (1979). These researchers developed
for each species is the most desired regime, as it will maximize much of the original methodology for faecal collection based
feed intake and also faecal/digesta sample collection. on the ÔGuelph-styleÕ faecal settlement tank system and
Feed allocation or ration size has been shown to influence adopted the calculation methods being used by the terrestrial
digestibility assessment, but only at the highest feeding rates nutrition sectors. The calculation allows the determination of
(Windell et al. 1978). In that study, rainbow trout were fed the apparent digestibility, based on the ratio of marker in the
varying rations of 0.4%, 0.8% and 1.6% of live weight per diet and faeces. The apparent digestibility coefficient (ADCdiet)
day, with fish fed the highest feed ration, yielding signifi- of each specific nutritional variable is based on Equation 1
cantly lower digestibility values for dry matter, carbohydrate
and energy, but not for protein or lipid. It could be argued Markerdiet  Nutrientfaeces
ADCdiet ¼ 1  ð1Þ
that restricted pair-feeding is the most suitable approach for Markerfaeces  Nutrientdiet
standardizing digestibility experiments because of this, but
practicality and the need for application of the data to In this equation, the terms Markerdiet and Markerfaeces rep-
commercial conditions mean that feeding to apparent satiety resent the marker content of the diet and faeces, respectively,
is a more useful strategy. and Nutrientdiet and Nutrientfaeces represent the nutritional
Substantial variability has been noted in the digestibili- parameter of concern (e.g. protein or energy) in the diet and
ties of diets during the period when fish are first fed a new faeces, respectively. With this formula, values would typically
diet (Wybourne & Carter 1999). Because of this, a period range from 0 to 1. To achieve a percent apparent digestibility,
of acclimation to diets prior to collection has been sug- the equation should be multiplied by 100. To calculate the
gested and adopted by most researchers (Allan et al. digestibility of the test ingredient, Cho & Slinger (1979) used


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24 B. D. Glencross et al.

30% : 70% and the reference diet contains 50% protein, then
½ADNtest  ðADNbasal  70%Þ
Nutr:ADingredient ¼ ð2Þ the added test ingredient actually contributes 270 g kg)1 of
protein to the total protein of the diet (>40% of total dietary
In Equation 2, the Nutr.ADingredient is the digestibility of a protein) and the reference diet contributes 350 g kg)1 of
given nutrient (or energy) from the test ingredient included in protein to the test diet. This is substantially more than
the test diet at 30%. ADNtest is the apparent digestibility of the 30% indicated by the direct proportion of ingredient
the nutrient of interest in the test diet. ADNbasal is the substituted.
apparent digestibility of the same nutrient from the basal
diet, which makes up 70% of the test diet. A progression of
Assumptions inherent in use of digestibility data
this equation was reported by Sugiura et al. (1998) who used
There are several key assumptions in the digestibility
assessment process.
½ADtest  Nutrtest  ðADbasal  Nutrbasal  70%Þ ð3Þ
¼ The first key assumption is that digestible coefficients are
ð30%  NutrIngredient Þ
additive, which is, if you sum the proportional digestibility
In Equation 3, the Nutr.ADingredient is the digestibility of a values for each ingredient in a diet, then it will equal the
given nutrient from the test ingredient included in the test measured digestibility of the diet. This assumes that there are
diet at 30%. ADtest is the apparent digestibility of the test no interactions among ingredients that differentially affect
diet. ADbasal is the apparent digestibility of the basal diet, digestibility, and that changing the inclusion content of a
which makes up 70% of the test diet. Nutringredient, Nutrtest particular ingredient does not change its digestibility either.
and Nutrbasal are the levels of the nutrient of interest in the Neither of these assumptions holds true all the time. Several
ingredient, test diet and basal diet, respectively (Sugiura et al. studies using a range of practical ingredients have been used
1998). A similar equation (Equation 4), also based on the to validate the assumption of additivity [Cho et al. (1982)
nutrient contribution of the test ingredient to the digestibility with rainbow trout, Watanabe et al. (1996) with carp, rain-
assessment, was proposed by Forster (1999). bow trout, tilapia and ayu, Wilson & Poe (1985) with channel

ð70%  Nutrbasal þ Nutringredient  30%Þ  ADtest  ð70%  Nutrbasal  ADbasal Þ
Nutringredient  30%

In Equation 4, Nutr.ADingredient is the digestibility of a given catfish and Allan et al. (1999a,b) with silver perch]. However,
nutrient from the test ingredient included in the test diet at it has been shown conclusively that digestibility of some
30%. ADtest is the apparent digestibility of the test diet. ingredients, particularly ingredients dominated with carbo-
ADbasal is the apparent digestibility of the basal diet, which hydrate sources, varies considerably with inclusive content
makes up 70% of the test diet. Nutringredient, Nutrtest and (Stone et al. 2003). It is recommended, therefore, that
Nutrbasal are the levels of the nutrient of interest in the digestibility of carbohydrate sources is assured at several
ingredient, test diet and basal diet, respectively (Forster inclusion levels to improve the robustness of the assessment
1999). Essentially, this equation is the same as that of Sugiura of digestibility of such ingredients.
et al. (1998). More recently, prudent amendments have been A second key assumption is that the marker used to cal-
suggested by Bureau (2006) to ensure that any differences in culate apparent digestibility is inert, that is it passes through
dry matter content of the reference diets and test ingredient the digestible tract without influencing digestion at approxi-
are accounted for. mately the same rate as digesta. Chromic oxide, perhaps the
Of the last three equations, the latter two are the more most commonly used marker, has been claimed to affect
appropriate ones for determining ingredient digestibilities, carbohydrate digestibility (Shiau & Liang 1995) but effects
because they account for relative contribution from test are relatively minor and probably do not reduce the value of
ingredient and reference diet to energy or nutrient digesti- digestibility results calculated with that marker (Ng & Wilson
bility being estimated. For example, if an ingredient with 1997) and did not affect carbohydrate digestibility with gilt-
90% protein is added to a reference diet at a ratio of head sea bream (Fernandez et al. 1999).


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Feed ingredient evaluation strategies for aquaculture feeds 25

A third assumption is that digestibility coefficients will fall amounts of feed eaten. It is this context that we refer to
between 0% and 100%. Sometimes this is not the case. palatability of a feed and by inference an ingredient. This
Possible causes are analytical errors for markers or nutrients, is important because, irrespective of how digestible the
poor mixing of the marker in the diet or Ônon-representativeÕ nutrients and energy from a particular ingredient are, if the
samples of diet or faeces or, as mentioned earlier, interaction ingredient reduces feed intake it is of limited use in a feed
between ingredients. Even when all possible sources of error formulation.
are checked and minimized, digestibility coefficients above While there may be strategies to avert or resolve palata-
100 or below 0 do occur (Table 4). We recommend that these bility issues of feed ingredients using ingredient processing
values be reported but rounded to 0 or 100 when used to or feeding stimulants, clearly it is the best if these can be
formulate diets on digestible energy or nutrient basis. avoided. For research to be clearly categorized as nutritional
A fourth assumption is that faeces collected will be Ôrep- research, it primarily has to be based on the ingestion of
resentativeÕ of those excreted over time. Allan et al. (1999a,b) nutrients by an organism; therefore one of the key assessment
showed that digestibility coefficients varied when taken from criteria of good nutritional research should be some
faeces collected at different periods after the last meal. To demonstration of the level of food intake by the target
obtain a representative sample, faeces must either be collec- organism. Such an assessment then allows some manner of
ted over a sufficiently long period after feeding ceases. For measurement of a response relative to that feed intake.
stripping (or dissection) faeces (digested) need to either be However, assessing palatability, particularly for aquatic
obtained from different animals at different periods after animals, is not necessarily straightforward. This topic is a
feeding ceases or animals should be fed continuously and large issue in its own right and therefore will only be sum-
digesta sampled at a single time. marily examined here. For further details, examination of the
Use of a standard reference ingredient in each digestibility reviews and texts by Jobling et al. (1995, 2001) and Ruoho-
experiment provides a useful way to standardize and assist in nen et al. (2001) are suggested.
the assessment of the temporal and intralaboratory variance. For an animal to demonstrate a feed intake response, it
Ingredients such as vitamin-free casein, enzymatically must be given the opportunity to refuse feed, therefore
hydrolysed casein and wheat gluten have been used for this feeding beyond apparent satiety is an imperative. Regardless
purpose (Morales et al. 1994; Glencross & Hawkins 2004; of whether an ingredient affects attractiveness in palatability,
Glencross et al. 2005) to help standardize digestibility its effect on feed intake must be assured independently of
assessments over time. effects on utilization of energy and nutrients. Feed preference
studies are one way of assessing effects on intake. The use of
self-feeding through computer-managed feedback response
Ingredient palatability assessment
mechanisms is another option that has been frequently used
Formally, palatability is defined as acceptable to the taste or to allow discrimination of feeds by fish and certainly assists
sufficiently agreeable in flavour to be eaten. While it may be in removing human error from the feed intake assessment
difficult to ascertain whether or not a fish ÔlikesÕ some flavour process (Juell 1991; Boujard & Le Gouvello 1997; Burel et al.
or not, it is certainly possible to determine differences in the 1997).

Table 4 Typical representation of ingredient digestibilities and digestible nutrient levels. Note that those digestibility values of over 100% have
been rationalized to absolute (100%) digestibility for calculation of digestible nutrient levels in each ingredient. (Data derived from Glencross
et al. 2004d)

Nutrient Fishmeal Narrow-leaf lupin APC API Soybean meal SPC EHC

Organic matter 93.1 44.6 70.7 87.6 61.0 67.2 89.1
Phosphorus 35.1 346.0 138.5 120.9 27.7 76.3 92.3
Energy 99.0 53.1 84.2 91.3 72.1 87.3 91.5
Nitrogen/Protein 87.5 85.3 98.4 95.1 92.1 97.9 92.2
Digestible nutrient
Organic matter 799 431 685 850 568 619 828
Phosphorus 8 4 5 5 2 7 8
Energy 21.1 10.8 18.7 20.6 14.1 17.7 19.4
Protein 673 354 679 770 477 578 774

APC, lupin protein concentrate; API, lupin protein isolate; SPC, soybean protein concentrate; EHC, enzymatically hydrolysed casein.


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26 B. D. Glencross et al.

One of the key aspects to examine is variability in feed availability are often lost in the ÔnoiseÕ of experimental vari-
intake over time. Adaptation to diets has been noted with ance, if appropriate controls are not employed.
some species (Wybourne & Carter 1999). To enable such
examination in variability, an assessment of daily feed intake
Measuring growth
of individual replicates is advantageous.
Ingredient inclusion trials are probably the simplest way to The initial weight and size variability of the animals used in
examine effects on feed intake. An ingredient can be included the study has an important bearing on the capacity of a study
in a reference diet to create a test diet and then the reference to determine significant effects. Studies should be conducted
and test diets are fed to apparent satiety to replicate groups on animals of an appropriate size for the intended applica-
of fish for each diet. Significant differences in feed intake tion technology. For instance, there is limited value in con-
between the reference and test diets reflect the apparent ducting alternative ingredient utilization evaluation on larval
palatability because of the test ingredient. The issue of how or juvenile fish with the intention of the data for grow-out
much ingredient to include in the test diets is somewhat production implications (Windell et al. 1978).
subjective. Ideally, a range of test ingredient inclusion levels With most nutrient utilization studies, the response vari-
that cover what would be the practical inclusion levels should able is growth. Accordingly, this is often simply defined as
be used, as this also allows examination of critical palata- the difference between initial and final live weights. More
bility levels or break points (Shearer 2000). Unfortunately, specifically, this should be defined as live-weight gain. As
one of the often-identified limitations with such experimental such the live-weight gain of the animals from each replicate
designs is both the sensitivity and capacity for the experi- should be determined, using the same equipment as that used
ments to actually detect significant differences. This high- to determine their initial weights, and averaged with data
lights the need for stringent experimental design, sufficient from other replicates to form a treatment final weight
experimental power and the appropriate use of control assessment. Live-weight gain is also often reported as per-
treatments (Ruohonen et al. 2001). centage gain, which is usually expressed as a percentage
The additional use of positive control treatments, such as of the final weight divided by the initial weight. For
those with palatability inhibitors like sulfamerazine sodium such measures as this, it is imperative that replicate specific
(Boujard & Le Gouvello 1997), provides an added degree of initial weights are used in any statistical analysis such as a
confidence to experiments examining intake effects. Notably, covariance.
many experiments designed to examine serial inclusion effects Technically, for a measure to be a rate it has to be time
of a particular ingredient end up with no significant effects. specific. The three most routinely used growth rate assess-
While this can be used to argue that the ingredient is palat- ments are daily gain (DG), daily growth coefficient (DGC)
able to the test animal up to the inclusion level used, it is and specific growth rate (SGR). DG is perhaps the simplest
often difficult to determine the degree of confidence in such of the three rates and is merely the live-weight gain over time
results without positive controls designed to demonstrate a and is often given in units of g day)1. It is also perhaps the
specific effect, such as a decrease in feed palatability. most practical of all growth rate assessments in that it pro-
vides information in a more tangible assessment. DGC in
contrast is calculated based on a percentage of the one-third
Nutrient utilization value or interference
root transformation of the final (Wf) and initial (Wi) live
Once the variables of digestibility and palatability of an weights over time (t) (Equation 5) (Kaushik 1998):
ingredient have been defined, the remaining key issue to
1=3 1=3
resolve is based on the capacity of the animal to utilize the DGC ¼ ½ðWf  Wi Þ=t  100 ð5Þ
digested nutrients for growth. There can be many aspects to The SGR is calculated based on the percentage of the natural
this issue depending on the nature of the ingredient. For logarithm transformation of the final (Wf) and initial (Wi)
example, problems associated with metabolic modifiers, such live weights over time (t) (Equation 6) (Kaushik 1998):
as glucosinolates, are one such issue that will often not be
SGR ¼ ½ðln Wf  ln Wi Þ=t  100 ð6Þ
identified through digestibility or palatability studies per se
and are more suited to a study that defines the specific nature
of the problem through controlling for digestibility- and A further growth rate parameter gaining use is the thermal
palatability-related variability. In addition, subtle effects of growth coefficient (TGC), which is derived from the DGC,
differences in things such as amino acid composition and but the time component is expanded to be considered on a


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Feed ingredient evaluation strategies for aquaculture feeds 27

temperature basis. In this regard, the time component of the FCE ¼ ðweightgainÞ=ðfeedconsumedÞ ð8Þ
TGC is multiplied by the average temperature (C) over the
period of the study (t) (Cho & Bureau 1998) (Equation 7):
1=3 1=3 FCR ¼ ðfeedconsumedÞ=ðweightgainÞ ð9Þ
TGC ¼ ½ðWf  Wi Þ=ðt  CÞ  100 ð7Þ

Nutrient retention
The point of using a growth rate descriptor is essentially to
try and standardize the assessment and allow for some The efficiency by which nutrients and energy are retained
comparability of performance across experiments. To from feeds provides a useful assessment of the efficiency of
achieve this, such a rate should ideally be independent of size. nutrient utilization from diets (Cho & Kaushik 1990; Booth
Kaushik (1998) reviewed the applicability of both DGC and & Allan 2003; Glencross et al. 2004b). To determine this,
SGR for growth assessment of a variety of non-salmonid assessment of the nutrient and energy composition of both
species and noted that SGR did not provide a very good the feed and the fish is required on as fed and live-weight
transformation of growth rates when compared with that basis, respectively. However, such data can be strongly
achieved using DGC. It was noted that an inverse logarith- influenced by animal size, with smaller animals typically
mic relationship was apparent with the SGR transformation, being far more efficient at retaining both nutrients and energy
but that DGC provided a more uniform rate across the entire than larger fish of the same species (Lupatsch et al. 2002).
fish live-weight range studied. In this regard, if such a growth Apparent biological value (ABV) is another parameter
rate descriptor is required, then DGC is perhaps more often quoted and is largely a derivation of nutrient and
appropriate than SGR, but if the initial weights of the ani- energy retention values (Morales et al. 1994). Typically, ABV
mals are provided, then gain per day is perhaps just as, if not is the retention percentage but on a digestible nutrient basis.
more practical. In this regard, it provides some assessment of the proportion
of the nutrients or energy absorbed from the diet that is
actually used for somatic growth. Clearly, for this parameter
to be estimated, an assessment of the diet nutrient and energy
Stock losses sustained during an experiment are usually digestibilities is required.
presented as a percentage survival. This is determined based
on the percentage basis of the number of individuals survi-
Additional response variables
ving at the end of a study relative to the number included in
the study at the beginning. Unless the percentage is divided The range of response variables that can be examined is quite
by the time of the experiment, survival should not be substantial and increasing. Clearly, there are some variables
reported as a rate. that are critical for an objective assessment of the perform-
ance of fish fed specific diets. However, there are additional
variables that can provide useful additional information and
Feed intake and conversion efficiency
are worth considering in the appropriate circumstances,
For an assessment to be made on the nutrient utilization of a depending on the specific objectives of the study.
diet, and by reference an ingredient, there is a clear need to Biochemical alternatives, such as changes in blood glucose
measure feed intake. Feed intake by fish is often reported as levels or thyroid hormone levels (triiodothyronine and thy-
both an amount (g fish)1) and rate (g fish)1 day)1). How- roxine), or enzyme activities have also been used to provide
ever, accurate assessment of feed intake by fish is one of the an indication of disturbance by ANF to the metabolic
more difficult aspects of aquaculture nutrition research to function and nutrient utilization by fish (Burel et al. 2001).
achieve. Biochemical factors such as homeostasis hormones (e.g.
The efficiency of food use by fish is usually reported as thyroxine and triiodothyronine) have the potential to be
either feed conversion efficiency (FCE: Equation 8) or feed sensitive indicators of disruption to metabolic function and
conversion ratio (FCR: Equation 9). These assessments are nutrient utilization by fish. Other hormone assays used more
usually made on a dry weight of food and live weight of fish recently include insulin-like growth factor 1 (Dyer et al.
basis. Because these variables rely on both live-weight gain 2004). More recently, the examination of protein expression
and feed intake assessment, they assume the errors of both using two-dimensional electrophoresis has allowed the
assessments. assessment of the influences of specific diet types on hepatic


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28 B. D. Glencross et al.

metabolism (Vilhelmsson et al. 2004). Studies such as these usually for fishmeal, on a basis to maintain equivalent pro-
are significantly advancing the understanding of specific tein and energy levels. Advancements in this research strategy
ingredient effects on functional metabolism. involve the substitutions being made on an equivalent
Effects of dietary treatments on whole somatic or organ- digestible level. Such trials can be useful where experimental
specific composition are another means of assessment of treatment options are limited, and the test ingredient com-
potential ingredient effects (Ruyter et al. 2000; Booth & prises a substantial amount of the diet (e.g. 30%). While such
Allan 2003). Notably, whole somatic composition analysis is studies provide a limited assessment of the utilization of the
required for the examination of nutrient/energy utilization ingredient, the use of only a single inclusion level provides a
efficiency and/or ABV assessments. relatively risky assessment with little capacity for extrapola-
Organoleptic properties, while not a common assessment, tion of effects.
have been used to evaluate the potential impact of novel An advancement on the limited-inclusion trial is the serial-
ingredients on product quality aspects. Such assessments inclusion trial, where multiple (three or more) levels of the
have been more prevalent in studies on fish oil replacement ingredient are evaluated (Burel et al. 1998; Farhangi &
than for fishmeal replacement, but some reports on influences Carter 2001; Glencross et al. 2004c; Table 5). Typically, such
of products such as rendered meat meals do exist trials have used a series of inclusion levels such as 0%, 10%,
(Thomassen & Rosjo 1989; Williams et al. 2003a,b). 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% inclusion of the test ingredient
An evaluation of immune responses and parameters into a reference diet (0%). In these studies, two key diet
associated with an immune challenge have also been effect- mixes, usually the reference (0%) and the highest inclusion
ively used in recent times (Hardy 1999; Krogdhal et al. 2000; level are made in sufficiently large quantities to allow the
Montero et al. 2003). creation of the other treatment diets by blending at the
appropriate ratios. This strategy reduces diet preparation
risk. This style of utilization trial provides substantially more
Strategies for evaluating the inclusion of ingredients
information than the single-inclusion level trials. However,
Limited-inclusion trials are perhaps the most typical ingre- the practicality of the upper level of test ingredient inclusion
dient evaluation trials used (Hughes 1988; Refstie et al. 1998; has varied substantially with some attempts made at single
Carter & Hauler 2000; Table 5). In these studies, the test ingredient inclusion levels as high as 70% of the diet. How-
ingredient is substituted at either one or two levels only, ever, inclusion levels of new ingredients in commercial diets

Table 5 Experimental trial types used to study nutrient utilization and ingredient use limitations

Trial type Diet design specifics Ingredient inclusion Feeding strategy Examples

Limited inclusion All diets formulated to same One or two levels of Apparent satiety or Hughes (1988),
relevant practical protein and inclusion fixed ration Refstie et al. (1998),
energy levels (usually on a Carter & Hauler (2000)
digestible basis) for use with
respective aquaculture species
Serial inclusion All diets formulated to relevant Included in a series Apparent satiety or Robaina et al.
practical protein and energy levels of test diets at fixed ration (1995), Burel et al.
(usually on a digestible basis) for varying inclusion (1998), Farhangi &
use with respective aquaculture levels Carter (2001)
Summit dilution Reference diet formulated to Included in a series Apparent satiety or Williams et al.
relevant practical protein and of test diets at fixed ration (2003a,b), Booth &
energy levels for use with varying inclusion Allan (2003)
respective aquaculture species, levels
but protein and energy
specifications not maintained
with progressive inclusion of test
Limiting constraint All diets formulated to equivalent Included in a series Restrictively pair-fed Glencross et al.
digestible protein and energy of test diets at (2003d, 2004b)
levels, but with protein provided varying inclusion
at a reduced proportion of levels
estimated requirements


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Feed ingredient evaluation strategies for aquaculture feeds 29

are unlikely to ever be greater than 25% of the diet, therefore cannot simply increase intake to account for reductions in
increasing the number of inclusion levels over a practical energy or nutrients (Booth & Allan 2003). The limitation
range, rather than going to extreme inclusion levels adds with the SDT is that without balancing the diets to an
greater value to a study. Therefore, we propose upper equivalent digestible nutrient and energy levels, interpreta-
inclusion levels closer to 40–50% of the diet, will better focus tion of the response effects exhibited may be confounded by
on ingredient inclusion levels more likely to be used com- nutrient and energy intake limitations.
A similar strategy was used by Higgs et al. (1983) to
Factors likely to affect nutrient and energy
evaluate the nutritional value of different types of canola
utilization of ingredients
meals. However, they also adopted the use of a series of
isoenergetic diets of various protein levels, with one diet Antinutritional factors have the capacity to have significant
specifically designed to be protein limited as a means of deleterious effects on nutrient utilization by fish. Notably,
exacerbating nutrient utilization effects of fish fed the diets. substantial effects of a range of ANF have already been
In this study, the diets were fed to apparent satiety, and some noted on fish using a wide range of experimental techniques
of the capacity of the study to detect limitations to nutrient (Krogdhal et al. 1994; Bureau et al. 1998; Refstie et al. 1998;
utilization was lost through variability in feed intake in the Burel et al. 2001; Francis et al. 2001; Glencross et al. 2003a,
protein-limited diets, although significant effects of canola 2006). In defining the effects of ANF on fish, a variety of
meal inclusion were noted in the higher protein diets, but not experimental strategies have been adopted.
the protein-limited diets. Limiting-constraint trials are another way of defining the
To avert the potentially confounding issue of unregulated potential impacts of ANF on nutrient utilization by fish. By
feed intake of nutrient-limited diets, the use of limiting- limiting the capacity of the fish to self-regulate protein and
constraint trials was advocated by Glencross et al. (2003d); energy intake, any influences of the ANF on nutrient util-
Table 5) as a means of distinguishing the difference in ization are manifested as growth effect differences.
nutritional value between two closely related varieties of Assessment of tissue histology is one additional parameter
lupin kernel meal. In this study, earlier experiments using that has been useful in examining some of the more long-
commercially analogous diets and apparent satiety feeding term and chronic effects of ingredient and ANF inclusion in
strategies demonstrated no significant difference between the fish diets (Robaina et al. 1995; Krogdhal et al. 2000; Store-
two lupin varieties, but subsequent re-evaluation based on bakken et al. 2000). Some specific parameters such as ente-
diets formulated to equivalent digestible energy levels and ritic problems of the distal intestine, associated with use of
reduced protein levels, with a pair-feeding regime used to soybean meals are a particular case in example (Krogdhal
minimize dietary intake differences, allowed clear significant et al. 2000, 2003).
differentiation in nutritional value between the two lupin
Ingredient functionality
Summit-dilution trials (SDT) are another ingredient
nutrient utilization assessment trial, which use a serial dilu- Ingredient functionality is another facet of ingredient eva-
tion principle with increasing amounts of a reference diet luation that is increasing in importance. Functionality of feed
being replaced by a test ingredient (Booth & Allan 2003; ingredients relates to their effects on the physical properties
Table 5). In these trials, the ingredient is substituted for of the processed feed (Thomas & van der Poel 2001). For
whole diet, similar in principle to the DRM used for digest- example, during extrusion processing, starch increases the
ibility diets, without balancing of nutrients or energy. An porosity of the pellet through expansion of the starch struc-
important additional component of the SDT is the use of a ture during the starch gelatinization and expansion processes.
series of controls, where the ingredient inclusion levels are However, there are numerous other physical attributes of
matched with treatments where a similar amount of non- aquaculture feeds, which can be influenced by ingredient
nutritional value filler (e.g. cellulose or diatomaceous earth) choice. Similarly, there are also several methods that can be
is incorporated into diets. These controls provide a reference used to assess these attributes.
to each respective test ingredient treatment by demonstrating Clearly, the attributes sought are those where pellets
the relative nutrient utilization achieved from that incor- produced from the formulation result in a product with
poration of the ingredient. Feeding of fish in such an properties that provide advantages for feeding aquatic spe-
experiment is performed on a restricted basis, so animals cies. These properties include aspects such as sink rates, pellet


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30 B. D. Glencross et al.

durability, degree of starch gelatinization and oil absorption lation from variable batches of raw ingredients. Although
capacity. NIRS has gained almost routine use in many feed companies
Experimental extrusion processing is clearly one of the for the evaluation of crude protein, moisture and fat com-
better ways to evaluate ingredient functionality, as the results position of ingredients and products the technology is now
will have direct implications for a final product. In these also beginning to be used for the assessment of digestible
studies, a hypothetical formulation including a test ingredient nutrients and energy from ingredients (Aufrere et al. 1996).
is run through an extruder and the properties of the pellets Presently, the widespread adoption of the use of NIRS for
produced are compared with either a reference formulation such digestible nutrient and energy assessments is limited by
or a series of target specifications. the availability of robust digestibility data, on enough sam-
Analysis of ingredient or formulation viscosity is a rela- ples of specific ingredients, to develop competent calibration
tively new technique that has been used as a basis for curves.
examining the potential functionality of ingredients and their The use of exogenous enzymes has been partly explored in
possible attributes under feed extrusion conditions (Interna- aquaculture nutrition for sometime, but has been largely
tional Association for Cereal Science and Technology (ICC). limited to the evaluation of phytase enzyme preparations
1995). Assessment of this has largely made use of rapid applied to some plant protein meals to improve phosphorus
viscosity analysis (RVATM, Newport Scientific, Sydney, utilization and other minor effects (Mwachireya et al. 1999;
Australia) equipment, and is based on an examination of the Forster et al. 2000). However, substantial scope exists for the
gelling/pasting characteristics of an ingredient/formulation at use of other enzymes, many of which are being used by the
varying temperatures, the peak viscosity and relative deteri- terrestrial animal feed sectors (Cowan et al. 1996; Castañón
oration of that viscosity with time and temperature. From an et al. 1997). The potential of some of these enzymes, such as
ingredient evaluation perspective, the technique lends itself to amylase, a-galactosidase, b-glucanase and xylanase, has been
a relatively rapid throughput, provided some relation is made explored (Glencross et al. 2003a; Stone et al. 2003). While
between the RVA observations and those achieved under these enzymes certainly improve nutrient (mostly carbohy-
extrusion conditions. drate) absorption across the gut, the effective utilization of
these absorbed nutrients is yet to be fully studied. Other
enzymes such as pectinases, hemicellulases, cellulases and
Emerging technologies and issues for
their potential mode of application are yet to be examined.
ingredient evaluation
To realize this scope, significantly different strategies to those
Improving our basis for the assessment of ingredient nutrient/ used with terrestrial animal feeds will be required to allow
energy digestibility and availability is perhaps one of the key application of the enzymes with extrusion-produced fish
issues in maximizing opportunities for optimal use of feed feeds. Opportunities such as thermostable enzyme prepara-
ingredients for the aquaculture feed sector. While there have tions and preprocessing of ingredients have been recognized
been substantial advances in this area in recent years, there is (Bedford 2000).
a clear need to improve our understanding of the processes of There is some information on the mode of action of bio-
interactions among ingredients, nutrients and processing and logically active compounds on fish (beneficial and negative).
how these influence digestibility. As the adoption of alterna- Some of the more notable biologically active compounds, or
tives to fishmeal increases, there will probably be increasingly ANF, such as glucosinolates, oligosaccharides, saponins,
complex interactions among feed ingredients. The nature of gossypol and trypsin-inhibitors have been studied to an
such ingredient interactions may also have important impli- extent (reviewed in Francis et al. 2001). However, most
cations for the study of ingredient functionality. studies examined a specific ANF and focus on whether they
While there have been several in vitro assays developed for exert an effect on the animal, but not the specific mode of
ingredient digestibility evaluation, there is yet to be a suc- action by which the compound affects the animal.
cessful assay validated against in vivo digestibilities, which There is also limited information on the efficiencies of
has gained widespread acceptance (Carter et al. 1999). Fur- amino acid and energy utilization and how these differ
ther progress in this area could provide a much-valued test between ingredients. While the determination of the digest-
for the assessment of ingredient quality. ible value of ingredients is the first basis for improving our
The use of rapid analysis techniques for ingredient com- understanding of the nutritional utilization of feeds and
position, such as near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), has ingredients, this could be further improved by refining the
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Feed ingredient evaluation strategies for aquaculture feeds 31

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