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“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training.

It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty

and strength of which his body is capable.”- Socrates

Published November 25, 2021 by Barbell Medicine

Written by:
Jordan Feigenbaum, MD, MS
Austin Baraki, MD

Table of Contents
Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 5
Getting Started .................................................................................................................. 6
How-To Access the Template ................................................................................................. 6
Selecting Exercises for the Template ..................................................................................... 6
Completing Workouts .............................................................................................................. 7
Warm-Up .................................................................................................................................... 8
Our recommended warm-up ........................................................................................................... 9
Weight Selection ..................................................................................................................... 10
Special Elements of the Low Fatigue Strength Template .................................................. 13
Logging Training...................................................................................................................... 14
What’s Next? ............................................................................................................................ 16
Designing the Low Fatigue Strength Template........................................................... 17
Program Overview.................................................................................................................. 17
Programming Theory for Strength Development ................................................................ 18
What is Strength? .............................................................................................................................. 18
The Fitness-Fatigue Model ................................................................................................................ 19
Programming Variables ................................................................................................................... 23
Exercise Selection or Mode ............................................................................................................. 23
Intensity .............................................................................................................................................. 30
Volume ............................................................................................................................................... 35
Frequency .......................................................................................................................................... 38
Progression .............................................................................................................................. 40
How-To Measure Strength Progress ................................................................................................ 41
How-To Progress ................................................................................................................................ 44
The Progressive Loading Principle ................................................................................................... 46
Troubleshooting Programming ........................................................................................................ 50

Nutrition and Supplementation .................................................................................... 54

Weight Management ............................................................................................................. 54
Macronutrients ........................................................................................................................ 58
Protein ................................................................................................................................................ 58
Carbohydrates .................................................................................................................................. 60
Fat ....................................................................................................................................................... 62
Building a Diet ......................................................................................................................... 65
Supplements ............................................................................................................................ 66
General Physical Preparedness, or “GPP” Explained ............................................... 69
Tabs Explained................................................................................................................ 73
Exercise Selection .................................................................................................................. 73
Nutrition Log............................................................................................................................. 73

Calculator ................................................................................................................................ 73
Analysis .................................................................................................................................... 73
Overview.................................................................................................................................. 74
Weekly Tabs ............................................................................................................................ 74
Frequently Asked Questions ......................................................................................... 75
Exercise Demos .............................................................................................................. 78
Press Exercises ........................................................................................................................ 78
Deadlift Exercises.................................................................................................................... 78
Squat Exercises ....................................................................................................................... 79
Resources and Contact................................................................................................. 80

Welcome to the Barbell Medicine Low-Fatigue Template eBook. At Barbell
Medicine, our mission is to promote improvements in health, performance,
and quality of life by bringing the best of modern medicine together with
strength, conditioning, and nutrition.

This eBook serves as an explanatory guide for the accompanying templates,

while also providing additional information on programming theory to support
strength increases.

We thank you for your business and hope that you find the recommendations,
explanations, and other materials useful. Before you head off to the gym,
please read the Getting Started section below. Thanks again and happy

Getting Started

How-To Access the Template

Locate the template within the zip file you downloaded. All templates are
designed to be used in Microsoft Excel. They will also work using Google Sheets
on Android and Apple products.

a. Online version of Microsoft Excel

b. Desktop version of Microsoft Excel
c. Google Sheets

Open the template and head to the first tab, which is located all the way to the
bottom left of the screen. In the red cell, F5, enter Sunday’s date of the week
you’re going to start the template.

We recommend using the Google Sheets app to view the program on your
mobile device, but you can write the program down on paper if you prefer. Our
app is currently in the final stages of approval and will make it easier to use our

Selecting Exercises for the Template

The Low Fatigue Strength Template allows the individual to select the types of
lifts they want to perform. Here’s how:

1. Select the tab at the bottom of the screen titled “Exercise Selection”
2. Click the small gray arrow in a box pointing downwards to display options
for that exercise slot.
3. Select the exercise variation you’d prefer.
4. Pick variations for all the available cells.

Exercise selection is defined as the movements and their specific features such
as range of motion, tempo, and style. The Low Fatigue Strength Template comes
pre-programmed with our recommended programming and exercise selection.
We suggest users run the “default” program first or only change exercise
variations they don’t have the equipment for or cannot perform.

When it comes to picking exercises for a program, there are three main

1. Goals: The individual’s goals for the training program. For example, 1-
repetition max strength in the Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift (the so-

called “Big Three”), versus maximizing muscular size or aerobic
2. Individual Preferences: The individual’s favored exercises.
3. Trainability: The individual’s ability to tolerate repeated training of the
exercise, and meeting its basic points of performance. For example,
achieving a particular range of motion, velocity, and contraction of a
muscle or muscle group.

An important concept in exercise selection is known as the “Specificity of

Adaptation to Imposed Demand (SAID) Principle”. This principle holds that the
main adaptations gained from exercise are specific to the tasks performed in
training. In other words, if you train the squat, you will gain the most specific
adaptations in squatting, whereas squatting will generate less adaptation
towards leg press performance, and effectively no adaptation towards a
completely unrelated task. There are several exercise characteristics that affect
the specificity of a movement towards a particular goal, including how similar
the exercise’s range of motion, intensity, joint angles, movement velocity,
contraction type, energy systems, and other features are to the goal task.

For much more on concepts in exercise selection, see the Exercise Selection
section below.

Completing Workouts

You’re ready to go to the gym and start your workout. To view your training for a
given training session you may use either the tabs labeled “Overview” or Week
1, 2, 3, depending on where you are in the program. The Overview tab allows
the template user to view the entire training program week-by-week, whereas
the Week tabs are specific for each training week.

Any additional weekly exercises (e.g. arm/trunk training, conditioning) are

classified as “General Physical Preparedness” (GPP) training. They are listed
under each week’s GPP programming. In the Overview tab, GPP is listed on the
far-right column. In the Week tabs, GPP is listed at the bottom of the page.

Click on the “Overview” tab and scroll up to the correct week. If you’re doing
your very first workout of the template, this will be Week 1, Day 1 and looks
something like this (note that these sample screenshots may differ from your
particular template):

Alternatively, you can click on the tab, “Week 1”, and view the workout
information for a single week in isolation, as shown below:

Repeat the same process for each training day. Additional information on
logging, weight selection, and progression are detailed in the following sections.
Use Table of Contents above for easy navigation in this document.


The goal of a warm-up is to prepare you for the upcoming physical task. It
involves both general and task-specific components.

A general warm-up is any activity that is not specific to what you will be doing
for your workout. For example, doing 5 minutes of easy cardio prior to starting
your squats is a general warm-up. At Barbell Medicine, we do not insist on any
particular general warm-up, as long as you are able to start the task-specific
warm-up without any trouble. If you prefer to perform a general warm-up first,
that is OK too.

While it is fashionable to recommend things like foam rolling, stretching, and

other modalities before starting exercise, the current scientific data suggests
that these activities do not reduce the risk of injury, pain, or improve

performance in the subsequent workout. With that said, if you feel that doing
some light general activity, e.g. riding an air-bike or using a rower for 5 minutes
prior to a workout is beneficial to you, that is okay.

A specific warm-up involves activities that are very similar or the same as the
planned training task, using gradually increasing intensity. An example of a
specific warm-up for training the squat would involve performing squats with the
empty barbell and then progressively adding load towards your target weights.

Our recommended warm-up involves performing multiple sets of the specific

exercise using the empty barbell until you feel prepared - mentally and
physically - to start adding weight.

For exercises where you have little or no recent training history, we recommend
warming up using the specific exercise and repetition range listed in the
program while gradually adding weight until reaching the target level of effort
(by Rating of Perceived Exertion, RPE).

For example, an individual is scheduled to do 5 repetitions @ RPE 7 on the mid-

shin rack deadlift, but they’ve never done this exercise before. RPE is discussed
thoroughly in the next section (Weight Selection), but for this example all you
need to know is that RPE is a 1-10 scale that corresponds to the level of effort
required to complete the task. Here is a sample warm-up for this exercise for a
hypothetical lifter who can deadlift 405 pounds for 1 repetition:

• General warm-up: empty barbell deadlifts x 3-8 reps x 1-5 sets

• Set 1: 135 lbs x 5 reps
• Set 2: 225 lbs x 5 reps
• Set 3: 275 lbs x 5 reps (Rate RPE)
• Set 4: 315 lbs x 5 reps (Rate RPE)

For the next set, the individual should select a weight based on the effort of the
two previous sets. In general, adding ~3-8% of the weight on the bar while
keeping the rep range the same raises the RPE by 1 point. The weight selected
for the next set will depend on how the individual rated the previous two sets.
There is no absolute “correct” weight to select, but moreso an approximate
increase to get in the ballpark target effort range.

For exercises where there is significant training history data on performance, we

recommend a similar warm-up as described above, however the template’s
calculator function can be useful in determining the target load. The calculator
tab allows has an “Estimated One-Rep Max” (e1RM) function that allows users to
enter a known repetition-max performance to provide an estimate of the
amount of weight they’ll use for a given rep and RPE scheme.

For example, let’s say we have an individual whose best recent set of 5
repetitions on the squat is 315 lbs x 5 reps. Looking back, he estimates the set
was about an RPE 8 effort, meaning he could’ve done about 2 more reps
before failure. The Estimated One-Rep Calculator estimates his 1RM to be 389
lbs. If he is now programmed to complete 6 reps @ RPE 8. The calculator predicts
his 6 @ 8 performance to be ~ 305lbs. Here is a sample warm-up:

• General warm-up: empty barbell squats x 5-10 reps x 2-5 sets

• Set 1: 135lbs x 6 reps
• Set 2: 205lbs x 6 reps
• Set 3: 275lbs x 6 reps (Rate RPE)
• Set 4: 290lbs x 8 reps (Rate RPE)

For the next set, the individual should select the appropriate weight based on
RPE of two previous sets. In general, adding ~3-8% of the weight on the bar while
keeping the rep range the same raises the RPE by 1 point. The weight selected
for the next set will depend on how the individual rated the previous two sets.

The take-away here is that we should use the calculated “target weights” as
GUIDES for the day’s work. It is important to avoid getting emotionally attached
to calculated numbers; as we gather more and more feedback from each set,
we can adjust in real time based on actual performance. While we would prefer
that you hit each prescribed set as written, if you happen to overshoot and end
up skipping a set (e.g. your planned RPE 8 feels like RPE 9) then we recommend
moving on with the rest of your workout and NOT going back to hit the missed
set. Conversely, it is OKAY if you have to do an extra set or two in order to hit the
correct effort target.

Please see the sections titled Weight Selection and Progression for an in-depth
discussion on RPE, RIR, weight selection, and progression strategies.

Weight Selection

Intensity refers the weight used for an exercise in either absolute or relative
terms. It is typically defined as a percentage of 1-Repetition Maximum (1RM),
e.g. 75% of 1RM for 5 repetitions. When designing programs, intensity can be
communicated to the lifter via discrete loads, percentages, or RPE/RIR. Barbell
velocity can also be used, but since we don’t use this explicitly in any of our
templates; we’ll save it for a more generalized discussion in the upcoming
Intensity section.

Discrete Weights – Many programs rely on trainees starting at and/or adding

pre-specified amounts of weight. An example would be to “Squat x 132 lbs x 6
reps x 3 sets”, or “add 5 lbs to previous workout’s weight.” While this method has

the benefit of being concrete and simple, it also fails to take into consideration
the normal day-to-day variance in human performance due to hundreds - if not
thousands-of biological, psychological, and environmental factors.

Ideally, a workout provides an appropriate amount of training stress to the

individual in order to produce the desired fitness adaptations. If the workload is
too high (too heavy) or too low (too light) to produce the desired amount of
training stress, then a trainee’s results will likely be diminished, or the trainee may
generate too much fatigue as a result. Relying solely on discrete loads increases
this risk compared to having a more adaptable method of load selection that is
based on real-time feedback from the trainee.

Percentages – Percentages are another common way to communicate

intensity and they are typically based off a lifter’s known or estimated 1-
Repetition Max (1RM). Using only percentages subjects the lifter to a number of
similar potential problems as using discrete loads. Firstly, if the lifter does not have
a known 1RM, either for a particular exercise or at all, then percentages are
impractical. Additionally, if a 1RM is no longer “current”, i.e. it was performed a
long time ago or the lifter is substantially weaker or stronger at the moment (due
to normal day-to-day performance variation), then the reliance on percentages
increases the risk of using the wrong load compared to using a more adaptable
method of load selection that is based on real-time feedback from the trainee.

RPE/RIR – Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) and Repetitions in Reserve (RIR) can
be used to prescribe intensity to a trainee. Both are based on a 1-10 scale,
though inversed. For RPE, 1 represents an extremely low effort, and 10 represents
an absolute maximal effort. For RIR, a rating of 0 implies that zero additional reps
could be performed at the end of a set, whereas an RIR of 10 means that an
estimated 10 more reps could be performed at the end of a set.

RPE “charts” have also been made to correlate approximate percentages to

different repetition and RPE/RIR values. These have been included with our
templates under the tab labeled “RPE Charts”.

The biggest argument against RPE is that it is subjective. In other words, rating a
set’s RPE is influenced by how a lifter feels and not necessarily what really
happened. We actually view this as a benefit, since it is arguably the only metric
that can simultaneously capture the effects of all biological, psychological, and
environmental influences on individual performance. Additionally, the current
scientific evidence suggests that subjective ratings of fatigue (using RPE) better
correlate to injury risk and training outcomes compared to more “objective”
metrics. Eckard 2018 Impellizzeri 2019 Saw 2016

We prefer to use Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) to communicate intensity to

someone remotely. While it is subjective, there are objective correlates such as

percentages (included when applicable), bar velocity, etc. The workouts rely
heavily on the use of RPE to rate the effort level, especially during the last few
warm up sets and for new or unfamiliar exercises.

Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Guide for multi-repetition Traditional

Resistance Training e.g. low velocity strength training.

Where applicable, we provide both RPE and percentage recommendations to

help you select the appropriate weight. It is important to remember that RPE
ratings take precedence over the prescribed percentages, as the percentage
estimates may not generalize well across the population. If an exercise calls for 5
repetitions at RPE 9 or 86%, but on that day, you rate 80% for 5 reps as RPE 9, you
do not need to perform another heavier set. Rather, record the set and move
on with the rest of the session.

For example, let’s say the programming calls for an individual to squat 6 reps @
6, then 6 reps @ 7, then 6 reps @ 8. The individual follows the warm-up protocol
described above. On this day, the set of 6 reps that they expected would be
RPE 7 actually feels harder than an RPE 7, say RPE 7.5. In this case, the individual
should temper the weight increase for their planned set of 6 reps @ RPE 8.
Similarly, if the warm up that was supposed to be 6 reps @ RPE 7 feels like RPE 8,

then the individual do not need to do an additional set, as they’ve already
found their RPE 8 set for the day.

This approach often raises questions about how progression should happen. For
lifters who are earlier in their training career, or for new/unfamiliar exercises, it is
reasonable to expect an increase in the estimated 1RM on a weekly basis. Even
if it's only by 1 lb. If someone needs some ballpark numbers to shoot for, try
plugging in something that's about 1-5lbs heavier than your estimated 1RM for
week 1 into the e1RM calculator and plan to those numbers accordingly. If,
during your warm ups, it becomes obvious that it isn't going to happen on the
day, then temper the load appropriately and let RPE supersede our plans. The
goal is to maintain a favorable ratio between training stimulus and fatigue
generation; in other words, to get high quality work done without overstressing
you, the lifter.

See the sections Progression and How-To Progress for more information.

Special Elements of the Low Fatigue Strength Template

Medium Intra-set Fatigue Programming

In this section, we’ll describe a few unique elements of this template.

The Protocol: 3 reps @ RPE 7, keep weight the same and do another 9 reps.
Adjust reps per set to maintain RPE 7 for each set.

Why: This protocol is new to our templates and is designed to allow the individual
to work at a moderately high intensity, while maintaining the desirable margin to
proximity to failure, e.g., RPE 7 or ~3 repetitions in reserve, on all sets.

Different individuals will have different work capacities and the ability to tolerate
repeated efforts, which may result in the RPE (and proximity to failure) to creep
up over the course of the workout. The change in proximity to failure changes
the training stimulus and resultant stress, which subsequently changes the ratio
of fitness adaptations to fatigue generated. In order to reduce the risk of an
individual incurring too much fatigue in a given session, this protocol allows for a
dynamic rep range to meet the lifter where they’re at during the workout.

To complete this protocol, first find the load that produces the prescribed RPE at
the given rep range. Then, complete the prescribed number of total reps (12 in
this example when including the initial set of 3 reps) doing as many reps per set
as possible without overshooting the RPE cap, RPE 7 in this case. See the Intensity
section later on in this text for more information on this style of programming.


The Protocol: The last four weeks of the program are designed to “peak” the
individual to test their 1-Repetition Maximums (1RMs) in the main lifts prioritized
throughout the training cycles.

Why: Individuals running this program may want to test their 1RMs at the end or
compete in a Powerlifting meet. Rather than refer people to a separate, more
generalized peaking program, we included something designed more
specifically for this program. If you have no desire to test your 1RMs after running
the program, feel free to repeat week 12 as long as you’re getting results and
enjoying the program.

If going to a Powerlifting meet at the end of the program, we would

recommend replacing week 16 with the following prescription: take opening
attempts for 1 repetition for the squat, bench press, and deadlift ~ 4 days out
from the meet. Then ~ 2 days out from the meet perform 85% of openers for 1
repetition for the squat and bench press.

Logging Training

All templates come with built-in training logs in order to track your progress.

We recommend using them to track the following variables:

Weight used – Most of our templates come in “unitless” versions for you to log
the weight in pounds, kilos, stones, or whatever unit of measure you prefer. You
can log your weight in half-pound, kilo, or whatever increments. For dumbbell
exercises, we recommend recording the weight of 1 dumbbell, e.g. for a
dumbbell press with 55-pound dumbbells, log the weight as 55 pounds. For
exercises with bands, chains, etc., we recommend recording just the weight on

the barbell and noting the band/chain use in the notes section.

Reps completed – Log the reps completed per set using whole numbers. For
Myo-reps, we recommend logging the activation set and back off sets in
different rows rather than just reporting the total number of reps completed. This
helps you plan the following week’s workout.

Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) – Rate the RPE for each set during your workout
and record the weight, reps completed, and RPE in your log for all sets RPE 6 or
greater. You can record RPE in 0.5 increments. Use the following scale to help
you rate the RPE for each set:

Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Guide for multi-repetition Traditional

Resistance Training e.g. low velocity strength training.

The intensity values, e.g. the percentages for each set and average intensity
calculations, will auto-populate based upon the reps completed and RPE rating.

Session Duration – In the logging section for the 3rd exercise for each day you’ll
see an area to record the “Session Time.” We recommend recording the total
time spent training in minutes – including rest periods – in this space.

Session Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) - In the logging section for the 3rd
exercise for each day you’ll also see an area to record the “Session RPE.” Please
rate the difficulty of the whole training session on a scale from 1-10, with 1 being
a very easy, minimally fatiguing session and 10 being an extremely hard,
maximally fatiguing session. We recommend assessing the session RPE by how
fatigued you feel overall at the end of the workout:

• sRPE 5 – Fairly easy workout. Minimal fatigue. Ready to train again.

• sRPE 8 – Difficult, but manageable workout. Moderate levels of fatigue. No
problems training the next day.
• sRPE 10 – Extremely difficult workout. Maximal fatigue. Unlikely to be able
to train again for a day or more.

The Analysis tab will auto-populate your weekly volume, average intensity, and
estimated 1RM for a particular exercise based on data you enter into these
weekly tabs.

What’s Next?

After completing one of The Low Fatigue Strength templates, the individual
has several options depending on their results, preferences, and goals.
One option is to run the same template again with slightly different
exercises and programming based on the results from the first run through
(see Troubleshooting section below).

Another option is to run one of the other templates included, e.g. running
the Low Intraset Fatigue template after completing the Medium ISF or vice
versa. Another option still is to move to one of our other templates if the
goals and priorities have changed to something other than maximal
strength development.

Designing the Low Fatigue Strength Template
Our goal with The Low Fatigue Strength Template is to provide the user with a
program that prioritizes maximal strength development using a lower fatigue
approach. In this section we’ll describe how the program is put together, why
we chose certain elements based on existing programming theory, and how to
troubleshoot your training if it’s not going well.

Program Overview

Each of these templates contains three blocks of programming, which are

designed to be run in succession, one after another, in order to build upon
the fitness adaptations created by the previous block.

The four 16-Week templates in the .zip file are:

• 3-Day per week Low Intraset Fatigue Template

• 3-Day per week Medium Intraset Fatigue Template
• 4-Day per week Low Intraset Fatigue Template
• 4-Day per week Medium Intraset Fatigue Template

Both the Medium and Low Intraset Fatigue (ISF) templates are designed to
produce a lower amount of fatigue by training further away from
muscular failure.

The Medium ISF Template has a higher average intensity than the Low ISF
template while maintaining within a moderate range of failure through
use of multiple sets at RPE 7 or 3 RIR. The Low ISF Template stays even
further from failure, with many sets at RPE 6 or less, but maintaining higher
intensity “top sets.” Both templates have comparable levels of training
volume, exposure to single-rep efforts, etc., so they differ mainly by
average intensity and rep schemes. Both represent different examples of
“low fatigue” programming to suit different individuals. See the Intensity
section under Programming Variables below for a further discussion on the
different approaches.

In each template, the weekly program includes both resistance training

and conditioning work in order to increase muscular strength, size, and aid
in meeting the current exercise guidelines for health purposes. Specifically,
each week includes:

1. Three or four days of resistance training involving three to four exercises

per day.
2. Two days of conditioning. The Low Fatigue Strength Template gradually

introduces the trainee to aerobic and anaerobic conditioning elements
over time to improve cardiorespiratory fitness, work capacity, and to help
with weight management (if needed/desired).
3. One or two days of recommended arm and abdominal training to
compliment the rest of the training program, which requires substantial
contribution of the trunk and arm muscles, but do not target them

Either the Low or Medium ISF template is suitable for trained individuals. For
individuals who prefer heavier “top sets” and lighter back-off sets, we
recommend starting with the Low ISF Template. For individuals who prefer
to do multiple sets at the same challenging weight, we recommend
starting with the Medium ISF Template. The choice between the 3- or 4-
day templates should be determined by available time to train and
individual preferences.

After running one or both of the templates, you’ll have better insight into
how you respond as an individual in addition to some ideas of what you
need programming-wise going forward. See the Troubleshooting
Programming section for a further discussion on adjusting the program to
suit your needs.

Programming Theory for Strength Development

A training program organizes the relevant variables in a manner that

matches the goals, physiological capacity, and available resources of the
individual in order to improve specific elements of fitness (and, ideally,
health). These primary programming variables include training mode,
intensity, volume, and frequency, which will all be discussed thoroughly in
the context of strength development the following sections.

It should be noted that programming is a mix of “art” and science, though

in many cases the science isn’t exactly clear or consistent enough to
produce confident conclusions. We’ll try to point out how confident we
are in our recommendations as we go along based on the existing data
and when we’re just speculating based on experience. Our
recommendations and the design of these (and other) programs may
change in the future based on evolving evidence and experience.

What is Strength?

Strength is defined as the amount of force produced measured in a

specific context. For example, a powerlifter completing a heavy 1-Rep-
Maximum (1RM) squat is displaying force production in one context,

whereas a gymnast or shot-put thrower is displaying force production in a
different context. A marathoner is displaying force production in much
different context (submaximal, repetitive-effort locomotion). In short, there
a many different types of strength that are linked together by the
common feature of muscular force production.

There are many different types of strength based on an activity’s velocity

requirements, energy systems used, and other specifics of the task. Most
physical tasks incorporate multiple types of strength, though in some
sports, a single type of strength predominates:

• Maximal Strength – low-velocity force production in a single or brief

period of time, e.g. powerlifting.
• High-Velocity Strength – high-velocity force production in a single or
brief period of time, e.g. Olympic weightlifting, shot put, high jump
• Strength Stamina – repeated, sustained force production at near
maximal levels, e.g. gymnastics, sprinting
• Strength Endurance – repeated, sustained force production at
submaximal levels, e.g. distance running or swimming

It is important to understand that improvements in force production are

complex, and require adaptations across multiple domains including the
central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, skeletal muscle,
tendon, and bone, among others. Due to the wide range of inputs
associated with changes in strength performance, there are number of
modifiable and non-modifiable factors that influence strength changes in
response to a training program.

Non-modifiable factors are things we can’t change, such as genetics,

anthropometry, muscle fiber type, musculoskeletal architecture, etc.
Modifiable factors are things that we can influence such as muscle size,
muscle metabolic function, physical skills, psychological skills, and training.
We’ll focus our programming discussion on how to maximize these
modifiable factors for improvements in strength performance.

To begin, we need to dive into some exercise programming theory to develop

an understanding of how exercise works to make us fitter, as well as establish a
common language to discuss programming.

The Fitness-Fatigue Model

The Fitness-Fatigue Model of exercise training was originally proposed by Sir

Roger Bannister, a physician and middle-distance runner who ran the first sub 4-
minute mile. The model proposes that training results in both fitness adaptations

and fatigue. Chiu 2003 Let’s cover some additional definitions and flesh out this
model a bit further.

Exercise Selection or Mode can be defined as the specific activity or movement

performed by the individual and their specifics such as range of motion, tempo,
and style.

Range of motion (ROM) refers to the movement of the body and its joints
through space during an exercise. ROM is typically discussed in terms of joints
and the maximal degrees of movement the joint experiences during a
movement and/or the relationship of two or more anatomical components. An
example of the latter would be squatting “below parallel”, which describes the
relationship of the hip joint relative to the top of the knee joint.

The training stimulus applied to an individual can be defined as the specific

programming components such as the exercise selection, rep scheme(s),
intensity, volume, rest periods, velocity and tempo, range of motion, etc. This is
also sometimes called the external load.

• Intensity describes the weight used for an exercise and is typically listed as
a percentage of 1-Repetition Maximum (1RM) in resistance training.
• Volume refers to the number of repetitions performed for a given
movement, workout, or series of workouts. It is the product of the total
repetitions and sets completed.
• Velocity is the speed (and direction) that the resistance is moved.
• Tempo is the cadence the movement and its components, e.g. eccentric
(muscle-lengthening), concentric (muscle-shortening), and isometric
(muscle length is maintained).

The training stress is the load experienced by the individual based on their
current level of fitness, performance potential, mood, environment,
expectations, fatigue, nutritional status, genetics, and every factor that makes
the individual a unique biological organism. Two individuals will experience a
different training stress from the exact same training stimulus (external load).
Training stress is also sometimes called the internal load, and can be measured
by heart rate changes in response to exercise, rate of perceived exertion (RPE)
or reps in reserve (RIR) of a given task, and/or changes in movement velocity.

Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) is a subjective measure of an individual’s

exertion during or after a task. Perceived exertion refers to how hard a task feels
and this should be distinguished from fatigue, which refers to the subjective
feelings of reduced performance. Borg 1982 Smirmaul 2012 RPE is rated on a numerical
scale that are associated with different levels of exertion that correspond with
the individual’s experience of musculoskeletal, cardiorespiratory, environmental,
and other activity-related stimuli.

The original RPE scale ranged from 6-20 and was created by Gunnar Borg in the
late 1960’s to monitor aerobic exercise. Borg 1970 Multiple iterations of RPE have
since been created, e.g. the CR10 and OMNI scales, but the application of RPE
to resistance training is relatively novel.

In the early 2000’s, Wisconsin-based researchers were applying RPE to entire

resistance training sessions, e.g. session RPE or sRPE, in an effort to manage
training stress based on the subjects’ unique responses. Day 2004 Later in the same
decade, Mike Tuchscherer combined RPE and the related concept, Repetitions
in Reserve (RIR), in order to use RPE to determine intensity within resistance
training sessions. Tuchscherer 2008 To summarize: in the context of resistance training,
RPE is tool used to communicate the desired intensity of an effort based on the
individual’s subjective exertion (see chart below).

Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Guide for multi-repetition Traditional

Resistance Training e.g. low velocity strength training.

Repetitions in Reserve (RIR) is another tool used to determine intensity during
resistance training based on an effort’s proximity to failure. RIR is based on a 1-10
scale where an RPE value correlates to the number of repetitions left in reserve,
i.e., RPE 10=0 RIR, RPE 8= 2 RIR, RPE 6= 4 RIR, etc. Zourdos 2016

Fitness adaptations are the positive exercise-induced changes in the human

organism such as muscular strength, hypertrophy, cardiorespiratory fitness, work
capacity, cognitive performance, etc.

Fatigue represents the subjective experience of negative exercise-induced

changes in the individual such as muscular soreness, muscle damage, reduced
force production, tiredness, etc. The objective analogues or proxies to these
experiences are more accurately defined as fatigability, but tend not to be very
useful for programming. For example, creatine kinase is released from muscle
cells into the blood when they break down during exercise. While blood
creatine kinase levels can be measured to gauge how much muscle
breakdown has occurred, this metric does not reliably correlate well to
performance or ratings of fatigue. Baird 2012 There is some nuance in this definition
of fatigue compared to how it is commonly understood and conceptualized.
Some discuss fatigue as an experienced or objective “reduction in
performance”, but we argue that is incomplete and requires a separate
discussion of performance.

The performance potential of an individual at any given time in a specific

environment for a particular task is the balance or ratio of fitness adaptations
relative to fatigue. Thus, a specific training stimulus (external load) produces
a unique training stress (internal load) for an individual, which subsequently
results in both fitness adaptations and fatigue. Increasing fitness adaptations
relative to fatigue increases the probability of improved performance, but
performance improvements are not guaranteed due to the multifactorial
nature of human performance. Things like environmental, social, and
psychological inputs to be just right in order to demonstrate an increase in
performance at the time of testing.

Recovery represents the shift in the balance of negative stress-induced

changes compared to positive stress-induced changes and is heavily
influenced by genetics, training history, nutrition, sleep quantity and quality,
current fitness levels, external (to the gym) stress, and other environmental

If fatigue stays higher than the fitness adaptations currently possessed,

performance potential is reduced, as the fitness adaptations are “hidden” by
fatigue. Conversely, if the amount of fitness adaptations is greater than the
fatigue present, there is an increased performance potential, which can be
realized if the other environmental features align.

In other words, the presence of fatigue is not synonymous with a reduction in
performance, as the co-occurring fitness adaptations may be proportionally
greater as well, thereby increasing performance potential despite the presence
of fatigue. For example, consider an individual who has a poor night of sleep or
is hungover, but is still able to perform at personal-best levels the next day.
Despite the increase in fatigue the person is carrying, the acquired fitness
adaptations are greater in magnitude and performance potential remains high.

Similarly, the absence of fatigue is not synonymous with an increase in

performance - particularly if it results from decreased training - as the lack of co-
occurring fitness adaptations may ultimately reduce performance potential. For
example, consider a lifter who takes two weeks off from the gym and then
comes back to find out they’re a bit weaker than before. While the lack of
training did in fact reduce fatigue, it also reduced fitness adaptations to a
greater extent, resulting lower performance potential.

To summarize, performance potential is related to the balance of current

fitness adaptations and fatigue level in a given environmental context. The
goal of training is to develop and realize fitness adaptations over time. To do
this, special attention must be given to the programming in order to sure the
training is appropriate for generating the desired adaptations and managing
fatigue in a way that allows the individual to both tolerate the training and
realize the developing adaptations over time.

Programming Variables

Exercise Selection or Mode

Exercise selection is defined as the specific activities or movements performed

by the individual and their specifics such as range of motion, tempo, and style.
Exercise selection may be organized in several ways for programming design
based on preferences and training goals. For example, some powerlifting
coaches like to group movements into squat, bench press, and deadlift
exercises, whereas other coaches may prefer to group movements into “push”,
“pull”, and “leg” categories or some variation thereof.

There are finite amount of training resources, e.g. number of training days,
available time per training session, and available energy that can be
dedicated to training. The training program assigns these resources to a
number of exercise “slots” that need to be populated with exercises.
Finding a way to classify the exercises selected based on their primary
performance improvements will be useful for organization. For this text,
we’ll use “push”, “pull”, and “legs” to discuss different exercises.

When it comes to picking exercises for a program, there are three main

1. Goals
2. Individual Preferences
3. Trainability

An individual’s specific goals should dictate the training elements included in a

program. For example, an individual who wants to compete in powerlifting must
train the squat, bench press, and deadlift in order to prepare for competition. A
sprinter looking to improve their maximal speed will benefit from including
exercises like the hip thrust and partial squats in some form, as they are specific
to the muscle lengths, joint angles, and contraction types seen in their sport.

For individuals who do not have specific performance goals, we advocate a

less specific approach to strength development, e.g. improving proficiency over
a wide range of different movements, rep ranges, and intensities. It may be
easier to explain this “non-specific” approach by first fleshing out the role of
specificity in exercise selection.

The role of specificity in exercise selection is best explained by the Specificity of

Adaptation to Imposed Demand (SAID) Principle, which suggests that the main
adaptations developed from exercise are most specific to the training
performed. There are a number of exercise characteristics that affect specificity
including the exercise’s range of motion, intensity, joint angles, movement
velocity, contraction type, energy systems, etc. Baechle 2008 Verkoshansky 2009

These characteristics make fitness adaptations like strength, power, and

cardiorespiratory fitness specific to how they are developed. The degree that a
particular movement or exercise mode will improve performance in another
movement or mode is called transference. The more similar the movements or
exercise modes are, the more transference is expected. In this way, strength is
specific to the exercise(s) performed.

For example, we would expect training the back squat will improve
performance in the back squat the most, with relatively less improvement
to the front squat, jump squat, or leg press. This is due to the differences in
joint angles, muscle lengths, contraction types, and contraction velocities
used in those movements. There is likely to be some carry over or
transference of fitness adaptations between the back squat and front
squat (and vice versa), but we would expect the greatest improvement in
back squat performance to occur from back squatting. The more similar
the ranges of motion, intensity, joint angles, movement velocities,
contraction types, and energy systems are between two exercises the
more carry over there is likely to be between the other.

In summary, the SAID principle can be used to guide programming decisions for
targeting specific performance goals. The more similar the training elements’
range of motion, intensity, joint angles, movement velocities, contraction types,
and energy systems are to the task where performance is being tested, the
greater the expected carryover. Without specific performance goals to narrow
the focus of a training program, we’d recommend a broader, more inclusive
training program.

Next, the trainability of a specific exercise should be continuously reviewed.

Trainability is a neologism referring to how well an individual can perform and
tolerate a given exercise for a specific prescription and the exercise’s propensity
to demonstrate an improvement in performance for that individual.

How “well” an individual performs an exercise refers to the following:

1. Repeatability- the individual can do the exercise in a way where the

ROM, joint angles, velocity, tempo, and overall movement patterns are
somewhat similar from rep-to-rep. Recent evidence has shown that there
is both a high degree of intra- and inter-individual variability when it
comes to performing a physical task in exercise or sport. This appears to
be true in both elite and novice athletes, at high and low loads, unilateral
and bilateral movements, etc. Bartlett 2007 Nordin 2017 Aasa 2019 Individuals move
differently from one another and, when the analysis is constrained to a
single person, from rep-to-rep. This is explained by The Dynamical Systems
Theory (DST), where “movement behavior” is the result of the individual’s
physical abilities and skills, the task at hand, the environment, and more.
Thus, we accept some rep-to-rep variability, though ROM, joint angles,
velocity, and tempo should be fairly similar.

2. Points of Performance- the individual can perform the movement in a

way that meets any pre-specified criteria or goals of the exercise, e.g. a
particular range of motion, velocity, tempo, muscle group contraction,

For example, if an individual cannot maintain a secure front rack position or

squat below parallel for the prescription, “Front squat below parallel x 3 reps @
RPE 8”, then the below parallel front squat may not be a great choice for a
heavier squat or “leg” slot. This doesn’t mean the front squat cannot be trained
at all, but rather the program should accommodate individual’s current physical
skills, abilities, and limitations: e.g. “Front Squat below parallel x 6 reps @ RPE 6” or
“3-0-0 Tempo Front Squat to Parallel x 3 reps @ RPE 6”. In both cases, the front
squat prescription was modified to accommodate the individual’s current

How “well” an exercise works for an individual is tougher to gauge, as the
response to a given training is muddied with confounding factors. Still, it is
prudent to review training blocks and look for trends between exercises and
metrics of performance.

For example, if we see that training blocks that include the 2” deficit deadlift
seems to correlate well with an increase in estimated 1RM performance on the
“competition”-style deadlift, we can use that information in future training
blocks where improving 1-rep max performance is the main goal. This type of
information becomes more and more useful as the data becomes more robust,
including multiple training blocks, multiple movements, etc.

Finally, an individual’s personal preferences should be obtained to further refine

a program’s training elements. Recent evidence shows that adherence to a
program is improved with self-selected exercises, though there is also evidence
for improved adherence with self-selected intensities, i.e. the load in resistance
training or the pace in aerobic exercise. Baz-Valle 2019 Williams 2008 Ideally, exercise
selection should maximize both adherence to the program and fitness
adaptations, while minimizing risk of injury.

With respect to injury, the Variability-Overuse-Injury Hypothesis suggests an

association between decreased movement variability and injury, as well as
evidence of a decrease in movement variability as task demands and loading
increase. Nordin 2019 This has been shown in youth athletes as well. A 2019 study in
youth weightlifters found that 75.9% of those surveyed had low task and exercise
variability, e.g. they specialized in a single sport and a small amount of
movements, before the age of 21. In this study, those youth specializing in
weightlifting had almost 24 times higher odds of injury compared with non-
specialized athletes. Bush 2019

When studied, movement variability does not appear to be “noise” or

“error” that should be minimized, but rather that movement variability
may be beneficial in several ways, and even vital for motor behavior. Latash
2012 Experimental models have shown that early movement variability

improves motor learning efficiency by allowing for exploration of the wide

variety of movement options. Wu 2014 Dhawale 2017 This is further supported by
the Long-Term Athletic Development Model (LTAD) for youth athletes,
where evidence across multiple sports suggests early specialization is
associated with an increased risk of injury (particularly among youth
athletes), as well as with poorer long-term performance outcomes. Ford 2011
Post 2017 Bell 2018

Unfortunately, there’s not much hard data on exercise variation and

sports performance. One study showed that having greater exercise
variation increased strength and hypertrophy better than reduced

variation when relative intensity and volume were matched. Fonseca 2014
Another study didn’t find any improvement in performance, though
training motivation was higher in individuals with greater exercise
variation. Baz-Valle 2019

The current evidence suggests that exercise variation is beneficial, but how
much variation do we need? If exercise variation is pushed too far, the
individual’s capacity to adapt may be spread too thin, thereby compromising
rate of improvement for specific tasks. Additionally, reduced exercise variation
may be beneficial from time to time in order to focus on specific fitness
adaptations for a competition, test, or other important event.

For the Low Fatigue Strength Templates, there are 4 exercise slots per training
day, which yields 12 and 16 slots in 3- and 4-day training templates, respectively.
The upper-Body and lower Body are equally represented in all templates, e.g. 6
upper-body and lower body slots in the 3-day templates and 8 upper-body and
lower body slots in the 4-day templates. We can break down these slots further
by using the squat as an example.

The squat is allocated 3 training slots of training in the 3-day template and 4
training slots in the 4-day template. In both templates, 1 of the slots is the
“priority” squat variant. For a powerlifter, this would be either the low bar or high
bar back squat. Next, 1 of the slots is a “supplemental” squat, which is a squat
variation intended to improve performance in the priority squat. This variation
should be fairly specific to the priority squat, and may target or be limited by
weak points in the competition squat.

An additional slot is an “accessory” squat, which is yet another squat variant

designed to improve performance in the priority squat, though in a more
generalized (less specific) manner. Finally, there are additional slots for 1 (3-day)
or 2 (4-day) accessories that are even less specific to the squat or deadlift, but
rather help build muscle, strength, and capacity in the contributing muscle

When it comes to picking specific variations for the supplemental and accessory
exercises, there is little evidence to guide exercise selection outside of the
previous discussions on the SAID principle and exercise variation in general. Our
general recommendations for picking exercise variations to develop maximal
strength are therefore speculative.

In an individual with extensive data on their historical responses to specific

exercises within the context of a similar program, we recommend placing a high
importance on their trainability and personal preferences. In this way,
programming becomes iterative over time, i.e. it adjusts based on feedback
and observed response.

In an individual without extensive data on their historical responses to specific
exercises within the context of a similar program, we recommend following an
exercise selection pattern that targets eccentric strength, isometric strength,
and finally concentric strength in that order over a series of consecutive training
periods. This pattern has been popularized by Cal Dietz’s book, Triphasic
Training, though its application to powerlifting and maximal strength
development in barbell sports has not been evaluated scientifically.
Nevertheless, this is one way we organize exercise variations over time in
individuals where we don’t have an extensive training history.

Eccentric (muscle-lengthening) strength is targeted by overload work, e.g.

weight-releasers, “Slingshot” bench devices, partial range of motion exercises,
and the use of accommodating resistance like bands or chains. Specialized
training equipment like Safety Squat bars (SSB) and similar can also be utilized to
overload certain muscle groups or movement patterns, e.g. thoracic extension
with the SSB.

Isometric (muscle remains the same length) strength is targeted by paused work,
e.g. 2 and 3-Count paused variations, box squats, and similar.

Concentric (muscle-shortening) strength is targeted by training performed from

a dead stop and/or with extended ranges of motion, e.g. pin bench and
overhead presses, deficit deadlifts, pin squats, and similar.

This development pattern can be seen in the default exercise selection of the
Low Fatigue Strength templates. We also have employed a relatively high
amount of exercise variation throughout the template as a hedge towards
yielding better results in motor learning, skill development, and acquiring a
broader base of physical tools needed to increase 1RM strength performance.
Some individuals will favorably respond to this programming, while others will do
better with a different development pattern and/or specific exercise variations.
Exercise selection therefore becomes an iterative process where feedback from
the individual and observed results inform this exercise programming variable.
For a further discussion on when it’s appropriate to adjust the exercise selection,
see the Troubleshooting section below.

Exercise Selection Summary

• Exercise selection is defined as the movements and their specifics such

as range of motion, tempo, and style and should be determined by an
individual’s goals, exercise preferences, and the exercise’s trainability.

• Exercise selection should maximize both adherence to the program and

fitness adaptations while minimizing the risk of injury. Adherence is likely
improved by self-selected exercise type.

• The ideal amount of exercise variation within a single training phase or

over many phases is currently unknown and likely varies among
individuals based on their preferences, training history, training
responsiveness, etc.

• Exercise variation should be relatively high for untrained individuals, as it

appears to improve motor learning and reduces injury risk. This
approach exposes the individual to many different task demands, e.g.
ROM, joint angles, movement tempos, etc.

• During periods of high variation, each movement on each training day

should be different, if possible. Repetition and loading schemes may
also be highly varied during these periods.

• Exercise variation can be reduced for short periods of time (2-4 weeks)
around a competition, test, or event. During periods of low variation,
prioritized movements may be repeated throughout the training week, if
desired. Repetition and loading scheme variation may also be reduced
during these periods.


Intensity refers the weight used for an exercise in either absolute or relative
terms. It is typically defined in the literature as a percentage of 1-Repetition
Maximum (1RM), e.g. 75% 1RM for 5 repetitions. When designing programs,
intensity can be communicated to the lifter via percentages, RPE, RIR, or a
target velocity. Higher intensity training will be performed at a higher
percentage, RPE, RIR, and lower movement velocity compared to lower
intensity training.

Current evidence suggests that higher intensity, higher load training produces
better improvements in strength than lower intensity, lower load training. This
relationship is expected given the SAID principle, i.e., that the largest exercise-
induced adaptations are specific to the demands of the training. However, the
relationship between intensity and strength development deserves further
attention to fully appreciate its nuances.

A recent meta-analysis of 21 studies found that higher intensity training promotes

more strength gain than lower intensity training. as the authors reported that,
“gains in 1RM strength were significantly greater in favor of high- vs. low-load
training.” Schoenfeld 2017 In this meta-analysis however, “low-load” training was
defined as < 60% of 1RM whereas “high-load” training was anything > 60% of
1RM and strength was measured by 1RM performance in a various exercises
based on the study design.

With respect to 1RM performance, recent evidence has suggested that

practicing the test, e.g. performing a 1RM, improves performance in the test. A
recent study performed in Athens recruited experienced powerlifters and
compared their 1RM strength improvements from two different training
programs. In this 10-week study, the “daily max” group trained three days per
week and performed a single repetition at RPE 9-9.5 for the squat (2x/wk),
bench press (3x/wk), and deadlift (1x/wk). The traditional periodized group also
trained three days per week and did significantly more volume (sets and reps),
but were only exposed to single repetitions within the last three weeks. The RPE-
based “daily” max training was shown to improve 1RM performance in the short-
term over more traditional, periodized rep work. Androulakis-Korakakis 2018

This study suggests that regular exposure to the test, e.g. single rep performance
at a maximal or near-maximal load, improves performance in that task even
when doing less total volume overall. Another study in untrained individuals
found a similar result using the knee extension and chest press. One group did 4
sets of 8-12 @ RPE 10 twice per week for 8-weeks and the other group got 5
attempts at a single 1RM for both exercises twice per week. At the end of the
study period, there were no differences between groups in strength

improvement, despite large differences in training volumes and muscle growth,
which was only seen in the first group. Mattocks 2017

This isn’t to say that lower intensity strength training doesn’t increase strength at
all. There is ample data showing that even training with ~20-30 rep-max loads
improves strength, just not as much usually as much as higher intensity training.
Interestingly, hypertrophy outcomes seem to be similar. Rana 2008 Ogaswara 2013 Morton
2016 Schoenfeld 2015

Taken together, this data suggests that training at intensities > 60% of 1RM (e.g.
“high load”) and regularly practicing the skill of single-rep performance yields
greater improvements in 1RM strength than lower intensity training without
exposure to single-rep efforts, particularly in trained individuals. Said another
way, the training intensity determines the type of adaptations that an individual
is likely to get, as modeled by The Repetition Max Continuum Model seen below.

The Repetition Max Continuum Model. RM= Repetition max. All

percentages correspond to % of 1-Rep Maximum

In general, training at circa-maximal intensities (~ greater than~ 90%) generate

adaptations specific to performing maximal effort lifts like a 1-rep max. These
adaptations include greater neural drive, greater voluntary muscle contraction,
decreased antagonist muscle co-contraction, and changes in tissue stiffness
properties that all increase the ability to lift maximal weight.

Training in the 70-80% 1RM range develops some of the neuromuscular and
structural adaptations seen in the >90% range, but to a lesser extent. In
exchange, training performed in this range increases the body’s ability to make
energy available for extended tasks, increases muscle size by enlarging
contractile and non-contractile muscle proteins, and more.

As the intensity range goes down and the reps-per-set increase, there are more
adaptations in energy availability and buffering metabolic byproducts
associated with fatigue. Still, there is considerable overlap between the intensity
ranges. The net adaptation is to improve force production in the manner it is
challenged. The improvement in force production is always some combination
of neuromuscular, structural, and conditioning-specific adaptations. As
mentioned before, training intensity determines the type of adaptations favored
in a particular program.

For maximal strength development, training at higher intensity is better than

training at lower intensity. However, the data isn’t granular enough to tell us
whether 90% of 1RM is better for strength than 80% or 70%. A discussion of how
close to failure the sets performed at these intensities should be to increase
strength may be useful for programming management.

“Proximity to failure” is concept related to intensity that describes how close an

individual comes to their maximum volitional performance. The smaller the
proximity to failure, e.g., 0 RIR (RPE 10), 1 RIR (RPE 9), or 2 RIR (RPE 8), the higher
the intensity of the task. Conversely, the larger the proximity from failure, e.g. 3
RIR (RPE 7), 4 RIR (RPE 6), and so on, the lower the intensity of the task.

Barbell speed during each rep also tends to decrease across a challenging set.
This velocity loss is also closely related to both intensity and proximity to failure.
Sets performed at high intensities with high RPE show more velocity loss during a
set (consider a very slow, grindy, hard final rep in a 5-rep max effort @ RPE 10).
However, not all sets performed at high intensity have high RPE and low RIR
values and thus, do not have significant amounts of velocity loss. Consider the
following two examples:

• Example 1: Squat 3 reps @ RPE 9 (~89%) x 1 set

• Example 2: Squat 1 rep @ RPE 7 (~89%) x 3 sets

The volume (total reps) and intensity (% of 1RM) are matched in both examples,
yet the proximity to failure (RIR) are much different, e.g. 1 RIR in the first example
compared to 3 RIR in the second example. This is what yields the difference in
RPE between the two examples. The resulting fatigue is also likely to be different
between the two examples, with the set being performed closer to failure
generating significantly more fatigue than the sets kept further away from
failure. Training closer to failure generates more muscle damage, decreased
performance potential, and decreases motor learning/skill acquisition. Moran-
Navarro 2017 Dos Santos 2021

A potential counter-argument here is based on the assumption that a

higher stress training session, e.g. sessions where more sets are taken closer

to failure, produces more fitness adaptations. This assumption is not well-
supported. Recent research into strength training shows that training
closer to failure, as evidenced by greater decreases in barbell velocity as
the set progresses, does not produce greater strength gains than a smaller
(10-20%) loss in velocity. Pareja-Blanco 2016 Pareja-Blanco 2016 The decrease in bar
velocity over the course of a set reflects decreasing force production due
to intraset fatigue. Fuglevand 1999 Nocella 2011 In other words, going close to
failure and losing a lot of velocity during a set doesn’t seem to train high
amounts of force production better than training further away from failure
where bar velocity is mostly preserved.

Similarly, outside of untrained individuals doing isolation exercises (e.g.

biceps curls), training to failure does not seem to produce better
hypertrophy results than training in the range of 2-4 repetitions in reserve.
Carroll 2019 Helms 2018 Both of these are examples of a “higher stress” workout

not necessarily producing greater fitness adaptations.

While admittedly somewhat speculative, the totality of the evidence on

velocity loss within a set, fatigue generation when sets are taken to failure,
and intensity’s relationship to strength led us to develop the Low Fatigue
Strength templates in a way where most of the training is performed within
the range of ~65 to 85% 1RM. In order to target maximal 1RM strength
development, we also included regular exposure to sets > 85% of 1RM to
develop the skills and specific adaptations necessary for that task.

In both cases, the templates attempt to stay relatively far from failure, e.g.
2-4 RIR or RPE 6-8, which coincides with a small decrease in barbell
velocity during the effort. Finally, we included a small amount of exposure
to sets taken closer to failure, e.g. RIR 0-1 or RPE 9-10, both in isolation work
intended to increase muscular hypertrophy and in short-term, peaking
phases leading up to a competition or 1RM testing.

For a further discussion on when it’s appropriate to adjust the training

intensity and/or proximity to failure, see the Troubleshooting section

Exercise Intensity Summary

• Exercise intensity refers the weight used for an exercise and can
be communicated as a percentage of 1-Repetition Maximum
(1RM), RPE, RIR, or velocity.

• Proximity to failure is concept related to intensity that describes

how close an individual comes to their maximum, volitional
performance. The lower the proximity to failure, the higher the

intensity of the task.

• Exercise intensity determines the specific type of improvements

that are likely to occur, e.g., what proportion of neuromuscular,
structural, and conditioning-specific adaptions result from a

• The program’s intensity and proximity to failure prescriptions

should reflect the specific goals and needs of the individual. For a
trained lifter where the task they’ll be tested on is known, the bulk
of the training should focus on eliciting the relevant adaptations
and skills, with some training resources being dedicated to
bringing up lagging areas of physical development.

• Maximal strength is best developed by “high” intensity training

performed at 60% of 1RM and above. 1RM performance is
additionally improved by practicing the test, e.g. regular, planned
exposure to heavy singles or similar efforts > 85% of 1RM.

• For maximal strength development, the majority of the repetition

work (3 reps and above) should be performed within the range of
~65 to 85% 1RM and the majority of the 1- or 2-rep training should
be performed at or above ~85% of 1RM to develop the skills and
specific adaptations necessary for that 1RM performance. In both
cases, the template attempts to maintain a relatively high
proximity to failure, e.g. 2-4 RIR or RPE 6-8, which coincides with a
small decrease in barbell velocity during the effort.

• Exposure to higher intensity sets taken closer to failure, e.g., RIR 0-1
or RPE 9-10, are appropriate for isolation work intended to
increase muscular hypertrophy and in short-term, peaking phases
leading up to a competition or 1RM testing.


Volume is the total number of repetitions performed for a particular

muscle group or movement, typically viewed in a single training session or
training week. For example, if a lifter squats 4 sets of 6 repetitions twice per
week, then their weekly squat volume is 48 reps (4 sets x 6 repetitions=24
repetitions per session. 24 repetitions per session x 2 days per week=48
repetitions per week).

Current evidence suggests that there is a graded dose-response

relationship between training volume and training outcomes like strength,
hypertrophy, and health metric improvements, e.g. blood pressure, body
fat, etc. Figueiredo 2018 A graded dose response relationship means there’s a
greater training effect seen with an increase in the dose of training

Once intensity and proximity to failure are appropriately determined,

higher doses of strength training volume yield more strength increases.
Radaelli 2015 Rhea 2002 Ralston 2017 Because strength improvements seem to be

threshold-mediated, e.g. they tend to occur more readily above the

intensity threshold of ~60-65% of 1RM for multi-repetition sets and ~85% of
1RM for single-repetition sets, another metric that may be more useful
than volume for comparing programming approaches is volume load.

Volume load is calculated by sets x repetitions x load, where load is either

the absolute or relative load used for the set(s) and rep(s) completed for a
given effort. As described in the intensity section, it isn’t clear whether
working at intensities much higher than the apparent intensity threshold
yield better results than working at or just above the threshold. Still,
calculating volume load using relative intensity (e.g. % of 1RM) is probably
a more appropriate way of comparing different programs than volume

There are a few caveats to increasing volume, however. Increasing

training volume beyond what the individual can handle from a fatigue
management and training tolerance standpoint does not further increase
strength and may even result in reduced strength performance
compared to a lower amount of training volume.

Additionally, increasing volume of exercises with poor transference to the

test, at inappropriate intensities, and/or at inappropriate proximity to
failure may fail to generate the desired adaptations. In both cases, the
program generates large amounts of fatigue compared to fitness
adaptations, thus preventing the fitness adaptations from being realized.

If the programming elements have poor transference to the test, reducing
training stimulus to allow recovery will not tend to show an increase in
performance because the programming was flawed. In contrast, if the
programming was otherwise appropriate and the dose was merely too
high, a reduction in training stimulus will allow fatigue to dissipate while
hopefully preserving fitness adaptations and performance potential will
surpass baseline levels. This is commonly termed a “taper” or a “peak”,
often in anticipation of competition.

In either case, adding too much volume too soon can outstrip an
individual’s training tolerance and recovery resources. In these situations,
a lower volume program will outperform a higher volume program.

For example, a 2005 study showed that experienced junior Weightlifters

had better strength gains in the clean and jerk, snatch, and squat with a
moderate volume of training compared to either a high or low volume of
training. Gonzalez-Badillo 2005 In another study, squat 1RM performance
increased the most (25.5 kg) in the group doing 18 sets per week, whereas
more modest gains were seen in the 12 (18.3 kg) and 24 (9.5 kg) set
groups. Aube 2020 Even in relatively low fatigue exercises like biceps curls, the
greatest increases in biceps hypertrophy was seen in the moderate
volume group (18 weekly sets) not the low (9 weekly sets) or high (27
weekly sets) volume groups. Heaselgrave 2019

There is likely a threshold for volume beyond which strength and

hypertrophic adaptations plateau and perhaps even decline due to
outstripping an individual’s current training tolerance and recovery
resources. However, the graded dose response relationship between
training volume and strength development persists if it’s appropriate for
the individual.

Training volume is only one component of the training stimulus that

contributes to the training stress (internal load) an individual experiences.
It can be difficult to confidently determine whether an individual is training
with too much, too little, or just the right amount of training volume.

In general, if an individual is constantly sore, fatigued, is rating session RPE

> 8 frequently, and is failing to make strength gains, that would suggest
too much training stress. One way to reduce this is to reduce training
volume. Conversely, if an individual consistently experiences no soreness
(particularly with the inclusion of new exercises), is rating session RPE < 5
frequently, and is failing to make strength gains, the training stress may be
too little. One way to increase the training stress is to increase training

To summarize, whereas training intensity tends to determine the type of
training adaptations seen from a given program, training volume tends to
determine the magnitude of response to a training program. Training
volume needs to be dosed in a way that is tolerated by the individual
based on their current fitness level, recovery resources, and previous
training. For a further discussion on when it’s appropriate to adjust the
training volume, see the Troubleshooting section below.

There is no consensus on what defines “high”, “moderate”, or “low”

volume, in general. We would classify the Low Fatigue Strength templates
would fall under moderate or high-volume programs based on the
literature reviewed above. Most users of this template will have previously
trained using similar or slightly lower training volumes and that sort of
training history makes it much more likely that the individual will not only
tolerate, but thrive using the volume prescribed in these templates.

It is also likely that the volume load (reps x sets x load) is similar to previous
training exposures, albeit distributed differently, in these templates, the
weekly volume (reps x sets) is likely to be higher, but the load is reduced in
order to sustain a higher proximity from failure. Together, the total training
stress should be similar or slightly higher than the individual’s previous
training, though again, distributed differently.

Exercise Volume Summary

• Exercise volume refers the total number of repetitions performed

for a particular muscle group or movement in a given time period.

• Volume load is calculated by multiplying the volume completed

at a particular intensity (sets x repetitions x load). It can be a
useful parameter when comparing different programming

• Exercise volume and strength adaptations exhibit a graded dose-

response relationship, where greater training volumes tend to
promote greater strength gains. This assumes the intensity,
proximity to failure, and overall training stress are appropriate for
the individual, their goals, and training resources (e.g. training
time, recovery, etc.).

• Exercise volumes that are too high may outstrip the individual’s
current training tolerance and yield lower strength improvements
than more moderate training volumes.

• It is not currently known how much volume is needed to maximize
strength development and studies investigating the “minimum
dose” needed to drive some strength improvements have
generated equivocal results.

• We recommend starting with volumes and volume loads that are

similar to the individual’s previous training, provided they were
able to tolerate and improve while following that program.

• If, after starting a new program, an individual is constantly sore,

fatigued, is rating session RPE > 8 frequently, and is failing to make
strength gains, that would seem to indicate too much training
stress. One way to reduce this is to reduce training volume.

• If, after starting a new program, an individual consistently

experiences no soreness (particularly with the inclusion of new
exercises), is rating session RPE < 5 frequently, and is failing to
make strength gains, the training stress may be too little. One way
to increase training stress is to increase training volume.

• Volume may be gradually increased over time to generate

greater fitness adaptations, though some additional fatigue is
expected in the short-term. This should be done slowly after
determining the training formulation, e.g. intensity, exercise
selection, proximity to failure, frequency, and rest periods are
appropriate for individual’s goals.


Frequency describes to the number of training sessions performed per

muscle group or movement in a given period of time. The time frame most
often used is 1 week. As frequency increases for a particular movement or
muscle group, training volume typically increases (though this is not
always the case).

Given the relationship between training volume and strength adaptations,

it is important that programs are matched for volume when attempting to
tease out the effect(s) of training frequency on strength development.

For example, a 2018 meta-analysis by Grgic et al. reviewed 22 studies

initially found that there was a graded dose-response relationship
between training frequency and strength improvements. However, when
volume was equated between the programs, no significant effects were

found. Additionally, the studies included in the review that did have the
same volume and only differed in training frequency did not show a
significant effect on strength development. Grgic 2018 Another meta-analysis
of 12 studies reported the same finding:

“When [resistance training] is volume-equated for combined multi-

jointand isolation exercises, there is no significant effect of [resistance
training] frequency on muscular strength gain.” Ralston 2018

Additional studies show the same relationship, e.g. training the squat,
bench press, and deadlift 3x/wk produced the same strength gains as
training 6x/wk when the total weekly volume was matched. Colquhoun 2018
Studies using machines also find the same relationship, as training the
chest press and hack squat 1x/wk yielded the same hypertrophy and
strength results as training the movements 3x/wk with the same total
weekly volume. Thomas 2016

It appears that training frequency either has little to no discernible effect

independent of training volume on strength or hypertrophy. However,
nearly all studies included in the latest meta-analyses use fewer than 10-12
sets per session for a given muscle group. There may be an independent
effect of training frequency when the volume completed per session gets
very high.

Three studies investigated the independent effects of training frequency

while using a per session volume greater than 10 sets. In one study, muscle
gain was greater in the higher frequency (5x/wk) group compared to the
lower frequency group (2x/wk). Zaroni 2019

In another study, the higher frequency group (2x/wk, 8 sets per muscle
group) was able to use heavier weights than the lower frequency (1x/wk,
16 sets per muscle group), though hypertrophy results were similar after 8-
weeks. Brigatto 2019 In the final study, the moderate frequency group (2x/wk,
12-18 sets) had better squat, bench press, and hypertrophy gains than the
high frequency group (3x/wk, 8-12 sets). Lasevicius 2019

The totality of the data suggests that increasing frequency probably doesn’t
have a significant, reliable advantage for strength or muscle mass
improvements unless the volume (total number of sets) gets very high. Even so,
the effect doesn’t appear large enough to advocate for a specific training
frequency above and beyond an individual’s preferred training schedule and
time available for training per session.

The last point about time availability becomes important when performing
relatively high volumes of strength training and the associated time necessary

for setup, intraset rest periods, etc. For example, the difference in time necessary
to complete 10 sets of 4 repetitions @ RPE 7 in one day compared to spreading
that same volume load over two or more days is significant. The time differences
are further magnified over additional exercises.

Additionally, doing a high number of sets in a single session vs. spreading them
out over multiple training days likely increases the amount of fatigue generated.
Ferreira 2017 McLester 2003 Spreading the volume out over multiple days likely reduces

the amount of fatigue generated in a single session, thereby preserving

performance for subsequent training days.

Finally, higher training frequencies may have the ability to improve motor
learning and skill development that are extremely important to 1RM
performance. Carroll 2001 As fatigue increases, motor learning and skill
development declines and it may be beneficial to limit fatigue when skill
acquisition is so important to performance. Moran-Navarro 2017 Dos Santos 2021

Overall, we don’t feel confident in recommending a particular training

frequency to maximize strength development based on the existing data
showing a relatively small independent effect of training frequency on
muscular adaptations. However, this data is limited by per-session training
volume, relatively short study lengths, training status of the subjects, and
smaller sample sizes.

In the Low Fatigue Strength templates, we employ a higher frequency of

training as a hedge that both spreading out fatigue and increasing
opportunities to practice the lifts will produce greater strength gains while
aiding in fatigue management. This is in addition to managing time
constraints that make high volumes of strength work difficult to complete
for multiple movements without spending a long time in the gym. This is
mostly speculation, though personal and coaching experience seems to
support this programming approach, though we admit our retrospective
analyses will naturally contain various biases.


Progress can be measured in several ways depending on what outcomes

are important to the trainee. This might be strength, hypertrophy (i.e.,
increases in muscle size), conditioning/endurance, or some other goal
entirely. For this application with individuals who are focused on maximal
strength, tracking trends in strength performance gives the best indications
of how well the program is working for an individual.

How-To Measure Strength Progress

In order measure week-to-week strength progress, we’ll use a combination

of qualitative and quantitative measures. Increases in strength
performance over time represent demonstrable increases in fitness
adaptations relative to the current level of fatigue in a particular

Quantitatively, we’ll use the absolute amount weight lifted for a given
exercise, number of repetitions, and set. For example, squatting 275
pounds for one set of 5 repetitions would represent the quantitative metric
for that performance.

For the qualitative component, we’ll use the Rate of Perceived Exertion, or
RPE. RPE is a subjective measure of an individual’s effort during or after a
task. Perceived exertion refers to how hard a task feels and this should be
distinguished from fatigue, which refers to the subjective feelings of
reduced performance.

For example, that same 5-repetition 275 pound squat set may have been
a maximum-effort set near failure that was very hard, or it may have been
a relatively fast, easy set. The difference between these two performances
is important and is not captured by exclusively focusing on the bar weight

Similarly, if the trainee squats 275 pounds with relative ease on week 1, but
280 pounds is an extremely difficult, maximum effort set on week 2, the lifter
is probably not stronger on week 2, even though they lifted more absolute
load. This is where adding this qualitative metric can help us differentiate
these situations for a more accurate view of training progress.

In resistance training, RPE is rated on a 1-10 scale, with RPE 1 corresponding

to rest and RPE 10 being a maximal effort. The rating represents different
levels of exertion that correspond with the individual’s experience of
musculoskeletal, cardiorespiratory, environmental, and other activity-
related stimuli.

Researchers have adapted a similar metric known as Repetitions in

Reserve, or RIR, which represents an estimate of the number of repetitions
away from failure. For example, after completing the squat set of 275
pounds for 5 repetitions, the lifter might estimate that they could not have
done another rep (i.e., RIR 0 = RPE 10 = maximum effort), or it may have
moved easily enough that they estimate another 3 more repetitions could
have been performed before failure (i.e. RIR 3 = RPE 7).

A common mistake lifters make with this tool is obsess over “perfect”
accuracy. However, it is much more important to use it consistently than it
is to have perfect accuracy from the very beginning.

Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Guide for multi-repetition Traditional

Resistance Training e.g. low velocity strength training.

It should be noted that single-rep efforts, e.g. 1 repetition @ RPE 8, have a slightly
different scale than multi-repetition efforts. The reps in reserve (RIR) proxy is less
applicable in this context, which is reflected in the chart below.

Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Guide for single-repetition Traditional
Resistance Training e.g. low velocity strength training.

We also use RPE for communicating loading for conditioning efforts, but again
the scale is slightly different given the nature of the exercise.

Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Guide for conditioning efforts.

We understand that introducing this concept to guide loading can be

challenging or intimidating when it’s first being employed; however, our

experience and the current research suggests that most individuals can the
hang of it within a few weeks to a reasonable level of accuracy. Again, it is
critical to note that “perfect” accuracy is not required for this metric to be

For these reasons, we argue that combining the quantitative (weight and
repetitions) and qualitative (RPE) descriptors of performance are useful in
assessing strength changes over time. We can use these descriptors to track
an estimate of maximum strength over time known as the Estimated 1-
Repetition Maximum (E1RM). Estimated 1RMs represent a projection of the
maximum weight you could lift for 1 repetition, based off of known values for
load, repetitions completed, and RPE from a given set that you have actually

Using the numbers from the previous example, the lifter who squatted 275
pounds for 5 repetitions at an RPE of 8 in their had an e1RM of approximately
340 pounds, but when they squatted 280 pounds for 5 @ RPE 10 the following
week, their e1RM was 325 pounds. Despite adding weight to the bar, our
hypothetical lifter appears to have a reduced performance on week 2 in this
scenario. As an aside, even if we didn’t explicitly use RPE, the decrease in bar
velocity is yet another indication that the trainee’s strength is decreased
during the second week session.

An exclusive focus on absolute load on the bar gives no indication that

strength may be stagnating or regressing, and this information can be useful
to guide programming adjustments over time. Suffice it to say, we think
learning to use RPE is important and we’ll use it to determine the weight on
the bar used for each session. See the section How-To Progress for more
information on weight selection and progression strategies.

How-To Progress

In order to generate fitness adaptations such as strength, power, hypertrophy,

and cardiorespiratory fitness, we need to provide the appropriate training
stimulus to the individual that matches with their current fitness levels,
performance potential, and recovery. We will provide an overview of the
Progressive Loading Principle and how-to do this in the context of The Low
Fatigue Strength Template.

In exercise, the training stimulus refers to nuts and bolts of the program
undertaken by the individual, e.g. the volume, intensity, exercise selection, rest
periods, etc. A given training stimulus generated by a workout or series of
workouts produces different experiences in different individuals, as they have
differing genetics, training histories, fitness levels, environments, and more. This
experience of the training stimulus is called the training stress, which can be

measured by RPE, RIR, heart rate changes, etc.

Training stress produces two different, but interrelated outcomes: fatigue and
potentially fitness adaptations. Enoka 2016

Fatigue can be defined as the negative physiological and psychological

changes from exercise, e.g. muscle soreness, muscle damage, reduced force
production, tiredness, etc.

Fitness adaptations are the positive physiological and psychological changes

resulting from exercise, e.g. strength, hypertrophy, and improvements in
cardiorespiratory fitness, to name a few.

The performance potential of an individual at any given time in a specific

environment for a particular task is the balance or ratio of fitness adaptations
relative to fatigue. Thus, a specific training stimulus produces a unique training
stress for an individual, which subsequently results in both fitness adaptations
and fatigue.

Recovery represents the shift in the balance of negative stress-induced

changes compared to positive stress-induced changes and is heavily
influenced by nutrition, sleep quantity and quality, current fitness levels, external
(to the gym) stress, and environmental factors.

The goal of each training session is to apply an appropriate training stress in

order to produce the desired fitness adaptations, but not too much fatigue. If a
particularly high stress training session or series of training sessions produces
slightly more fitness adaptations than another, but produces a lot more fatigue,
then performance potential may actually decrease and limit progression.
Similarly, if a particularly low stress training session or series of training sessions
results in a significant decay in fitness adaptations, but reduces fatigue to a
lesser degree, performance potential also decreases,

As discussed previously, higher stress training sessions do not necessarily

produce greater fitness adaptations. See the Intensity section above for a
further discussion. Rather than focusing on high or low stress workouts, we’d like
to match the training stress to the performance potential of the individual for a
given workout by manipulating the training stimulus.

In the section above labeled Weight Selection, we discussed how-to determine

the loading for a given exercise in order to arrive at the desired training stress of
a program, which matches this aspect of the training stimulus to an individual’s
performance potential on any given training day. The next question becomes,
how do we progress over time?

The Progressive Loading Principle holds that in order develop fitness
adaptations, the human body must continue to be sufficiently challenged over
time as fitness and performance potential improves. In other words, as people
get better, the training stimuli must increase to match this improvement and
continue to provide a sufficient stimulus.

The rate of adaptation will determine the rate at which training stimulus should
be increased. Many people hold the opposite belief; that is, that increasing the
training stimulus is itself what drives the rate of adaptation. This difference is
critically important, since it results in different approaches to managing training
and progression. We get bigger, stronger, or faster, and are then able to lift
more weight, handle more volume, or complete conditioning tasks more
quickly, not the other way around.

If the increase in stimulus occurs too quickly, too much fatigue is likely to occur
relative to fitness adaptations, which lowers performance potential, increases
injury risk, and may not ultimately produce greater fitness adaptations. If the
increase in stimulus occurs too slowly, fitness adaptations will not develop at
their maximal rates, if at all.

In both cases, if the training stimulus is not appropriately matched to the

person’s current fitness and performance potential, the individual won’t get the
best result. The statement also works in reverse, i.e., in order to get the best
results, the training stimulus should be matched to the person’s current fitness
and performance potential. The person’s adaptation rate, which is reflected by
their performance potential, should determine the training stimulus.

Because we have tools to determine a person’s performance potential on a

given day, this means we can tailor the training stimulus for every movement of
every training session in order to get the right dose. These tools include RPE, RIR,
barbell velocity, and combinations thereof.

What does this look like in The Low Fatigue Strength Template?

Resistance Training: We recommend progressing resistance training through

increasing load and/or training volume (number of repetitions and sets) while
holding the rest of the training variables fairly constant within each of the three
discrete training phases, i.e., exercise selection, range of motion, RPE targets,
and rest periods.

Practically speaking, this means planning to add weight to the barbell each
week provided you’re able to, until or unless your performance on a given day
suggests otherwise. For example, an individual performs the following on Day 1,
Week 2 of the 3-day Medium ISF Low Fatigue Strength Template:

• Exercise: Back Squat
• Prescription: 5 reps @ RPE 7. Keep the weight the same, and complete 13
more reps, adjusting the # of reps per set to keep RPE at RPE 7.
• Working Set #1: 5 repetitions @ 315 pounds, rated at RPE 7
• Working Set #2: 5 repetitions @ 315 pounds, rated at RPE 7
• Working Set #3: 5 repetitions @ 315 pounds, rated at RPE 7
• Working Set #4: 3 repetitions @ 315 pounds, rated at RPE 7

In this example, our lifter’s estimated 1-Rep Max (e1RM) is 401 pounds. The
following week, we’d like to increase the stimulus IF AND ONLY IF THERE IS AN
INCREASE IN PERFORMANCE POTENTIAL via increasing the load and volume per
the prescribed repetitions and sets.

• Exercise: Back Squat

• Prescription: 5 reps @ RPE 7. Keep the weight the same, and complete 16
more reps, adjusting the # of reps per set to keep RPE at RPE 7.
• Working Set #1: 5 repetitions @ 320 pounds, rated at RPE 7
• Working Set #2: 5 repetitions @ 320 pounds, rated at RPE 7
• Working Set #3: 5 repetitions @ 320 pounds, rated at RPE 7
• Working Set #4: 5 repetitions @ 320 pounds, rated at RPE 7
• Working Set #4: 1 repetition @ 320 pounds, rated at < RPE 6

In this example, our lifter increased his e1RM to 408 pounds under similar
conditions, e.g. repetition scheme and RPE rating. He was also able to do more
volume than the previous week.

If there had been no increase in performance potential, which would become

apparent during the warm-ups or initial working set, the individual should have
kept the weights the exact same as the previous week and done the additional
2 repetitions of volume. This would have been acceptable in the short term, as
improvements in fitness adaptations relative to fatigue vary wildly between
individuals and are not beholden to the constraints of the Gregorian calendar.
However, the expectation is that, on average, an individual should be getting
demonstrably stronger regularly, e.g. week-to-week or every other week when
following appropriate programming.

In other words, individuals who are actually getting stronger should be able to
increase loads at somewhat regular time intervals, e.g. weekly or every other
week, without significantly increasing the RPE ratings, reducing reps, cutting the
range of motion, or requiring dramatically extended rest periods. From this
perspective, a load increase at the same RPE represents the result of
adaptation having taken place, rather than an increase in load itself being the
driver of adaptation.

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to how much load should be added per
week, as individuals vary greatly in their response to a given training program
due to a myriad of biopsychosocial factors including:

• Genetics
• Training history and current programming
• Environment, psychological, and social factors/stressors
• Nutrition
• Illness or Injury
• Acute changes in any of the above

It is impossible to forecast adaptation rate and it is unlikely that there are

patterns or progression schemes that are broadly applicable. In any case, we
recommend aiming for ~1-5% load increases without overshooting the
recommended RPE targets. Of course, life happens, and you may not always
be able to add the desired amount within the parameters of the program, and
that’s okay. The idea is to assume you’ll be adding weight until/unless proven
otherwise, based on how you’re actually performing during that training

In summary, our default recommendation for progressing the resistance training

elements of The Low Fatigue Strength Template is to add weight to the selected
exercises each week when possible. When this isn’t feasible, we recommend
repeating the weight from the previous week or even reducing it, if necessary,
to hit the prescribed RPEs and match the training stimulus to the day’s
performance potential.

Conditioning: We recommend progressing cardiorespiratory endurance training

through increasing distances, implement resistance, or Calorie expenditure while
maintaining the rest of the training variables, i.e. modality selection, RPE, and
duration of exercise.

For example, an individual performs the following during Week 1 of the 3-day
Medium ISF Low Fatigue Strength Template:

• Exercise: Air Bike for 25 minutes of “steady-state” cardio at RPE 6

o Calories Burned on Week 1: 200 Calories*
o Distance “Cycled” on Week 1: 2.5 miles*

(Note: depending on the model of the air bike these calorie and distance
numbers may be inaccurate. We’re using them here for illustrative purposes

The following week, we’d like to increase the stimulus (commensurate with the

new level of adaptation) via increasing the absolute intensity of the effort.

• Exercise: Air Bike for 25 minutes of “steady-state” cardio at RPE 6

o Calories Burned on Week 2: 210 Calories in 25 minutes
o Distance “Cycled” on Week 2: 2.7 miles in 25 minutes

We also include High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) to complement the lower

intensity steady-state conditioning. Progression for this type of cardiorespiratory
endurance training is similar, though there are generally more opportunities to
increase resistance when compared to steady-state cardio.

For example, an individual might perform the following:

• Exercise: Rower - complete a 20 second sprint @ RPE 10 every 2 minutes

for 20 minutes.
o Calories Burned on Week 1: 200 Calories*
o Distance “Rowed” on Week 1: 1000m total
o Resistance: 6*
(*Depending on the model of the rower and the individual these calorie,
distance, and resistance numbers may be way off. We’re using them here for
illustrative purposes only.)

The following week, we’d like to apply a slightly larger stimulus (commensurate
with the new level of adaptation) via increasing the absolute intensity of the

• Exercise: Rower- complete a 20 second sprint @ RPE 10 every 2 minutes

for 20 minutes.
o Calories Burned on Week 2: 210 Calories*
o Distance “Rowed” on Week 2: 1200m total
o Resistance: 6*

[*Depending on the model of the rower and the individual these calorie,
distance, and resistance numbers may be way off. We’re using them here for
illustrative purposes only. Additionally, adding resistance on rowers tends to be
problematic because it can decrease stroke rate and rowing efficiency. We
recommend trying to go a little further each interval week-to-week. On the
other hand, if one were performing prowler sprints or sled pulls, adding a bit of
extra weight while traveling the same distance over the same time would
represent progressive overload for that modality.]

In summary, our default recommendation for progressing the cardiorespiratory

endurance elements of The Low Fatigue Strength Template is to go a bit faster,
longer, etc. during the selected exercise modes each week without exceeding
the recommended RPE. When this isn’t feasible, we recommend repeating the

pace from the previous week or even reducing it, if necessary, to hit the
prescribed RPEs and match the training stimulus to the day’s performance
potential. If this trend persists, switching exercise modes or altering
programming may be necessary.

Troubleshooting Programming

The Low Fatigue Strength templates have been designed to improve strength in
a wide range of users. To accomplish this, we’ve included two different versions
of low fatigue programming, a nutrition guide, and several customization
options to help users find success in their training. Despite our best-laid plans
however, some folks still may not see great results.

Why might some people not see good results from a program?

Individuals vary greatly in their response to a given training program due to

numerous biopsychosocial factors including:

• Genetics
• Current programming and training history
• Environment, psychological, and social factors/stressors
• Nutrition
• Illness or Injury
• Acute changes in any of the above

We can’t change an individual’s genetics, and managing their training history,

environmental, psychological, and social inputs is beyond the scope of this text,
however we’ve provided ample information on nutrition management to help
folks put their best foot forward. In this section we wanted to offer additional
support for troubleshooting the most modifiable factor in strength
development, current programming, for those reading this text.

When should an individual start changing the program? In general, if an

individual is not seeing regular improvements in their strength performance and
their outside-the-gym factors have created an environment that seems ripe for
gains, the program likely needs adjustment. This means that an individual is
eating, sleeping, and managing stress reasonably well.

Life doesn’t have to be perfect of course, but if someone isn’t progressing and
they’re very stressed out from school or work, not sleeping, and eating a poor
diet, I wouldn’t blame the program for plateau or regression in strength
performance. If these stressors are likely to resolve in the short-term, the default
recommendation would be to keep doing the program in the interim. During
these “high life stress” periods, it becomes even more important to manage
training fatigue appropriately - meaning sticking to the RPE/RIR targets.

If the environmental inputs are in check and the program is not producing
regular strength improvements in the priority (e.g. “main”) lifts every 1-3 weeks,
we’d recommend modifying the program to better suit the individual’s needs.

Progress in the supplemental and accessory lifts is expected throughout the

program, though their progression is of less importance and emphasis. For
example, we expect significant improvements in the ability to do new exercise
variations that are included in the program. If they aren’t transferring over to the
main lifts over time however, that is an indication that the programming is
flawed. If strength progress is observable in the main lifts, but not the
supplemental and/or accessory lifts, the overall goal of the program is being
accomplished despite the lack of progress in the lower priority movements. That
is 100% okay given the goals of the program.

How should an individual change the program? If a given program is not

producing the desired increase in performance potential, strength in this case,
there is likely to be an issue between the balance of fitness adaptations and
fatigue being generated. A reduction in performance potential can occur
when fatigue is too high compared to fitness adaptations AND when fitness
adaptations are too low compared to fatigue.

If we think fatigue is too high, we need to reduce training stress by lowering the
training stimuli. If we think fitness adaptations are too low, we need to increase
training stimuli to bring the training stress back up to a level that drives fitness
adaptations. So, the question is, how do we determine which one it is?

Too Much Fatigue (Short Protocol): In situations where the performance potential
drops acutely, e.g., over the course of a few days, the most likely culprit is an
increase in fatigue out of proportion to fitness adaptations. Fitness adaptations
like strength, hypertrophy, and cardiorespiratory fitness take a relatively long
time to decay once present, unless someone is acutely ill, bed-ridden, or
severely injured. When performance potential drops suddenly and the individual
is not sick, immobile, or injured, we recommend a small decrease in training
volume to lower the training stimulus and training stress experienced. We
recommend reducing the number of work sets completed by 1-2 on all exercises
for 2-4 training days to see what happens to performance potential.

Too Much Fatigue (Long Protocol): If performance increases to or past baseline,

we’d recommend returning to the program as written, save for the reduction in
training volume by 1 set on all exercises. If performance does not return after this
period of de-loading, we’d consider extending the reduction in volume up to 10
days. If performance still does not return, we’d then change additional elements
of the program like exercise selection and average intensity. These are
discussed in detail below.

If an individual’s performance potential drops slowly over time, e.g. strength
trends down slowly over the course of weeks, it is less clear what the causative
factor(s) is/are. Further investigation is needed to get a better sense of what’s
going on.

In this scenario, if an individual is constantly sore, fatigued, is rating session RPE >
8 frequently, and training motivation is waning, that suggests too much training
stress. In this case, we’d advise utilizing the “Too much fatigue (short protocol)”
described above, with the option to extend to the long protocol if necessary.

Conversely, if an individual consistently experiences no soreness (particularly

with the inclusion of new exercises), is rating session RPE < 5 frequently, and
training motivation is high, the training stress may be too little. From here, we’d
recommend following one of the options described in “Too little stress
protocols” described below.

All of the following protocols are designed for individuals who have ran an entire
block of training with minimal soreness, low session RPE ratings (<5-6 usually), and
high training motivation, but who aren’t making regular, demonstrable
improvements in strength for the priority movements.

Too Little Stress (Exercise Selection Protocol): This protocol is best-suited for
individuals who have selected exercises that, at face value, are either very non-
specific or are hyper-specific to the competition squat, bench press, and
deadlift. The idea is that at either end of the specificity spectrum, reduced
improvements in the main lifts are more likely outside of short-term peaking
phases (for some individuals).

We’d recommend a blend of fairly specific exercises for the supplemental

exercise slots and less specific exercises for the accessory slots. In addition, we’d
like to ensure good trainability of all lifts included. For example, if an individual
can back squat 500 lbs and has selected the front squat for their supplemental
lift, yet can only front squat 200 lbs, the transference is likely artificially low due to
the very limited loads being used. We’d prefer to see a “supplemental” exercise
that gets somewhere near the loads being handled in the main lift, whereas the
loading for the “accessory” lift can have more variance.

On the other end of the specificity spectrum, if an individual picks only the low
bar back squat for the main, supplemental, and accessory squat exercises and
doesn’t make regular strength progress, the issue may be with reduced skill
development and some overuse issues. In this case, we’d recommend
swapping both the supplemental and accessory lifts for slightly different
variations based on perceived weak points.

Too Little Stress (Intensity Protocol): This protocol is best-suited for individuals who
can complete the programmed training with very short rest periods (~2-3
minutes) and consistently rate their back-off set work less than RPE 5-6.

In this case, the thought is that this individual may be relatively well conditioned
to the dose of training, but the intensity is insufficient to develop the desired
strength adaptations. To remedy this issue, we recommend first increasing the
RPE of the top or first set by 1, e.g. 3 reps @ RPE 7 becomes 3 @ RPE 8.

We’d also increase the intensity of the back off sets slightly. In the “Medium ISF”
templates, this means increasing the target RPE up to RPE 7.5 from RPE 7. In the
“Low ISF” templates, we recommend adding 3% to the intensity percentages,
e.g. 71% x 4 reps x 5 sets becomes 74% x 4 reps x 5 sets.

In order to control fatigue through volume load, we’d also employ a time cap
for all exercises. For the three prescribed lifts on a training day, we’re allotting 22,
18, and 15 minutes to complete the programming, respectively.

Whereas RPE helps control the intensity by matching the weight to the lifter’s
potential during a given training session, using these time caps helps control the
volume. On days when performance potential is reduced, it is tempting to
increase rest period length to dissipate intraworkout fatigue. However, the
presence of increased intraworkout fatigue is a sign that performance potential
is decreased and in order to match the training stress to the individual’s
potential on a given day, we need to alter aspects of the training stimulus like
intensity, volume, etc.

If a lifter is unable to complete the prescription in the given time frame, he

should move on to the next exercise without completing the additional set(s).
On a day when performance potential is higher, the lifter will be able to
complete the prescribed volume and match the training stress to that increased

Too Little Stress (Volume Protocol): This protocol is best-suited for individuals who
can complete the programmed training with normal rest periods (~3-5 minutes),
picked a good blend of specific and non-specific exercises, and consistently
rate their back-off set work in the RPE 6-7 range.

In this case, this individual seems to be doing pretty much everything right, but
isn’t getting enough of a dose of training volume to drive the desired
adaptations. While it may be that the individual would benefit from a different
exercise selection and/or a change in intensity, we’d recommend modifying
volume here first.

To address this issue, we recommend increasing the number of prescribed back
off sets by 1 on all exercises the first week this change is undertaken. In the
“Medium ISF” template, we’d recommend adding additional reps in-line with
the top set. If the prescription is, “5 reps @ RPE 7. Keep the weight the same, and
complete 18 more reps, adjusting the # of reps per set to keep RPE at RPE 7”,
the individual should add another 5 repetitions.

Given the frequency of training programmed in these templates, raising the

volume in this manner represents a significant increase in training stimulus. We’d
recommend monitoring results for 2-3 weeks before considering adding another
set or number of reps.

Similar to the added intensity protocol, we’d also want to use a time cap here
to control volume load. For the three prescribed lifts on a training day, we’re
allotting 22, 18, and 15 minutes to complete the programming, respectively.

If after two additions of volume, strength performance still isn’t increasing every
1-3 weeks and there is no indication that fatigue is too high, we’d recommend
adjusting intensity as described above, then exercise selection.

Wrap Up

To summarize, programming management should be an iterative process based

on feedback and observed outcomes. While it’s not possible to address all
potential programming scenarios in this text, this troubleshooting guide gives
users a good start to self-manage strength plateaus.

For additional help, we are available for questions in our Facebook group
(search Barbell Medicine) and forum. You can also obtain Form Checks from our
coaches, which includes discussion of programming modifications to help you
reach your goals.

Nutrition and Supplementation

Nutrition plays an important role in training outcomes, most notably hypertrophy
and body composition. Strength increases are often said to have a similar
relationship, e.g. the better an individual’s nutrition, the better their strength
gains. Let’s examine the data on this and generate some practical

Weight Management

The trajectory of an individual’s weight, e.g. weight gain, maintenance, or
weight loss, is determined by their energy balance. Energy balance describes
the relationship between the total number of calories consumed (known as
“energy intake”) compared with the number of calories burned through
metabolism and physical activity (known as “energy expenditure”). Simply put:
energy intake minus energy expenditure = energy balance. A person’s energy
balance is the main determinant of their body weight and body fat level.
Sustained changes in energy balance produce changes in body weight, which
certainly influence muscle mass gain and body composition change in response
to exercise.
Weight Gain
For example, multiple studies show that greater Calorie surpluses produce
greater amounts of lean body mass with resistance training when adequate
protein is consumed. A larger surplus is also accompanied by greater fat
accumulation. Ribeiro 2019 Leaf 2017 However, those gaining more muscle mass may
not reliably demonstrate greater strength than those who gain less.
One study compared men receiving a daily “gainer” shake containing 2010
Calories to a control who did not take a daily shake. After training 4 days per
week for 8 weeks, the groups receiving the shakes gained just over 3 kg of body
mass (mostly lean) whereas the group who did not get the shake maintained
their body weight. All groups increased their 1RM in the bench press, leg press,
and lat pulldown, but there were no differences between groups despite the
differences in lean body mass and total body weight. Rozenek 2002
Another study compared individuals who were given high doses of testosterone
(600 mg injection weekly, or about 3-4-times the standard testosterone
replacement therapy dose) to those receiving a placebo. After 10 weeks of
strength training, the testosterone group showed a lean body mass increase of 6
kg whereas the placebo group showed only a 2 kg increase. Despite the large
difference between the two groups. Bhasin 1996

While there are certainly plenty of anecdotes suggesting that larger individuals
who are carrying greater amounts of muscle mass tend to lift heavier weights,
the exact relationship between lean body mass increases and strength
performance seems to be more complex, and remains an active area of
research and debate. Loenneke 2019 Taber 2019
Weight Maintenance
Weight maintenance is a result of sustained energy balance. Most individuals
are in energy balance most of the time with opposing, short-term up and down
fluctuations in intake and expenditure. We don’t yet know if muscle mass gain is
greater in a modest positive energy balance (e.g. caloric surplus) than at
maintenance. Slater 2019 Additionally, the complex relationship between lean

body mass and strength performance described above makes it difficult to
confidently say that improvements in strength are greater when in an energy
surplus versus maintenance.

Weight Loss
Weight loss results from a sustained energy deficit. Its effects on lean body mass
and strength in populations regularly engaged in resistance training while
consuming adequate protein show favorable results.
An energy deficit tends to substantially (20-30%) reduced muscle protein
synthesis (MPS) rates, which is how the body creates new protein for to sustaining
and/or building muscle. Pasaikos 2014 However, a single bout of resistance training
brings MPS rates back to the levels seen during times of energy balance. Adding
a moderately-sized dose of protein (15-30 grams) on top of this increases MPS
rates even further to levels above those seen during energy balance. Areta 2014 In
other words, MPS is restored by the anabolic stimuli of resistance training and
dietary protein intake.
This anabolic restoration appears to be strong enough to produce an increase
in muscle mass during periods of weight loss. In untrained individuals and
individuals with obesity, the concomitant reductions and body fat with muscle
mass increase seem to be a bit easier to come by. Nindi 2000 Donnelly 1993 Still, there is
data showing that trained individuals can also lose body fat and gain muscle
mass at the same time, though the amount of muscle gained and fat loss tends
to be smaller. Campbell 2018 Rauch 2018 Antonio 2014 Antonio 2015 A similar relationship has
been shown in trained women as well. Hulmi 2017 In all populations, the protein
intake appears to be an important factor for body composition changes (see
Protein section below).
With respect to strength, data comparing 1RM performance during periods
weight loss to that of weight gain or maintenance is lacking. However, data
showing strength gain during periods of weight loss is readily available.
For example, a group of elite Norwegian athletes recruited from a variety of
different sports were randomized to either slow or fast weight loss groups while
lifting weights 4 times per week. The slow weight loss group followed a diet that
resulted in a ~0.7% decrease in body weight per week, whereas the fast group
lost ~1.4% bodyweight per week. The study ran for 4-12 weeks until the athletes
reached the desired weight loss, which was a minimum of a 4% decrease in
body weight. At the end of the weight loss phases, the subjects’ 1RM squat and
bench press improvements were greater in the slow group when compared to
the fast group: 11.9% vs. 8.9% for the squat and 13.6% vs 6.4% for the bench
press. Garthe 2011
An earlier study by Hoffman et al. observed 61 Division 1-AA football players
during a 10-week winter conditioning period. After the 10-week period, the

average results for the players showed a decrease in body fat by skinfold
measurement, an increase in chest and thigh girths, a decrease in body weight,
and increases in their 1RM squat and bench press performance. Hoffman 1990
Overall, there are still many unknowns pertaining to long-term energy
balance and its relationship with strength performance and hypertrophy
in different populations. Future research is likely to help answer these
questions and further refine recommendations for weight management in
the context of performance.

Based on the existing evidence failing to show a tight relationship

between weight change and strength performance, we think it’s prudent
to prioritize health when it comes to weight management. Our
recommendations for dietary management based on the current
scientific evidence are summarized in the box below.

Weight Management Summary

• Individuals whose have a waist circumference that exceeds the

current cut-points indicating a higher risk of adiposity-related
chronic disease, e.g. 37” for men and 31.5” for women, would
likely benefit from losing fat mass via a calorie restricted diet. We
are using the lower waist cut points given the existing data
correlating them to adiposity-related chronic disease risk, despite
the current Obesity guidelines using 40” and 34” for men and
women, respectively.

• Individuals whose have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or greater

and/or the presence of an adiposity-related chronic disease
such as high blood pressure, type II diabetes mellitus, insulin
resistance, cardiovascular disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver
disease, etc., would likely benefit from losing fat mass via a
calorie restricted diet.

• A modest deficit of -250-500 Calories is reasonable with a goal of

losing 2.5% bodyweight per month.

• Dietary protein should be ~1.6 grams of protein per kilogram

(total) bodyweight per day. See discussion on Protein below.

• Individuals whose have a waist circumference that is borderline

exceeding the current cut-points indicating a higher risk of
adiposity-related chronic disease, e.g. 37” for men and 31” for
women, would likely benefit from losing fat mass via either a
calorie restricted diet or a maintenance diet, given that they

may be able to decrease fat mass and gain muscle mass
simultaneously. For reference, this speculative borderline range is
~35-37” for waist circumference for men and 29-31” for women.

• Individuals whose have a waist circumference that is below the

borderline cut points and who are free from adiposity-related
chronic disease that desire increases in lean body mass may are
likely to benefit from a modest calorie surplus, e.g. adding 250-
500 Calories to their daily intake. The increase in Calories should
be predominantly carbohydrates and/or fats, depending on
personal preference.


Macronutrients are the nutritional components of a diet that include protein,

carbohydrate, and fat. While the specific macronutrient composition of a diet
has less significance for weight management compared to overall energy
intake, it does play important roles with respect to satiety, adherence, body
composition, and performance.

Our protein recommendations have been detailed previously here. The role of
protein intake in strength performance has not previously been discussed and
thus, deserves a brief review.
A 2018 meta-analysis reviewed 49 studies that included 1,863 subjects to
determine the level of protein intake associated with the greatest strength and
muscle mass improvements. In that study, it was found that intakes of 1.6 grams
of protein per kilogram body weight per day optimized resistance training
outcomes (muscle hypertrophy and 1-rep max strength). Morton 2018

The 2019 International Association of Athletics Federations Consensus Statement

supports these findings and recommends that athletes who are maintaining or
gaining weight ingest 1.3 to 1.7 grams of protein per kilogram body weight per
day. Burke 2019 Very lean, hard-training individuals may require up to 2.3-3.1 grams
of protein per kilogram per day in order to minimize lean body mass losses. Helms

This later finding is corroborated by The International Society of Sports Nutrition

(ISSN) in their 2018 sports nutrition review where they suggest that individuals who
are losing weight may benefit from this higher level of protein intake. Kersick 2018

Protein Intake Summary
• For building and maintaining muscle mass, a total daily protein intake
of 1.3–3.1 grams of protein per kilogram bodyweight per day is

• Protein intakes of 1.3-2.2 g/kg/day are likely more than adequate for
most individuals, especially among those who are gaining or
maintaining weight.

• Higher protein intakes of 2.3–3.1 g/kg/day may be beneficial for

those who are lean and actively losing weight, and/or who are
training vigorously 5 times or more per week, and/or who have
conditions that produce marked anabolic resistance.

• Protein intakes up to 4.4 g/kg/day have been shown to be safe and

well-tolerated in humans. However, this level of protein intake has not
shown to improve strength, hypertrophy, body composition, or
performance outcomes.

• Each meal should contain ~0.25–0.6 grams of protein per kilogram

bodyweight, or an absolute dose of ~20–45 grams of protein.

• Protein-containing meal doses should ideally be evenly distributed

every 3–5 hours across the day, although this is less important than
the total daily intake.

• If these recommendations for total daily intake are being met, the
source of protein should be based on the individual’s preferences,
e.g. both animal and plant proteins have high levels of EAAs and
BCAAs at this level of protein intake. We do not feel strongly about
recommending whole food over protein supplements or vice versa,
as the overall dietary pattern is most important here, e.g. total
energy intake, dietary fiber, fruit and vegetable intake, etc.

• Protein supplements should adhere to FDA regulations for Current

Good Manufacturing Processes (CGMP) and be third-party tested by
NSF, Informed Consent, USP, or similar. These should be prominent on
the label.

• Weight-based calculations for protein intake should use total body

weight, as most data on protein intake use this approach.


Dietary carbohydrates consumed before or during resistance training are

purported to improve strength performance by supplying the muscles with more
energy to use and potentially modulates central drive, e.g. the signaling from
the brain to the muscles, ultimately increasing muscular force production. Mata
2019 Post-workout, carbohydrates– particularly quick-acting , simple

carbohydrates- are often recommended to help “spike insulin” and further

anabolic signaling. Stark 2012 Let’s take a look at what the data says.

Mechanistically, resistance training relies heavily on muscle glycogen for energy

(ATP) production. For example, about 80% of the ATP required to fuel a single set
of biceps curls performed to muscular failure is generated through muscle
glycogen breakdown. MacDougall 1999 Similarly, a single 45- minute resistance
training session can reduce muscle glycogen stores as much as 40% from their
resting values. Koopman 2006 Consuming carbohydrates during a lifting session
maintains glycogen levels higher compared to receiving placebo. Haff 2000

At present, there is an absence of data showing that reduced muscle glycogen

reduces strength improvement. There are some studies showing that
carbohydrate intake during a high-volume resistance training session have a
greater resistance to fatigue, e.g. they could perform more sets. Haff 1999 Lambert 1991
It is unclear whether this is specifically due to maintaining muscle glycogen

levels, as no muscle biopsies were taken in the placebo and intervention groups.
It is also possible that the improved strength performance was due to an
increase in central drive. Finally, it’s unclear whether the increase in
performance - or a resistance to fatigue in this case - improved training
adaptations, such as increased 1-RM, lean body mass, or other outcomes.

It seems reasonable to conclude that some individuals may perform better

during resistance training sessions when they’re consuming carbohydrates,
although the ideal form and dose are likely variable between individuals.

With respect to ingesting carbohydrates to spike insulin to drive greater amounts

of muscle anabolism compared to protein, adding carbohydrates to protein
does not appear to increase muscle protein synthesis rates or reduce muscle
protein breakdown. Koopman 2007 Staples 2011 However, moderate or high
carbohydrate diets seem to produce greater improvements in muscle mass
than very low carbohydrate diets. Paoli 2019

With respect to overall strength performance, studies investigating the acute

effects of “significant” dietary carbohydrate restriction have found little to no
significant differences in strength performance in the short-term. Sawyer 201 Sawyer 201
Longer-term studies show similar results, e.g. little to no difference in strength
outcomes between very-low carbohydrate and high-carbohydrate diets,

though the time frames studied are only 2-weeks and 1 month, respectively. Paoli
2012 Greene 2018

Related to strength performance is muscle hypertrophy. In this case, the data

suggests that very low levels of dietary carbohydrate intake may impair lean
body mass gain, particularly in trained individuals. Paoli 2019 It is unclear whether
the differences in hypertrophy seen with individuals consuming differing amounts
of dietary carbohydrates has anything to do with pre- or post-workout muscle
glycogen levels. Based on the existing evidence, we do not recommend a very
low carbohydrate diet for trained individuals whose goals include significant
muscular hypertrophy.

Overall, it doesn’t appear that dietary carbohydrate intake has a profound

effect on strength performance in the short-term or strength adaptations in the
long-term in individuals training once per day or less. Escobar 2016 It is more likely
that individual dietary pattern preferences supersede any specific carbohydrate
prescription. Additional considerations likely need to be made when training
multiple times per day or when the performance during the workout is a high

Carbohydrate Intake Summary

• An optimal level of dietary carbohydrate intake has not been

established for health or performance. Total carbohydrate intake
should reflect the individual’s dietary preferences and goals. If an
individual prefers a higher or lower carbohydrate diet as part of an
otherwise health-promoting dietary pattern, then either would be
suitable, provided that fiber targets are met.

• For those desiring a particular carbohydrate intake goal, we

recommend that somewhere between 10-50% of total daily Calories
come from carbohydrates based on preferences and goals.

• Carbohydrate sources should include a variety of whole-food sources

such as fruits, vegetables, legumes (e.g., beans, lentils, chickpeas), and
whole grains.

• Added sugars, particularly from sugar-sweetened beverages, should be


• Consume at least 30-35 grams of fiber per day, ideally from fruits,
vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. For individuals who track their
macronutrient and/or calorie intake, we recommend counting

carbohydrates and calories from fiber. Individuals who are willing and
able to consume higher amounts of fiber will benefit even more.
• We do not recommend very low or low carbohydrate diets in those
seeking maximum strength performance or increase in lean body mass.
However, a carbohydrate-restricted diet may be useful for short-term
weight loss in weight class-restricted sports without apparent
performance detriments.
• For resistance training performance, we recommend dividing
remaining calories between carbohydrates and fat after setting a
protein target within the current guidelines.
• For very high-volume resistance training sessions, consuming
carbohydrates during the workout may be beneficial. A 6-8%
carbohydrate solution (e.g. 6-8 grams of carbohydrates per 100 ml of
fluid) may be beneficial.


Fats are the second major energy source for most humans, representing about a
third of total daily energy intake on average. CDC 2018 Food sources rich in fats
include oils, butter, certain animal meats, fish, dairy products, eggs, nuts, and
avocados, among others. They contribute 9 Calories of energy per gram eaten
and are therefore the most energy-dense food source.

Fatty acid availability is rarely the limiting factor in exercise performance due to
the relatively large amounts stored in adipose tissue, as the human body stores a
massive amount of energy in adipose tissue when compared to the energy
stored in muscle and liver glycogen. Whereas muscle and liver glycogen stores
combine to ~1500-2400 Calories, individuals who are lean or who have obesity
can store between ~130,000 and 1 million Calories as body fat, respectively. Hall
2012 Arent 2020 There is also a small amount (~300 grams, or about 2700 Calories) of

fat stored in muscle, known as “intramuscular triacylglycerol”. Schrauwen‐Hinderling

Fatty acids are the predominant fuel used for low-intensity (< 60% VO2 Max)
activity because the rate of energy production required is relatively slow
compared to high-intensity exercise. Long-duration exercise performance is not
improved when athletes become more efficient at using fat for fuel, since
carbohydrate availability in the form of muscle and liver glycogen still tends to
limit performance during these types of exercise. While there is data to suggest
that consuming a very low carbohydrate, high fat diet improves the ability to
use fat as a fuel during exercise, it does not appear to improve endurance
performance. Burke 2017

Similar findings have been reported with respect to intramuscular triacylglycerol
(IMTG, the fat stored in muscle) and exercise performance. IMTG is thought to
be an energy reservoir for skeletal muscle, as these fat stores are directly
adjacent to the muscle cells and are depleted during exercise. IMTG increases
with training and tends to be highest in slow-twitch, type 1 muscle fibers. It is
replenished more rapidly and to a much higher level on a high fat (68% daily
Calories) diet compared to a low fat (5% daily Calories) diet. Schrauwen‐Hinderling

However, using a high fat diet to achieve higher levels of IMTG does not reliably
produce improved exercise performance. When tested under controlled
settings, those consuming a high-fat diet had higher IMTG content, but reduced
performance. Starling 1997 IMTG content also is slightly reduced during resistance
training, but does not appear to be a limiting factor during resistance training, as
most of the energy production during this type of exercise is from ATP,
phosphocreatine, and glycogen stored in the muscle. Essen-Gustavvson 1990

We’ve previously discussed that very low carbohydrate/high fat diets tend to
reduce muscular hypertrophy, and have little effect on strength adaptations in
the short- or long-term. This suggests no clear benefit of a higher dietary fat
intake on resistance training adaptations when coupled with a reduced
carbohydrate intake.

Despite these findings, many claim that higher dietary fat intakes increase
testosterone levels, thereby potentially improving gains from resistance training.
This is part of the “hormone hypothesis”, which suggests that the concentration
of circulating anabolic hormones plays a significant role in determining training
adaptations, with higher concentrations generating greater gains.

Current data overwhelmingly show a small, irrelevant, and potentially artificial

change in testosterone levels while the subjects consume a low fat diet. Dorgan
1996 Hamalainen 1983 Whereas the traditional assumption has been that blood levels

of anabolic hormones are direct drivers of muscle hypertrophy responses, this is

not well supported.

A growing body of research is finding that training outcomes such as muscular

hypertrophy and strength are not significantly affected by testosterone or other
hormone levels provided someone does not have clinical hypogonadism, or is
using anabolic steroids to achieve supraphysiologic blood levels. Morton 2018, Morton
2016 Furthermore, a number of studies show that men and women attain the

same relative improvements in strength and hypertrophy despite having wildly

different testosterone levels. Ribeiro 2015 Chen 2012 Ahtianen 2016

Overall, there are many a wide range of dietary fat intakes that support high
levels of performance. For example, diets ranging from 8-33% of daily Calories
from fat have been successfully used among competitive bodybuilders. Spendlove
2015 Our current recommendations for fat intake in athletes are similar to non-

athletes and should promote the appropriate energy balance as part of a

health-promoting dietary pattern.
Fat Intake Summary

The following represent our current recommendations on fat intake for adults.
As always, these are subject to change based on future evidence. These also
do not represent medical advice for any particular person or condition.
• An optimal level of dietary fat intake has not been established for health
or performance. Total fat intake should reflect the individual’s dietary
preferences and goals. If an individual prefers a higher or lower fat diet
as part of a health-promoting dietary pattern, either may be suitable

• For those desiring a particular fat intake goal, we recommend 20-35% of

total daily Calories come from fats based on preferences and goals.

• Dietary fat intake should be primarily unsaturated and come from

primarily marine and plant sources such as fish, olive oil, nuts/seeds,
avocado, etc.

• Dietary saturated fat should be limited to approximately 10% or less of

total Calories. This recommendation is strongest for those currently
consuming very high levels of saturated fats (i.e., greater than 18-20% of
total energy intake), those who are at high cardiovascular risk (i.e.,
those with significant abnormalities in blood lipids, certain genetic
conditions, strong family history of heart disease, or personal history of
cardiovascular disease).
o When replacing saturated fat with other nutrients, we
recommend foods rich in PUFA, MUFA, or complex/fibrous
carbohydrates depending on an individual’s preferences, Calorie
goals, and individual response to the diet.
• We do not recommend higher fat diets for the purposes of “optimizing
hormones”, fueling long duration exercise, or replenishing intramuscular
triacylglycerol. The broader dietary pattern is of more importance.

Building a Diet

There are many dietary patterns that promote lean body mass gain, fat loss, and
overall health. Ultimately, the pattern should reflect individual preferences and
goals in order to bolster adherence. That said, the following represent our
current guidelines for constructing a diet:

1) Total daily Calorie intake should achieve healthy body fat and muscle mass
levels, while also supporting appropriate amounts of physical activity.
Vegetarian and vegan approaches can be utilized based on individual
preferences, as vegans and vegetarians tend to eat an average of 600 and
263 fewer Calories per day compared to those who eat both plants and
meat, respectively. Clarys 2014 We recommend using the NIH Bodyweight
Planner to determine the calorie intake needed to maintain body weight.
Calories should be adjusted as described above by reducing or adding
carbohydrates and/or fats.

2) Total dietary protein intake should fall between 1.6-3.1 grams per kilogram
body weight per day, unless medically contraindicated. Those who are
gaining or maintaining weight should aim for the lower to middle-range,
whereas those who are losing weight and/or who have risk factors
for anabolic resistance may aim for the middle to upper range. For those
able to consume protein within this range, we are not concerned about
animal/marine versus plant sources of protein, as plant protein sources
appear to be equivalent to animal protein sources when dosed at this level.
In contrast, this distinction may have more relevance for individuals needing
to consume a protein-restricted diet. Babault 2015,Joy 2013, Hartman 2007

3) Daily carbohydrate and fat intake are mostly matters of personal

preference, however with respect to gaining lean body mass there is some
evidence that low carbohydrate diets don’t do quite as well as diets with
more carbohydrates. With that in mind, we recommend 2-8 grams of
carbohydrates per kilogram bodyweight per day for individuals who do not
prefer low-carbohydrate diets, depending on individual needs. Individuals
who are in a calorie restricted state and/or who prefer low carbohydrate
diets will be eating substantially less carbohydrates per day.

4) Total dietary fiber intake should be at least 25-30 grams per day, ideally
sourced from vegetables, fruits, and complex carbohydrate sources. Reynolds
2019 We recommend eating as many servings of fruits and vegetables as is

consistent with the total calorie and protein goals mentioned above. Fiber
intake may also mitigate some of the potential negative effects of a diet
high in saturated fat. Wallstrom 2012

5) Dietary fat intake should be primarily unsaturated, e.g. from marine and

plant sources, with saturated fat limited to approximately 10% or less of total
Calories. There is no recommended minimum or maximum dietary fat intake
provided these other guidelines are met, however a good rule of thumb is
to consume ~20-30% of their daily calorie intake from dietary fat, or 0.5-2
grams of fat per kilogram bodyweight per day, depending on needs . When
replacing saturated fat with other nutrients, we recommend foods rich in
PUFA, MUFA, or complex carbohydrates depending on an individual’s
preferences, Calorie goal, and individual response to the diet. This
recommendation is strongest for those at elevated cardiovascular risk. With
respect to red meat, the current recommendation of limiting intake to 12-18
ounces of cooked red meat per week is reasonable, although we feel less
strongly about this if the other criteria above are being met.

6) Processed red meat should be limited to less than 1.7 ounces (50 grams) per
day, on average, if any is consumed at all.

7) Nutrient timing is only of minimal consideration in the context of long-term

dietary patterns. That said, it is reasonable to recommend consuming a
moderate dose of protein (e.g. 20-40g of protein) within a meal every 3-5
hours, provided other guidelines are met. Kersick 2017


In the context of an individual who is otherwise meeting the dietary goals

described above, we do not routinely recommend dietary supplements to
improve health. With respect to performance, there are a handful of dietary
supplements that may improve training outcomes such as hypertrophy, strength,
and cardiorespiratory fitness in individuals participating in properly-structured
exercise programs.

A dietary supplement is defined by law as a product taken by mouth that

contains a dietary ingredient such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids and
others. FDA Dietary Supplements 2015 Dietary supplements are used to either improve
health or exercise performance by a large portion of the population.

Approximately 75% of American's reporting taking dietary supplements in the

previous year, contributing to the over $30 billion dollars-a-year supplement
market. Kantor 2016 CRN 2019 In this section we’ll discuss the safety of supplements as
well as the evidence on specific supplements that are currently supported by
data. An exhaustive review of all available supplements is outside the scope of
this text.

A quick word on conflict of interest and potential bias. Barbell Medicine

currently sells supplements that are cGMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and
Informed Sport certified. We think these are important and will explain why in the

following sections, but we feel that the reader should be aware of this prior to
reading this section.

Safety Concerns for Supplements

In the United States, dietary supplements are regulated by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) as food, not as drugs, which raises few points of interest:

• Supplements do not have to be proven safe or effective by FDA

standards prior to being placed on the market. This is the opposite of how
drug regulation works.
• Claims made about the supplement do not need to be approved by the
FDA prior to market. Any claims made in advertisements are regulated by
the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
• Every supplement be labeled with the term “dietary supplement” or similar
term that describes the product’s dietary ingredient, e.g. “herbal” or
“vitamin” supplement.
• A supplement cannot be marketed as a treatment or cure for a specific
disease, though supplement manufacturers do not need to obtain FDA
approval prior to making or selling their supplement.
Much of the FDA regulation on dietary supplements takes place after the
supplement is already on the market. Much of the post-marketing
supplementation regulation is described, The Dietary Supplement Health and
Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994, which gave the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) authority to establish Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) in an effort to
limit supplement contamination, verify accuracy of labeling, and set standards
for monitoring and reporting adverse events associated with supplement use.

Contamination of a supplement means that an ingredient not accounted for on

the label such as bacteria, pharmaceutical adulterant, or heavy metal, has
been found in the supplement in amounts above an acceptable cut-off level,
which is either zero or otherwise very low in most cases.

Accuracy of labeling refers to the ingredients and the dosing of a particular

product. Because nearly all of the FDA-led supplement monitoring occurs after it
hits the market, it's up to the manufacturer to make sure their product is safe,
accurately labeled, and works as described.

A 2013 FDA report showed that approximately 70% of supplement

manufacturers were in violation of GMPs and additionally, 28% failed to even
register with the FDA. Ten-year data (2004-2013) from US emergency
departments estimated 23,000 visits due to adverse effects from dietary
supplements and 2156 hospitalizations. This means a relatively large amount of
dietary supplements are not meeting GMPs and thus, may be contaminated,
mislabeled, or both. Matthews 2018

Data on supplement contamination is somewhat difficult to interpret, as the
rates vary by supplement type, method of testing, and what sort of
contaminants are trying to be identified. About 20% of all dietary supplements
available for purchase are contaminated, though this is likely a significant
underestimation due to underreporting, lack of research, etc. Matthews 2018

The FDA has maintained a Tainted Supplement list since 2007, which contains
nearly 1000 dietary supplements that were found to be contaminated.
Supplements for sexual enhancement (46%), weight loss (39%), and muscle
building (12%), were the most common categories.

Mislabeling of dietary supplements is another area of concern, although this is

another area where the data aren’t clear. The present data suggest anywhere
from 30-50% of all supplements are incorrectly labeled.

We would recommend that a person who chooses to use dietary supplements

verify that their manufacturer of choice provides ample evidence that their
supplements are effective, adhere to cGMP guidelines, and have some form of
third party batch testing in place.

Supplements that currently have evidence supporting their use include:

• Protein supplements may be used to attain the recommended daily

protein intake goal. Plant and animal-based protein sources are both
acceptable when meeting the target range of >1.6 g/kg/d for most
individuals. See Protein section for more information.

• Creatine supplementation improves performance during short, high-

intensity exercise and increases training adaptations including strength,
power, muscular endurance, and muscular hypertrophy. It should be
dosed at 3-5 grams daily for most individuals (or 0.045 g/kg/day).

• Beta-alanine appears to modestly increase performance in exercise

lasting longer than 60 seconds and may increase resistance training
volume tolerance and work capacity. For those who choose to
supplement, the recommended dose is 6.4 grams of beta-alanine split
over two doses daily for a minimum of 4 weeks.

• Betaine appears to modestly increase the ability to do more work prior to

failure and increase bar velocity during resistance training exercise based
on limited data. For those who choose to supplement, the recommended
dose is 2-5 grams per day.

• Citrulline malate appears to modestly increase the ability to do more work
prior to failure during resistance training exercise and perhaps improve
short duration endurance performance, based on limited data. For those
who choose to supplement, the recommended dose is 8 grams daily
either prior to exercise or split into two doses pre- and post-workout.

• Caffeine improves different components of exercise performance

including aerobic endurance, muscle strength, muscle endurance,
power, jumping performance and exercise speed at doses in the 3-9
mg/kg body weight range. The optimal dose for an individual may differ
based on the source of caffeine, specific exercise test, and individual

There are many other supplements that have been evaluated for efficacy,
some showing potential benefit and others showing none. We refer you to the
latest International Society of Sports Nutrition review on supplements to aid in
making further supplementation decisions.

General Physical Preparedness, or “GPP” Explained

GPP stands for general physical preparedness and includes anything that is
useful for overall physical development, but is not specific to the task or sport.
For example, conditioning work is relatively non-specific to powerlifting, however
increasing a lifter’s base of conditioning generally improves their ability to
tolerate and recover from greater levels of training. In the Bodybuilding
template, the GPP work is optional in the early phases of the program, and more
strongly recommended in later phases of training.

For programmed GPP work, the aims are to improve conditioning, work
capacity, and allow some programmed accessory work that is complementary
to the intended goal(s) of the program, e.g. strength, hypertrophy, or specific
conditioning. For most of the templates, the GPP is programmed week-by-week
and can be viewed in two places:

1. Within the “Overview” tab, GPP recommendations are seen at the far
right of each week’s programming.

2. Within each week’s programming tabs, e.g. “Week 1, Week 2, etc.”,

the weekly GPP recommendations are seen at the bottom of the each
week’s programming under Day 3 or Day 4’s programming.

We typically program in one to three different GPP elements:

• Conditioning- HIIT or LISS “cardio”

• “Trunk” work- Training designed to improve the strength and hypertrophy
of the musculature of the trunk.

• “Arm” work- Training designed to improve the strength and hypertrophy of

the musculature of the arms.

For conditioning, we often use both high intensity intervals (HIIT) and low intensity
steady state (LISS) work, as a bias towards development of one over the other
tends to produce decreased performance overall. For example, using HIIT only
in a lifter- with resistance training also being highly anaerobic- leaves the
aerobic pathway relatively untrained.

Our conditioning programming include both a duration, e.g. how long to

perform the conditioning, and an intensity, e.g. how hard the conditioning
should be. For intensity, we use Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) to gauge effort
as follows:

• RPE 6: More boring than difficult. Can carry on a conversation in

full sentences.
• RPE 7: Easy effort. Can only talk in short sentences.
• RPE 8: Moderate effort, cannot speak comfortably.
• RPE 9: Hard effort. Near max effort.
• RPE 10: Maximal effort that is very difficult and not possible to
sustain. All out sprint.

GPP can be performed on days where you don’t have any scheduled lifting.
Alternatively, it is perfectly fine to perform some or all of the GPP work after
completing a lifting session. Use whatever works for your schedule.

For upper back work, we recommend exercises that use a relatively large range
of motion that can also be performed for many repetitions when loaded
appropriately. Preferred exercises include things like chin-ups, pull-ups, one-arm
rows, chest supported rows, barbell rows, lever rows, ring rows, inverted rows, lat-
pulldowns, seated rows, etc.

The programming recommendations come in two different flavors:

1. Time-priority –These are often written as “X” minutes AMRAP (as many
reps as possible), with the weekly frequency listed afterwards. For
example, 7 minutes AMRAP of Upper Back Work 2x/wk means that the
lifter should perform upper back work for a total of 7 minutes (use a
timer) two times per week. We typically prefer sets to be in the 8-20
rep range and each set should be submaximal, i.e. RPE 7 to RPE 8,
tops. Try to avoid going to failure. Additionally, we recommend trying

to minimize rest between sets. It is totally okay for the repetitions per
set to decrease throughout the prescribed time, e.g. 7 minutes in this

2. Task-priority – These are often written as “X” number of sets for “Y”
number of reps @ _ RPE, followed by the weekly frequency. An
example might look like, “Perform 2 sets of 12-20 reps @ RPE 8 2x/wk”,
which means do 2 sets of 12-20 repetitions of upper back work - each
set being approximately RPE 8 - twice per week. We recommend 2-3
minutes of rest in between sets.

For trunk work, we recommend exercises that are predominantly isometric,

requiring the muscles to produce force, but not change length. Dynamic
exercises that have both concentric and eccentric portions are okay as well,
but we prefer isometric exercises as staples for “ab work”, where applicable.

Preferred trunk exercises include things like planks, ab-wheel roll outs (from toes
or knees), L-Sits, V-Sits, hollow rocks, tuck holds, strict toes to bar, hanging leg
raises, back extensions, hip extensions, etc.

For arm work, we recommend exercises that uses a relatively large range of
motion that can also be performed for many repetitions when loaded

Preferred triceps exercises include things like triceps press downs, lying triceps
extensions with E-Z curl bar, lying triceps extensions with dumbbells, standing
overhead triceps extensions, JM press, French press, etc.

Preferred biceps exercises include things like dumbbells biceps curls, barbell
biceps curls, preacher curls, hammer curls, etc.

The arm programming recommendations come in two different flavors:

1. Time-priority -These are often written as “X” minutes AMRAP (as many reps
as possible), with the weekly frequency listed afterwards. For example, 7
minutes AMRAP of Arm Work 2x/wk means that the lifter should perform arm
work for a total of 7 minutes (use a timer) two times per week. This means
select one biceps exercise and one triceps exercise and perform them
back-to-back, i.e. superset them. We typically prefer sets to be in the 8-20
rep range and each set should be submaximal, i.e. RPE 7 to RPE 8, tops. Try
to avoid going to failure. Additionally, we recommend trying to minimize rest
between sets. It is totally okay for the repetitions per set to decrease
throughout the prescribed time, e.g. 7 minutes in this example.

2. Task-priority- These are often written as “X” number of sets for “Y” number of
reps @ _ RPE, followed by the weekly frequency. An example might look like,
“Perform 2 sets of 12-20 reps @ RPE 8 2x/wk”, which means do 2 sets of 12-20
repetitions of arm work- each set being approximately RPE 8 - twice per
week. We recommend 2-3 minutes of rest in between sets. Some templates
will prescribe performing the biceps and triceps exercise back-to-back in a

Again, the aims are to improve conditioning, work capacity, and allow some
programmed accessory work that is complementary to the goals of the
program. We recommend not overthinking this aspect of the training and stick
to the recommended GPP prescription.

Tabs Explained
Exercise Selection

See section on Picking Exercises and Exercise Selection sections.

Nutrition Log

The Nutrition Log tab allows you to track your daily and average body weights,
macronutrient (protein, carbohydrates, and fat) intake, and daily and average
calorie levels.

You can plug in your weight (in pounds) in the columns listed under the title
Weight. It will automatically convert your weight to kilograms. Additionally, your
average weekly weights will be calculated automatically after plugging in a
series of weights.

You can also log the fat, carbohydrate, and protein in grams you consume per
day under their respective titles. Your total daily calorie intake will be calculated


The calculator tab is used to predict what weight at what RPE and rep number
you need to hit in order to beat your previous estimated one-rep max from the
previous week (or best). The idea is to have your estimated 1RM go up each
week, or as often as possible. Using this calculator can be super useful especially
when the rep ranges change from week to week.

Click on the “Calculator” tab and scroll up to the Estimated One-Rep Max
Calculator and plug in a 1- Rep Max (1RM), if known. If you don’t know your
1RM, you can use numbers like a 3, 5, or 10 Rep Max here. Alternatively, if you
only know a submaximal effort, e.g. a set of 5 repetitions @ RPE 8, you can use
that too.

After entering your known weight, you can see the predicted weights for each
rep and RPE value in the Estimated RPE Calculator.


The analysis tab will auto-populate your weekly volume, average intensity, and
estimated 1RM for a particular exercise based on data you enter into the weekly

Each exercise has a graph that visually shows the e1RM trend over time, which
again will auto-populate based on data entered into the weekly tabs.


The overview tab allows the template user to view the entire training program
week-by-week. The weeks are labeled on the left-hand side of the sheet and
the training days are labeled across the top of the sheet.

Each exercise and its specific programming is included in the overview sheet.
Additionally, each week’s GPP programming is listed on the right side of each
week under the GPP heading.

Weekly Tabs

The training days, e.g. Day 1 through Day 4, are listed on the left-hand side and
the daily exercises are listed to the left in the appropriate order, e.g. Exercise 1,
Exercise 2, Exercise 3, and Supplemental Exercises.

GPP work is listed at the bottom of each weekly tab.

To log your training, plug in the weight, reps, and RPE of each set. We
recommend logging every set RPE 6 or greater. The intensity, e1RM, average
intensity, total reps, and tonnage will all auto-populate.

In Exercise 3’s logging area, you’ll see a cell labeled “Session Time (minutes)”
where you should log how the total time you spent training including rest
periods, warm-ups, etc. Additionally, you’ll see a cell labeled “Session RPE”
where you should rate the difficulty of the entire session on a 1-10 scale, with 1
being a very easy session and you’re ready to train again right now and 10
being a very hard, maximal effort session and you are exhausted. Most sessions
should fall in the 6-8 range. If you find yourself consistently higher or lower than
that, we’d recommend taking special care to hit the prescribed loads (RPEs)
correctly and sticking to the recommended rest periods.

In the top left corner of each weekly tab you’ll see a chart labeled “Weekly
Totals.” All of these values will auto-populate, which gives you a quick overview
of the training week’s pertinent variables at a glance.

Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who do I contact about technical problems?

Send an email to support@barbellmedicine.com

2. When should I use a belt?

We recommend using a belt on all exercises labeled as “with belt” or

“competition.” Alternatively, you are free to use a belt any exercise
variation you want to. However, our stock recommendation is to go
beltless on all other variations if possible.

3. I have an injury, what do?

Start here: https://www.barbellmedicine.com/blog/pain-in-training-what-


You may also post a question on our Facebook group, Pain/Injury forum,
or consult with one of our coaches via a Form Check or Pain & Rehab
Consultation to get specific recommendations to any injury-related
problem you may have.

Facebook Group:

Forum: https://forum.barbellmedicine.com/forums/pain-and-rehab-q-a-

4. What should I do when I don’t know my max for a particular exercise?

We recommend using RPEs to arrive at the correct workload for the day.
After using RPE for the initial exposure to the exercise, you will have an
estimated 1RM to work from.

5. What should I do if I don’t want to use RPE?

We include percentages where we can, but we feel that using some

intrinsic metric of difficulty is very important and we encourage you to
give RPE a little time before writing it off.

If you absolutely will not use it, you can run the templates based solely on
the percentages correlated with the specific Rep and RPE prescriptions.

Head over to the calculator tab and plug in 100 for your 1RM. Then you
will see all the percentages associated for each RPE and rep prescription.

6. Can I substitute ____ for ____?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to provide substitutions for all exercises.

However, if you have an injury or equipment issue, substitute the exercise
programmed for a different exercise within the same "class." If it's a squat
type of movement, replace the programmed exercise with another kind
of squat or if it's a bench or press, replace with another type of pressing

For equipment limitations, please replace whatever you don't have or

cannot do (due to prior injury or other limitations) with something similar,
e.g., for leg press/belt squat/front squat- you could theoretically do a
regular back squat or lunges. Please don't buy another gym membership
because of me!

7. What supplements do you recommend?

See the supplement section in the text above.

8. What are AMRAP?

AMRAP means "as many reps as possible” and you’ll see it programmed in
various contexts throughout many of our templates. The idea is to perform
the prescribed exercise for as many reps as you can without failing a
repetition. In other words, stop just before failure. We repeat, stop just
before failure.

For GPP work like upper back, trunk, and arm work, this means
SUBMAXIMAL SETS, e.g. try and leave at least 1 rep in the tank.

If you cannot do unassisted chin ups or pull ups, use a band or assisted
pull up machine (Gravitron). Alternatively, you can do lat-pull downs and
I'd argue that if you're good at chins/pull ups already- you might take a
""chin holiday"" for a few weeks here and work on the lat-pull down or a
row variation.

9. What are Myo-Reps?

Myo-Reps are a type of rest-pause training where we obtain near

maximal volitional motor unit recruitment via the activation set (the first
set) and capitalize on that by performing multiple back off sets on short
rest thereafter.

Myo-Reps are typically written as “12-15 @ RPE 8, 3-5.”12-15 denotes the
rep range of the activation set. Select a weight that you predict you can
do for 12-15 reps at approximately RPE 8. This is ~58-65% of a 1RM, when

The 3-5 denotes the rep range for the back-off sets, which are performed
after the activation set. The larger number, 5 in this case, represents the
cap for reps performed per back-off set. In other words, only perform 5
reps per back-off set. The smaller number, 3 in this case, represents the
cut-off for completing the Myo-Rep. Once any set is performed for 3
repetitions or less, you’re done with the Myo-Rep. Move on.

We have a full article on the topic that can be found here.

Here’s a brief explanation on Myo-Reps:

The activation set works you up to the prescribed rep range @ RPE 8. The
idea is that this set should be taken to near failure. So, if you are
completely guessing on the weight and happen to get to 12 or 15 reps
and are not near failure (RPE 8) then you should continue the set until
reaching that point. In other words, it is okay to do 20, 25, or even 30+ reps
for your activation set. The idea is that the intraset fatigue builds up and
causes maximal motor unit recruitment, which is then leveraged to
produce hypertrophy on the subsequent back off sets that are performed
on short rest. The motor unit recruitment is only maximized when using the
lighter load in a Myo-Rep if the activation set is taken to near failure.

After your activation set, rack the bar and take 5 deep breaths. Then do
3-5 reps, aiming for 5 reps. Re-rack the weight and take another 5 breaths,

The first time you hit 2 reps less than the first set of 3-5, e.g. you hit 5 reps
the first set and you hit 3 on the 2nd set, you're done. If you hit 4-4-3, you're
done after the set of 3. If you hit 3-3-3-2, you're done after the double.

Exercise Demos
Press Exercises
● Press:
● Classic Press:
● Push Press:
● 2 Count Paused Bench:
● Touch and Go Bench:
● Close Grip Bench:
● Floor Press:
● Close Grip Floor Press:
● Pin Bench:
● How to Bench: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FWDde2IEPg

Deadlift Exercises
● How to Deadlift:
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYREQkVtvEc
● Common Deadlift Errors:

● Barbell Row:
● Rack Pull, Mid Shin:
● Romanian Deadlift:
● Stiff Legged Deadlift:
● 2” Deficit Deadlift:
● 2 Count Paused Deadlift:
● Lever Row:

Squat Exercises
● How to Squat:
● Common Squat Errors:
● 2 Count Paused Squat:
● 3-0-3 Tempo Squat:
● 5-3-0 Tempo Squat:
● Pin Squat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B13-
● Front Squat:

Resources and Contact

For all technical issues, please send an email to:


Find our articles, videos, and more at www.barbellmedicine.com
Forum: www.forum.barbellmedicine.com/

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/BarbellMedicine



For our latest in content, apparel, supplements, seminars, and more templates
head to:





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