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JULY 2010
The Hyehwadong Filipino Catholic Community (HFCC) was commended by the Philippine Embassy in South Korea for the efforts the community has exerted in raising funds and helping the victims of the typhoon Ondoy (Ketsana) which badly hit the Philippines this year. A Certificate of Recognition was awarded on the 28th day of June 2010 at the Philippine Embassy in Seoul. Receiving the Certificate from His Excellency Amb. Luis T. Cruz were: Fr. Arvin Mosqueda, MSP, Fr. Alvin B. Parantar, MSP and Prof. Emely Dicolen-Abagat.

Fr Jimmy, the author, now assistant vicar in the Blessed Sacrament, an MSP parish in Cebu, worked as a missionary in Papua New Guinea and Taiwan in the past.

By Fr. Jimmy Cabuntucan, MSP ne evening, a man with a fatal injury was brought to my mission house. His companions told me what had happened: A jealous husband tried to hack his head with a sharp bolo. Luckily, he saw it coming so he was able to dodge a little bit. The bolo, instead, landed deeply on the left side of his face, slicing the flesh from his cheek bone down to his jaw. His face was practically ripped open. I could see his teeth, jawbone, and blood gushing out. The flesh chopped from his face did not come off completely; it was still dangling, held by a little skin at his upper neck. It was a sickening sight. His relatives wanted me to bring him to the hospital. But it was already 6:00 p.m. The sea was rough, and it would have taken us ten hours in my 90-Horsepower boat to reach the town. A voyage in the dark could be very dangerous due to floating logs. To follow their idea could bring more trouble. So I decided to wait for the morning.

Missionary: Healer of Soul and Body

(Continued on page 3)

Setting Them Free

By Fr. Jimmy Cabuntucan, MSP Grrrraaaaggggghhhhhh! The strange and scary growling roused me from sleep in the middle of the night inside my mission house. I thought a monster or something has come to attack us. The sound made my hair stand as pictures from horror movies I have seen before kept flashing back in my mind. The frightening screams belonged to a village girl in a nearby house. Her relatives approached me in the morning,
(Continued on page 3)

Volume 15 Issue 17

Fr Alvin Parantar, MSP with the local people during his mission in the Solomon Islands in 1997-2000.


Contact Persons: Rod and Debbie Chung GokDong Seoul, Korea (010-8061-5403)

Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, Bulacan, Bataan, Pampanga, Tarlac, Zambales, Nueva Ecija, Pangasinanm Nueva VIzcaya, La Union, Baguio City Proper

Quezon, Bicol, Isabela, Benguet, Mt. Province, Ifugao, Ilocos Region, Cagayan Valley and CAR



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One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 15 Issue 17

(Continued from page 1 - Setting Them Free ...)


by Emely Dicolen-Abagat, Ph.D. Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. - Mother Teresa he Episcopal Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People estimates about 7.53 million Filipinos are currently working abroad, affecting 8 million families or more than 60% of the Filipino population. The statistics cited include all of us, Filipino migrants working and living in South Korea. The government has recognized us as "modern heroes" for our sacrifices, giving service to others and contributing to a more harmonious, peaceful world. Religious leaders abroad have likewise recognized us as instruments of evangelization and inspirational models for a culture of peace. Aside from the title modern heroes that was attributed to us, we are also called as the new missionaries because of the very significant role we play all over the world. That fact that migrant workers are found all over the world, we bear not only hope of lifting our families from poverty, most of all we bring faith. We have become living witnesses of love and compassion to every child and elderly we take care of, to every couple we serve, to every employer we meet for bringing Christ to every person we meet. In South Korea, becoming a migrant missionary may not be as easy as compared with other parts of the world. The culture, language, and the prevailing religion are totally different from what we used to have back in our country and it remains to be a challenging task. However, if we do it in the name of love, through the guidance of Jesus Christ, a migrant and a missionary Himself, then everything will be possible. Perhaps we could start with the apostolate of smile as what Mother Theresa suggests. Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. We know for a fact that Koreans are very formal, stern people. Smiling, especially to strangers may not be as easy as how Filipinos do. So, lets start with a simple, sincere smile. We dont have to do great and miraculous things. Again, as Mother Theresa said: In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love.

saying she was possessed by a violent spirit and they needed a priest. I was reluctant at first for I could not imagine how I would go about the task of fighting against fierce spirit, if indeed what they said was true. I reached for my holy water and prayer book, and stuffed them inside my small black bag. One of the men asked me, Is that the source of your power, Father? These people believed that priests have some magical/spiritual powers. I just gave him a nod. As I entered the house, I saw four men trying to hold down on the floor the teenager who kept on growling and clawing at everyone. She was very strong and wild. Everyone inside the house was looking at me with so much trust and expectation. A big apprehension crossed my mind, What if I failed to cast out the spirit. These people might lose faith in me, in the Church and in Jesus whom we proclaimed to them as the most powerful savior. The job at hand was very crucial. Not knowing what to do, I silently prayed for a while before their eyes asking the Lord to help me discern if it was a genuine spirit possession and for me to know what to do. After the little prayer the Lord has given me courage, confidence and guidance. I immediately instructed everyone to let go of the girl, get out, and stay at least 10 meters away from the house as precaution in case the said spirit turns harmful during our confrontation. They were hesitant to leave me with her. I told them, The Lord is with me, I can manage. They all followed and we were alone. The girl was still on the floor observing me with fierce eyes. Though cautious that she might bite or attack me, I slowly moved closer to her. Trying to make my voice very friendly, I asked what her problem was. Her savage look gradually changed, a shy smile slowly registered on her face. With that, I knew my suspicion was true. As if finding an ally for the
(Continued from page 1 - Missionary: ...)

first time, she started to tell me everything. According to her, her family has already arranged for her marriage with an old man from another tribe. She did not like the man so she tried to find a way to avoid the inevitable by putting up a little show pretending to be possessed by a spirit that liked her. She effectively made everyone believe that the spirit was angered by the prearranged marriage. Every time the old mans party would come to take her she would perform her little drama, and she did it well. The old man and his tribesmen became hesitant to come near her. I made a deal with her that she had to stop her acting and I will do something for the marriage plan not to push through. If ever she should do it again, she may do it during day time when people are not sleeping. People outside the house waited in great anxiety. They were all relieved to see me getting out at last, relaxed and without a single scratch. They were cheering and clapping. I felt like a warrior coming out from a battle victorious. I then announced to them, The girl is sick because she is forced to marry a man she did not like. If you wanted her to get better and all of us to sleep well at night, nobody should touch or take her without her consent. From that time on, people said the spirit did not disturb her again. She never had married the old man. She was very happy to be given her freedom to choose the man she would love. The community slept in peace at night with greater faith in Jesus. The incident gave me a clearer realization of my task. Following Jesus who said, I have come to set the captives free, my mission is to empower people to free themselves from the bondage of fear and ignorance, and from the elements of their own customs that deprived them the opportunity to make choices as human beings and as children of God.

Meanwhile, I had to do something to his wound. They had traveled for two hours by boat from a village, and he had lost a lot of blood. The man was getting paler and weaker each passing moment. His condition needed immediate medical attention. But I really did not know what to do. We were trained how to save souls in the seminary but nobody taught us how to save a man with a big gory hole in his face. I have not even taken any basic First Aid training. There was nobody else around who could help, and the locals believed every missionary knows everything under the sun. If he died in my hands, his relatives would, certainly, hold me responsible. I slipped into my room to pray for guidance. I asked the Lord to teach me what to do. As I opened my eyes, my sight landed straight on the little box on my table. It contained a sewing kit that I had brought along from the Philippines. Thank you Lord for showing me the way, I said in my heart. I then took out the needle and thread and had them sterilized. I asked a Sister, who served in the parish, to assist me but she was too scared of the blood. I had to do everything by myself, then. I helped the man recline on a chair, washed the dangling chunk of human flesh with a disinfectant, and pressed it back to its place. And I proceeded to make four stitches in a four-cornered pattern. I imagined that what I was doing was just like patching up a piece of cloth to a torn garment.

All this was done without anesthesia. I felt his pain in my gut each time I pierced his fresh wound with my needle. Surprisingly, I did not notice him making any sign of complaint. Perhaps, he thought he was completely in good hands as I sewed him up. On the contrary, I believed the ill-trained local health worker was more prepared to do it. After several agonizing minutes, the experiment was done. It was good enough to make the flesh stick to his face, and to stop the flow of blood until we got to the doctor. I was so worried the whole night. I kept on praying that the man would survive until the next day. In the morning, I took him to the hospital. The doctor was not very pleased with my surgical accomplishment. He told me, Dont you know, Father, that what you have done is illegal? Yes, I know, because I am not authorized to do it, I answered him. But what you did, Father, was also right for you have saved his life, he lauded me. After a month, I saw the man walking around again; his face hardly showed any signs of the injury. Having saved a mans life, not just his face, is one of my happiest memories on mission. Besides being a doctor of souls, an expert in prayer, Bible and Sacraments, a missionary should also know how to take care of his people, if necessary, when they get sick or injured. More importantly, he should not miss to consult the Divine Healer and Savior of soul and body as he proclaims Gods Kingdom of total salvation for all.

Volume 15 Issue 17

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Page 3

A P a r t o f M e By: Lyn C. Laurito

here, I found friends and community whom I regarded as my family. With the people around me who gave and shared their time and effort to others inspired me even more to do the best I can to share a part of me. I know God put me to the place where I am now because He wants me to do something. He has given me a new mission in life. He used people as instruments to bring out the best in me. Through them I discovered that I have a little ability to write, and because of it I was able to express myself and contribute a little to the community where Ive been a part of. I engaged myself with worthwhile activities instead of looking for one night happiness. Keeping myself busy at all times, helps lessen the homesickness. And it dawned on me that I should bring something useful when I decided to come back home. It was the reason why I started learning the Korean cooking, handicrafts and many others. That way, I am preoccupied when I am not at work. Also, indulging myself with lighter activities like taking a walk, visiting cafs to sort of collect ideas in preparation for my future plan. But all these things may not be possible when your efforts are half-hearted from the very beginning. Its not really worth starting a plan if your heart isnt in it. If youre truly ready to make a full-time commitment to what you are doing, chances of long-term success may be achieved. Above all these, keeping the faith to Him is the most important. For me its the key and during the low moment of my life it does give me the fortitude to go on. In this changing world you can only hang on to Him. My love for my children is another reason that keeps my world revolving. Because of them I was able to surpass all the trials of my life. My children have been the source of what I am today. For them, I will do anything. My FAITH AND MY CHILDREN are my weapons in my struggles and beating all the odds of my journey as a migrant worker. I will forever hold on to them for they are the shields that guide me in performing my mission as a simple individual. There is nothing impossible with Him and if you put your heart to everything you are doing!

ts still clear in my mind the very first time I set foot in this country. That was the time mixed emotions dwelt on me. The slow passing of days and long nights made me even felt more melancholic. I became uncertain with my decision of coming here and leaving my loved ones. Days, months, and years had passed by, but today is another story Living a life as a migrant worker, away from my children is one of the tough experiences in my life. I have to endure the pain because of my dreams for them. I have my own flaws and sometimes I have a hard time overcoming them. Life is always in a state of flux, but with courage and determination surely it will make you certain of what you want to do. As a person, nothing has changed much about me, but I discovered something intangible more valuable than money. As I was searching my place under the sun, little by little, I was drawn nearer to the place where I wanted to be. Along the way, I met people who made my life colorful and more meaningful. And I found my place The unfamiliar world became familiar and

I n a u g u r a l S p e e c h o f P re s i d e n t B e n i g n o No y n o y Aq u i n o I I I

is Excellency Jose Ramos Horta, Former President Fidel V. Ramos, Former President Joseph Estrada, Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile and members of the Senate, House Speaker Prospero Nograles and members of the House, members of the Supreme Court, members of the foreign delegations,Your Excellencies of the diplomatic corps, fellow colleagues in government, aking mga kababayan.

Katulad ninyo ako. Marami na sa atin ang bumoto gamit ang kanilang paa nilisan na nila ang ating bansa sa kanilang paghahanap ng pagbabago at katahimikan. Tiniis nila ang hirap, sinugod ang panganib sa ibang bansa dahil doon may pag-asa kahit kaunti na dito sa atin ay hindi nila nakikita. Sa iilang sandali na sarili ko lang ang aking inaalala, pati ako ay napag-isip din talaga bang hindi na mababago ang pamamahala natin dito? Hindi kaya nasa Ang pagtayo ko dito ngayon ay patunay na ibang bansa ang katahimikang hinahanap ko? kayo ang aking tunay na lakas. Hindi ko inakala Saan ba nakasulat na kailangang puro pagtitiis na darating tayo sa puntong ito, na akoy ang tadhana ng Pilipino? manunumpa sa harap ninyo bilang inyong PanNgayon, sa araw na ito dito magwawakas gulo. Hindi ko pinangarap maging tagapagta- ang pamumunong manhid sa mga daing ng guyod ng pag-asa at tagapagmana ng mga su- taumbayan. Hindi si Noynoy ang gumawa ng paraan, kayo ang dahilan kung bakit ngayon, liranin ng ating bayan. Ang layunin ko sa buhay ay simple lang: magtatapos na ang pagtitiis ng sambayanan. Ito maging tapat sa aking mga magulang at sa ba- naman po ang umpisa ng kalbaryo ko, ngunit yan bilang isang marangal na anak, mabait na kung marami tayong magpapasan ng krus ay kakayanin natin ito, gaano man kabigat. kuya, at mabuting mamamayan. Nilabanan ng aking ama ang diktadurya at ibinuwis niya ang kanyang buhay para tubusin ang ating demokrasya. Inalay ng aking ina ang kanyang buhay upang pangalagaan ang demokrasyang ito. Ilalaan ko ang aking buhay para siguraduhin na ang ating demokrasya ay kapaki-pakinabang sa bawat isa. Namuhunan na po kami ng dugo at handa kong gawin ito kung muling kinakailangan. Sa tulong ng wastong pamamahala sa mga darating na taon, maiibsan din ang marami nating problema. Ang tadhana ng Pilipino ay babalik sa tamang kalagayan, na sa bawat taon pabawas ng pabawas ang problema ng Pinoy na nagsusumikap at may kasiguruhan sila na magiging tuloy-tuloy na ang pagbuti ng kanilang sitwasyon. Kami ay narito para magsilbi at hindi para maghari. Ang mandato ninyo sa amin ay pagbabago isang malinaw na utos para ayusin ang gobyerno at lipunan mula sa pamahalaang iilan lamang ang nakikinabang tungo sa isang pamahalaang kabutihan ng mamamayan ang pinangangalagaan.

Ang ating pangunahing tungkulin ay ang magsikap na maiangat ang bansa mula sa kahirapan, sa pamamagitan ng pagpapairal ng katapatan at mabuting pamamalakad sa pamahalaan. Ang unang hakbang ay ang pagkakaroon ng tuwid at tapat na hanay ng mga pinuno. Magsisimula ito sa akin. Sisikapin kong maging isang mabuting ehemplo. Hinding hindi ko sasayangin ang tiwalang ipinagkaloob ninyo sa akin. Sisiguraduhin ko na ganito rin ang adhikain ng aking Gabinete at ng mga magiging kasama sa ating pamahalaan. Naniniwala akong hindi lahat ng nagsisilbi sa gobyerno ay corrupt. Sa katunayan, mas marami sa kanila ay tapat. Pinili nilang maglingkod sa gobyerno upang gumawa ng kabutihan. Ngayon, magkakaroon na sila ng pagkakataong magpakitang-gilas. Inaasahan natin sila sa pagsupil ng korapsyon sa loob mismo ng burukrasya. Sa mga itinalaga sa paraang labag sa batas, ito ang aking babala: sisimulan natin ang pagbabalik ng tiwala sa pamamagitan ng pag-usisa sa mga midnight appointments. Sana ay magsilbi itong babala sa mga nag-iisip na ipagpatuloy ang baluktot na kalakarang nakasanayan na ng marami. Sa mga kapuspalad nating mga kababayan, ngayon, ang pamahalaan ang inyong kampeon. Hindi natin ipagpapaliban ang mga pangangailangan ng ating mga estudyante, kayat sisikapin nating punan ang kakulangan sa ating mga silid-aralan.

Tanyag man ang aking mga magulang at ang kanilang mga nagawa, alam ko rin ang problema ng ordinaryong mamamayan. Alam nating lahat ang pakiramdam na magkaroon ng pamahalaang bulag at bingi. Alam natin ang pakiramdam na mapagkaitan ng hustisya, na mabalewala ng mga taong pinagkatiwalaan at Ang mandatong ito ay isa kung saan kayo at ang inyong pangulo ay nagkasundo para sa inatasan nating maging ating tagapagtanggol. Kayo ba ay minsan ring nalimutan ng pama- pagbabago isang paninindigan na ipinangako halaang inyong iniluklok sa puwesto? Ako rin. ko noong kampanya at tinanggap ninyo noong Kayo ba ay nagtiis na sa trapiko para lamang araw ng halalan. masingitan ng isang naghahari-hariang dewangwang sa kalsada? Ako rin. Kayo ba ay sawang-sawa na sa pamahalaang sa halip na magsilbi sa taumbayan ay kailangan pa nila itong pagpasensiyahan at tiisin? Ako rin.

Unti-unti din nating babawasan ang mga kakulangan sa imprastraktura para sa transportasyon, turismo at pangangalakal. Mula ngayon, hindi na puwede ang puwede na pagdating sa mga kalye, tulay at gusali dahil magiging responsibilidad ng mga kontratista ang panatilihing nasa mabuting kalagayan ang mga Sigaw natin noong kampanya: Kung walang proyekto nila. corrupt, walang mahirap. Hindi lamang ito Bubuhayin natin ang programang pang slogan o pang poster ito ang mga prinsipyong tinatayuan at nagsisilbing batayan ng emergency employment ng dating pangulong (Continued on page 6) ating administrasyon.

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One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 15 Issue 17


Doty Hospital - 42-5 Eung-am-dong, Unpyeong-gu, Seoul 122-906, tel. no. (02)3851. Period of application: Jan. 1 ~ Dec. 31, 2010 1477 Joseph Clinic - 423 Yeungdongpo-dong, Ye- 2. Minimum wage ung dongpo-gu, Seoul 150-030, Mon.-Fri. 1pm- Hourly wage rate : 4,110 won, daily wage rate (on a 8-hour basis): 32,880 won 9pm, Tel. No.(02)2634-1760 In the case of 40 hours per week (209 hours Raphael Clinic - inside Tong Song High per month) the monthly wage will amount School, every Sun. , 2-6 pm. 858,990 won. National Medical Center Dongdaemun Tel. In the case of 44 hours per week (226 hours No. 2260-7062 to 7063 per month) the monthly wage will amount Seoul Medical Center Gangnam Tel. No. 928,990 won. 3. Target of application : every business or 3430-0200 workplace employing workers MIRIAM COUNSELING Workers whose minimum wage can be reduced CENTER For Migrant Women Apprentices: his/her minimum wage may be 50-17 Dongsoong Dong Chongrogu Seoul reduced as much as 10% up to 3 months 110-809 near Maronnier Park. Tel #(02) 747(hourly wage rate : 3,699 won) 2086 E-mail: (KCWC) Office hours: Mon-Fri. 11 am-5 pm Sat. day Surveillance or intermittent workers (when approved by Minister of Labor): Minimum off Sun. 3 pm-6 pm Activities: Emotional/ wage can be reduced as much as 20% spiritual counseling Womans rights and (hourly pay: 3,288 won). labor issues Korean language/culture study Workers who are not applied the minimum (men and women are welcome). wage MIGRANT CENTERS A person who has remarkably low abilities to work due to a mental or physical handiGuri Pastoral Center 031-566-1141 cap (when approved by the Minister of LaAnsan Galilea Center 031-494-8411 bor). Suwon Emmaus Center 031-257-8501 An employee who works for the workplace Friends Without Borders Counseling Office which employ only relatives living together 032-345-6734/5 or domestic workers. Gasan, Song-uri International Community A sailor who is subject to the seamen law or 031-543-5296 an owner of ship employing sailor. Uijungbu, Nokyangdong Migrant Center 4. Liability of the employer 031-878-6926 Liable to pay above the minimum wage to Masok Chonmasan Migrant Center the employee. 031-593-6542 An employer shall pay the workers at least Bomun, Seoul Foreign Workers Labor Counthe minimum wage rate or more. And no seling Office 02-928-2049/924-2706 employer may lower the previous wage level on the ground of the minimum wage. MGA IMPORTANTENG If a labor contract provides for a wage that PAALAALA is less than the minimum wage rate, it shall Mga kailangang dokumento sa paga-asikaso ng be considered to stipulate that the same mga reklamo tungkol sa sahod: wage as the minimum wage rate shall be 1. Pay Slip or any other proof of payment of paid. salary Obligation of notice of the minimum wage to 2. Daily Time Record (DTR) if available, or the worker self-made record of daily work attendance An employer shall inform the workers of specifying Regular Working hours, Overminimum wage rate, wages not included in time, and Night Differential. the minimum wage, effective date, and 3. Labor Contract workers being excluded from the minimum 4. Bank Book/ Passbook wage Act. 5. Alien Card and Passport 5. In the cases of the following, a contractor shall take responsibility for violating MiniPaanyaya: Ang lahat ay inaanyayahang mum Wage Act jointly with the subcontractor. ibahagi ang kanilang mga talent sa


1. Birth certificate ng batang bibinyagan 2. 2X2 ID pictures (2 pcs) 3. Application form (kumuha sa center) Kailangan ipasa ng mag-asawang magpapabinyag ng anak ang application form at sumailalim sa interview sa Catholic Center isang linggo bago dumating ang takdang araw ng binyag. Ang mga magulang, ninong at ninang ay bibigyan ng katekismo sa binyag na ginaganap tuwing ika-10 ng umaga, araw ng linggo (mismong araw ng binyag). Tanging ang mga pangalan ng mga nakadalo ng katekismo ang mailalagay sa Baptismal Certificate. Ang bilang ng mga ninong at ninang ay hindi dapat lalabis sa dalawampu. Ang lahat ay pinakikiusapang isaisip ang angkop na pananamit para sa okasyon.


Tinatawagan ang pansin ng lahat ng mga di pa nakakakuha ng Baptismal Certificates ng kanilang mga anak. Maaari ninyong kunin ang mga ito sa Catholic Center tuwing linggo sa ganap na alas 9:00 ng umaga hanggang ika 12:00 ng tanghali, at sa ganap na ika 4:00 hanggang ika 5:00 ng hapon. Maliban po lamang sa tuwing ikadalawang lingo ng bawat buwan. Makipag-ugnayan po kay Rebeck Beltran (010-8671-2761) o kay Edison Pinlac: (010-2906-3109) o sa kahit na sinong Lay Minister.

1. Birth Certificate ng mga ikakasal 2. Status of singleness from Census (notarized) 3. Parents consent as proof of singleness (notarized) 4. Baptismal Certificate for marriage purposes 5. Confirmation Certificate for marriage purposes 6. Passport (xerox copy) 7. Pre-Cana seminar na gaganapin bago ang takdang araw ng kasal. Makipag-ugnayan po lamang sa Catholic Center para sa schedule.


pagsusulat ng mga kuwento, sanaysay, karanasan at pagninilay upang ilathala sa babasahing ito. Ipadala lamang ito sa email address na ito: o sa

Para Po sa lahat na may E-9 VISA, may tatlo As for determining the unit labor cost lower pong tanging dahilan upang payagan kayong than the minimum wage at the time of the makalipat ng kumpanya. Ito po ay; signing of the contract; 1. Kayo ay dalawang buwang hindi pinasasaAs for lowering the unit labor cost to below hod the minimum wage in the middle of the con- 2. Kayo ay pisikal at verbal na sinasaktan, o tract period. di kayay 3. Bankrupt o lugi ang kumpanya

Volume 15 Issue 17

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Page 5

Sis Ervie Glory Bulalakaw na gumuhit sa gitna ng karimlan Nagbigay liwanag sa madilim kong daraanan Subalit saglit lamang na nagsilbing ilawan Bigla itong naglaho sa anong kadahilanan. Hinahanap, inaasam na muling masilayan Maningning na liwanag, lagi kong hinihintay Sa kadiliman ng gabi, aking pinananabikan Na muling magbabalik, guguhit sa karimlan. O Bulalakaw! Sa pagtulog ko iyong gisingin Puso'y sidlan ng galak, kalungkutan ay pawiin Pagsubok na dumarating, itaboy sa dilim Luha sa mga mata ko, iyo nawang pahirin. Kahit anong oras, panahon ng iyong pagdatal Kilala mo ang lahat na ibig mong tanglawan Dakila ka Diyos! Liwanag mo'y pangkalahatan Binibigyan mo ng sinag, mga taong nadirimlan. Bulalakaw! Katulad mo'y salita ng Diyos Nagsisilbing ilaw sa hamon ng mga pagsubok Matalinghagang salita sa puso nawa'y tumagos Salamat sa iyong pag-ibig, wagas at di matarok

Bro. Joel Tavarro Hindi masama sa buhay ang magkamit ng karangalan Basta't 'wag magpadala sa kakambal nitong kayabangan Lulan ay pagmamataas, sa karamiha'y ipinangalandakan Datapwa't magpakababa, tulad sa pobreng punong kawayan. Marami na ang nasilat sa dulot nitong ilaw na makinang Tila bituin sa kalangitan, di mapugto at nakalilinlang Nagbunga ng liwanag sa gabing malalim, walang maaninag Sa taglay na kislap nito, sarili ang sentro at nakabubulag. Napakainam kung sa paglalakbay, kaakibat ay pagtayog Nakayukod ang ulo, kapakumbabaan sa katawa'y bantayog Karangalang kayhirap pitasin, ang iba'y di kayang mayugyog Katauhan ay di makuhang iahon buhat sa pagkalubog. Lahat ay nag-umpisa sa sulok, hanggang maabot ang tuktok Tanging puhuna'y punyagi't sinop, marating lang ang rurok Nagbabadya sa bawat paggalaw, diyamanteng matutunghayan 'Pag sa karangala'y nadarang, mistulang rehas na bilangguan. Anu't-ano pa man ang marating, ito'y di dapat kasilawan Karangalang kay tamis, pipilas sa puso ng iyong pangalan Kaya't huwag hangarin kung maglilikha ng kalungkutan Nang di matulad sa alkansiyang mabigat, subalit walang laman.

tong cop. Sa ganitong paraan, ang dating napung mga bagong punta sa gitna ay maari nang paghatian ng magmagbibigay ng sasaka at mamimili. komunidad at Gagawin nating kaaya-aya sa negosyante ang ng kanila at ng ating bansa. We will cut red tape dramatically and implement stable economic policies. We Hindi kami magiging sanhi ng inyong pasakit will level the playing field for investors and at perwisyo. Palalakasin natin ang koleksyon at make government an enabler, not a hindrance, pupuksain natin ang korapsyon sa Kawanihan to business. Sa ganitong paraan lamang natin ng Rentas Internas at Bureau of Customs para mapupunan ang kakulangan ng trabaho para sa mapondohan natin ang ating mga hinahangad ating mga mamamayan. para sa lahat, tulad ng: Layunin nating paramihin ang trabaho dito sa
(Continued from page 4 - Inaugural Speech ...)

Corazon Aquino sa pagtatayo imprastraktura na ito. Ito ay trabaho sa mga local na makakatulong sa pagpapalago ating ekonomiya.

committed in the past, we have this to say: there can be no reconciliation without justice. Sa paglimot ng pagkakasala, sinisigurado mong maulit muli ang mga pagkakasalang ito. Secretary de Lima, you have your marching orders. Begin the process of providing true and complete justice for all.

dekalidad na edukasyon, kabilang ang edukasyong bokasyonal para makapaghanap ng marangal na trabaho ang hindi makapagkolehiyo; serbisyong pangkalusugan, tulad ng Philhealth para sa lahat sa loob ng tatlong taon; tirahan sa loob ng mga ligtas na komunidad.

Palalakasin at palalaguin natin ang bilang ng ating kasundaluhan at kapulisan, hindi para tugunan ang interes ng mga naghahari-harian, ngunit para proteksyunan ang mamamayan. Itinataya nila ang kanilang buhay para mayroong pagkakataon sa katahimikan at kapayapaan sa sambayanan. Dumoble na ang populasyong kanilang binabantayan, nanatili naman sila sa bilang. Hindi tama na ang nagmamalasakit ay kinakawawa.

Ikinagagalak din naming ibahagi sa inyo ang pagtanggap ni dating Chief Justice Hilario Davide Jr. sa hamon ng pagtatatag at pamumuno sa isang Truth Commission na magbibigay linaw sa maraming kahinahinalang isyu na ating bansa upang hindi na kailanganin ang hanggang ngayon ay walang kasagutan at remangibang-bansa para makahanap lamang ng solusyon. trabaho. Ngunit habang ito ay hindi pa natin Ang sinumang nagkamali ay kailangang hunaaabot, inaatasan ko ang mga kawani ng DFA, marap sa hustisya. Hindi maaaring patuloy ang POEA at ng OWWA at iba pang mga kinauu- kalakaran ng walang pananagutan at tuloy na kulang ahensiya na mas lalo pang paigtingin pang-aapi. ang pagtugon sa mga hinaing at pangangailanMy government will be sincere in dealing gan ng ating mga overseas Filipino workers. with all the peoples of Mindanao. We are comPapaigtingin namin ang proceso ng konsultasyon at pag-uulat sa taumbayan. Sisikapin naming isakatuparan ang nakasaad sa ating Konstitusiyon na kinikilala ang karapatan ng mamamayaan na magkaroon ng kaalaman ukol sa mga pampublikong alintana. mitted to a peaceful and just settlement of conflicts, inclusive of the interests of all may they be Lumads, Bangsamoro or Christian.

We shall defeat the enemy by wielding the tools of justice, social reform, and equitable governance leading to a better life. Sa tamang Binuhay natin ang diwa ng people power pamamahala gaganda ang buhay ng lahat, at sa noong kampanya. Ipagpatuloy natin ito tungo buhay na maganda, sino pa ang gugustuhing sa tuwid at tapat na pamamahala. Ang nanini- bumalik sa panahon ng pang-aapi? wala sa people power ay nakatuon sa kapwa at Kung kasama ko kayo, maitataguyod natin Kung dati ay may fertilizer scam, ngayon ay hindi sa sarili. ang isang bayan kung saan pantay-pantay ang may kalinga ng tunay para sa mga magsasaka. Sa mga nang-api sa akin, kaya ko kayong pagkakataon, dahil pantay-pantay nating ginaTutulungan natin sila sa irigasyon, extension patawarin at pinapatawad ko na kayo. Sa mga gampanan ang ating mga pananagutan. services, at sa pagbenta ng kanilang produkto nang-api sa sambayanan, wala akong karapatan Kamakailan lamang, ang bawat isa sa atin ay sa pinakamataas na presyong maaari. na limutin ang inyong mga kasalanan. nanindigan sa presinto. Bumoto tayo ayon sa Inaatasan natin na ang papasok na Secretary To those who are talking about reconcilia- ating karapatan at konsensiya. Hindi tayo umaAlcala ay magtayo ng mga trading centers kung saan diretso na ang magsasaka sa mamimili tion, if they mean that they would like us to tras sa tungkulin nating ipaglaban ang karalalaktawan natin ang gitna, kasama na ang ko- simply forget about the wrongs that they have
(Continued on page 7)

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One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 15 Issue 17

B A N G O N , PA R A S A M I S Y O N !
Bro. Joel Tavarro masabi na matamis ang tagumpay. Parang bahagi sa katawan ng tao, paano masasabing magkaiba ang tamis ng asukal o arnibal sa tamis ng pulot-pukyutan kung hindi dadaan sa ating dila. Maraming beses na siyang nadapa dala ng kahinaan. Masasabing sa tuwing siya ay nadadapa lalo siyang lumalakas at natututo. Inisip niyang may bagong hamon para sa kanya, isang antas ng kanyang misyon. Mga galos at sugat ang nagtutulak sa kanya upang mas higit na dagdagan ang pagpupunyagi. Katulad ng sundalo na kapag nasugatan ay lalong tumatapang. Isang dambuhalang kalaban ang dapat niyang talunin para maipagpatuloy ang kanyang misyon sa pagkakatawag bilang kawal ni Jesus. natakot kahit na gaputok man lang dahil ang pinanghahawakan niya ay ang pananampalataya at siya ay nananalig na ang kasama sa labanang yaon ay ang Diyos. Kaya naman ang tingin niya sa higanteng si Goliath ay isang malaking puntiryahan na kaydaling patamaan sa ibinalang maliit na bato buhat sa kanyang tirador, taliwas sa mga naunang napaslang ni Goliath. Kapag nagkakamali ay magsisi at humingi ng tawad sa Diyos. Kung nadapa ay bumangon agad. Kapag nangyayari ang ganito hindi ba mas tumatatag ang pagkakatayo at mas lumalakas ang paghakbang ng mga paa upang makapagpatuloy muli. Isang salita ang namumuo sa kanyang isipan kapag nakararanas siya ng ganito, "Ang magbabalik loob at talunin ang panlilinlang ng kalaban." Misyon ang nagtulak sa kanya upang maglingkod sa simbahan. Kung kagustuhan lamang niya ang masusunod ayaw na niyang magsulat pa. Sa bawat akdang kanyang nalilikha, kadalasan siya muna ang sinusubukan at marami ang pumupukol. Ngunit nakapagtataka rin, sa kabilang banda, ang pagsasakripisyo niya sa pagsusulat ay hindi nauubusan ng tinta ang kanyang panulat at tila hindi siya napapagod. Marahil hindi lang siya nag-iisa sa misyong ito, mayroong pumapatnubay at gumagabay. Mula noong isilang tayo ay may kanya-kanya nang panawagan ang bawat isa para sa isang misyon. Iba't iba ang mukha ng misyon, salamin na mababanaag sa mga hinasik ni Kristo upang palaganapin at pag-ibayuhin ang kanyang magandang simulain, ang kabutihan. Subukan minsan ang magpunta sa isang lugar na tahimik na kung saan ay komportable ka at maupo. Itanong sa sarili kung handa ka bang ipagpatuloy ang iyong misyon.

aalala pa ng kaibigan ko ang larong tumbang preso noong kanyang kabataan. Kailangan palaging nakatayo ang lata na ginagamit sa paglalaro upang makahagad ng bagong matataya sapagkat iyon ang patakaran ng laro. Walang maaaring humalili, iyon lamang ang paraan upang makataya ng kalaro na papalit sa kanya. Ilang taon na rin siyang namalagi dito sa Korea. Minsan ay naitanong niya sa sarili kung ano nga ba ang kanyang misyon sa pagparito. Ang maghanap-buhay lang ba? Tulad ng larong tumbang preso, sinisikap niyang tumayo upang ipagpatuloy ang pakikipaglaban. Makibahagi bilang alagad ni Kristo para sa kanyang misyong palaganapin ang Mabuting Balita. "Serviam!", ibig sabihin "Ako'y maglilingkod!" Kabaligtaran raw sa sinabi ng Lucifer sa Diyos. Idineklara niya ang ganito, "Non serviam!" "Hindi ako maglilingkod!" Ganito rin ang sinabi ng mga taong tumanggi sa Diyos sa aklat ng Jeremias. Kung maglilingkod ka para sa misyon ni Kristo, ikaw ay dakila dahil nilalabanan mo ang paninindigan ni Lucifer at tinularan ang bugtong na Anak. Subalit kung sasabihin mong "Non serviam", malinaw lamang kung kanino ka pumapanig.

Si David sa banal na aklat, bago siya naging hari, siya muna ay lumaban sa higanteng si Goliath. Marami nang pinaslang ang higanteng ito sa kanilang hukbong sandatahan. Walang maglakas-loob na lumaban sa kanya sapagkat napakalakas nitong kalaban at nababalot ito ng matibay na baluti sa katawan. Isang mahina at bagitong taga-bantay ng tupa lamang pala ang hahamon upang maging katunggali ng higante. Hindi tumagal ang labanan. Walang kahiraphirap na napatumba ang dambuhala at napahiya Ang pagkakadapa sa paglalakbay ay bahagi sa kanyang kapalaluan. ng pagsusulit tulad ng kabiguan at kalungkutan Bakit nga ba hindi natakot si David noong dahil kung hindi daraan sa ganitong sitwasyon, siya ay lumaban sa higanteng si Goliath gayung paanong malalaman ang hirap at mga balakid sa kayliit niya. Tulad sa mga misyon, maraming paglalakbay tungo sa misyon. Natural na bagay na nagbabadya. Nariyan ang mga bagay kailangang maglakad sa isang masukal na daan na pumipigil upang hindi gawin o panghihinaan upang marating ang kapatagan na mahirap ng loob. Bilang kawal, isa sa dapat na kalasag suungin lalo pa't kung nakatira sa isang ay tapang at linaw ng pag-iisip, higit sa lahat, kagubatan (ang tinutukoy ay ang mga pag- kahinahunan upang magwagi sa idineklarang subok). Paano malalaman ang galaw ng buhay laban ni Lucifer. Ang pagsubok ay tila isang kung walang mga pagsubok? Kung minsan malaking bato sa ating harapan na mahirap mainam din ang masubok upang makamit at banggain. Kagaya ni Haring David, hindi siya
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patan na ito. Pagkatapos ng bilangan, pinatunayan ninyo na ang tao ang tunay na lakas ng bayan. Ito ang kahalagahan ng ating demokrasya. Ito ang pundasyon ng ating pagkakaisa. Nangampanya tayo para sa pagbabago. Dahil dito taasnoo muli ang Pilipino. Tayong lahat ay kabilang sa isang bansa kung saan maaari nang mangarap muli. To our friends and neighbors around the world, we are ready to take our place as a reliable member of the community of nations, a nation serious about its commitments and which harmonizes its national interests with its international responsibilities. We will be a predictable and consistent place for investment, a nation where everyone will say, it all works. Inaanyayahan ko kayo ngayon na manumpa sa ating mga sarili, sa sambayanan, WALANG MAIIWAN. Walang pangingibang-bayan at gastusan na walang wastong dahilan. Walang pagtalikod sa mga salitang binitawan noong kampanya, ngayon at hanggang sa mga susunod pang pag-

subok na pagdadaanan sa loob ng anim na taon. ang ating mga boto at siguraduhing mabilang Walang lamangan, walang padrino at walang ang bawat isa; ang aking mga kapartido at pagnanakaw. Walang wang-wang, walang kaalyado na kasama kong nangahas mangarap; counterflow, walang tong. Panahon na upang at ang milyun-milyong Pilipinong nagkaisa, nagtiwala at hindi nawalan ng pag-asa nasa tayo ay muling magkawanggawa. inyo ang aking taos-pusong pasasalamat. Nandito tayo ngayon dahil sama-sama tayong Hindi ko makakayang harapin ang aking mga nanindigan at nagtiwala na may pag-asa. magulang, at kayong mga nagdala sa akin sa The people who are behind us dared to yugto ng buhay kong ito, kung hindi ko maisadream. Today, the dream starts to become a sakatuparan ang aking mga binitawang salita sa reality. Sa inyong mga nag-iisip pa kung tutu- araw na ito. long kayo sa pagpasan ng ating krus, isa lang My parents sought nothing less and died for ang aking tanong kung kailan tayo nanalo, nothing less than democracy, peace and prossaka pa ba kayo susuko? perity. I am blessed by this legacy. I shall carry Kayo ang boss ko, kayat hindi maaaring the torch forward. hindi ako makinig sa mga utos ninyo. We will Layunin ko na sa pagbaba ko sa katungkulan, design and implement an interaction and feedback mechanism that can effectively respond to masasabi ng lahat na malayo na ang narating natin sa pagtahak ng tuwid na landas at mas the peoples needs and aspirations. maganda na ang kinabukasang ipapamana natin Kayo ang nagdala sa akin sa puntong ito sa susunod na henerasyon. Samahan ninyo ako ang ating mga volunteers matanda, bata, ce- sa pagtatapos ng laban na ito. Tayo na sa tuwid lebrity, ordinaryong tao, na umikot sa Pilipinas na landas. para ikampanya ang pagbabago; ang aking mga Maraming salamat po at mabuhay ang samkasambahay, na nag-asikaso ng lahat ng aking mga personal na pangangailangan; ang aking bayanang Pilipino! pamilya, kaibigan at katrabaho, na dumamay, nag-alaga at nagbigay ng suporta sa akin; ang ating mga abogado, na nagpuyat para bantayan

Volume 15 Issue 17

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

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he Foundation of the MSP dates back to the year 1965, during which the Catholic Church of the Philippines had celebrated its 400 years of Christianity. At that time, the catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (then Catholic Welfare Organization) had thought of establishing a missionary society which became a living memorial of the Churchs gratitude to God for the gift of faith that the Philippine Church received from its early missionaries. The bishops assessed that the Philippine Catholic Church had already come of age and thus, assumed its full commitment to share with others the faith we have so bountifully received. This plan to establish the MSP was captured in the Statement of the Philippine Hierarchy on the Formation of the Foreign Mission Society. The following is an excerpt of the document which was signed by H.E. Archbishop JULIO R. ROSALES, DD, then President of the Catholic Welfare Organization: "Desirous to fulfill our divine commission to preach the Gospel to every creature, we, the Catholic Hierarchy of the Philippines, herewith declare our firm determination to share the light of the Faith with our less fortunate neighbors. It is our conviction that we, as a Christian nation, have reached a mature stage in our four centuries of development and that we are prepared to assume the responsibilities of such maturity. We, therefore, proclaim officially our intention

to undertake a national effort to orient our people to the missions. To achieve this and to express in the concrete our gratitude to God for the gift of our Faith, we will organize the Foreign Mission Society of the Philippines. Simultaneous with the Fourth Centennial Celebration of our birth as a Christian nation in 1965, we will found this Society and lay the cornerstone of its seminary in Cebu. Its official patron will be the same Child Jesus whose image will be canonically crowned during the celebration. To be composed, first of all, of diocesan priests, the Foreign Mission Society of the Philippines will eventually embrace, we hope, a brotherhood, a sisterhood, and a lay missionary counterpart. The Society will accept "full members" and "associate members", these latter to be loaned and aided for a time by a diocese. Mindful of the particular needs and traits of our people, we will adopt a mode of missionary formation and a Constitution expressive of the genius of the Christian Filipino soul. The founding of a Mission Society of the Philippines is a serious step in our history as a Christian country. It deserves the best of our generosity, our dedication, and our zeal. We appeal to our clergy and faithful to cooperate with this missionary movement of ours and, if it be the Divine will, to consider volunteering for the foreign missions. "The Mission Society of the Philippines

(MSP) is a Society of Apostolic Life of Pontifical Right for mission ad gentes. It received its pontifical right status on January 6, 2009 from the Vatican's Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples (CEP). Having been established by the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP), the MSP serves as the official and chief missionary arm of the Catholic Church of the Philippines. Since its inception in 1965, the MSP now has been working in five continents and twelve countries. In Asia, the MSP has missions in Thailand, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea. In Oceania, it serves in Papua New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand, and Cook Islands. In Europe, it is present in the Netherlands and in England. In North America, it is present in the United States of America, while in South America, it has a mission in Guyana. The MSP envisions this gift of faith in Christ to have been lived and shared in love by all, most especially the peoples in Asia. Our missionary engagement involves the incarnation of the Church in Asia wherein non-Christian believers abound; supportive evangelical service to the young churches until they attain ecclesial maturity; auxiliary apostolic ministry for the renewal of churches; and finally, instilling missionary consciousness to the Filipino migrants, making them partners and instruments of missionary vocation.



Bro. Allan Rodriguez banyaga, ipinabaon rin pala Niya sa akin dito sa sariling bansa. Bagamat maraming pagalinlangan, ngunit malinaw para sa akin na wala Siyang ibang nais kundi ang muling gampanan ang Kanyang layunin. Unti-unti ay aking naunawaan ang kagustuhan ng Diyos, ang maging bahagi sa pangangalaga ng Kanyang kawan. Bilang pagtupad sa panawagan ng Diyos, ang MSP Fil-Mission Migrants Desk ay itinatag. Sa pamamagitan ni Fr. Alvin Parantar,MSP at ng ibang mga kapariang nagsisilbi sa iba't ibang sulok ng daigdig at nagmamalasakit sa mga migranteng Pilipino ay naisakatuparan ang sinabi ng yumaong santo papa na si Pope John Paul II, "The Migrant is to be considered not just merely as an instrument of production but as a subject endowed with full human dignity." Ang pananalitang ito ang nagsilbing hamon upang muli ay tahakin ang panibagong misyon sa aking paglalakbay, anuman ang hatid nito sa akin, muli ang kasagutan ay patuloy kong hahagilapin. "When the'yre shining on my life, I can see the better day, I won't let the darkness in, what a journey it has been...." Unti-unti ay nagkaroon ng kaganapan ang layunin ng MSP Fil-Mission Migrants Desk sa pamamagitan ng paghatid ng tulong sa mga kamag-anak ng mga OFW. Naipagamot ang isang batang may butas sa puso, at kasalukuyan namang ginagamot ang isa pa at nakatakdang operahan dahil sa paglaki ng ilong nito. Ang pagdalaw ko sa kanila sa hospital, pakikinig at pag-unawa sa kanila ay bahagi sa aking paglalakbay na ito. "Forward, always forward, onward, always up, catching every drop of hope in my empty cup....." Sa aking pagganap sa bagong misyong ito, ang mga migranteng Pilipino ang silang magsilbing lakas at pag-asa upang laging magpatuloy sa mga sinimulan. Tanging mga MSP Priests naman na nasa ibang bansa at nangangasiwa sa kanila ang aking tanglaw upang mas maliwanag ang daraanan ko tungo sa pagsasakatuparan nito. At anuman ang aking mga kakulangan, alam kong ang Diyos na ang magpuno nito. Napagtanto kong sa aking pagbabalik-bayan, ito ang bago kong misyon, layunin sa aking bagong paglalakbay.

alf the world is sleeping, half the world's awake, half can hear their hearts beat, half just hear them break. I am not but a traveller, been most everywhere, ask me what you want to know..." Pagkatapos ng mahigit isang dekadang pamamalagi sa Korea, muli akong nagbabalikbayan. Kasabay ng panahon ng tag-lagas, nalalagas na rin dito ang bawat dahon sa yugto ng aking buhay. Bumungad ang tag-lamig na may hatid na ginaw ng pamamaalam sa akin sa paliparan. Parang may kung anong matulis na bagay ang gumuhit sa aking kalooban, masakit, malungkot. Saglit na nagkaroon ng malaking espasyo sa aking isipan. Paano ba? Wala akong mahagilap na kasagutan. "I have been to sorrow, I have been to bliss, where I'll be tomorrow, I can only guess. Through the darkest desert, through the deepest snow, forward, always forward, I go....." Bagamat gabi, subalit napakainit ng pagsalubong ng panahon na may bahagyang tikatik ng ulan nang lumabas ako ng eroplano. Nalanghap ko ang kakaibang samyo na dala ng hangin. Namamayani ang kakaiba subalit pamilyar na lengguwahe sa buong kapaligiran. Bumungad sa aking paningin ang mga taong kayumanggi. Pilipino! Oo, nandito na pala ako sa Pilipinas! Nakakapanibago at mahirap ang maging estranghero sa sariling bansa. Subalit ito'y bahagi ng pagbubukas ng panibagong yugto ng aking buhay. Kung paano, muli ay wala akong mahagilap na kasagutan. "What a journey it has been, and the end is not insight, but the stars are out tonight and they're bound to guide my way....." Sa panibagong yugto, binuklat ng panahon ang unang pahina. Magsisimula na ang paghakbang ko upang muli ay harapin ang alinmang alok ng pagkakataon. Mahirap ang muling pagsisimula lalo't parang walang kaakibat na katiyakan. Subalit hindi nagbabago ang kalooban ng Diyos. Kung ano ang pagganap ko sa Kanyang layunin sa bansang

Bro. JR Revisits Korea

Sis.Melody Palaa ourth of seven siblings, Bro. Feliciano Demaala Jr. is 43 years old, native of Dumangas, Iloilo, and a former volunteer worker under marshal ministry of El Shaddai DWXI Prayer Partners Seoul South Korea Chapter. He revisited Korea together with his two kids two weeks ago and went back to New Jersey last July 7. Hes a local preacher from New Jersey who was able to preach Gods word in two consecutive Sundays in Majangdong, where the fellowships are being held. He was a covenant member of PPFI before he went to Korea to work on May 1993 until December 1999. He continued his service under Marshall Ministry of the same community. He got married and blessed by two wonderful kids. Through prayer and perseverance he was able to bring his other siblings to work in Korea. Despite trials and problems along the way, His enthusiasm and love of serving God brought him to be even closer to God. In the years he spent in Korea, he learned to become Gods worker, forgive and love the people who have done him wrong. God has been faithful to him. He never failed to believe that things happen for a purposefor as long as you Commit to the Lord all your plans, you will succeed (Proverbs 16:3). He is now based in New Jersey and is serving as a local preacher in the same community with his family.

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One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 15 Issue 17

Bro. Edison T. Pinlac Mapalad ang taong sumusunod sa Pangioon,`Ngunit ang matitigas ang ulo ay Mapaparool. Kawikaan 28:14

ang dumating ako sa bansang ito, dala ko ang isang layunin- ang magtrabaho at kumita ng pera para sa aking mga mahal sa buhay at sa katuparan ng mga munti kong pangarap. Pero hindi ganun kadali. Kinailangan kong iwanan ang aking mga mahal sa buhay at mga nakasanayan. Kinailangan kong iwanan ang takot, lungkot at pangamba, upang maging matatag sa mga pagsubok na aking mararanasan. Batid kong may dalawang bagay akong hindi dapat iwaglit sa aking puso`t isipan, ito ay ang pagdadasal at pagsisimba, dahil alam kong Siya ang aking magiging lakas at gabay upang maabot ang aking mga pangarap. Malayo man kami noon sa simbahan pinipilit naming makarating tuwing araw ng linggo upang makarinig ng Salita ng Diyos at makasalamuha ang mga kababayan.

Pauwi na noon ang aking asawa sa Pilipinas at iiwanan niya akong nagiisa sa aking mga kaibigan. Hindi lingid sa aming kaalaman kung ano ang mga nangyayari sa iba nating mga kababayang nag iisa at malayo sa mga minanamahal sa buhay - kung hindi ang masadlak sa pagkakasala ay magkaroon ng masasamang bisyo. Alam kong hindi ako ganun dahil may takot ako sa Diyos pero kailangan ko pa itong dagdagan at papagtibayin. Napagtanto kong iyon na siguro ang tamang oras para sabihing Panginoon gusto kong sumunod sa iyo at maglingkod, gawin ang nais mo. Ganun nga nga ang nangyari. Pumunta ako sa Center at sabi ko sa paring aking nadatnan na gusto kong mag volunteer kung saan kailangan at kahit sa paglilinis ng CR ok lang. Napabilang ako sa mga kapatid kong volunteer. Dito nagsimula ang bago kong gawain. Sa tulong ng mga seminar, recollection, vigil, katekismo, at mga naging instrumento ng Diyos na mga pari, madre, misyoneryo at mga volunteer ay untiunti akong namulat sa katoohanang hindi lamang pala ako naririto para sa aking mga munting pangarap, mga mahal sa buhay, pang pisikal at materyal na pangangailang o isang mangagawa. Nandidito rin pala ako bilang tagasunod at lingkod ng Panginoon at mula noon masasabi kong naging iba na ang pananaw ko sa buhay. Naging masigasig ako sa aking gawain bilang isang volunteer.

at pagsubok ay kay daling malutas dahil sa dami ng mga kapatid na handang dumamay at magdasal, mga biyayang di kayang bilangin. Napasama din ako sa mga kapatid kong Eucharistic minister isa sa mga nagbibigay ng seminar o katekismo para sa mga turo at aral ng simbahan na naging daan para maibahagi ko rin ang aking mga natutunan at nalalaman sa iba at siyempre pa sa aking asawa`t mga anak at buong pamilya. Napakapalad ko`t binigyan ako ng pagkakataong maging isang lingkod sapagkat sa aking paglilingkod para sa iba nailalapit ko ang aking sarili, pamilya at iba sa Panginoon. Dahil dito pipilitin kong magampanan ang tatlong bagay na matagal ng ibinahagi ng Panginoong Hesukristo sa akin, ang pagiging propeta ,hari at pari. Alam kong mahirap gawin ang mga bagay na ito dahil hindi ako banal pero kailangan kong maging banal o magpakabanal upang maging karapat-dapat sa mga biyayang aking natatangap mula sa Panginoon - dahil ang lumikha at pinagmulan nating lahat ay dakila at kabanal-banalan. Hindi ko man lubos na maisakatuparan ang aking layuning ipinagkaloob ng Diyos, kahit sa aking mga panalangin man lamang ay aking magampanan ang mga ito. Nababatid kong ang lahat ng mga kapatid sa pananampalataya ay may iisang layunin: ang umuwi tayong banal sa ating Amang nasa langit. Aking samot dalangin: Nawa kami`y inyong ipagdasal na magampan namin ng buong pusot isipan ang misyon na ipinagkatiwala Mo sa amin.

Lumipas ang ang mga araw at nagkaroon kami ng mga kakilala, kaibigan, at nakatagpo ng mga kamag anak. Hinikayat nila kaming lumipat sa Seoul upang mapalapit sa kanila. Sa madaling sabi kami ay lumipat upang makasama ang mga kaibigan at mapalapit din sa simbahan. Lumipas ang ilang mga linggo at nagkaroon kami ng mga kaibigan sa simbahan. Lagi nila akong niyayang maging volunteer dahil masaya daw at maganda ang isang maging volunteer ngunit silay aking binibigo hindi dahil sa ayaw ko kundi dahil gusto ko, ako mismo ang lumapit sa Panginoon na magsasabing Panginoon gusto kong maglingkod sa Dahil dito maraming bagay sa aking pagiyo. Ngunit bago dumating ang araw na iyon katao ang nabago`t nadagdagan. Mga problema ay lumipas muna ang dalawang taon.

A n g Tu b i g a t K a l a c h u c h i s a B u h a y K o

sang malinaw na gunita pa sa aking alaala ang puno ng kalachuchi sa bakuran ng aming kapitbahay. Doon lagi ako nagpapalipas ng sama ng loob sa tuwing akoy mapapagalitan ng aking ina. At sa paguwi mula sa paaralan, doon ako nagtitigil habang may baon akong tira -tirang kendi at bukayo. At kahit wala akong sumpong, mas gusto kong magpalipas ng buong araw doon. Tahimik, mahangin, maririnig mo lang ang huni ng mga ibon at ingay ng mga palaka at masamyong amoy ng bulaklak ng kalachuchi. At sa takipsilim, ang sanga ng kalachuhi din ang aming taguan kasama ng aking mga kalaro. Para sa akin, ayon na ang pinaka simple at masasayang sandali ng aking buhay, na sa aking buong akala noon, ito ay wala ng katapusan.

nakakaramdam ako ng kalungkutan at bagabag. Isa itong lugar ng tagpuan ko sa aking himlayan ay ang maglakad mag isa sa tabing Manlilikha. ilog. Doon ko mas lalong nararamdaman ang Ngunit sa pag akyat ng aking edad, ay paglalakbay ko sa mundo na walang katiyakan, kasabay ng pagdumi rin ng ilog at pagrupok ng na kasama ang Diyos sa aking tabi. Mas nararamdaman ko ang kapayapaan at kagalakan sanga ng kalachuchi tree. Lahat ay may sa tuwing ako ay titingin sa mahinahong katapusan. Lahat ay may hangganan. Habang paghampas ng mga alon at ang malamig na may natitira akong lakas, hindi ko hahayaang dampi ng hangin sa aking balat. At sa pagsikat dumumi ang ilog. Hindi ko rin hahayaang at paglubog ng araw na nagsisilbing orasan ng sunugin ang kalachuchi tree sa kanyang aking paglalakbay. Nasa sa akin, kung paano ko pagtanda. Ang ilog ang isang uri ng tubig na ito gagamitin. Sa halina ng tanawin sa ilog, nagbibigay buhay sa mga uhaw na halaman. maiinganyo kang lumusong ngunit kaakibat Gaano man karupok ang sanga nito, maisasalba nito ang problemang kakaharapin. Kung ako ay ito ng isang malinaw ng tubig. Dahil minsan sa papadaig, puwede akong malunod at masagip, isang parte ng aking buhay, may naging isang at puwede rin mangyaring malunod ng tuluyan. puno ng kalachuchi na aking naging tahanan at Hanggang paghanga lang ang aking nagagawa sumibol dahil sa daloy ng isang malinis na May hangganan din pala ang lahat. Dito sa sa tuwing pinagmamasdan ko ang likas niyang tubig. bansang Korea, ang aking nagsisilbing ganda. Isa ko itong tahanan, sa tuwing Sis.Melody Palaa
Thursdays: Praise and Worship Holy Mass............ Bokwang Dong REGULAR ACTIVITIES Tuesdays: Bible Sharing .............. Incheon Wednesdays: Prayer Intercession..... Itaewon Fridays: Bible Sharing........... Itaewon, Sangmun, Chang Wi-2 dong, Myonmok Dong, Songsu Dong Saturdays: Prayer Intercession.. Bokwang Dong Bible Sharing........... Ansan Sundays: Fellowship; Praise and Worship service......... Sungdong Social Welfare Majangdong *Every 1st Sunday: Mass and Healing For inquiries, Prayer and Counseling, please call: PPFI Center : 02-794-2338 or the ff. persons 1. Bro. Henry Rendon 2. Bro. Avelino Cielo 3. Sis. Liza Bernardo 4. Sis. Linda Aonuevo 010-5815-0130 010-3304-3527 010-2958-2629 010-6872-2844

Volume 15 Issue 17

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Page 9

- HFCC Sports Committee

ALVARADO, Ben Head Coach

AGUMAN Brothers
MABANTA, William Head Coach

GABAON, Eric Head Coach

REYES, Jojie Head Coach

FALLARNA, Gideon Head Coach

FRANCISCO, Bong Assistant Coach #4 CASTILLO, Erick

#1 MALLARI, Gladymir #2 LIWANAG, Bernie.

PAZ, Rey Assistant Coach #4 TABUNOT, Tomar


#1 CLARINO, Robert #8 TAPAOAN, Jhun

#5 BAUTISTA, N. #8 CAMAT, Dinan

#3 VIRAY, Jay #5 GREENE, George




#10 GONZALES, Melvin #11 SERRANO, Richard

#9 ALAMBRA, L #10 LOPEZ, Allan

#6 MANALASTAS, Arnold #13 CAPATI, Kelly



# 13 MAGTOTO, Chris #15 GUITANG, Louie

#12 ALVARADO, Ben #15 TIHIM, Jojo

#14 TANGLAO, Dave # 15 MORALES, Haerry

#75 GAMIAO, Aries # 88 VELASQUEZ, Mervin M.


#19 GEMPES, Noriel #32 RODA, Tj

# 16 IBAY, B. #18 PATACSIL, E.

#16 SINQUE, Jaypee #17 ANTAZO, Walter

## PASSION, Joel ## HERERA, Jeff


#33 CAYABYAB, Eduardo #69 REYES, Floyd

#20 DAMASCO, Vincent #22 OH, R.

#19 BALDERAMA, Jhet #24 FIGUERROA, Arnold

#0 PAZ



#91 MENDOZA, Arnold #2 RAMOS #3 LAZALETA, Dennis #4 SAN JOSE, Jason #24 NAVARRO, Brandy

#23 CALICA, E. #24 GAMBOL, L.

#29 ELIJAY, Benjie #32 GUZMAN, Richard de




#34 CABIGON, Vinyl #89 PANCHO, Jun

## GIGANTE, Ronald TOLOSA, Don Assistant Coach

#27 ALGOS ## MAKIL, Eric

BELOW: From left to right, Doc Em; Fr. Arvin; Fr. Choi; and Precy at the open# 16 CULTURA ing ceremony.

Support your favorite team !!!

Page 10
One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 15 Issue 17


#1 RAZO, J.


Ilonggo team has yet to submit their official line-up as of press time.

20 JUNE 2010
(Opening) #8 FRADES



27 JUNE 2010
#9 MACIAS, G. #10 ABASOLO, A. #10 RAMOS, A. #19 ANTONIO, R.


#11 BATOON, J. #16 BUNIEL, R.

#21, FAJARDO, N. #27 MONTERO, R.

4 JULY 2010
(Default Game)
#21 MILAN, L. #27 SASPA, V. #31 JESUS, A. de #33 ANDRESS, J.




#5 FLORA, A. #8 MANALO, A. #14 MAN-GUARDIA, N. # 15 LAGMAY #16 CANILANG, A. #18 AQUINO, A. TOMAS, Johny Assistant Coach ANDAYA, Martin Head Coach

ABOVE: Starting them young. Doc Ems son, Migs, at the opening ceremony.

11 JULY 2010

Everyone is invited to come and watch the games !!!

RIGHT: The 13th HFCC Basketball Conference opening ceremony guests and judges with the Organizer and Commissioner.

TEAM STANDING (as of 11 July 2010)

Volume 15 Issue 17

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Page 11

The Philippine Embassy will conduct a Photography Contest from 1 July to 1 August 2010. Simply titled Filipinos in South Korea, the contest is open to all Filipino nationals living in South Korea who will be asked to submit photographs that feature Filipinos as they work, study, find recreation, attend 1. Student permit (if employed); religious services or, plainly put, live their daily 2. Student Permit to non-professional (if The Philippine Embassy further reported that lives in South Korea. employed); there is absolutely no cause for concern and 3. Student permit to professional; panic as South Korea is expected to elevate the The grand prize winner will receive a roundtrip matter to the United Nations. The general mood ticket to the Philippines courtesy of Cebu 4. Non-professional to professional; in South Korea is one that is cautious but Pacific and cash award. Top winners will also 5. New conductors license; confident in the support of the international receive certificates of excellence from the 6. Conversion of foreign license to nonprofessional (if employed); and community and the resolution of the issue. Philippine Embassy. 7. Conversion of foreign license to professional. Economic activities continue as usual while Selected photos will be included in a book travel in and out of the country is normal. about Filipinos in South Korea, which the The following are exempted: The Philippine Embassy nevertheless calls on Philippine Embassy will publish later this year 1. Accredited foreign personnel of diplomatic Filipinos in South Korea to remain vigilant and, as part of its activities for the 60th anniversary missions and international organizations, as with any country they visit, keep themselves of the Philippine participation in the Korean such as WHO, ADB, UNESCO, World Bank, abreast of important developments. Filipinos in War. etc., subject to presentation and submission South Korea can rest assured of the general and of photocopies of diplomatic IDs; relevant mantle of protection guaranteed to Contest Mechanics them by Philippine law. The rights and welfare 1. The contest is open to Filipino nationals 2. Individuals not engaged in business, such as minors, students, house helpers, housewives, of the 46,000-strong Filipino Community in living in South Korea, aged 18 or above. balikbayan and the like, provided that they South Korea are priorities of the Philippine are securing a non-professional drivers Government that the Philippine Embassy is 2. The photographs should be original, unpublished and be appropriately captioned. license; prepared to carry out in any scenario. Captions should not exceed 200 words. The Philippine Embassy reiterates its strong 3. Foreign applicants, such as tourists, foreign belief that the current dispute will be solved 3. Submissions must be in JPEG digital students, foreign missionaries, subject to format, with at least 1,600 pixels. File size through peaceful and diplomatic means. presentation and submission of photocopy of should be no greater than 5 megabytes. valid passport/visa; and The Philippine Embassy in South Korea has reported to the Department of Foreign Affairs that, despite recent developments surrounding the sinking of Cheonan on 26 March 2010, the security situation in the country remains stable, peaceful and calm.

Reminder of the Philippine Embassy to Filipinos in South Korea Regarding Recent Developments in the Peninsula

Send us your best photo and win a roundtrip ticket to the Philippines!

TIN Required for Drivers License in the Philippines

The Land Transportation Office (LTO) and the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) signed a Memorandum of Agreement on 25 November 2009 requiring applicants of a drivers license in the Philippines to also present a Tax Identification Number (TIN). Applications from the following are covered by the agreement:

TRAVEL ADVISORY: Possession of Fake Immigration Stamp on Passport is Subject to Immediate Deportation

The Philippine Embassy in Seoul is advising Filipinos in Korea to be alert against the use of fake Philippine Immigration exit stamp on their Philippine passports to expedite travel to Korea. Some unscrupulous individuals entice travelers to apply through them for a fee with a promise to facilitate their entry to Korea through the use of fake exit immigration stamps.

4. There is no limit on the number of photos 4. Professional members of religious that a contestant may submit. organizations, such as priests, pastors, nuns, lay minister, missionaries and the like subject 5. By entering the contest, the photographer: to presentation and submission of photocopies of missionary ID card / religious guarantees the accuracy of the captions; mission order. gives the Philippine Embassy the right to publish, reproduce, use and re-use the photographs for promotional purposes HFCC Volunteer Invitation without any remuneration, under the understanding that due acknowledgment Inaanyayahan po ang lahat ng interesadong to the photographer will be given; and maging volunteer sa mga sumusunod na grupo.

releases the Philippine Embassy from CHOIR - nangangailangan po ng miyembro sa

Alto, Soprano, at Tenor. Makipagugnayan lamang po kay Ate Ely Torres 010-8061-9143.

any claims by people identifiable in the Ambassador Cruz appealed to the Filipino comphotograph, such as libel or invasion of munity to be cautious and avoid dealing with privacy, that may arise from the fixers before leaving the country. It is imporconditions stated above. tant that Filipino travelers should be aware that under Korean Immigration Laws, the penalty 6. The deadline for the submission of entries is 5pm on 1 August 2010. Entries should be for this kind of immigration fraud is immediate emailed to seoulpe@philembassydeportation and ban from traveling to Korea for a period of five (5 ) years. The Embassy has recommended a thorough 7. The decision of the judges will be final. investigation of this form of Immigration fraud For more inquiries, please to the Philippine Department of Foreign Af- fairs.

ALTAR BOYS - Makipagugnayan lamang po kay Bro. Rebeck Beltran 010-8671-2761. IT Committee - Makipagugnayan lamang po kay Matet Solis o kaninuman sa IT Committee email at

SAMBAYANAN Newsletter - nangangailangan po ng manunulat sa News, Feature, at Reemail flections. Pati na rin po sa photojournalist at layout. Makipagugnayan lamang po kay Doc Ems 010-5160-2928.

Page 12

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 15 Issue 17

Filipinos residing in South Korea may now apply for the Philippine electronic passports, or e-passports, at the Philippine Embassy in Seoul effective 01 August 2010. The ePassport is a highly secured and enhanced Machine Readable Passport. The ePassport system reduces identity theft by storing the biometrics and signature of the passport holder and recording his thumb marks. As taking the biometrics of the applicant is an additional requirement, processing will take longer than that of the machine-readable passport. In order to streamline the procedure, the Embassy will adopt the appointment system and courier service. Schedule an Appointment For Your sPassport Application Starting 15 July To ensure efficiency and orderly service to the public, only fifty (50) ePassport applications will be entertained per day. An applicant can get an appointment by calling the APPOINTMENT HOTLINE NUMBER 010-9385-0535 and by giving your full name including middle name, date and place of birth, your old passport number and mobile number in South Korea. You can also send an email to , and type in your full name including middle name, date and place of birth, your old passport number and mobile number in South Korea. An appointment date will be given to you which is in the morning between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm, Monday to Friday or first Sunday and third Sunday of every month, except on declared Philippine and Korean national holidays. Further, getting an appointment for passport processing is free. Please come exactly at the appointed date and time. Failure to do so will subject the applicant to reapply for a new schedule. Upon completion of the encoding of the passport application, the forms will be sent to the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) in Manila for processing. The new ePasport will Free Vocational Training for E-9 Foreign VISA Holders (Non-Professional Employment) 1. Vocational Training Place: Yeil Vocational Training Institute Recruiting Area Basic Job Training for Manufacturing, Computer Operation (Office Automation) Computer Repair (Personal Computer Maintenance) Admission will be given to 30 students for each area Support: 1) Tuition free, 2) Free textbook, lunch and transportation will be provided. 2. Application Requirement VISA Status: E-9 Non-Professional Employment Required Documents: Certification of Alien Registration (1 copy). 3. Training Terms: Class will be on Sunday only. 1st Term Application and Admission Schedule: - 2010. 06. 05 ~ 2010. 07. 03 Training /schedule: - 2010. 07. 18 ~ 2010. 09. 05 (8 weeks) Class Schedule: - 10:00 ~ 17:00 (6 hours/day) Lunch time: - 13:00 ~ 14:00 (Cafeteria) 2nd Term Application and Admission Schedule: - 2010.08.01~2010.09.04 Training /schedule: - 2010. 09. 05 ~ 2010.10. 24(8 weeks)

then be sent to the Embassy after six weeks and thereafter mailed to the applicant, if he availed of the courier service. In case of a lost Passport, the applicant will be required to execute an Affidavit of Loss, for submission to the DFA. After the Department has cleared your application, you can get an appointment for application of an ePassport. Processing of a lost passport will take at least two months from the date of submission of the Affidavit of Loss to the Embassy. Courier Service To avoid returning to the Embassy to claim your ePassport, you can avail of the courier service to collect and deliver your passport at your designated address. Only those who can provide a complete return address can avail of the courier service. You will be asked to complete the courier form upon application for ePassport and payment will be collected upon delivery. The consular officer will cancel the old passport and return the same to the applicant. When Courier Service is not Applicable If you cannot provide a complete return address, you cannot avail of the courier service. Any error or incorrect address would make the applicant liable to the courier company and cause the return of the undelivered ePassport to the Embassy. If you intend to travel or use your old passport for any other purpose after application of ePassport, please inform the consular officer. Green Passport Valid until Date of Expiry If you are a holder of the manual or green passport, you can still use your passport for travel abroad until the date of expiry. The ePassport fee is US$ 60.00 payable in U.S dollar bill(s). You will be required to pay upon application in US currency. SYLVIA M. MARASIGAN Consul-General

Kumuha ng Appointment Para sa ePassport Application Simula sa 1 August 2010

Sa Linggo, 01 ng Agosto 2010, sisimulan na ang pag-issue ng ePassports sa South Korea. Kailangang kumuha muna ng Appointment sa pag-apply ng ePassport. Sa Appointment System, ang aplikante na may approved appointment sa takdang araw at oras lamang ang sisilbihan ng Embassy. Hindi na bibigyang daan ang walk-in applicants simula 1 Agosto, kahit sa ikauna at ikatlong Linggo ng bawat buwan. Paano mag-set ng appointment? Simula ng 15 ng Hulyo 2010, ang aplikante ay dapat (1) tumawag sa ePassport Application Hotline No. 010-9385-0535 mula 9:00am hanggang 5:30pm; o puede rin (2) magemail sa Ibigay ang sumusunod na impormasyon:] 1. Buong pangalan (Ex. Bobby Perez Mercado) 2. Petsa at lugar ng kapanganakan ( Ex. January 1, 1960, Manila) 3. Lumang Green or Maroon Passport Number 4. Mobile or landline telephone number sa Korea Bibigyan ang aplikante ng petsa at reference number. Ang petsa ay ang araw at oras ng pagpunta sa embahada para mag-apply ng ePassport. Sa takdang araw at oras lamang pagsisilbihan ang aplikante. Huwag Intayin Mag-expire ang Inyong Passport Pinapaala sa lahat na mag-apply ng ePassport anim na buwan bago mag-expire ang kasalukuyang passport bilang paghahanda sa ano mang emergency. Dahil po sa dami ng mga passport applicants bawat araw, at lalo na tuwing una at ikatlong Linggo ng bawat buwan, ang mga may appointment lamang sa mga nakatakdang araw at oras ang mapapagsilbihan. Maraming salamat po. PHILIPPINE EMBASSY

Yeil Vocational Training Institute

Source: Investigation and Enforcement certain period of time. Division, Korea Immigration Service 2. The period of entry ban for the deported 1. Illegal stayers detected by immigration illegal stayers: officers are subject to fines: Three (3) years for those who paid fines Those who stayed illegally for less than before being deported; one (1) year are exempted from fines; Five (5) years for those who failed to KRW 500,000 won for illegal stay of pay fines before being deported. one (1) year to two (2) years (excl.); 3. The detected illegal stayers will be deported KRW 1 Million won for two (2) years following the procedures below: to three (3) years (excl.); 1. An illegal stayer is arrested, KRW 1.5 Million won for three (3) 2. Will be investigated for illegal stay, years to five (5) years (excl.); 3. Will be detained (upon issuance of KRW 2 Million won for five (5) years detention order), or over. 4. Decision will be made after examination There is no commutation of detention to (possible decisions include imposition of penalties for those who are incapable of fines and issuance of deportation order), paying fines. Instead, illegal stayers will be 5. Will prepare for departure (issue a deported after undergoing a prescribed passport and buy tickets, etc.), process and will be banned re-entry for a 6. Will be deported. Class Schedule: be closed, when the applicants reach the 10:00AM~17:00PM (6 hours/day) class size. Be sure!!! Application will be Lunch time: accepted by application order. - 13:00 ~ 14:00 (Cafeteria) 5. Contacts: Yeil Vocational Training Insti4. Application and Admission tute Priority will be given to applicants from Tel : 031-485-8500 Vietnam, Indonesia, China, Thailand, and Fax: 031-485-7474 Philippines. Students from foreign coun Homepage: try using English will also be welcomed. Address: Ohseung BLDG 3 floor 542 Application will be received through Fax Gojandong Danweongu Ansansi Kyeung(031-485-7474). You may visit our instigido tute for your application. Application will

Volume 15 Issue 17

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Page 13

Phil.Embassy (Labor Office) (Consular Office) (Hotline) Philippine Airlines Fr. Alvin Parantar, MSP Sr. Miguela Santiago Edison Pinlac (Pres/JPC) Bro. Jimmy Villaflor (VP) El Shaddai (Bro.Henry/Avel) Masok (Gil Maranan) Taerim Community (Dan) Worship Ministry (Ely) Recreation Ministry (Mike) 3785-3634/3785-3624 796-7387 to 89 ext. 103 011-273-3657 774-35-81 010-4922-0870 016-706-0870 010-2906-3109 010-2572-8515 794-23-38 010-5822-9194 (031) 593-6542 010-8684-7897 010-8061-9143 010-2762-9906

Education (Emely) Youth Ministry (Weng) IT Committee

N O S .
010-5160-2928 010-5821-7799 010-4220-1422 010-8671-2761





Lay Eucharistic Ministry (Rebeck) FMAA (Norma) LRC (Mhar) CWI 010-2408-1554 010-8683-3826 010-6871-0870

published monthly by the Archdiocesan Pastoral Center for Filipino Migrants which is being administered by the Mission Society of the Philippines under the auspices of Seoul Archdiocese.

Mokdong Immigration Processing (Detention) Center 02-2650-6247 Hwaseong, Suwon Immigration Processing (Detention) Center 031-355-2011/2 Chungju Immigration Processing (Detention) Center 043-290-7512/3 Yang Seung Geol Han Suk Gyu 011-226-9237 010-5348-9515


115-9 Songbuk-gu, Songbuk 1dong, Seoul, South Korea 136-020 Telephone Number: (070) 8161-0870 or (070) 8161-0873/74 e-Mail Addresses:

Sunday: Cycle C

2010 July - August

Weekday: Year 2

Editor-in-Chief : Emely DicolenAbagat, Ph. D. News Editor : Ma. Teresa Solis Literary Editor : Bro. Allan Rodriguez Bro. Joel Tavarro Catholic Faith Editor / Lay-out Artist : Roberto Catanghal Webmaster : Engr. Rogelio Domingo Contributors : Amie Sison Michael Balba Johnny Maliglig Ervie Glory Felipe Lagunda Lyn Laurito Pete Rahon Circulation Manager : Fr. Arvin Mosqueda, MSP


Eucharistic Lectors & Commentators FMAA Choir Sports & Recreation IT Youth Prayer Partners LRC and CWI : Rebeck Beltran : Jovito Gonzales Jr. : Tess dela Cruz : Elisea Torres : Mike Panlilio : Ma. Teresa Solis : Weng Santos : Sis. Melody Palana : Mhar Gonzales

J u l y
02 - Doc. Emely Dicolen-Abagat, Ph.D. Sis. Lea Hitalia 03 - Jhun Gonzales Magnolia Fresnedi Julia Krusandra P. de Villa Sis. Lorna Lisao 05 - Teresita Solis Sis Berna 08 - Gideon Jun Fallarna 09 - Sandra Capacia 14 - Julie Jordan 15 - Marilys Pancho Kitty Cantiller

2 0 1 0
16 - Tameen Candia Jocelyn Candia Carmelino Candia 18 - William Mabanta 21 - Tess Campol 22 - Dhan Habana 24 - Amie Sison Jonathan Canaria 28 - Maryrose Solis 29 - Arlyn Dizon 31 - Ronald Baria Yola Corvera

Fr. Alvin B. Parantar, MSP Adviser/Chaplain

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One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 15 Issue 17


Volume 15 Issue 17

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Page 15

HFCCs 13th Basketball Conference Begins

By: Ma. Teresa Solis

his year HFCCs 13th Basketball Conference began last month, June 20, 2010 at the Catholic University of Korea (CUK) Seminary grounds. There were eight (8) teams who joined the conference. Teams in alphabetical order were Aguman, Ilocano, Ilonggo, Mindoro, Pangasinan, Rosarian, Tambayan and Visdak. The program started with the parade of each team. Followed by the Philippine National Anthem and Doxology led by the HFCC choir. Fr. Alvin Parantar, MSP, HFCC Chaplain welcomed everyone who participated in the program. An inspirational message delivered by the special guest, Ambassador Luis T. Cruz, who was also one of the judges for the Best Muse and Best in Uniform. Other judges were Labor Attache Felicitas Q. Bay and Welfare Officer Rosario Ilo. The Players, Coaches and Team Managers took the Oath of Sportsmanship. At the end of the program, Fr. Arvin Mosqueda, MSP, the assistant Chaplain of the HFCC thanked everyone in his closing remarks. He is the new Commissioner in this conference. Winner for the Best in Uniform was the Rosarian Team and for the Best Muse was Ms. Angeline Lopez, who represented Rosarian Team and a Filipino Scholar in CUK in Bucheon. Rosarian Team also won in the first game of the conference beating the Tambayan Team with a score of 51-50. Fr. Arvin Mosqueda is the new Commissioner.



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Above. ROSARIANSBest Team Uniform & Best Muse Below. HFCC Sports Committee Members...

Page 16

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 15 Issue 17

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