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Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story is a powerful autobiographical story of a young man who

overcame seemingly insurmountable odds to become one of the most celebrated pediatric
neurosurgeons in the world. The story is a testament to the power of determination, faith, and
hard work, and it inspires readers to never give up on their dreams. The book starts with Ben's
childhood, where he faced significant challenges such as poverty, illiteracy, and racism. Ben
grew up in a single-parent home with his mother and older brother. Despite their limited means,
Ben's mother, Sonya, instilled in her sons the importance of education and faith in God. Ben's
mother was illiterate, but she encouraged her sons to read and write by requiring them to read
books and write book reports each week. This practice helped Ben develop a love for reading,
which later became an essential tool in his journey to success.
Ben faced several obstacles along the way, including low grades, being teased and bullied by his
peers, and a severe temper. However, his mother's faith in God and unwavering belief in him
helped him overcome these challenges. Ben learned to control his anger by reading the Book of
Proverbs in the Bible, which provided him with wisdom and guidance on how to handle difficult
situations. The turning point in Ben's life came when he discovered his love for science and
medicine. Ben's interest in science was sparked by his mother's cleaning job at a hospital, where
she would bring home discarded medical textbooks for him to read. Ben's passion for medicine
was further fueled when he witnessed the amazing surgical skills of a doctor who operated on a
patient with a similar condition to his. Despite being discouraged by his teachers and classmates,
Ben pursued his dream of becoming a doctor. He worked hard, studied relentlessly, and became
the top student in his class. Ben's hard work and determination paid off when he was accepted
into Yale University, where he continued to excel academically. The most significant challenge
Ben faced was when he was diagnosed with a rare form of glaucoma that threatened to end his
career as a surgeon. Ben refused to give up, and with the help of his colleagues, he developed a
revolutionary surgical technique that saved his sight and the sight of countless other patients.
Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story is a remarkable story of triumph over adversity. Ben's story
is an inspiration to anyone who has faced challenges in life and has dreamed of achieving
success. His journey teaches us that with hard work, determination, and faith in God, anything is
possible. The book reminds us that we should never give up on our dreams and that we should
always strive to be the best version of ourselves.
In conclusion, Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story is an inspirational book that teaches us the
power of determination, faith, and hard work. The book shows that with perseverance, we can
overcome any obstacle in life and achieve our dreams. Ben Carson's story is a testament to the
human spirit and serves as an inspiration to us all.

Mark Niño F. Alicaya Spec Eng 19

BEED 3- Pragmatism Dr. Jennilyn D. Geogonia
Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story
Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story is a true-life story about a renowned neurosurgeon, Dr. Ben
Carson, who overcame poverty, racism, and poor academic performance to become a successful
doctor. The story is not only inspiring but also provides valuable lessons on Oral Language
Development and Grammar Awareness.
Oral Language Development is a process of developing spoken language skills, including
listening, speaking, and understanding. The film depicts how Ben's mother, Sonya, encouraged
her son's oral language development by teaching him to read, encouraging him to ask questions
and expressing his thoughts. For instance, when Ben had a hard time pronouncing words, his
mother would read books to him and encourage him to read them aloud. This practice helped
Ben to improve his pronunciation and develop a love for reading and learning. Grammar
Awareness is an essential aspect of language development, as it enables individuals to
communicate effectively with others. The film also highlights the importance of grammar
awareness, as it shows how Ben's mother, who had only a third-grade education, instilled a love
for language and grammar in her son. She taught him the importance of proper sentence
structure, punctuation, and grammar, which helped Ben to excel academically. Furthermore, the
film highlights the importance of integrating literature and skills in the teaching of language. For
example, Ben's mother encouraged him to read books that were beyond his age and grade level,
which challenged his oral language development and grammar awareness. This practice helped
him to develop critical thinking skills, improve his vocabulary, and understand complex ideas.
In conclusion, Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story provides valuable lessons on Oral Language
Development and Grammar Awareness. The film highlights the importance of oral language
development, grammar awareness, and integrating literature and skills in the teaching of
language. The film is not only inspiring but also a testament to the power of education, hard
work, and determination. The story shows how, with the right guidance and support, individuals
can overcome adversity and achieve their dreams.

Mark Niño F. Alicaya Spec Eng 19

BEED 3- Pragmatism Dr. Jennilyn D. Geogonia
Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story
Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story is a powerful memoir about the life of renowned
neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson. It not only tells the story of his rise from poverty and academic
struggles to become a world-class physician, but also sheds light on the importance of language
development and grammar awareness in achieving success.
Throughout the book, Dr. Carson emphasizes the role of reading and writing in his success. He
describes how his mother, who had only a third-grade education, made reading and writing a
priority in their household. She encouraged her children to read books and write reports, and she
corrected their grammar and pronunciation whenever they made mistakes. This emphasis on
language development and grammar awareness helped Dr. Carson to develop strong
communication skills, which would later become critical in his career as a physician. Dr.
Carson's journey also demonstrates the importance of integrating literature and skills. He credits
his love of reading and writing with his ability to develop critical thinking skills and a strong
work ethic. He writes, "I gradually discovered that the books I was reading not only gave me
pleasure but also increased my knowledge and understanding of the world around me. And the
more I learned, the more I wanted to learn" (Carson, 2008, p. 29). This shows how reading and
writing can be used to develop a lifelong love of learning and a desire to acquire new skills. Dr.
Carson's story also highlights the importance of grammar awareness in effective communication.
He recounts how his mother would often correct his grammar and pronunciation, insisting that he
speak properly. He writes, "My mother taught me early on that proper grammar and
pronunciation were essential to effective communication. She was adamant that we speak
correctly, and we took her instruction to heart" (Carson, 2008, p. 22). This emphasis on grammar
awareness helped Dr. Carson to develop strong verbal communication skills, which would later
become critical in his career as a physician.
In conclusion, Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story is a powerful memoir that highlights the
importance of language development and grammar awareness in achieving success. Dr. Carson's
journey from poverty and academic struggles to becoming a world-class physician shows how
reading and writing can be used to develop critical thinking skills and a lifelong love of learning.
His emphasis on grammar awareness also demonstrates how effective communication skills can
be developed through proper language usage. Teachers and educators can use this book to inspire
their students to develop their language skills and to show them how language development and
grammar awareness can lead to success in any field.

Mark Niño F. Alicaya Spec Eng 19

BEED 3- Pragmatism Dr. Jennilyn D. Geogonia

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