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Proper preparation is a source of negotiating power because it enhances your ability to persuade the
other side to agree to what you are asking for. From my point of view, I believe that the negotiators
have to spend a lot of time for prepare a negotiation, they should to arrange every point to be
discussed, to be attentive to all the details if they want that the negotiation to end successfully.

2. Negotiation is — a process in which two parties with potentially competing incentives and goals come
together to try to create a solution that satisfies everyone.


state, call, explore, create, work, attach, decide

1. create a good atmophere;

2. decide who will speak first;
3. state your opening position;
4. Explore each other’s interests;
5. attach conditions to your offers;
6. call for a time-out;
7. work out the details;

2) make, build, conclude, agree, probe, enter, resolve

1. build rapport;
2. conclude on a procedure;
3. make proposals and counter-offers;
4. agree with questions;
5. enter the bargaining zone;
6. resolve any areas of conflict;
7. probe the negotiation;

3. celebrate, clarify, find, trade, generate, summarise, set

1. find things in common;
2. summarise out the points to be discussed;
3. set the other side’s position;
4. clarify anything you don’t understand;
5. trade concessions;
6. generate further options;
7. celebrate the deal.

a. conciliates overall strategy and has the final clarification
b. breaks and provides solutions of their team's position.
c. notes down key figures and does the calculation.
d. conducts the main negotiations and acts as spokesperson.
e. formulates the other team's behaviour and look for signs of authority.
f.monitors deadlocks by coming up with creative movement.

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