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Level: Access 8

Teacher randomly picks up a few questions from the following list to ask student.
Each student is given 2-3 minutes

Unit 6.

1. Imagine your friend is going diving in the ocean. Please give your friend some safety
advice and recommendations.
2. What are some safety tips you could give a foreigner in Vietnam?
3. In your opinion, what are some of the stresses teenagers have now?
4. Imagine that your friend is taking her exam tomorrow and feels stressed. Please give
her some advice.
5. What are some ways a person can stay safe on the internet?

Unit 7.

1. Who is your favourite musician? Can you describe what they look like?
2. What career would you like after school? Why?
3. Would you like to travel around the world? What countries would you visit and why?
4. Think of traditions in Vietnam, tell me about some traditional music, costumes and
dance that you have in Vietnam?
5. Why is it important to keep traditions and culture alive?
6. What are some important things to talk about in a job interview?
7. Do you think children should have to work and help the family with money? Why or
why not?

Unit 8
1. Ha Long Bay is a protected site in Vietnam. Why is it important to protect historic
2. Have you visited any historic sites? Where were they? Tell me about them.
3. Do you agree or disagree with keeping animals in zoos? Discuss your answer.
4. Why is pollution such a huge problem? What can we do to prevent pollution?
5. If the whole world was listening to you, what would you tell them about global

Grade 8 –Oral Exam 1

Level: Access 8

The examiner’s assessment bases on the following criteria. Please note that these
criteria can be modified as long as they are suitable with the grade / level the students
are in.

Criteria Points
 Pronunciation, stress, and intonation
Accuracy  Variety of grammar structures 0  3 points
 Range of vocabulary
 Speed
Fluency 0  2 points
 Smoothness
 Parts of the talk/answer
 Points of view / Focus
Organization 0  3 points
 Supported ideas and illustrations
 Uses of coherent devices to connect ideas
 Use of functional devices (appropriate
use of phrases to convey meanings,
Presentation 0  2 points
express hesitation, agreement,
disagreement, etc.)

Total: 10 points

Grade 8 –Oral Exam 2

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