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Draft Printout for Mark Checking

Name : 吳鈞灝 (NG KWAN HO) Class No. : 13

Class Name : 2B

Daily Mark Examination Overall

Mark / Grade Mark / Grade Mark / Grade
英國語文 English Language 56.5
 語文運用 G.E. --- (46.0) 50.4
 寫作 Writing 50.0 --- 50.0
 聆聽 Listening --- --- ---
 口語 Oral 64.0 --- 64.0
 默書 Dictation 92.0 59.0 75.5
 閱讀 General Reading 60.0 --- 60.0
中國語文 Chinese Language 58.0
 閱讀 Reading 62.0 53.0 55.4
 寫作 Writing 54.0 56.0 55.2
 聆聽 Listening 58.0 64.0 61.6
 說話 Oral 58.0 66.0 62.8
數學 Mathematics 59.0 --- 59.7
中國歷史 Chin History 87.0 58.0 64.1
地理 Geography 81.0 54.0 65.4
歷史 History 89.0 82.0 84.0
科學(初) Science 68.0 --- 75.5
生活與社會 Life and Society 70.0 --- 69.4
普通電腦科 Computer Lit 89.0 --- 79.4
音樂 Music 100.0 --- 89.8
體育課 Physical Ed 58.0 66.0 58.7
普通話 Putonghua 63.0 71.0 69.9
視覺藝術 Visual Arts 67.0 --- 69.4

Average 65.96

Days Absent 0.0

Times Late 2

Early Leave 0

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