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50 Doyouenjoy_fishfurg? 75 Do you thfuk ihat _ meat is unhealthy?

Ago B to go C goes D going A- Bthe Ca Dan
51 They wouldlike _ abetter job. 76 I trad to go to see _ nEmager at work.
A to find B find C finding D found Aa Bthe Can D
52 He decided - to rmiversity. 77 We have got a,tat of _ pictrues on the bedroom wall.
A to not go B not going C not to go D not go Athe B, Csome Da
53 Why don't you offer _ us with the housework? 78 Here is the news. Last night _ dangerous criminal
Ahelp Btohelp ChelpirU Dhelped escaped from prison.
54 I really miss _ near the sea. A- Ban Ca Othe
Alive B to live Cliving Dlived 79 He - me that he wasrL't happy.
55 Do you worr5r when you read about people cutting A said B says C tells D told
_ the rain forests? 80 She _ that she wanted to leave.
Aup Bdown Cout Dthrough A said B tells G says D told
56 What activities are you mcst keen _ doing? 81 'I'm hungy.' He said that _ hungry.
Aat Bo n C in Dof AIam Bheis Chewas DIwas
57 I'm not really fond _ animals. 82 She said that she had been to Canada. 'I _
Ao n Bin Co f Dat to Carada', she said.
58 He loves arguing and trying to help the world. I think he Ahadbeen Bhavebeen Cwas Dhasbeen
will be a _ when he grows up. &' 'It rsill te cold tomorrow.' It said on the news that
A politician B politics C political D politic it _ be cold the next day.
59 This is the first time I have ever _ Chinese tea. A had B wonld C was D is
A&ink Bdrank Cdrunk Ddrinking &4 If I _ you, I wouldnt watch this film.
60 I _ spoken to her today. A were B had been C would be D am
Anot Edidn't Cwasn't 0havent 85 If you _ here, where wouldyou be?
61 They used to be good friends but now they have fallen A arent B wouldn't be C wasn't D weren't
_ sdth each other. 86 He woul&r't keep cominglhere if you _ invite him.
Aup Bout Cin Ddown Awouldn't Bhadn't Cdi&r't Ddon't
62 Last week we _ a film in our English lesson. 87 Wtrat would you do if the school tomorrow?
Ahavewatched Bhadwatched Cwatched A closes B closed C had closed D wor:ld close
D were watched 88 If you became President, what laws _?
63 I don't want to see this film. I've _ seen it. I saw it last Awouldyoupass Byouwouldpass Cyoupassed
year. D did ynu pass
hdready Bjust Cyet D ever 89 I really like this place. _, the people are very frienclly.
64 The government has been in power _ 7 years. A However I On the other hand 6 gkhqush
A ago B from C for 0 sinee 0 What's more
65 We've been here _ 5 o'clock. fll You mustn't _ in the cinema.
A ago B since C from D for Ato srnoke B smoking C smoke D smoked
66 It seems _ me that we are krst. 9'f In America, you _ be over 21to drirrk alcohol.
Aby Bfor Cto Dfrom A mustn't B don't have to C should D Lr,aveto
67 Every year this town _ by over a million people. 92 It's better _ through the park at night. It can be
A visits B is visited C are visited D visited dangerorx.
68 What's trappened? My watch _ Anot walking Btonotwalk Cnot towalk
Ahas stolen Bis stolen Chave been stolen D don't walk
D has been stolen 93 lt's a great feeling when you _ do arrything and you
69 Myuncle _us apresent whenhe carne to stay. can stay in bed all day!
A was given B gave C is given 0 has been given A don't have to B mustn't C shouldnt D lavent to
70 The car _by my mother. 94 The goyernrnent trave just _ a law baruring smoking in
Awas driven B drove C driven 0 has driven restarrants.
Apassed Bput Cdone Dsigned
71 I got there at 7 but I was too late. They _.
Aalreadyleft Balrea&wereleft Chave alreadyleft 95 How about _ ice skating tonight?
D had already left A we go B to go C well go D going

72 Yesterday, she walked to school with her friend. 96 Everybody knows how to cook, _they?
She _her for two weeks before that. A aren't B don't C doesn't D isn t
A hadn't seen B didn't see Cwasn't seeing 97 Nobody failed their final exams, _?
D hasn't seen A didn't they B do they C did ftey D lnve they
73 We went to arestaurarrt and then _ a film. 98 She _ too much money, doesn't she?
A had seen B have seen C saw D were seeing A spent B spends G spend D doesnt spend
74 I hrew when I saw her that she was the most bearrtiful 99 The police arested a _ last night.
woman I_. A burglary B crime C theft D robber
Ahaveeverseen Beversee Ceyersaw lfilIile saw a brilliant fihn last night. It was really _ .
0 ttad e-verseen A amazmg B forgettable C predictatrle D dull

t-sfl*r1i)c qFgs$g.sjr;.r: @ Pearson Education Limited 2007 s


50 Do you enjoy _ fishir€? 75 Do you thir& that _ meat is unhealthy?

A go B to go C goes D going A Bthe Ca Dan
51 They worlld like _ a better job. 76 I had to go to see _ manager at work.
Atofind Bfind Cfnding ofound Aa Bthe Gan D
52 He decided_ to university. II We have got atat of _ pictrues on the bedrcom wall.
A to not go B not going G not to go D not go Athe B- Cscme Da
53 Why don't you offer _us with the housework? 78 Here is the news. Last night _ dangerous criminal
Ahelp Btohelp Chelping Dhelped escaped from prison.
54 I really miss _ near the sea. A- Ban Ca Dthe
Alive B tn live C living D lived 79 He _ me that he wasn't trappy.
55 Do you worr5r when you read about people cutting A said B says C tells D told
_ the rain forests? 80 She _that she wanted to leave.
Aup Bdown Cout Dttrough A said B tells C says D told
56 What activities are you most keen _ doing? 81 'I'm hungry.'He said that _ huury.
Aa t Bo n C in Dof AIam Bheis Chewas DIwas
57 I'm not really fond _ arrimals. 82 She said that she had been to Carnda. 'I _
Ao n Bin Co f Dat to Canada', she said.
58 He loves arguing mrd trying to help the world, I think he Ahadbeen Bhave treen Cqras Dhas been
will tre a _ when he grows up. 8:| 'It will tle cold tomorrow-' It said on the news that
Apolitician Bpolitics Cpolitical Dpolitic it _he cold the next day.
59 This is the first time I have ever _ Chinese tea. Ahad B would Cwas D is
Aftink Bdrunk Cdrunk Ddrinkirg &4 If I _ you, I wouldn't watch this fhn.
60 I _ spoken to her today. Awere Btradbeen Cwouldbe Dam
A not B didn't C wasnt D travent 85 If you _ here, where would you be?
61 They used to be good friends but now they have fallen A aren't B wouldn't be C wasn't D weren't
_ with each other. 86 He woul&r't keep coming here if you _ invite him.
Aup Bout Cin Ddown Awouldn't Bhadn't Cdidn't Ddon't
62 Last week we _ a film in our English lesson. 87 What would you do if the school tomorrow?
Ahavewatched Bhadwatched Cwatnhed A closes B closed C had closed D would close
D were watcted 88 If you became President, what laws _?
63 I don't want to see this film. I've - seen it. I saw it last Awouldyoupass Byouwouldpass Cyoupassed
year. D did you pass
A already B jrxt C yet D ever 89 I really like this place. _, the people me very friendly.
64 The governrnent has beeninpower_ 7 years. AHowever EOnthe otherhand CAlthoush
A ago B from C for 0 slnce DWhat's more
65 Wete been here _ 5 otloek. 90 You mtml"n'|,_ in the cinema.
A ago B since C from D for A to smoke B srnoking C smoke D smoked
66 It seems_ me that we are lost. 91 In America, you _ be over 21to drirrk alcohol.
Ab y Bfor Ct o Df r om A mustn't B don't have to C should D have to
67 Every year this town _ by over a million people. 92 It's better _ through the park at night. It can be
A visits B is visited C are visited D visited dangerous.
68 What's trappened? My watch - . A not walking B to not walk C not to walk
A has stolen B is stolen C have been stolen D dont walk
D has been stolen 93 lt's a great feeling when you _ do arything and you
69 My uncle _ us a preser* when he carne to stay. can stay in bed all dal
A was gi-rren B gave C is given D has been given A don't Lraveto B mustn't C shoul&rt D haven't to
70 The car _ by my mother. 94 The government trave just _ alaw barnring smoking in
Awas driven B drove C driven D has driven restaurants.
A passed B put C done D signed
71 I got there at 7 but I was too late. They _.
Aalreadyleft Balrea*wereleft Chave alreadyleft 95 How about _ ice skaling tonight?
D Lradalready left A we go B to go C well go D going

72 Yesterday, she walked to school with her fi:iend. 96 Everytrcdy lcrows how to cook, _they?
She _ her for two weeks before that. A arent B don't C doesn't D isnt
A hadn't seen B didn't see Cwasn't seeine 97 Nobody failed their final exams, _?
D hasn't seen A didn't they B do they C did they D trave they
73 We went to arestaurarrt arrd then - a fllm. 98 She _ too much money, doesn't she?
Ahad seen Bhave seen C saw D were seeing A spent B spends G spend D doesnt spend
74 I lcrew when I saw her that she was the most beautiful 99 The police arrested a _ last night.
woman I_. A burglary B crime C theft D rotrber
Ahaveeyerseen Beversee Ceversaw lfilW'e saw a brilliant fihn last night. It was really _ .
D ttad ever seen A amazirU B forgettable C predictable D ddl

l @ Pearson Education Limited 2007 *

B,CorDasintheexanpb0. 25 Wtrat _ when the accident luppened?
Ahewasdoing Bwashedoing Chedid Dhedid
0 What are you _ about?
26 I was walking along when I _ a strange noise.
A rhink B rhoughr @tnir*ing D ro rhink
Ahear Bwas hearing Cwas heard D heard
1 My fi:iends _ on the computer.
27 They went on holiday in June. _, they came home in
A often chat B ctrat often C are often chattirg
D are chatting often
A AIter B End C Finally D Last
2 At the moment we _ our dothes.
28 Ttre red, car is _ tfun the blue car.
Awash B are wash C washing D are washing
A faster B more fast C more faster D the fastest
3 What's that noise? _ agatn?
29 John is _ than Paul.
A She is shouting B She shouts G Is she shouting
AlffiV Blaz.ter Caslaqr Dtnolmy
D Does she shout
30 This is the _ fllm at the cinema.
4 TfEt's right. I _ with you.
A better B good C great 0 best
A agree B am agree C am agreeing D agreeing
31 Cheryl is the _ girl in my class.
5 My brother is really _, He cant sit quietly for two
A beautiftrl B more beautifr.rl C beauty
D most beautiful
A modest B lively G arrogant D generous
32 He's not as _ I thought.
6 They are coming this afternoon. _?
A intelligent as B intelligent than C intelligent like
A They are B Do they C Are they D Will they
D intelligent what
7 My brother's got a job at the bank. _?
33 These big windows make this room really _.
A Is he B Has he C He tras D Does he
A spaciorx I tiny C bright D cosy
8 I'm _ aLeach<x when I finish my studies.
34 The soup was _ cold.
AbeinC Bgoingto Cgoingtobe Dbe
A to B enough C too D two
I He's usually friendly but now he _ to be alone.
35 this room isn't _ for our meeting.
A want B wants Cis wmrtirg D does want
Abig enough B too big C to big D enough big
10 I must go. I _ Sara for lunch.
36 this is the stnp _ sells cheap clothes.
A meet B meeting C 'm meeting D 'm meet
Awho Bwhere Cwhich Dwhat
11 Conld you tell me where _?
37 Who's that marL_ was talking to you?
A is the telephone B the telephone is
Ax*rose B who Cwhat D which
C the telephone D does the telephone
38 We haven't got agarage so we keep the car in the _.
12 Could you tell me wlrat time _?
Aattic B drive Cporch Dhedge
A the concert starts B is the carrcert starting
C the concert does start D does the concert start 39 There's the man _ dog blt me.
A wtrose B who C which D what
13 Wele going to cross America _ foot-
rl{) There _ frait on the table.
Ab y B to Co n Dat
Ais a B are some Cis any D is some
14 Yesterday I _ really ill.
Afeel Bfal] Cfell Dfelt 41 _eggs in this cake?
A ls there arry B Is there an C Are there some
15 I _ about the problem for alcng time but I di&r't D Are there any
lcrow what to do-
Athink Bthank Cthought Dtar€ht 42 There_houses thatwe canbuy.
Aareafew Bisafe-w Carealittle 0isalittle
16 Why _ me from the siation last night?
A didn't you telephone B you didn't telephone 43 There's some cheese left but only _.
C you don't telephone D don't you telephone Aafew Bone Calittle 0any
17 He _ want to come with us yesterday. 44 There are _ cars in this town. Therek nowhere to
A doesn't B didn't C don't D not park.
A too much B too many C too fast D too big
18 _ you the letter last week?
A Does John give B Did John give GJotm did give 45 _ time have we got left before the exam?
D Jotmgave AHowmuch BHowmany CHowlong DHowbig

19 I _ to be quiet but now I'm not. 46 People say tlrat in 100 years, there _ be any food in
A use B did C was D used the world.
A will B is going to C won't D aren't going to
20 They _to like us but now they do.
A didn't use B used C didn't used D didn't 47 Excuse me, waiter. Can.we have the _, please? We
want togonow"
21 Where _ to go on holidays? A price B bill C cost D order
Adidyou Bdidyouused Cyouused 0didyouuse
48 You - pass your driving test. Youle a terrible driver.
22 Did you find _ who took your coat? A wont definitely B definitely will C definitely won't
Aout Bup Cin Dabout D will definitely
23 What makes you feel really _? 49 If we _ soon, well be late.
A armoy B annoys C a4noyed D armoying A aren't leaving B dt"rn't.leave C didn't leave
24 He's always very _ l,o listen to. 0 won't leave
A interestins B interest Ginterested D interests

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50 Do you enjoy _ fishing? 75 Do you think that _ meat is unlrealthy?

Ago B to go C goes D going A Bthe Ca Dirrr
51 They would like _ a better job- 76 I ttad to go to see _ rnanager at work.
Atofind Bfind Cfinding Dfound Aa Bthe Gan D-
52 He decided_ to university. Tl Wehzve got a lot of _ pictures on the bedroom wall.
A to not go B not going C not to go D not go Athe B- C some D a
53 Why dont you offer _ us with the housework? 78 Herc is the news. Last night _ dangerous criminal
A help B to help C helping D helped escaped ftom prison.
54 I really miss _ near the sea. A- Ban Ca Dthe
A live B to live C liYirg D lived 79 He _ me ttrat he wasrL't Lrappy.
55 Do you worry when you read about people cutting A said B says C tells D told
_ the rain forests? 80 She _that she wanted to leave.
Aup Bdown Cout Dtlrough Asaid B tells Gsays D told
56 What activities are you most keen _ doing? 81 'I'm hurUry.' He said that _ hungry.
Aat B on Cin D of AIam Bheis Chewas DIwas
57 I'm not really fond _ animals. &2 She said that she had been to Canada. T _
Aon Bin Gof Dat to Canada', she said.
58 He loves arguing and trying to help the world. I think he Ahadbeen Bhavebeen Cwas Dhasbeen
will be a _ when he grows up. 83 'It will tle cold tomorrow'It said on the news that
Apolltician Bpolitics Cpolitlcal Dpolitic it _ be cold the next day.
59 This is the first time I tr,aveever _ Chinese tea. Ahad B wor;ld Cwas D is
A &ink B drank C drunk 0 drinking Bf If I _ you, I wouldn't watch this fllm.
60 I _ spoken to her today. Awere Bhadbeen Cwouldbe Dam
A not B didn't C wasn't 0 havent 85 If y-ou _ here, where would you be?
6'l They used to be good friends but now they have fallen A aren't B wouldn't be C wasn't D weren't
_ with each other. 86 He woul&r't keep coming here if you _ invite him.
Aup B out Cin D down Awor-rldn't Bhadn't Cdidn't Ddon't
62 Last week we _ a fllm in our English lesson. 87 What wouldyou do if the school _ tomorrow?
Ahavewatched Bhadwatched Cwatched A closes B closed C had closed D would close
D were watched 88 If you becarne President, what laws _?
63 I don't want to see this film. I've _ seen it. I saw it last Awouldyoupass Byouwouldpass Cyoupassed
vear. D did you pass
Aalrearly Bjust Cyet D ever 80 I really like this place. _, the people me very fi:iendly.
64 The goverrment has been in power _ 7 years. A However B On the other hand C Althou"sh
A ago B from C for 0 since D What's more
65 We've been here _ 5 otloek. 90 You musln'l _ in the cinema.
A ago B since G from D for A to smoke B smoking C smoke D srnoked
66 It seems _ me that we are lost. 91 hr America, you _ be over 2I to dririk alcohol.
Aby Bfo r Cto Df r om A mustn't B don't have to C should D have to
67 Every yem this tolln _ by over a million people. 92 It's better _ tlrough the park at night. It can be
A visits B is visited C are visited D visited dangerous,
68 What's happened? My watch _ . A not walking B to not walk C not to walk
Ahas stolen Bis stolen Chave been stolen D don't walk
D has been stolen 93 lt's a great feelirg when you _ do a$hir€ and you
69 My rmcle us apresent whenhe came to stay. can stay in bed all dal
- A don t trave to B mustn t C shoul&rt I haven't to
A was given B gave C is given D has been given
70 The car _bymy mother. 94 The goverrunent have jrrst _ a law banrring smoking in
Awas driven Bdrove Cdriven D Lns driven resiauTants.
Apassed Bput C done D signed
71 | got there at 7 but I was too late. They _.
Aalreadyleft Balrea$zwereleft Chave alreadyleft 95 How about _ ice skating tonight?
D had already left A we go B to go C well go D going

72 Yesterday. she walked to school with her friend. 96 Everybodylmows horr to cook, _they?
She _ her for two weeks before that. A arent B don't C doesn't D isn't
A Lradn't seen B didn't see Cwasn't seeing 97 Nobody failedtheir final exams, _?
D hasn't seen A didn't they B do they C did they D have they
73 We went to a restarrar* and then _ a fllm. 98 She _ too much money, doesn't she?
Ahadseen Bhave seen G saw D were seeing A spent B spends C spend D doesnt spend
73 I larew when I saw her that she was the most beautifi.rl 99 The police arrested a_ last nigflrt.
woman I _ . A burglary B crime G thelt D robber
Ahaveeyerseen Beversee Ceversaw 1001tr/esaw a brillimrt fihn last night. It was really _ ,
D had ever seen A annzing B forgettable C predictable D fttl

i -::3<z.4YqPg1WWg".&"WE,N
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