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Lesson 4 Assignment - Elevator Pitch

Z: Good evening, I’m Zoraida Ortega, I think you are Denisse Ikeda… I am right?

D: Yes, I am

Z: Oh, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I am an architecture student at UPC that now is enrolled in a
sustainable environmental program at the university of Arizona

D: Nice to meet you Zoraida, I Heard about the program and sounds interesting.

Z: Yes!!! Is so interesting, I know that you have a company and I just love the projects that you
made. I am searching an internship. I am in my third year of my career. I am good at Project
management, planning and organization, I have an advance English level and I’m learning a lot
of sustainability It would be amazing if I do it in Ganias Green roofs company. When I look at
your page, I notice that you are searching for an intern and my profile fits what you are looking

D: Thank you Zoraida

Z: Your welcome, I love your projects and it would be wonderful if I develop my internship in a
company like yours. For that reason, I would love to go to your office and speak with you in an
informational interview.

D: Of course, here is my business card. Please send me your resume

Z: Here you go

D: Ok Zoraida, see you then.

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