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1619923, 21:36, basic S unit 5,6 basic 5 unit 5,6 171093@unamba.edu.pe Cambiar de cuenta @ Borrador guardado Tu correo se registrara cuando envies este formulario “Are you sure he'll remember his homework?" “Don't worry, he.. O will lost will remember with will forget of won't forget back Otro: OO@®@00000 Borrar seleccién hitpsiidocs.google.comormsélel FAlpOL SfmF 1PfPureeZaREWHI-FavOSBECZTSUMBArGm2uyJYI34FEQiewform7he_submission=ChkIyml... 1/22 1619923, 21:38, basic S unit 5,6 Too much fat and salt in your diet is not good you. © about © opeién2 Ow Oa ©@ for O of O wont forget © back O otro: Borrar seleccién “Oh, no! I've forgotten my bag, and my money is in my bag.” "Don't worry I'll you some." O ask © borrow @ lend Oa O for O of O won't forget O back O otro: Borrar seleccién hitpsiidocs.google.comormsiélel FAlpOL SfmF 1PfPureeZaREWHI-FavOSBECZTSUMBArGm2uyJYI34FEQIiewform7he_submission=Chklyml.... 2/22 1619923, 21:38, basic S unit 5,6 ‘Ann Arbor is a medium.......... town in Michigan. enough quick too much scale sized quick enough big quickly enough Otro: CO0O00@000 Borrar seleccion My aunt is in the hospital with a serious vitamin we ever been to illness we've ever never been to I've ever been to inmunity she've ever been to Otro: COO0000 800 Borrar seleccién hitpsiidocs.google.comformsiélel FAlpOL SfmF 1PfPureeZaREWHI-FavOSBECZTSUMBArGm2u¥JYI34FEQiviewformhe_submission=ChkIyml... 3/22 1619923, 21:38, basic S unit 5,6 She's the ...gitl in her school. pretty as more quickly as quickly prettiest more pretty too Otro: OO0O0@000 Borrar seleccién My mother doesn't drive in the city because it’s too stressful O more fast as more quickly as quickly faster to more fastly too Otro: C@®@00000 Borrar seleccion hitpsiidocs.google.comormsélel FAlpOL SfmF 1PfPureeZaR6WHI-FavOSBECZTSUMBArGm2u¥JYI34FEQiiewformThe_submission=Chklyml... 4/22 1619923, 21:38, basic S unit 5,6 hitpsildocs.google.comformsislel FAlpOL StF 1PfPureeZaREWHI-FovOSBEcZTSUMBArGm2uy/Yt34F 6OIviewform7hr_submission=ChkIyl “Here's $1 “"Thanks! .... . you back tomorrow.” O Iwill helped O I helped O Iwill helping O twill help ©@ twill pay O Iwill remenber © | remenber O otre: It was the most romantic place we've ever been to wwe ever been to ‘ve ever been to we've ever never been to quick enough big quickly enough Otro: COO0O00000 © Borrar seleccion Borrar seleccién 5122 91920, 21:96, basic uit 6 I've borrowed your DVD. I'll give it......next week. O to with about of for on back O®@®~000000 Otro: Borrar seleccién "Where's the best place to go shopping here?" "Try the shopping near the train station.” O store as more quickly hall prettiest mall more fastly badder CO0O@000 Otro: Borrar seleccién hitpsiidocs.google.comformsiélel FAlpOL SfmF 1PfPureeZaREWHI-FavOSBECZTSUMBArGm2uyJYI34FEQIiewformhe_submission=ChkIyml... 6/22 1619923, 21:38, basic S unit 5,6 I'm sorry I'm late. |......the train. writes lost about missed has written had missed wrote back OCO0O0008@000 Otro: Borrar seleccién = g 2 his first symphony when he was eight years old. writes with about of has written wrote back OO0O®000000 Otro: Borrar seleccién hitpsiidocs.google.comformsélel FAlpOL SfmF 1PfPureeZaREWHI-FavOSBECZTSUMBArGm2uyJYI34FEQiewformThe_submission=ChkIyml... 7/22 1619923, 21:38, basic S unit 5,6 hitpsildocs.google.comformsislel FAlpOL StF 1PfPureeZaREWHI-FovOSBEcZTSUMBArGm2uy/Yt34F 6OIviewform7hr_submission=ChkIyl .. anything exciting this evening?" "Nothing special.” O twill helped ©@ are you doing O Iwill helping O doyoudo O twill pay O twill remenber © | remenber O otre: Untitled Question © Options Untitled Question © Options Borrar seleccion Borrar seleccion Borrar seleccion 822 yo19929, 21:36 basic S unit 6,6 | think Shanghai is the ..........city in the world. © more crowded as more quickly as quickly most crowded inmunity she've ever been to Otro: Oo oO © © We ever been to oO oO oO Borrar seleccion My city is very polluted. It's much........ than it was 20 years ago bad as more quickly worse prettiest more pretty more fastly badder Otro: COO0O000 800 Borrar seleccién hitpsiidocs.google.comormsiélel FAlpOL SfmF 1PfPureeZaR6WHI-FavOSBECZTSUMBArGm2uyJYI34FEQIiewform7he_submission=ChkIyml.... 9/22 1619923, 21:38, basic S unit 5,6 Although he's very busy, Alan never..... on the weekend. Oo O° O for O of O wont forget © back 0} Otro: works "Zara's very happy. She's just all of her tests.” O pass passes I think she pass So i think pass for good Ihope so wont forget ®@®@o0o0o0o000 passed hitpsiidocs.google.comormslel FAlpOL SfmF 1PfPureeZaREWHI-F9vOSBECZTSUMBArGmauyj¥t34FBQiviewform?he_submission=Chklym, Borrar seleccién Borrar seleccion 10122 1619923, 21:38, hitpsiidocs.google.comormslel FAlpOL SfmF 1PfPureeZaREWHI-F9vOSBECZTSUMBArGmauyj¥t34FBQiviewform?he_submission=Chklym, basic S unit 6,6 I'm quite unhealthy. | eat too much fast food, and I don't get CO000 800 “Do you think you'll win tomorrow?" “No. Well. COO0000 800 exercise enough more quickly enough exercise the mall more fastly the best Otro: , tm sure." miss fail lose do you do Iwill pay Iwill remenber I remenber Otro: Borrar seleccion Borrar seleccién mnie 1619923, 21:38, basic S unit 5,6 hitpsiidocs.google.comormslel FAlpOL SfmF 1PfPureeZaREWHI-F9vOSBECZTSUMBArGmauyj¥t34FBQiviewform?he_submission=Chklym, Jhon drives .. as his brother. more quickly as more quickly as quickly we've ever never been to I've ever been to inmunity she've ever been to Otro: CO0O000800 “Do you think the weather will be good tomorrow?" Thope Sol hope I think So i think for good Thope so won't forget back Otro: CO0000000 Borrar seleccion 1272 1619923, 21:38, basic S unit 5,6 hitpsiidocs.google.comormslel FAlpOL SfmF 1PfPureeZaREWHI-F9vOSBECZTSUMBArGmauyj¥t34FBQiviewform?he_submission=Chklym, I've borrowed your DVD. I'll give it ......next week. to with about of for on back O®0000000 Otro: Do you think people are driving than in the past? more fast as more quickly as quickly faster Ive ever been to more fastly she've ever been to Otro: CO00@®@000 Borrar seleccién Borrar seleccion 13922 1619923, 21:38, Its less dangerous to walk enough quick too much much too: than quick enough that quickly enough Otro: CO00@®@000 “| don't understand this text.” O Iwill helped O I helped O twill helping ©@ twill help O twill O Iwill remenber CO | remenber © otro: hitpsiidocs.google.comormslel FAlpOL SfmF 1PfPureeZaREWHI-F9vOSBECZTSUMBArGmauyj¥t34FBQiviewform?he_submission=Chklym, basic S unit 6,6 you.” Borrar seleccion Borrar seleccién 14ina 1619923, 21:38, basic S unit 5,6 Vitamin D is important for strong skin from of on about at bones Otro: CO®@000000 Borrar seleccion | think that New Zealand is the most beautiful place .. from of on about COO0O0000 at hitpsiidocs.google.comformsiélel FAlpOL SfmF 1PfPureeZaRBWHI-FavOSBECZTSUMBArGm2uyJYI34FEQiviewformThe_submission=ChkIym.. 15/22 1619923, 21:38, hitpsiidocs.google.comormslel FAlpOL SfmF 1PfPureeZaREWHI-F9vOSBECZTSUMBArGmauyj¥t34FBQiviewform?he_submission=Chklym, Alaska is the coldest place. CO0O0@0000 “Why doesn't the door open?" © CO000000 basic S unit 6,6 we've ever been we ever been to ‘ve ever been to we've ever never been to I've ever been to Ive ever been too she've ever been to Otro: . it, don't pull!” push lost about with to of pushed back Otro: Borrar seleccion Borrar seleccion 16122 1619923, 21:38, basic S unit 5,6 Last night, | dreamed I was really good... dancing for at about up on Otro: COO0O000 80 Borrar seleccién "Jack! My phone's ringing, but 'm in the shower.” “Don't worry, Tilanswer Tilanswer it Tam going to you will you are to answer Iwill pay I will remenber | remenber Otro: CO000O0C0O0 GO Borrar seleccién hitpsiidocs.google.comformsiélel FAlpOL SfmF 1PfPureeZaR6WHI-FavOSBECZTSUMBArGm2u¥JYI34FEQIviewformThe_submission=Chklym.... 17/22 1619923, 21:38, basic S unit 5,6 That new restaurant next to the supermarket is fantastic. I'm sure ......... like it. you you will you are to do you will pay Iwill remenber | remenber Otro: CO0000 G0 Borrar seleccion My son is afraid....... big dogs. to with about of for CO0O@®O0O00 Borrar seleccién hitpsiidocs.google.comformsiélel FAlpOL StF 1PfPureeZaREWHI-FavOSBECZTSUMBArGm2uyJYI34FEQiiewformThe_submission=ChkIym.. 18/22 1619923, 21:38, hitpsiidocs.google.comormslel FAlpOL SfmF 1PfPureeZaREWHI-F9vOSBECZTSUMBArGmauyj¥t34FBQiviewform?he_submission=Chklym, CO0O00@®@000 My children watch .. COO0000080 basic S unit 6,6 .is a historic monument. skin from of statue about at bones Otro: Tv. enough quick ‘too much much too statue quick enough too quickly enough Otro: Borrar seleccion Borrar seleccién 19122 1619923, 21:38, hitpsiidocs.google.comormslel FAlpOL SfmF 1PfPureeZaREWHI-F9vOSBECZTSUMBArGmauyj¥t34FBQiviewform?he_submission=Chklym, People get impatient when a website ... CO000 800 My sister is O®@000000 take take as more quickly takes prettiest mall more fastly badder Otro: cook in my family. best more quickly takes the mall more fastly the best Otro: basic S unit 6,6 more than five seconds to open. Borrar seleccion Borrar seleccién 20122 11123, 21:36 basic unt 56 Rome and Paris are full... tourists during the summer. Oin lost about with to of. wrote back OO0O0@0000 Otro: Borrar seleccién This elevator isn't I've been here for five minutes and it hasn't arrived yet. enough quick from of statue quick enough CO0G@0000 at quickly enough Otro: Borrar seleccién Pagina 1 de 1 g Borrar formulario hitpsiidocs.google.comformsiélel FAlpOL SfmF 1PfPureeZaR6WHI-FavOSBECZTSUMBArGm2uyJYI34FEQIviewformThe_submission=ChkIym... 21/22 61029, 21:38 basic 5 unit 5,6 Nunca envies contrasefias a través de Formularios de Google, Este formulario se creé en Universidad Nacional Micaela Bastidas de Apurimac, Notifcar uso inadecuado Google Formularios hitpsiidocs.google.comformsiélel FAlpOL SfmF 1PfPureeZaREWHI-FavOSBECZTSUMBArGm2uyJYI34FEQiviewformThe_submission=ChkIym.. 22/22

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