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4 Vacation

1. I like to observe food or buildings that can tell the history of the country while traveling. When
you come to where they lived and do the same thing as them, you feel like you're assimilated.

2. carrier for extra clothes, laptop and charger, towels, tissues, shampoo and body wash, etc. I
always leave my charger when I go to play.. I was very sad because I left my C-type charger on
my recent trip to Japan.

3. Making travel plans is the hardest. I like to plan and play on the spot, but I can ruin my trip
because I have limited travel time. And if you go with your friends, you must make a plan. I don't
really like tight schedules, but there are many times when I can't compromise with my friends. It's
annoying because there are so many things to do, such as tickets and accommodation
reservations for each travel destination.

4. I went to Japan for 5 nights and 6 days during this vacation. The most memorable thing is
Tokyo Disney Sea, but I like Disney cartoons so I enjoyed it more. Especially around the last hour
of the amusement park, there was a parade in the central lake, and it was very grand and fun.
Originally, only disney sea was planned, but thanks to so much fun, disney land was also visited.

5. I prefer a travel destination where I can have fun and come back rather than a resting place.
Like amusement parks and museums, the more things to see, the better. It doesn't matter if it's
cold in the season, but I hope it' Because I get annoyed when I go on a trip and get hot.

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