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One further dimension of this course that I'd like to introduce you to now is that

of the meditative moment, where I'll be asking you to spend just a couple of
minutes engaging in some very I hope non-threatening, not too challenging
meditation, and by meditation I don't mean anything spiritual, anything
transcendental at all, but just a way of trying to focus the mind, calm the mind,
and part of what I'm aiming at is to help you realize that many of us not all but
many of us are probably multitasking to our detriment. If we can begin to think
about monotasking, begin to think about focusing on the here and now what project
we're engaged in we perhaps might be able to pay attention more intensely and
thereby achieve what we want to in a more satisfying, fulfilling way. One step in
that direction is the meditative moment, where I'll just ask you to spend a minute
or two doing something, doing very little of something and then with lucks that
will help you to be calm the waters of the mind. So, this is meditation bowl that I
picked up in Singapore many years ago. I'm going to strike it and I'll ask you to
pay attention to the sound that I make. I'll use a little clapper to revolve around
it to make a kind of resonant sound, ask you to think about that and then try to
focus on the sound, focus on nothing but the sound and if you have some other
thoughts that come your way, acknowledge them, maybe even mentally say hello to
them and let them float on by like clouds in the sky as you go back to thinking
about the sound.

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