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Smart Wearable for Speech Impairment (Group No.

: 99)
Abstract –
People with disability using sign language as a language of expression, by using sign language
which depend on hand gesture and movement, using smart glove to enable communication
between people and people with disability, the smart glove is an electronic device that converts
sign language gesture to text and voice, the glove is design and implemented using flex sensor,
MPU 6050 sensor, Micro SD Adapter, Speaker, LCD 16*2 and Arduino Nano, by using 5-flex
sensor and MPU6050 in order to pick up the gesture of the hand (bending degree of 5-fingers
and direction of hand ) then the output of flex sensor and MPU6050 is feed to analog input
Arduino microcontroller, it processes the signals and perform analog to digital signal
conversion to product the gesture ,the Arduino microcontroller compare the gesture with
preserved gesture if it mismatched ignore it otherwise there is matched with gesture then from
preserved audio (in Micro SD ) and text runs equivalent audio and simultaneously display
equivalent text to gesture Thus with the help of this Smart glove the barrier faced by these
people in communicating with the society can be reduced to a great extent.

Motivation: -
People with speech impairments face significant challenges in their daily lives due to their
inability to communicate effectively. These challenges include social isolation, limited
employment opportunities, and difficulty accessing healthcare services. Smart wearables offer a
solution to these challenges by providing an alternative means of communication that is not
reliant on others. This technology can help people with speech impairments to communicate
more effectively and confidently, improving their quality of life.

Novelty with respect to recent developments/Literature: -

There are quite research in recent times for people with speech Impairment one of the most
effective product in recent times is by using an AAC (Augmentative and Alternative
Communication device), which is actually a tablet used by pressing different tiles in the tablet.
The tablet is helpful for the users which have a general knowledge of electronics and software.
The tablet is also not a very portable device.

So, we purpose a device which can translate general sign symbols to normal text and audio
signals. The only requirement for using this device is the user should have a knowledge of sign
language. The device by using its flex sensors and Accelerometer Sensor can convert sign
language to normal text which could be viewed in the 16*2 LCD and can be heard using the
0.2w speakers connected to the Arduino. The device uses a 9-volt alkaline battery which can be
replaced once the voltage decreases the threshold, which could be viewed using the LCD. As
the user doesn’t require to look a screen all the time in order to speak, it also reduces eye strains
to a lot extend. The device is very easy to carry and use, As the device just fits it its fingers and
rest of processor just sits on the palm itself. Its also light weight so the device doesn’t feel heavy
in hand.

Methodologies: -
The purpose of the project is to covert the hand gesture which is capture. By the glove into the
audio signal and text, the wearable consist of Arduino, five Flex sensor, MPU6050
sensor ,Micro SD Adapter and Speaker , 5-flex sensor is attached to the back of glove for each
five finger and is used to capture. the angle of the finger from straight (0 degree) to tilt (90
degree) , MPU6050 is used to attached to the back of glove to capture the direction of the hand ,
the output of five Flex sensor and MPU6050 sensor is fed to analog input of Arduino ,Micro SD
Adapter along with micro SD to store the audio files that to be run by Speaker and LCD display
used to monitor the equivalent text to the gesture ,according the gesture capture Arduino loaded
the file audio from Micro SD Adapter and then run it at Speaker and display equivalent text at

Equipment Required and Budget

Sl. Equipment Justify for use Quantity Budget


1 Flex Sensor To get the orientation of 5 Rs.500


2 Arduino Main Processor 1 Rs.360

3 Speaker The get voice output 1 Rs.156

4 Battery Power supply 1 Rs.20

5 Accelerometer The get the Yaw and axis 1 Rs.125

Sensor of hand

6 4 Pin Display The get the display output 1 Rs.120


7 4gb microSD To store pre-recorded 1 Rs.200


8 SD card adapter To connect SD card to 1 Rs.50


Total Rs.1531

Expected Outcome & Deliverables

The development of smart wearables for people with speech impairments has the potential to
revolutionize the way that they communicate. By providing alternative means of
communication, these devices can help to improve social inclusion, employment opportunities,
and access to healthcare services for people with speech impairments. The expected outcomes
of this technology include increased independence and improved quality of life for people with
speech impairments.

Gantt Chart/ Roadmap:

Sign of student 1: Sign of student 2: Sign of student 3: Sign of student 4:

Name: Name: Name: Name:

Roll No.: Roll No. Roll No. Roll No.

Consent from Supervisor

Sign of Supervisor 1: Sign of Supervisor 2:

Name in capital Supervisor 1 Name in capital Supervisor 2

For Examiner use only

Current presentation remark:

Expected outcome in terms of prototype/product/patent/publication (tick one)

Approval from panel members

Sign: Sign: Sign:

Name: Name: Name:

Member 1 Member 2 Convener

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