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S – I want to improve my cardiovascular and overall muscular endurance and slim down the
appearance of my arms by toning my arm muscles and enhancing my arm strength.
M – I can use a tape measure to assess my progress by checking how many inches my arm size
has decreased from its initial measurement. In terms of cardiovascular and muscular endurance, I
can gauge my improvement by checking which part I struggle with the most in my fitness plan.
If I notice I get fatigued easily during the warm-up section, it signifies that I need to improve my
cardiovascular and muscular endurance more. If I struggle on the latter part of my fitness plan, it
means there is an improvement because I can endure longer.
A – It is attainable because every workout session per allotted day only takes up 30 minutes to 1
hour which does not consume much of my time, especially as a student with a demanding
schedule. I also have the equipment to perform the specified types of exercises.
R – The pandemic encourages a sedentary lifestyle. By following this fitness plan, I will still be
able to burn calories and extra fat. Because of this, it will manifest in my body through toned
muscles which can boost my self-esteem and improve my overall body composition.
T – By the end of the month, I want to decrease my arm size by 2 cm to 5 cm or at least
ostensibly improve the appearance of my arms (there is already shape in my arm muscles).
Additionally, I intend to improve the quality of my breathing and accomplish my workout
sessions without feeling too drained.
1 table = to be done 3 sessions/days per week
3 days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) per week for 4 weeks
Week 1:
Target: Cardiovascular endurance
Duration: 30-40 min; 30 sec each exercise for warm-up and cool down (Total of 6 min)
Number of reps and sets per session: Add 5 reps to each exercise proper per session; 2 sets
of exercise proper per session;
Monday (2 sets) – 8 reps; Wednesday (2 sets)– 13 reps; Friday (2 sets) – 18 reps
Equipment: None
Intensity: Moderate
Warm-up 1. Jog in place
2. Knee hugs (alternate)
3. Hurdle steps (alternate)
4. Butt kicks
5. Inchworms
6. Alternate toe touch
Exercise Proper 1. Boxer bounce
2. Mountain climbers
3. Lateral shuffle
4. Burpees
5. Squat kicks (Alternate)
Cool Down 1. Neck stretch (15 sec each side)
2. Triceps stretch (15 sec each arm)
3. Kneeling Quadriceps Stretch (15 sec
each leg)
4. Cobra stretch
5. Lying knee hugs (15 sec each leg)
6. Reclining butterfly stretch

Week 2:
Target: Cardiovascular endurance
Duration: 40-60 min; 30 sec each exercise for warm-up and cool down (Total of 6 min)
Number of reps and sets per session: Add 5 reps to each exercise proper per session; 3 sets
of exercise proper per session;
Monday (3 sets) – 8 reps; Wednesday (3 sets) – 13 reps; Friday (3 sets) – 18 reps
Equipment: Jump rope
Intensity: Vigorous
Warm-up 1. Lateral hip openers (alternate)
2. Hip cradles (15 sec each leg)
3. Jumping jacks
4. Shoulder Gators
5. Quick feet forward and back
6. Forward lunges (alternate)
Exercise Proper 1. A-skips
2. Drop squats
3. Lateral bounds
4. Alternating crossback lunges
5. Jump rope
6. High plank shoulder taps
Cool Down 1. Neck stretch (15 sec each side)
2. Lying Hamstring stretch (15 sec each
3. Quad rockers
4. Hip twisters (alternate)
5. Chest stretch
6. Seated deep breathing

Week 3:
Target: Arm toning and arm strength
Duration: 30 – 50 min; 30 sec each exercise for warm-up and cool down (Total of 6 min and
30 sec)
Number of reps and sets per session: Add 5 reps to each exercise proper per session; 2-3 sets
of exercise proper per session (2 sessions will have 2 sets; last session will have 3 sets);
Monday – (2 sets) 8 reps; Wednesday (2 sets) – 13 reps; Friday (3 sets) – 18 reps
Equipment: 3-6 pound dumbbell; and 10-15 pound dumbbell
Intensity: Moderate to Vigorous
Warm-up 1. Forward shoulder circles
2. Backward shoulder circles
3. Shoulder gators
4. Inchworms
5. Dynamic chest stretch
6. Arm swings
7. Triceps stretch (15 sec each arm)
Exercise Proper 1. Front raise
2. Lateral raise
3. Modified push ups
4. High plank
5. Hammer curls
6. Triceps kickback
7. Overhead triceps extension
8. Mountain climbers
Cool Down 1. Dynamic chest stretch
2. Rear deltoid stretch (15 sec each arm)
3. Triceps stretch 15 sec each arm)
4. Neck stretch (15 sec each side)
5. Torso side bend (alternate)
6. World’s greatest stretch (alternate)

Week 4:
Target: Muscular Endurance
Duration: 40 – 50 min; 30 sec each exercise for warm-up and cool down (Total of 6 min and
30 sec)
Number of reps and sets per session: Add 5 reps each to exercise proper per session; 3 sets
of exercise proper per session;
Monday – (3 sets) 8 reps; Wednesday (3 sets) – 13 reps; Friday (3 sets) – 18 reps
Equipment: None
Intensity: Vigorous
Warm-up 1. Flying shoulder presses
2. Knee hugs (15 sec each leg)
3. Reverse lunge reaches (alternate)
4. Inchworms
5. Lateral hip openers
6. Bottom-up squats
Exercise Proper 1. Stance switches
2. High plank
3. Plank alternating leg lifts
4. Goblet squats
5. Quick feet in and outs
6. Reverse lunge knee drives (both legs)
7. Lateral duck walk
Cool Down 1. Neck stretch (15 sec each side)
2. Triceps stretch (15 sec each arm)
3. Kneeling Quadriceps Stretch (15 sec
each leg)
4. Quad rockers
5. Lying knee hugs (15 sec each leg)
6. Side lying T stretch (15 sec each arm)
7. Reclining butterfly stretch

I expect to improve my overall physical fitness, specifically my cardiovascular and muscular
endurance and my arm strength with the fitness plan I have meticulously devised. I wish to see
my arms, abdomen, and legs get more toned. It’s been so long since I last worked out so I hope I
finish my fitness plan and see satisfying results after 4 weeks. I know it’s going to be difficult
maintaining the drive and consistency but I am determined to change something about myself
especially during these bland times where the same things keep repeating on the daily. It’s time
to finally get up and just do what’s best for me; for my self-esteem, confidence, and most
especially, health.

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