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Reje A.


XII - Steadfast

In at least five sentences, explain the interrelationship of the pair of concepts in each

Human Variation and Ethnocentrism

These variations may come from genetics, in the form of heritable traits obtained from parents,
or from the environment, a factor of both prenatal health and subsequent lifestyle choices. They
said that human have a higher degree of variation than most other species. So human’s belief in
the inherent superiority of one's own ethnic group or culture can cause of their Ethnocentrism.
So when you put your own people, or culture, at the center of the world, you're letting your
ethnocentrism show.

Human Evolution and cultural development

Human evolution are originated from apelike ancestors. In the past the are just starting to
discover the world or environment. When they finally dicovered their selves it changes the
inherited means of growth and development that typify a population. They starting to developed
their culture and to develope their understanding. Human evolution took place as new genetic
variations in early ancestor populations favored new abilities to adapt to environmental change
and so altered the human way of life.

Social group and deviance

Social group and deviance are connected to each other. It indicates the acceptance of the
standards, especially in social or sexual behavior. Social group consist of different behavior,
belief, sexual identity and others. It share similar characteristics, and collectively have a sense
of unity. Deviant behaviors are carried out with honest intentions of improving society. Deviance
is defined as any action that is perceived as violating a society’s or group’s cultural norm.

Social Structure and human agency

Structure refers to the complex and interconnected set of social forces, relationships,
institutions, and elements of social structure that work together to shape the thought, behavior,
experiences, choices, and overall life courses of people. The relationship between social
structure and agency to be an ever-evolving dialectic. To consider the relationship between
structure and agency a dialectical one is to assert that while social structure shapes individuals.
They can affect our economic class stratification and systemic racism. Despite the social
structural forces that work to impede such success.

 State and Government

A state is like a ship, and a government is like the crew who runs the ship. Conversely, one
might compare them to a business organization wherein the state is the business entity while
the government is the management team of the business. Without both there would be
confusion. They provide people with an organized and stable place to live. While one might
think that the state and government are the same entities, they are actually two separate
concepts. The powers and responsibilities of state governments are usually laid out in a state

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