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Q.1 Read the following passage given below:

1). We live in an age of wonders and miracles. It has been called the 'Age of Science', and
different aspects of our life that have changed in the preceding centuries have been attributed to
science. This is completely true, but it is only one side of the coin. The flip side is that as we
have advanced more and more, something fundamental to humanity has been left behind. Values
such as empathy and concern for our fellow-human beings are gradually being eroded due to the
onslaught of our ever-evolving lifestyles, aided by the marvels of technological advancement.

2. Take the example of the lnternet. On the one hand, access to information and knowledge at the
click of a button is a boon to everyone making our lives much simpler. On the other, it has
severely limited actual contact with teachers, friends and elders. Thus, the learning that a person
gains is incomplete as he or she cannot easily take the advice that another person can give on the
basis of knowledge and practical experience that is at his or her disposal.

3).Today, a small child can access and navigate the Internet with ease that still astounds those
from the older generation. But what is even more astounding is the neglect of the basic human
traits of friendship, society, relationships and family values. Owing to all the technological
advancements and the gadgets available today, children often miss out on the most enriching of
childhood experiences such as playing outdoor games with friends, which apart from being
immensely enjoyable and physically exhilarating, also develops traits such as teamwork and
discipline from an early age.

4).But now when the concept of friends is gradually being limited to virtual friends, one
shudders to think of the implications for the personality development of a child because the time
spend with computers or mobile phones for entertainment can never really substitute for the
holistic benefits of outdoor play.

5). As for me I think this age of rapid development has created at least as many problems as it
has solved. The reason is that the basic goal of life, the pursuit of happiness, has now been
replaced by the pursuit of money. Money and happiness are considered analogous in our present
society, but actually are not so. In this mindless pursuit of money, nobody has time now to
appreciate the beauty of life, which consists of a simple act of kindness to someone in a time of

6). So there is an urgent need to stop for a moment and think about where we are actually
heading - is it development or destruction? Do we have to wait until people have grown so much
apart from each other that we cannot see the suffering of our own species due to our mindless
greed, or can we still mend our ways?

On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, answer the following questions by
choosing the most appropriate option:

(a) What is 'the other side of the coin in the passage?

(i) With the advancement, humanity has been left behind.

(ii) Advancement has been hampered by humanity.

(iii) We haven't progressed at all.

(iv) None of the above

(b) What does the older generation wonder about?

(i) Their own capacity (ii) The ancient generations

(iii) How small children can access and navigate the Internet easily (iv) None of the above

(c) Give an antonym of 'preceding.

(i) Ancestor (ii) Following

(iii) Foregoing (iv) Former

(d) Give a synonym of 'destruction'.

(i) Construction (ii) Production

(iii) Demolition (iv) Creation

(e) Pick the benefit(s) of playing outdoor games as mentioned in the passage.

(i) Enjoyable (ii) Physically exhilarating

(iii) Develops traits such as teamwork and discipline. (iv) All of the above

(f) The value(s) being lost due to technological advancement is/are:

(i) kindness (ii) empathy

(iii) concern (iv) All of these

(g) According to the passage the true happiness lies in:

(i) simple act of kindness (ii) rapid development

(iii) restricted growth (iv) pursuit of money

(h)Happiness has become analogous to:

(i)kindness (ii)selfishness

(iii)money (iv)power

(i)Which of the following values have been gradually eroded?

(i) Materialism (ii) concern

(iii) Empathy (iv) Both (ii) & (iii)

(j) Internet hampers the holistic growth of a child by:

(i) supporting the human traits of friendship, society and family

(ii) enriching childhood experiences of outdoor games

(iii) providing virtual friends and gadgets

(iv)All of the above

Q.2. Read the passage given below:

(1) Happiness lies within the mind of an individual. No amount of external wealth may be
helpful in making him happy. Our forefathers had lifestyles based mainly on the concept of
'simple living and high thinking". Excessive material wealth did not mean much to them.

(2) The structural framework of our forefathers' families was different from those of ours. The
bond of love which they shared cannot be easily found today. The family provided an emotional
cushioning effect against tension and stress. However, in today's nuclear family, we are detached
from feelings towards our kith and kin. This may finally destroy the family psyche.

(3) The joint family system provided a proper environment for the child to grow up. The values
of respect, tolerance, responsibility, and integrity were internalised in the child. In the long run,
they became better human beings, compared to those in the present generation. Our forefathers
felt happiest, if their children became honest human beings. But today, we are happy only if we
attain our coveted material ends and are ready to resort to any means to attain that end.

(4) Our forefathers had a vision to make India the best. To attain their ambitions, they were ready
to make all sorts of personal sacrifices. On the other hand, today people are ready to migrate to
the west, to enjoy a comfortable life. Often, they become successful in foreign lands. But, in the
process, they become alienated from their motherland. Also, distance from their ailing parents is
a factor keeps them perturbed. It is not easy for them to return, as their children will not be able
to adjust to the Indian environment and way of life. Thus, this is a crisis and a frame of mind
worse than their forefathers.

(5) In our generation, tradition and modernity have intermingled to form a special system. We are
happier than our forefathers in being able to lessen evils like the rigid caste system,
untouchability, and child marriage, but we have failed to totally eradicate them. In fact, electoral
politics has made use of the caste system, through the issuance of party tickets on the basis of
caste, community, and religion.

On the basis of your reading of the given passage, choose the correct option.

(a) How are our forefathers different from us?

(i) They had lifestyles based mainly on the concept of 'simple living and high thinking.'
(ii) They had different structural framework of families.
(iii) They made all sorts of personal sacrifices to attain their ambitions.
(iv) All of these

(b) What impact does a joint family system have on a child?

(i)It helps a child to become a better human being.

(ii) It internalizes the values of respect, tolerance, responsibility and integrity in a child.
(iii) Both (i) and (ii)
(iv) Neither (i) nor (ii)

(c) In our generation,.................and...................... have intermingled to form a special system.

(i) untouchability; intolerance

(ii) tradition; modernity
(iii) religion; caste
(iv) politics; corruption

(d) Based on your reading of the passage, choose the incorrect statement from the following.
(i) Our youngsters had a vision to make India the best.
(ii) Happiness lies within the mind of an individual.
(iii) The family provided an emotional cushioning effect against tension and stress.
(iv) Our forefathers had lifestyles based mainly on the concept of simple living and
high thinking.

(e) Choose the option that correctly states the two meanings of cushioning', as used in the

A. Sharpening
B. Shielding
E. Irritating

(i) A, E
(ii) B,D
(iii) C, E
(iv) A, C

provided a proper environment for the child to grow up.

(i) neighbourhood
(ii) joint family system
(iii) nuclear family system
(iv) friends and relatives

(g) 'In our generation, tradition and modernity have intermingled to form a special system'.
Substitute the underlined word with the most appropriate option from the following.

(i) Divided
(ii) Blended
(iii) Scattered
(iv) Detached

(h) We are happier than our forefathers in being able to lessen:

(i) child marriage

(ii) unemployment
(iii) religious values
(iv) none of these

(i) Select the option that makes the correct use of 'sorts', as used in the passage, to fill in the
blank space.

(i) Policemen have to know all....................of different things.

(ii)The machine................
it all out.
(iii) The computer............
the words into alphabetical order.

(iv) He always...........the books according to the author's name.

(j) What are the values internalised in the child?

(i) Respect
(ii) Tolerance
(iii) Responsibility
(iv) All of these



Q.3. Attempt any ten of the following questions:

(1) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete an online update.

The climate control comment by an activist__________________ on social media yesterday.

(a) blow up (c) is blown

(b) blew up (d) will be blown

(2) Read the conversation between a doctor and his patient. Complete the sentence by reporting
the patient's reply correctly.

Doctor: Do you feel down from time-to-time Mr. Gopalan?

Patient: Yes, I do not stay in a good mood.

The doctor, while trying to figure out his patient's ailment, asked about his well- being, to which,
the patient affirmed____________________________________________________________.

(a) that he did not stay in a good mood.

(b) that he hadn't stayed in a good mood.

(c) that he could not stay in a good mood.

(d) that he doesn't stay in a good mood.

(3) Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the given line, from a health magazine.

The advertisement read, 'If you smoke, statistically your story___________________ end 15%
before it should.

(a) must (b) should

(c) will (d) ought to

(4) Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line,
from a news report:

Last week, a child was not allowed to board the plane at Ranchi airport.

Option. No.

Error Correction

A child children

B last previous

C the. a

D at in

(5) Complete the given narrative, by filling in the blank with the correct option:

As I was standing on the dock, looking out at the lake for the last time, a feeling of emptiness
____________________over me like darkness.
(a) will wash (c) will have washed

(b) had washed (d) washed

(6) Report the dialogue between a grandson and his grandfather, by completing the sentence:

Grandson: Grandpa, who are your superheroes?

Grandpa: Anyone who shows kindness and compassion to others.

In response to the question about his superheroes, grandfather says


(a) it is anyone who shows kindness and compassion to others.

(b) it was anyone who had showed kindness and compassion to others.

(c) it is anyone who had shown kindness and compassion to others.

(d) it is anyone who would show kindness and compassion to others.

(7) Identify the error in the given sentence, from a school magazine report and supply the

In order to balancing the sentiments of the Eagles and the Hawks, the Student Council suggested
a rematch between the teams.

Use the given format for your response.

error correction

(a) suggested. suggesting

(b) balancing. balance

(c) between. among

(d) a. the

(8) Sunil shared some information, with Tariq, about a holiday at sea. Report Tariq’s question.

Did you enjoy travelling by sea?

(a) Tariq asked Sunil if he had enjoyed travelling by sea.

(b) Tariq said to Sunil that if he had enjoyed travelling by sea.

(c) Tariq asked Sunil whether he enjoyed travelling by sea.

(d) Tariq enquired Sunil that if he would enjoyed travelling by sea.

(9) Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option, to complete the slogan by the Ministry for
Child Welfare.

__________________________WE AFFORD TO NEGLECT CHILDREN? THINK TWICE!!

(a) WILL (b) MAY

(c) NEED (d) CAN

(10) Select the correct option to complete the narration of the dialogue between Latha and her

Father: Why ask so many questions, Latha?

Latha: I believe that if you don't know the answer, keep asking till you do!

Father asked Latha the reason for the many questions she was asking. Latha exclaimed good-
humouredly that in event of not knowing the answer one should

(a) keep asking till one does. (c) keep asking till one do.

(b) kept asking till one does. (d) kept on to ask till one do.

(11) Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the correction.

My day begins on five o' clock in the morning.

Error. Correction

(a). begins. begin

(b). on. at

(c) in. at

(d). the. a

(12) Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the given line, from an article by Penguin
G.G.J who is considered one of the pioneers of the Gujrati short story.
His writing __________ by a dramatic style, romanticism and powerful depiction of human

(a) is characterised

(b) has been characterised

(c) is characterising

(d) characterises

SECTION – B (Writing Skills)

Q.4. I. You are Raj/ Rachna. One of your friends befooled you about an amusing news. This
was the unforgettable incident of your life. Write a paragraph for the same in about 100-
120 words.

II. You are Praveen. During the final examinations you prepared for an English test, on the
day when it was your Mathematics test. You realized your mistake when you were inside
the Examination Hall. Narrate your experience how you overcame the situation in the form
of a diary entry.

III. Complete the following story. It has to be a scary story that terrifies people. Give the
suitable title to your story.

I stopped my scooter in front of an old and dilapidated building. A haggered , skinny old man
with drooping shoulders came towards me. “Don’t go in, Sir”, he whispered. “It is

SECTION –C (Literature)

Q.5. 1. Attempt any ONE of the two extracts given:


Gerrard:You are planning a gratuitous double, so to speak. Admitted you've nothing to lose, but
what have you to gain?

Intruder: I've got freedom to gain. As for myself, I'm a poor hunted rat. As Vincent Charles
Gerrard I am free to go places and do nothing. I can eat well and sleep and without having to be
ready to beat it at the sight of a cop.
Gerrard: In most melodramas the villain is foolish enough to delay his killing long enough to be
frustrated. You are much luckier

(a) A gratuitous double' here means ----------

(i)the intruder had already committed a murder and was planning to commit another murder by
killing Gerrard.

(ii) the intruder was planning to commit a murder by killing Gerrard.

(iii)the intruder had committed a murder.

(iv)the intruder had already committed a murder and was not planning to commit another

(b) As per the extract ................... is not a 'poor hunted rat.'

(i) Gerrard

(ii) Intruder

(iii) Both

(iv) None

(c) As intruder had committed a murder, he was hunted by the:

(i) goons

(ii) rat

(iii) police

(iv) villain

(d) In many melodramas, the villain was shown to be a:

(i) calm person

(ii) luckier person

(iii) foolish person

(iv) brave person

(e) Choose the antonym of 'delay'.

(i) Hasten

(ii) Linger

(iii) Detain

(iv) Retard


B. "You know, sir, this entire factory area was once a burial ground," he started. Mahendra was
jerked out of the pleasant reverie he had drifted into after the satisfying meal. "I knew on the first
day itself when I saw a human skull lying on the path. Even now I come across a number of
skulls and bones," Iswaran continued.

(a) Who is 'you' in the above extract?

(i) Mahendra

(ii) Iswaran

(iii) The ghost

(iv) The owner of the factory

(b) A burial ground is a place where:

(i) bones and ashes of the dead bodies are buried

(ii) dead bodies are buried

(iii) dead bodies are kept with safety

(iv) bones and ashes of dead bodies are kept

(c) Mahendra was jerked out of the pleasant _________ he had drifted into.

Replace the word reverie with its synonym.

(i) dream
(ii) main stream

(iii) daydream

(iv) reality

(d) What did Iswaran see on the path?

(i) A foetus

(ii) A dead body

(iii) A human skull

(iv) Nothing

(e) Find a word from the extract which is opposite to 'sorrrowful'.

(i) drifted

(ii) burial

(iii) satisfying

(iv) pleasant

2. Attempt any ONE of the two extracts:

A. Every tinkle on the shingles,

Has an echo in the heart;

And a thousand dreamy fancies.

Into busy being start,

And a thousand recollections

Weave their air-threads into woof,

As I listen to the patter

Of the rain upon the roof.

(a) 'Every tinkle on the shingles' here refers to:

(i) every heartbeat

(ii) every dream in mind

(iii) every raindrop falling on the rooftop

(iv) every imagination of the world

(b) The sound of the rain falling on the rooftop creates different....... in poet's mind.





(c) Poet of the poem is:

(i) Phoebe Cary

(ii) James Kirkup

(iii) Coates Kinney

(iv) Coates Kinley

(d) The theme of the poem is:

(i) the importance of rain

(ii) the healing power of rain

(iii) the good fortune of having a roof over the head

(iv) the method of weaving

(e) Which figure of speech is 'patter':

(i) Oxymoron

(ii) Anaphora

(iii) Onomatopoeia

(iv) Alliteration

B. Wind, come softly.

Don't break the shutters of the windows.

Don't scatter the papers. Don't throw down the books on the shelf.

There, look what you did-you threw them all down.

You tore the pages of the books.

You brought rain again.

(a) Name the poet of the poem:

(i) Subramaniam Swami

(ii) Subramaniam Shreenath

(iii) Subramaniam Moorthy

(iv) Subramania Bharati

(b) Wind God winnows the:

(i) papers

(ii) shutters of the windows

(iii) books on shelf

(iv) weaklings

(c) The poet initially, wants the wind to blow:

(i) in a destructive manner like a youth

(ii) softly like a small child

(i) with energy and violence

(iv) in a strong manner to let things fall

(d) The wind came so strongly that all the things kept on the shelf fell down.

(i) True

(ii) False

(e) Choose the synonym of 'scatter'.

(i) Collect

(ii) Hoard

(iii) Gather

(iv) Disperse

Q.6. Answer any four of the following in about 40 to 50 words each:

1. Where was the shehnai played traditionally? How did Bismillah Khan change this?

2. Why did Einstein play by himself as a child?

3. How did Abdul Kalam earn his first wages?

4. What is it about the lake Isle of Innisfree that appealed to the poet?

5. What is the belief at Pashupatinath about the end of Kalyug?

Q.7. Answer any two of the following in about 40 to 50 words each:

1. The last leaf which was painted on the front wall facing Johnsy's window by Behrman was
really a masterpiece, said Sue. Do you agree with her? Why or why not?

2. Why does the lost child lose interest in the things that he had wanted earlier?

3. Why did the leaden heart of the statue snap?

Q.8. Answer any one of the following in about 100 to 120 words:

1. Compare and contrast the atmosphere in and around the Baudhnath shrine with the
Pashupatinath temple.

2. Kezia and the lost child shared different dynamics when it came to parental relationships.
Assuming that they meet each other at the fair and have a conversation about how they feel
around their parents, write a conversation as per your understanding of 'The Little Girl' and 'The
lost child'.
Q.9. Answer any one of the following in about 100 - 120 words:

1. 'A friend in need is a friend indeed', explain with reference to the lesson 'A house is not a

2. As Sergei, make a diary entry of the day you saw Lushkoff at the ticket window. Express your
feelings after he tells you about Olga.

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