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8'" li i! J U X. " -':7--=~~.


Fort Honroe, Virginia

:..TTNa-64 350.05/l8(roCI)(CX16 November 51) 16 November 1951

SUBJECT: Dissemination of CO::lbat Infonnation

C16702- / 9
TO: See distribution

. Inclosed eXtracts frol7l eonmand reports are fOr.7arded for your

ini'ormation, evaluation and any necessary action in accordance ,"

SR 525-85-5.


Extracts from. sources Major, AGe
157 thru 182 Asst Adjutant General




Copy No 136

.'-------------------- ---­
...'sECOR' '<iit, 0&1 ibM
. _.~ ~.IiET..: ­
Copy lJo
Department of the ;.rr:ry

1- 3 :~OOFS, G-1, Pers

4- 6 ;..COFS, G-2, Intel

7- 21 .:.00 FS, G-3, Opn

22- 41 :~COFS, G-4, Log

42- 43 Chief of lIilltary Hi story

44- 53 CC1.11Q

54- 63 OOFORD

64- 73 CSIGO

74- 83 OOFT


94-103 SG

104-113 QJ\lG
114-118 COFPST'LR
Office, Chief of I..rr::y Field Forces

119 Deputy Chief of Staff

120 G1

121 G2

122-132 G3(4)
133 G4
134 RD
135-137 .:.I'1i1Y YTar College
138-139 Comnand & General staff College
140-141 The :.rmored School
142-143 The ;u-ti11e 1"y School
144-145 The Infantry School
146-147 "'..rmy General School
148-a9 Asst Comdt, The Arty School, ;...'..&GM Br

190 ;.FF Board No 1

151 :.FF Board No 2

152 .;'l.FF Board No 3

153 :.FF' Board No 4

154 00, :.FF :.rctic Test Branch

Information copies: Copy No

Copy No 205-206 T.'..C, L.-mg1ey :.FB, Va
155-156 CINCEUR 207-208 Chief, :.rrrry J.dvisory
Office, Chief of ;..rny Field Forces Gp, Comd & Staff
157-158 Inspector Secrctal~at Sch, .Lir Univ,
159 Info rn ation Ea.'::wel1 i.FB, 1.1a
160-179 G3(64) 209-210 Condt, US:.. F
180 :.G Records Ground Sch, Southern
181-190 Extra Copies Pines, NC
Commanding Generals 211-212 COTJ.dt, Counter­
191-192 First ~.rrrry Intol1igence Corps
19.3-194 Second :~rr:ry Sch, Fort Holabird,
195-196- Third :.rr:ry Baltimore 19, Md
197-198 Fourth ~'..rmy
199-200 Fifth ~-"rrny
201-202 . Sixth ~'.:rrr:r
203-204 Supt.. UmL.'., West POint, NY
Sit nIT '?'sompTriPl

. . . .:~ .... ,~ _ . 111'- .,..,

Fort :Monroe, Virginia


Command Report - 1st Cav 'Div '
March 1951 Source No. 157

The Commanding General directed that all vehicles in the Division

be marked' at the' highest position possible in admtion to the nonna!
markings on the front and rear bumper of each vehicle. The step was
taken in order to easily identify uniti to which the vehicles be­
longed and thereby expedite traffic control of convoys. The constant
presence of either mud or dust obliterated bumper markings.


Pressure from higher headquarters continued on searching for,

reportil'l.g' and e'O'aeuating '¢a1)tured enemY' material. The problem now
became one of coordination between the reporting and evacuating
agencies. It has been found that items were reported incorrectly,
both in types and quantities, and were therefore impossible to
evacuate as requested. 'When large ammunition dmnps were found, it
"'Was 'particul:~lY' hard to make initial inventori es and final evacua'tion
agree. There was also the problem. of who was going to evacuate these
items when found in large quantities; units were r~sponsible for
evacuation to the limit of their capabilities, but these were soon
exhausted. The ntvision was meeting the problem by detailing trans­
.portation to ordnance for such recovery while the units remained
responsible for guarding the dumps. No solution bas y~t been reached
to ,balance the daily reports and the monthly technical service cap­
tured material reports. (RESTRICTED)

* * * * * * * *. * * * *
Once again a critical shortage of o~gen and acetylene existed.
It was often impossible to perfonn maintenance on vehicles without
these items. It was never possible to keep much oxygen an,d acetylene
on han~ because, as, in, the preserit case, so many vehicles pile up on
the deadline awaiting arrival of oxYgen and acetylene, that tp.e new
stock i'E3 inlnediately dissipated. (RESTRICTED)

OCAFF Form No 73 ~",fi,':,-",,,,_.+~, .. 'H.,..,.~
(Hevised 15 Oct 51) ii/ifiltiE


The problems imolved in accomplishing the tremendous task

of maintaining the Division's v.ehicles and other Ordnance equip...
mm'lt were magnified. by the rapid advances of the Division. The
maintenance sec~iop of theOr~ce Company, by using a leap-frog
. system that enable~ one platoon to remain in place for a longer
time and to work unmolested, increased its production a great
deal. (RF1>TITICTED) . ,

SOURCE: Command Report ... 6th l!edium Tank Bn

DATE: . March 1951 Source No. 158

------------------------------------.------ ---­ .
Air observers should critically regard the ~'lidth of a road
before its projected use by heavy vehicles. (RESTRICTED)

SOUR~: Command Report - 70th Tank Bn (Heavy)

DATE: April i951 Source Ho. 159

The first and third Platoons of Conpany "B", from opposite

sides of ridge of Hill 278, placed fire on entrench~ents. Upon
assault by 1st l'latoon tan.~s, the Chinese ran over the ridge,
cocing under fire fron 3d Platoon tanks. Many Chinese then re­
treated to the opposite side and once again crude under the deadly
fire of the 1st Platoon. This continued until all Cbinese on
th~ ridge were destroyed. (RESTRICTED)

SOURCE: Cor:nnand Report - 6th MediUIn Tank Bn

DATE: April 1951 Source No. 160

During the period 1-22 April 1951, five (5) tank patrols
were conducted from ten (10) to fifteen (15) miles into enemy
territory. Artillel~ Fo~rd Observers, and in some cases, Air
Forward Controllers, accompanied the patrols and achieved
excellent results. (rusTHICTED)

OCAFF Form No 7~.­
(Revised" 15 Oct 51: =t=;.r .1

~ .J ._:S£eRET •

The major problem involved in the rotation program is reconciling

the low state of training of replacements received as conpared to
the highly skilled rotatees returned to the ZI. As long as replace­
ments are received in relatively small groups, they can be intra­
grated into tank crevrs on the line and trained by the old crevl!Ilen.
This method of training rould least effect the conbat efficiency
of the organization. (amFIDB?ITIAL)


It has been found that Iv~-32 recovery vehicles with ra.dial

engines are 'inadequate for t O'ning H..:46 tanks due to their lack of
power. The M-32 recovertJ vehicle rrith a Ford engine performs
admirably. (CONFIDENTIAL)

---------- ---------------------------------
SOL~CB: Command Report - Aviation Section EUSAK

11ay 1951 Source No. 161

1. That SR 385-10-43 be f£lended to clarify distj.nction bet7Teen

major and minor aircraft accidents.

2. Future personnel planning should include greater avail­

ability of trained and qualified Army aviators so as to permit a
rotation of flying duties.

3. That the replace.'Tlent strea.ll provide a nov, of school trained

aircraft mechanics.

4. All limited standard aircraft should be returned and only

one model of aircraft for each class, i.e., rotary, two (2) and multi­
passenger fixed . ., should be used.

5. Engineer pilots, helicopter qualified should be provided

for Engineer units. (CmTFIDEHTIAL)

OOAFF Form No 7
rieuRlt9 iNFORM!
,.......:,"".,.-, ...
i _

'SS' 'B'rr


-"''''_-<'''- ,,' - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ­

SOURCE: Command Report - 63d FA Bn

DATE: May 1951 Source No. 162

The caliber of replacement personnel appears to be very satis­

factory.. The majority are draftees with fourteen (14) VI'eeks basic
training. ( CONFIDENTLU)

SOURCE: Command Report - 92d Armd FA Bn

DATE: January ),951 Source No. 163

Most halted columns were caused by inconsiderate drivers and

ineffective officer supervi.sion. On two (2) occasions, halts of
30 minutes or more, affecting miles of vehicles packed bumper to
~er, were caused in each case by one disabled vehicle and the
~uild-up of vehicles three (3), abreast trying to pass. lMdence
~ndicated that too many officers were prone to sit back in their
~ehicles and let circumstances work themselves out. In neither case
was a justifiable obstacle found for the halting of the column,
V'et these halts caused the column to buildo-up from Ayang-Ni to
Il'ongdong-Po, a distance of about ten (10) miles, and critically
affected the evacuation of units from Seoul. (RESTRICTED)

SOURCE: pommand Report - 60th Ord Gp

DATE: ~pril 1951 Source No. 164

Recommend that an Ordnance Artillery Vehicle Park Company be

lssigned to this command to combat load, control issue and complete
~rocessing of major items.. Currently, field depots are performing
phis mission, using qualified mechanics and inspectors detailed
J-rom the direct support Ordnance Medium liiaintenance Companies.


e 8!8A!'


SOtmCE: Command Report - 1st Ord ~&aintenance Bn (Prov)

DATE: April 1951 Source No •. 165

Several items of unserviceable equipment were receiveddurirtg

the period, ~pdicating sabotage, carelessness in assembly; . arid faulty
manufacture. Examples are: ..:.

1~155~mm·-How.i.tzers - right hand studs on both "!meels.­

2. -Velticle, tank recovery, M-32 - gas tanks full of oil;

ground electrode broken off close to base, and center electrode
broken off close to porcelain on spark plug•.

3. Vehicle, armored, utility, I.1-39 - leak in differential oil . .... ~.-


4. Engine assembly for IvJ.jT Vehicle - main bearing oil seal

leaking very badly. .

5. Carriage, motor, multiple gun, 11-16 - inlet gas line filled

~~l~~ .

6. Tank, M-4.A3EC - fuel system and gas tanks full of water.


SOURCE: Command Report - X Corps Artillery

DATE: ··'May 19$1- ......... .

Source No. 166

During the month of May .theArtillery ,'lith X Corps used VT

fu~e with- 26 percent of .the armnunition expended. (OONFIDlt;NTIAL)
- .,

SOURCE: Ooa:lB.r1d Report ..:. Aviation Section (EUS-l!.K)

DATE: April 1951 ". Source No. 167

• 4.



Request consideration be afforded the matter of devSloping a

two (2) position propeller for use on the·L-19 aircraft: in order
OCAFF Form No 73
IU!'ijI',. tw.-\ 2..'11~
(Revised 15 Oct 51) 2 SEeftEJ;-.,,,.....


to increase the speed. To minimize the d&uage from enew~ fire it

is 'essential tnat' the' ai'rcraft be 'capable of developing speeds ''
which will limit the duration of exposure to such fire~ In addition,
a much greater time is required to accomplish courier missions than
'WOUkl be the, case if a, faster cruise were available.. (CONFIDENTIAL)
. . ........ - ~ -; .... ..


Malfunction of the parking brake of the L-l9 aircraft has

recently developed. ,,' I-t; has been found that' an 'eXcesslve builct-:up ,,'......
of pressnre when releasing the parting brake~a_ caused failure of
the brake housing. It is believed that improper parking brake
setting by tbe pUots is the primary cause of the malfunction;
however, the units have been advised to disconnect the parking
brake in order to preVent future failures ciftms 'nature. It" -,_., -.-.
is recommended to the aviation units that the control lock be used
in .lieu of the parking brake 'nhen securing the aircraft" (OONFIDENTIAL)

" 0.;;
SOURCE: OCAFF Observer Team

DATE: 12 O;ctobar 1951 .• Source No. 168

The Corps G) Air stated that in his opinion the Division G)

Air waS'not in a: position to properly ,advise the divi.sion commande~:
on air support matters while stationed in the FSCC. As a result,
.commandersandG3s were selecting the targets and the G) Air merely
croted ase. forv.rarding .agency for the requests•. He felt that the
Division G) Air adequatSly fulfilled :his role as a coordinator., but
not as .an air advisor to the commander. (OONFTDEFTLU)
SOURCE: Command Report -: 38th Inf l~gt, 2dlnfDiv
I, .'.
~ ......... ""_ "
,A.J?~ ,l?~~. Source ."No. '169. .



E.."{cept for the first SD: (6) days of the month, the regiment
was in· resel~e, yet the regL~ent had a total of 204 non-battle
casualties. This was an a.."Ccessive number. It ';Tas found that aver

I OC,AFF forM No 7"-­
I '(Revised 15 Oct 51)
SKI SIC: i' iNFORM! i P&t~


100 of 'the non-battle' ca:sUaity Cases' were men -?mo joined the regimen~

since the February 12 action and, as pointed out, in the'March eval­

uation report, the majority of these replace."Ilents came from ordnance,

quartermaster, and engineer units and truck oompan:ies located in

rear areas. Although these recent replacements m~d~ up only 30% of

the regiiriental 'strength, they ac'counted ror 56% of, the non-battJ.e

casualties. Also durin~ the month the regiment had seven (7) self

inflipted· woU?ds,; ,five ~5) of which were men who had joined the

regiment since 12 February. Stragglers ~re numerous wring the

f~rst six (6) days of the month and the main offenders were nevT

men who had become exhausted or lost; or, never having received

infantry training before, became oonfused and lacked confidence

in themselves. (SECRET)

,A great number of cases came ,up 'frhere enlisted' men had physical

defects, such as bad eyesight not corrected by glasses, severe flat

feet, disimrbanc,es from .old 't'"~unds and other' similar defects that

rendered the ,men unfit for duty in an infantry regiment. These men

were given a new profile but still remained in the regiment after

several attempts to :have ,them reassigned to jobs in rear areas..

Medical channels would not handle such cases, as individuals were

not sick bUt only, had physical, defects. (OONFIDID:TL\L)'

* .* * * ** * * * *
Again during the month, '\emile the regiment was ,in, re,serve, ~
,group '0£' replacements' was receivecCfrom every branch of s~rvi~e but
the infantry. Men from ordnance i transportation, :engin~er units.
etc, had not had any training with the infantry since their basic
training days t-1i1O (2) or three (3) years ago. In addition, many
of the nmy replaoementswere unfit'physically for assignflent in
an infantry unit. As a result these individuals were a, "~ag" on
the rest' of the 'outli~ (OONFiDENTL~L)'" .. ,' .­

It is sincerely believed that greater emphasis should be placed
on the physical profile. A warm body is not enough in a combat unit
and 'is frequentlj' a"liBridicap' 1'9. tile'r' than' help. Soldiers lacking .,
in stami~ and/or . txlurage are best employed e1se>rhere~' (OONF.IDENTI_1L)

OCAFF Form No 73
(Revised 15 Oct 51)
~ PriX '9' !liIAI ibN


SOURCE: Command Report - 192d Ord Bn

I1\'TE: April 1951 Source No. 170

Many of these 'repIa cements 7lere re-prof':ile s 'without l-;)revious

experience in Ordnance. This necessitated a...'1. intensive program of
on the job training. (CXnE''!DK-TIAL)

SOURCE: Command Report - 226th Ord Base Depot & 2d Log Cond (C)
Ord Sec

DATE: April 1~51 Source No. 171

The Control Point'; at:·the 1st Ordnance J\[aintenance Battalion

(Prov) vms given authority to turn away organizational vehicles
being submitted forrepru.r OT turn-in if organizational maintenance
had not
. been
. '
to meet the required
. . '-

Roadside' "spot check'" inspection te8.IDS were put into operation.

These teans operated at fifteen (15) different points. 1'1-/0 (2) were .manned daily to· cover the greatest number of available
vehicles. These inspections have been instrumental in decreasing
the organizational deficiencies from an Ul'lsatisfactoI"'J rating to a
satisfactoI"'J"rating of 2.41 deficiencies per vehicle during the
month of operation~

Contact teams visited organizational motor pools for the prime

purpose 9f ,reducing the number of vehicles on deadline. The
vrere hampered by the lack of adequate transportation and could only
carry a limited amount,' of spare pa~s and sub-assemblies to the
using units. Despite this fact", they accou..'1.ted for a tW'enty-five
percent reduction in the number of deadlined vehicles in organization
motor poolse (~TRICTED)

SOURC::.!:: Corrnnand Report - 38th Inf ll.egt - 2 d Inf Div

DATE: 1-31 May 1-951 Source l'Jo. 172

Vfuile 'Vlires nnd mine obstacles 'irere excellent in slowing dOY1I1

the first ~';aves of enen'!y, thGir inclination to utilize colunm attacks
made these obstacles effective only against the first few waves.
(RES'l"RI CT.~D)
s~t:it up"
qCAFF Form No .....~
(Revised 15 Oct 5""
a QVitJRPOAiiAi %N


. <•

. The use of artillery. in -SUPpOrt of' patrols proved very effective.

A forward observer moved 'lJ'Jith each patrol. As the patrol advanced,
the :ro would periodically call for a: registration.;· . ;As' a result,
when the patrol ran into the enemy, there vras no title lag betv-reen
the' adjusted fires and"the "fire for effect... · It is recoIllI!1ended
that all patrols probing deep into enemy territory use this SysteIf1.
for I!laXi.mum enemy' 'casual ties~ (RESTRICTED) ., .

;"* '* * * i:- * i.~ * * *

r ~Patrol6 departing from various company areas would have to be
guided throUgh· the minefield. By obserVering these departures the
!3.!?-~. ~~uJ.d ascertain the safe lanes in the minefield. To offset
·this, a certain portion of the minefield would be disarmed just prior
tQ q~y'l;.j,gll.t and,the patrol. would pass tr.rough.. the area.. just a'6- i·f· ", .......
there was nothing there. This proved to be very effective in de­
ceiving the enemy. (R&;TRICTED) . .


Our greatest asset Vlas tho bunker-type emplace.'7lent 'VIi th over­

head cover. This overhead cover should be thick enough to withstand
our artillery ''VT'' ,fires. Tirile and time again' the Chinese :'Ilould
penetrate our positions onl;T to De repulsed by artiller'1 "VT" fires
which we called on our position.', In addition, it vras l~~~ed thai!
if't>ossible, bunker-type emplacements shoUld have apertures"in, all
directi't>ns•. Then the enemycalmot assault the position from .fJ.ank
or rear without being d~tected •. lUso, these bunkers shou],d be con­
structed for three (3) men to insure maximum firepower as well as a
feeling of security amdtlg'the inen. (RESTRICTED)

The use of tactical vJire in conjunction 1':1 th minefields did
much to stem the Chinese. ·However, it is felt that a 6-strand
(toward enenv) double aprori .fence is t'he most effective 'barrier.


It is recommended that in operating over difficult terrain, the

3.5 rocket launcher be replaced by a light machine gun to increase
the' firepower. At no time during the past month was the 3.5 rocket
launcher used when the' same mis·sion' could be accomplished by the 57-rom
tecoilless:rifle. A 3~5 rocket'launcher-ammun:i.tion bearer is only
able to carry a few rounds due to the weight. ~s yet, suitable
targets for the 3.5, such as tanks, have not been encountered. The

JEer.fl "id6U~

OCAFF Form No 73
(Revised 15 Oct 51)
-<.. @"§'~x ; ;.,",*,iIMI'"
! 81r


J~5 ,rocket ~launcher cO'uld be ,l~ft in the trains and if an operatio!t

'is made over tank coUntry them the 3.5 rocket launcher could be
;~tilized~' (I~E§TIITQTED). " .,. " ,
I ' . ;.:.,-, . ',' .

",' '. "if *",L * ** * -hL * '*

Civilians approachingfl"iehdiy tactic£:. ylire and minefields
should n()t be turned back, but should be allowed to pass through
friendly linos ans'!. a!5sembl~d", under guard1.ip the ~ea.r Grea,s., .It
is felt that o~ s,cjIJle oCc.8.sions'" ciyiljans 'tna,t appro~c~sq :.our .'
positions and were' 'turned bac~, relayed, :v:ttal 'lnfcirinat:l-ori'concerning
our 'defense area til- the' erieiily'. (RiiSTRi'CTE'DJ :...,,' , '
. ..'

* * -l(- * * * * -)" '* *'

During the period 1-15 May, 'a neW system of
patrolling ,was
introduced: a serie's of pl:lase. lines }Ver~ ',set.Ul') arid as each pliase,
line was reached, the patrois halted, Dade ;L;;tteral comri1UP.ication,
andawaited, orders frornregi11113nt to move '~d 'the Succeeding phase
iine. This method minimized t~.e oppOrtUn:;ity: for enemy encirclement,
concentrat,ed the f~repoW'el:" of patrols, and. gave penpers of the
patrols an a.dded' sense of sec\1rity. Thi s method proved to be very
satisfactoIT' and is highly recommended. (RESTRfCTED) , , '

SOURCE: Command Report - 64th Heavy Tank Bn

DATE: February 1951' Source No. 173

It is believed that most of the maintenance difficulties are

due to:

1. Poor driving habits.

2. Lack of proper emprm.sis on care and maintenance of vehicles.


3. Lack of supervision by officers and NCO~ •

4. Lackadaisical attitude on part o~ all concerned.

5. Lack of trained naintenance personrtel.

6. Inherent 'weak points of the tank. (RESTlTICTl.'D)

OCAFF Form No 73
~e'Fised 15 Oct 5 (


When the tank battalion is employed in the mlusual manner of
Operat;ion.?unch ..(the force was dispatched daily and recal-led daily)
it it! recommended that time and an assenbly area be provided to
a:ccompll~li 'refueling,' replenishment of ammunition and required daUy­
maintenance. During the first two (2) days of Operation Punch the
task f9l'ce was assigned a segment of the main line of res! stance
which had to be occupied. by dark~ The unit was recalled so late
that r\3supply and maintenange, VIti th ~.ts inevitable noise and move­
ment, had to be conducted Q~.the fo~d positions. (R~TRICTED)

. , " " ~' . . ~

On 12· ,February, while tanks Vlere traveling over very rough

terrain dunng the regrouping and movement to'a rear "are-a (about'
fifty ndles) approximately thirty (30) tanks 4eveloPf3p. oil cooler
fan trouble. l~$O two (2) final drive shafts were broken and three
(:3) traI\SJ1l.iissi.:o.n's. were burned out, maJ.dng ato,tal;.. of approx:iJnately
thirty-fiv~ (35) tanks in Qrdnance at one time out of fifty-eight
·t58,... ·:I.r1· tlie -battalron.-'---S:ilic& part"s-were 'fiot;-avaTIabi€-f'6r "the
.' oU cooler fans, the 30th, 2~ 4th, 21st CI.nd 703d Ordnance, 'Vrorking
i:"':~~··.a 't:eam;.! rebuilt 't:l~tches:.and ;fans to get the tanks back into
."; raction.: The~total. number ot tanJc~, :tor duty at the end of themenf',h
, 1·'w.a;s;· :f1tt;r-:tour .(54).• (OONFID)!:NTITJ.) , .,,' .,,: ' "
,~:;: ":: .;:: ~:" ....-.
. I ::_

... ;";-." "";'

; Milch trouble was experiencep. with the auxiliary idler.' mounting
bo~ts,being sheared off. ln~ections with a subsequent fol1~Up
proved that crew members were not tightening these mOmlting bolts.
:.$ince 'Corre9t1ng this 'Vre have had no such failures. (

. Quart~·rJ.y checks on the M-46 have proven that the fan tower
Unitsbeoomeloose and shOl.tlci'be·tightem~d-monthly. :..iso that m8ny •
gas tank leaks devsl.op ip places impossible- to see"l"dthout pulling
the power-pack. (OONFlDENTL:..L)

.......a;;a...:a..::;;.;.;.----r--;.. ...;.~
............',.;..____......--::......_ _ _ _ _ _-.:.;..,.;;.;.,
.. .;.;;.
... ...,;.;;:...-'

...;..''~.-:. - ;.....----------""~

SOURCE: Command Report -lSlst Engr C Bn

n;lTE: l~pril 1951 Source No. 174

The matter of shipping men to the Zone of Interior for discharge

or emergency leave is being delayed due to the fact that soldiers

OCAFF Form No 73
(Revised 15 Oct 51) -
sEQ!lPP !it Cit!JJ*ttoeN

£EllI~l[~ ,:.'.:'~ ..
,"'.~.~.'·<8@eRI!T ~
""'~ ... ..., ,-­


mq:.. not depart. Korea witho.ut...their military~ ..card, ..and.the ,.fina.nce~ ...
office is located ilO miles away. There should be provisions for
fonmrding the records to the next finance office Tr.t thOut. holding
up t~e soldier con~~, (OOND:DENTI:.r.)

SOURCE: Command
. , : ,: Report - 68th .diu.... Gtm Bn

D:I.TE: May 1951 Source No. 17$

REC01-2i.t1ND;~ TIONS

That the replacements for the unit include non-commissioned

officers of all grades. . I,


That the replacemefits sent to units in Korea from those in

Japan, be of an equitable eros,s section of personnel.and not tho Be .

who have undesirable discipUnary records.

That specialists, i7ho.have been trained in a particular anti­

aircraft IDS by ext~nsiv'e schooling, be assigned to antiaircraft
units':' not to Infantry or Field ;l.rtillery units i-here the special­
ization cannot be usect. (~TRICTED)

. ~ . .. .~

OOURCE: Command Report - Hq Japan Replacement Training Cent~r

8042d ;..rrrry Unit . ' '.
DATE: May 1951 ,Source No. 176

. .
Replacements continued to arrive i'Ii. th personal, medical and
supply records in far from perfect condi~ion. This resulted in the
expenditure of several thousand man-hours of ·','.'Ork correcting,encies which 6JQ,sted prior to. departure from. the Zone of the
In~rto·r.. .As an e~amp1e, ll,464 i.I:lmunizations TIGre needed by the..
fir,st 23,615 men processed at the Initial Receiving ..Pointduring
the month. (REsTRICTED)

SOURCE: Command Report -:lhlth Cav Regt

.' ..

February 1951 Source No. 177

In retreating from the hill, the enemy was caught in a cross­

fire from a tank platoon Which had previouSly been sent out to
OCAF~ FOll'JD No 7?
('Revisea 15 Oct 51,


reconnoiter the area fro~ the rear. Hea~T eneqy casualties resulted.

Throughout the' entire ·campaign·there has been a co~p1ete lack

of aerial photographs for use by: the ground e1 em9I1~s. The few air

photogr8phs that have been received were delivered top· .1ate to be

of r.laterial v2lue to the unit. It is recomr.1ended t.hat .a.' photomap

service be established so as to deliver the requ:i.r~d-infonnat?-on·

'\'Iithin t,renty-four (24) hours •. (CONF1J:>EN~I':iL);. '. • . .


SOURCE:'-' .. Command Report -··5th

n;~TE: March 1951 Source. No~ 118 ~

,. , ........ ~.
". ," , . ~ " . . .. ~.'..

Connnen'\is on 'l(inter Clothing


" .

Ski socks - wear out too easily on the heel.

Shoe Pacs - ;1pproximate1y 25% of the shoes ":rip at the seams nC<1-.r
the instep. .

Overcoat, field ....'Too. heaVy' "and long

for active;troopse
Parka -Best liked in the field. It is light ?~dV1arm.· Does

not restrict movement•.

. Gloves - Should·be designed with .a.freetriggElr finger and

lined fbr ~th.

', . .". .,... "

"·,·best·liked... ~ .parka.;~q.p,_ p;i~~ ~ir.-er; jacket, pile liner.
(cxmFtDENl't'.t) \ . . . ..... -" -~... . _ ....


SFG'dF1~ r i !I§tOItlIlXI+{)N
OCAFF Form No 73 ~ "-1iiE54S ..
(Revised 15 Oct 51) "'.

SOURCE: Command Report - Hq Japan Rep1acenent Training Center

8042d ~"'rrrry Unit

il.pri1 1951 Source No. 179

. ','
•• Y, _ ,.'M-t"fIIoio "" ... ,. . . . " ..... _ ....

'Difficulty ih$iopp1y ·pro;cessing··ufrep1acer.loots, due t o '

necessity of posting forms 189 and 191 to' date prior to showdown
· ..........
.• inspections, continued. The collection of foms 446, 447 and non­
standard r.d:meographed' issue .andtum---oin slips so posted from six
ship s from Canp stoneman and Fort La,7ton 1'1'ei ghed seven hundred and
fif-ey pounds. Time studies s11o'l7ed that the return to the Government
as a result of statemcntso:!ii'~~rg~S: follomng posting and shoyrdo~'JIl
.............#.. :i~spection 17Cl.S not economical, as 1034 nanhours of posting resulted
in collection of. $lQ4.3' front el'lll.ii.~e(;l.menj,n one ship!:1ent~
Recommendation was r.lade that a single form be substituted, at Zone
of Interior ports of embarkation, for the forms 446, 447, 189 and
191; the form to be a m::l.meograp.bed,li:,t of clothing and equipment
...... in possession of the soldier," receipted by him and vlitnessed by an

officer. (RESTRICTED)
. . . • •• ~ .•.• •. "'".4jt, .... .. ...

SOUHCE: Command Report - l87th abn RCT
.. July 195i'" ·.4. .... ..•
Source No. 180

The Engineer Company is conducting a four (4) ,;reek course for

:\ihl3 ~a:ttalion Pioneer and l.1lilIllunition Platoons and the Regimental
lilltitank and Mine PiatOori~-"·"upon-ooniPl:et:l6n"bf the e6urse, the uilits
vr.i.ll have received lil:lited instruction in the follm'!ing: Laying of
minefie1ds (;..T. and loP); recording rninefie1ds (;~T and .rl..P); booby
trapping of' all type minefields; prpper handling and use of all types
of exp10siwsj engineer road reconnaissance; booby traps; employment
of ....l ire entanglement andt~p fla:Tes; use of native r:1aterials for
construction p~oses. -It -is felt1 that fruniliarization "lith this
type of workvdll be a .d~ided :beneiit for the respect.ive battalions
concerned. (RESTRICTED)

'. 'T ..


OCAFF, Form r
No 73­
(Revised 15 Oct 51,

SOURCE: Cor:mand Report -96th Ql;iBn

(,_. ....

DArn: April 1951 Source· No. l~l

Plugs and blmgs for POL drums are· lost at an excessive rate.
Twenty-five percent of 6.t-:JPtiec drums are returned ,',6. thout them.
During the month 180,000 each of plugs' and bungs ~7Gre needed to
replace those which .rere lost, but only 100,000 of each "rere received.
;1. stock on hand f:1ade up the differonce. Either resupply r:1Ust be
increased, or loss must 'be dacreased. (RESTRICTlID) t:

:: .

SOURCE: ~8th Inf Regt' - Critique of .i?attle for· Hill 12L~3

DISE: 3·September 1951: Source No. 182

: ,. . t the very outseta. serious error 1ms made by the lead .company.
It had failed to clear paths thro.hgh the mnefield surrounding its
defensive position. This llieantthat nuch of the effect of the heavy
preparation for the attack was wasted. When the unit did go th~ugh
the field; however, "it did the job 'ITe1l. It cleare.d 11Ultiple lanes
on a broad front, thereby preventing the eneny fron: stopping -our
advance by. bringing fire to bear on a single poj..nt. (RESTRICTED)'"


Although good results nere obtained from. the 57...nrn recoilless

rifle, it was the recoilless rifle 1'hich proved to' be more
effective in destro~~ng bunkers. Initial attenpts to use the flame
throner 'were soon abandoneti. It was sir.1ply too heavy and of too
short a range to do much good. Rifle grenades v:ere used .."..1. th good
results in one of the oorirpaniese Other companies, which had not
trained in marksmanship i'r.ith the rifle grenade, disclaimod that they
were of much value. The lack of training probably accounted for the
difference in opinion. (OONFIDENTL'J.)


One battalion pre-planned a resupply syster.1' which, proved to be

nost effective. E'aclt nem advancing up the trail carried three (3)
rounds of 60-nnn' nortar or one round of 75 recoilless ar.ununition. ~;tlh.en
approachlng the .&1,)ot vhere he left the t.rail togo into the ~ine, he
sinply dropped his load, leaving it to be picked up later by the
arnnunition bearers. (RESTRICTED)

OCAFF Form No 73 SC:71at!¥':JQN
L. (Revised 15 Oct 51)

The supporting artillery fire le ft little to b.e desired.

This lias due pi"ins.rily to t1t70 r.e2.sons: . Good fornard observers
and accurate shooting.. The forv:ard 'obs'ervers 7.1. th lead companies'
'Vrere each allowed to control two guns
of the battery directly, arid
in this vray "'\7a.lked the fire tl ahead of then during the Dove:-aent
of the infantry. By far the best feature of infant~J-artillery
coordination 'IlC'.S. th~ close support by the artillery, alloTTing the
int'antr"J to "lean !intO it." When heavy, snaIl ams fire VIaS received
from the enemy, company commanders quickiy baciked. off :rrom the scene
and put heavy concentrations of HE and VT on .the :area, and then
charged 'ba,ck again. It 170rked. (RESTRICTED)


.;.l.r support played a negli 5i.ble role in this attack. ...~s ,usual,
in this type of terrain, it YiaS found that strafing i"iE'.S of practically
no value, rocketing or lllXlted value, and napalm the only really
effective y:-capon. But even th3 napalm: dro)s ;7cre quite inaccurate.
Several major defects in teclmique 'ViBre revealed; .defects -rrhich need
correcting befor.e ne can get nla.~'1 use fran air support. First,
the:nosC]uito dominated tho control of t.he air by telling it ',lhen
and i'~ere to strike. Granted that an air observer may occasionally
spot a target of Q;}Jportunity ,,'meh is of greater value than that seen
by the ground' cOmr:1ander, the latter undoubtedly knOVTS best -;-;hat is
hold; up his advance and should, ,in the ma.jority of cases, be
allowed to influence the conduct of his battle.;.nother serious
,'defect lies in the lack of close tiDing bGt~;reGn the ,fires of the'
air and the artil1::;ry. Upon learning that air vms du~ or in the
vicinity, tha artillery inuJediately suspended its firingsb as not
to endanger the aircraft. ':..nd then again for r.ti.nutes and sometimes
hours after the strike was finished, the artillery liaison officer
eould'hot ascerlaitr mether 'ar not· the' air a·t-tack·i·Tas indeod ..
finished. ;l.t onc crucial time during the attack no artiller"J 'was
available for 2t hours; 1.5 minutes of ,'mch YTere actually consuned
by an air strike. '!'he need for better coordination is obvious.,


. ~. , , .
The neT! replacenents reacted fairly true to pattern: .1. feiT
.".,---.-"'~'--'-"""'>" ·p·et1'omea.~very 1're11:, but ths najori ty have to' learn' by experience· ..· ...
.. before the bravery that is in then can be def.1onstratect.. outstanding
deficiences 17hich need more eophasis in training are their failurG
to r~cognize, the sound of friendly supporting fire (emaJ.l and
recoilless as 'rrell as Dortar and artillery), ignorance of the basic
principles of, and unfamliatity ' the autonatic rifle
and the hand grenade",. ;.s a .gener81 J."V-lethey were in poor physical
condition. (RESTRICTED) ,

OCAF~ Form No .... ' !,!SI!R!TI 'NfOWrsf' : UNCLASSIFIED

(L~evised 15 Oct 51, •.7." ,
'.... .., """"""
,',. "', ,'
'.2 ..J!d dlq


Shell Reports submitted during this action ,-rere practically

nil. This is a serious deficiency ,ihich neods more emphasis in
training. Our troops ~ere subjected to'long periods of shelling.
It must be stressed that ene~' guns can be silenced by our artillery
if there is sufficient data available. (Rl!STRICT@)

The battalion surgeons and conpany aid nen handled r:lodical

evacuation in a superb marmer. But among the men in re.nks too little
kno"'71edge of first-aid was displayed. In tYro instC',nces r;;.en bled to
death 1'me cight have lived had their cor::rades kno",m i'mere and how
to apply tourniquets. :.nother serious error developed: Riflemen
of one COl:1Pany ",rent to the aid of the ~JOunded in such large numbers
that at one time over half the conpany TTC:CS engaged in carrying or
assisting TTounded to the rear. I.rore trc:cining is required to in­
doctrinate r.'.en to the fact that the ~':ounded are the problem of the
aid nen. It is natural and quito understandable that a nan \"rants
to help his cor.:rade. But he [lUst be inprossGd d. th the fact that
it is vitally necessary to keop tho woving; that only in
this wa;l does he assist and hence protect those still fighting.
Lack of trained medical replac81"'1ents ''1'Os perhaps largely to blame.
In order to help overcor,~e this deficiency a 10% over-strength has
been assigned the Medical CO::1Pany at the expense of riflenen for the
battalions. It is believed that this yJill s~rve not only to augment
the strength in order to better cope -:;;ith peak loads, but 1lrill make
a greater number of men available for centralized training in
subjects. (HESTRICTlID)

* * * -~ * * * *. * *
Perhaps the nost serious defect of all in nedical evacuation
'was the total ineffectiveness of evacuation by helicopter. The
long hand-carry of evaCUS6S resulted in the death of several persons
who might otherrrise have livec4 The refusal of helicopter pilots
to land (reportedly because of rarefied atoosphere at the 3500 ft
elevation, as., well as for a host of other reasons given i<4ich do not
appear to be valid to the laynen) havo made for 'general dissatis-..
faction anong infantrymen. T,he/ llpilot f s choice" vmeroby the pilot
cari decide ymether or not i tis} saTe to land does not set ';rell y~th
the fighting soldier. He 'VTOula.. pr.efe'l·~ to have higher authori.ty
survey the conditions, decide'TIhe.ther or not a roasonable risk is
involved, and then order the plJs't to 'go in or stay out accordingly.

SiS''SIi : liar GRiIIAhON
.,': CltAFF Form ~o '73
(Revised 15 0 t 51)
lC A l<~'l<'j:i'{,\",n'\ Nn 71 -


The .reaa.oning is self-evident - .th,e infantry officer does not

have a cho:i,ce of "sa~rr' or "unsafe" objeetives, his r.rl.nd is made·
up for hiLl by highe~ authOrity•. True, the helicopter did transport
a n1J,.'ilber of 1ilOunded' from the collecting station back to the rear.,.
'But the los~ 0'£ ll.fe oce~ during the long carry to the collec-tiing
station ~ often as much as 24 hdurs - and not from therG on back.',
It' appear.ed that speed "ras less essential in getting a nan to .
better medical care 6~ce he got some care othor than that possiQle
on the front line. (REsTIUCTEij) - . . ..
. . .'. ..
.,.' .~


Individual sand bags were found to be convenient receptacle~

in ",mch to carry arnl"J.uni tion and other supplios,thus cti.. searding:
the extra neight of the outsido packaging and cri?ting. This gave
t,rostri.}:lgs to tho bO".v: not only ;vero the nore easily
handled, but the bags themselves. 1'rere available for iIiJIllecti..ate 'l+SO'•.

. ~' ..

. :


No 7
(Revised 15 Oct 5 i I

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