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Independent Research Task: Day of Scored Discussion Activity

1. To apologize to the Indigenous residents of Canada, there has been a high demand to
remove Canada day as according to the Indigenous people is celebrating genocide. I
agree and I think that Truth and Reconciliation Day is a good day to use to replace
Canada day. We need to act accordingly to make things fair for our Indigenous
communities. Celebrating a traumatizing past for Indigenous residents is not a proper
form of apology. In order to completely apologize we should cancel Canada day.

2. A major accomplishment that has been achieved between Indigenous and non-Indigenous
Canadians, is making a day of reflection called Truth and Reconciliation Day. It is a good
way to apologize to Indigenous residents as it shows equality to everybody across
Canada. I hope we can move forward together and achieve more as a country. It was first
initiated in 2021 to forgive and forget about our past experiences between Indigenous and

3. Ever since the early 2000’s, the government has contributed very much to make it up to
the Indigenous residents across Canada. The government has removed Indigenous
residential schools, opening up an apology to the Indigenous residents in Canada. They
have also made a day of reflection called Truth and Reconciliation Day. It is to recognize
the wrong doing us non-Indigenous Canadians have done in the past to offer an apology
for what we have done.

4. I think that us non-Indigenous residents in Canada have been progressively doing a better
job to make it up to all the traumatizing things we have done to the Indigenous
Communities across Canada. I think that the Indigenous communities should have the
choice of what they want in order for us to fully apologize to them. As we are on the right
track with the Indigenous communities there is still more we can also do to help them
with their daily life.

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