CH 10 - Steam As A Working Fluid

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Chapter 10

Steam as a Working Fluid


Step 1:
Warming phase in which the temperature of the water increases up to the saturation
temperature. The energy required to produce this temperature rise is called the liquid

Step 2:
This takes place at constant temperature and is the stage during which the
transformation from water into steam takes place. At the beginning all the water is at
the saturated temperature and at the end all the dry saturated steam is at the
saturated temperature. Between these two extremes, the steam formed is always wet.
The energy required to produce the total change from all water into all steam is called
the enthalpy of evaporation.

Step 3:
This phase begins when all the dry saturated steam has been formed at saturation
temperature. Further transfer of heat produces superheated steam, which is
accompanied by a rise in temperature. The amount of energy added is called the
superheat enthalpy.

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 2023

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 2023
Wet Steam
Specific Enthalpy hx  h f  xh fg kJ/kg
Specific Volume v x  xv g m3/kg
Specific Internal Energy u x  hx  pv kJ/kg

Dry Saturated Steam

Specific Enthalpy hg  h f  h fg

Specific Volume v g  value in table

Specific Internal Energy u g  hg  pv

Superheated Steam
Specific Enthalpy hsup  h f  h fg  Cpt sup  t sat 

0.233hsup  1943
Specific Volume vsup 
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 2023
Example 10.1

On temperature – enthalpy axis show what happens when:

(a) 1 kg of water initially at 00C is brought to the boil at 100kPa and converted to wet
steam having a dryness fraction of 0.9

(b) 1kg of water initially at 650C is converted to dry saturated steam at 350kPa

(c) 4 kg of superheated steam at 3000C and 2Mpa are formed from water initially at
720C (for superheated steam Cp= 2.6kJ/kg.K).

In each case calculate the specific enthalpy/ change of specific enthalpy or change of
enthalpy of the steam formed.

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 2023

Example 10.2

Determine how much heat is required to convert 6kg of water at a pressure of 680kPa
and temperature 150,3 0C to superheated steam having a temperature of 2000C at
680kPa (Cp = 2.46 kJ/kg.K). How much of the enthalpy of this superheated steam is
stored as internal energy.

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 2023

Mollier diagram

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 2023

Example 10.3

Steam flowing along a pipeline undergoes a throttling process form 1MPa to 100kPa in
passing through a partially open valve. Before throttling the steam is wet, with a
dryness fraction of 0.98. What is the condition of the steam after throttling using:
(a) Steam tables
(b) The Mollier Diagram

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 2023

Question 10.4
p ts vg hf hfg hg x vx hx tsup Cp Cp(tsup-tsat hsup

kPa 0C m3/kg KJ/kg KJ/kg KJ/kg m3/kg KJ/kg 0C KJ/kg.K KJ/kg KJ/kg

10 0.9 - - - -

65 0.85 - - - -

83.7 2190 - - - -

90 1.6821 - - - -

530 2540 - - - -

2600 0.75 - - - -

100 - - - 110 2.31

133.5 - - - 250 2.09

450 - - - 2.23 116

176.3 - - - 350 2.06 2900

2150 - - - 450 2.55

4000 - - - 326 529

5300 - - - 3.56

8600 - - - 3.88 3100

309.5 0.97

319.4 - - - 3.97 518

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 2023

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