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relevantnotiftcations to WS

Foreign Directt Investment (FDI) Policy
restrictive 24% ceiling
rrh rhe promulgation of the MSMED Act, 2006, the whether domestic or
presribed for equity holding by industrial undertakings, present policy on FDI
preign,in the MSMEshas been doneaway with. Thus, the
MSME permit FDl subject only to the sectoral equity caps, entry routes and
other relevant sectoral regulations.
for Promotion ofIndustryand Internal Trade (DPIIT),the
According to Department 81.973 during
billion (Provisional)
total FDI inflows soared by 10 percent to US$
2021, as compared to US$ 74.39 billion (Provisional) in FY 2020. FDI into
FY (FIPB) route shot up by
India through the Foreign Investment Promotion Board
percent to US$ 59.36 billion (Provisional) in the year FY 2021as againstUSS
18.79 government's effort
49.97 billion (Provisional) in the previous year, indicating that is yielding results.
FDI norms
to improve easeof doing business and relaxation in
was primarily driven
Data for FY 2021 indicates that the increase in the FDI inflows sector.
hardware and services
by investments in computer software
India received the maximum FDI equity inflows from Mauritius
During FY 2021,
Singapore (US$ 17.42 billion), Netherlands (US$ 2.80 billion),
(US$ 5.6 billion), US (0S 15.82 billion), Healthy inflow of foreign
Japan (US$ 1.9 billion) and the

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