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Low cost implementation of smart home automation

Conference Paper · September 2017

DOI: 10.1109/ICACCI.2017.8125883

11 33,850

2 authors:

Ravi Kishore Kodali Shishir Kopulwar

National Institute of Technology, Warangal National Institute of Technology, Warangal


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Low Cost Implementation of Smart Home
Ravi Kishore Kodali and Kopulwar Shishir Mahesh
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
National Institute of Technology, Warangal

Abstract—The fast growing world needs various tech- the power outlet [1]. The design of automated system
nologies to improve quality of life. The Internet of Things should be simple and easy to control the home appliances
is one such technology impacting human lives. The Internet remotely and also be monitored their status at the same
of Things is a network exchanging the data/information time with wired/wireless access gateways [2].
between the devices having Internet connectivity, sensing
For elderly people and differently able persons, it
and computing capabilities. This work uses the ultra
low power consumption ESP8266 system on chip board
is difficult to operate home appliances due to their
operating 2.4 GHz ISM band for wireless connectivity. immobility. According to the Global Burden of Disease,
The relay circuitry is interfaced to ESP8266 NodeMCU 2004 estimates nearly 15.3% of the world population
board using the GPIO pins in order to control 220 V constitute moderate or severe disability, while 2.9% of
supply power outlet, wherein domestic appliances such the same has severe disability [3]. Among those below 15
as lights, fans, air conditioning system, and so on may years old, comprises 5.1% and 0.7% while those among
be controlled remotely. The WLAN SSID & password 15 years and above the figures were 19.4% and 3.8% for
allow only authorized persons from the home to control moderate and severe disability respectively [3]. In Indian
such appliances. The Android app has been designed and
scenario, Census 2001 revealed that over 21 million
generated making use of the open source web application
MIT App Inventor-2 to control the domestic appliances people in India suffering from one or the other kind of
using any Android Smart phone. The Android app created disability comprising about 2.1% of the total population
provides graphical user interface supports two options to [4]. Thus, for such people it is significant to have an
control appliances: (i) the user can use icons or graphical automated system which provides easy accessibility to
buttons created for respective home appliances and (ii) control the home appliances remotely. Depending on the
they can use specific voice commands to control those home type of disability, one can control the home appliances
appliances using Android Smart phone. The main objective either by using touch sensitive panel with graphical
of this work is to have a system which is cost effective,
buttons or even with the help of voice commands to
robust and also scalable.
control the specific home appliance.
Keywords - ESP8266, Android, Internet of Things,
The proposed system shown in Fig. 1 uses the wireless
MIT App Inventor-2
technology to control the home appliances with the help
of Android Smart phone. The Android smart phone
supports WiFi connectivity, Bluetooth and wireless data
The power outlets in our homes have switches and over cellular network and offers Graphical User Interface
sockets with wired connections. A person has to phys- (GUI) based touch screen operation [5]. The Android
ically move and operate the switch either on or off app designed here is giving the two provisions to the
and apply or control power to the home appliance. The user either use App with graphical buttons or voice
person who is away from home can not either control commands to control the home appliances by the means
appliance or know the current status of the same and this of wireless media. The devices which are connected to
might result in wastage of electrical energy. People may the Internet and start exchanging the data/Information
experience electrical shock in case the connections are among themselves making the Internet of Things (IoT)
exposed. An automated system is needed to eliminate technology possible. The number of connected things
bulky wired connections of switches and sockets in in IoT has been growing rapidly and by the year 2020

978-1-5090-6367-3/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 461

of ESP8266 through an HTTP server has the following
http://Server_IP/GPIO2/0 ...........set the GPIO2 Low
http://Server_IP/GPIO2/1 ...........set the GPIO2 High
where Server_IP is the IP address of the ESP8266 WiFi
Once the NodeMCU is powered up using its USB
port it attempts to discover the access point whose SSID
and password have been stored already. This access
point may be connected to the Internet using either
wired or wireless medium or cellular connectivity. The
code is uploaded with required libraries [12] to the
Fig. 1: Block diagram of Smart Home Automation NodeMCU using the Arduino IDE. Once the ESP8266
System finds the matched combination of that particular SSID
and Password, it connects to the access point and be-
comes part of the WLAN. The NodeMCU has already
nearly 50 billion devices will be connected to the Internet been programmed to act as web server with port address
or approximately 6.58 devices connected per person to of 80. The Server_IP is displayed in the serial monitor
the Internet [6]. The proposed home automation system of Arduino IDE which is the local IP of the server. Then,
as an IoT application is aimed to be secure, easily it listens using port 80 and lets the client upload its data.
accessible, efficient, scalable and also cost effective. Depending on the data, the status of the GPIO pins of the
ESP8266 is modified and in turn the relay connected to
II. S YSTEM ARCHITECTURE the corresponding GPIO pin is controlled. The relay acts
as a switch to control 220v AC power to the domestic
appliance. Table I provides the URLs used to turn on
and off AC power to various appliances.

TABLE I: URL based Domestic appliance control

S.No. URL Home Appliances Status

1 http://Server_IP/GPIO1/0 Turn OFF ’Light’

2 http://Server_IP/GPIO1/1 Turn ON ’Light’

3 http://Server_IP/GPIO2/0 Turn OFF ’Fan’

4 http://Server_IP/GPIO2/1 Turn ON ’Fan’

5 http://Server_IP/GPIO3/0 Turn OFF ’Bulb’

Fig. 2: Circuit Connection of the System 6 http://Server_IP/GPIO3/1 Turn ON ’Bulb’

7 http://Server_IP/GPIO4/0 Turn OFF ’Charger’

The hardware realization of the proposed system as
shown in Fig. 2 contains NodeMCU, the ESP8266 WiFi 8 http://Server_IP/GPIO4/1 Turn ON ’Charger’
board, is USB powered and the same is interfaced with
various home appliances like light, fan, bulb and charger Nowadays, the use of Smart phone can be made
through the four SPDT relay channels by means of 230V for security, safety and other protection purposes [7].
power supply. The ESP8266 WiFi board acts as web In this work, the Android app is designed using open
server for the system and it sets number of GPIO pins source web application MIT App Inventor 2. The user
equal to the number of home appliances. The aim is to has two options to control home appliances. The first
create a simple HTTP server through which the status option is through the App in which the user is clicks the
of GPIO pins of ESP8266 is altered depending upon the buttons shown on the touch screen panel of the smart
request. An example of changing the status of GPIO2 pin phone, meant for the control of various home appliances,

the corresponding URL request as shown in Table I (AURA) can assess scalable risk for the Android Apps
is sent and the NodeMCU device makes the changes [8].
suitably through its GPIOs. In the second option through
Voice using smart phone according to the specific voice B. Through Voice
command the relevant want URL is sent as shown in
Table I in a similar manner and the NodeMCU controls
the relays.
A. Through APP

Fig. 5: MIT App Inventor 2 Component Designer- Voice

Command Layout

Fig. 3: MIT App Inventor 2 Component Designer- GUI

Button Layout Design

Fig. 6: MIT App Inventor 2 Blocks Editor - Control of

Home Appliances through Voice Commands

Fig. 5 shows the design window for controlling home

appliances through Voice Command in App Inventor 2,
Fig. 4: MIT App Inventor 2 Blocks Editor - Behavior while Fig. 6 provides the programming part of the same
Specification of the GUI buttons for Home appliances in the blocks editor. The user has to enter the IP address
of the ESP8266 (server’s IP Address) and then simply
Fig. 3 shows the Component designer’s window of speak out the voice command as in Table II to control
MIT App Inventor 2 which facilitates the design of visual the desired home appliance remotely using an Android
appearance of GUI and arrange various components like App. The interactive voice controller eases to control the
buttons, text boxes and annotate the same using text home appliances naturally [9].
labels. The blocks editor screen of MIT App Inventor 2,
as shown in Fig. 4, is used to edit the behavior of various
components Android App such as what action needs to A. ESP8266 WiFi board
take place upon touch if a button. The IP address of the ESP8266 is low cost WiFi board best suited for IoT
ESP8266 is entered in the text box provided and then can application. The board comes with built in 2.4 GHz WiFi
perform any actions by simply clicking onto the buttons. module having 32- bit Tensilca L106 micro-controller
An approach and tool like Android URL Risk Assessor unit making it ultra low power consumption device [10].

TABLE II: List of Voice Commands to control various IV. D ESCRIPTION OF S OFTWARE
Home Appliances
S.No. Voice Command
The open source web application MIT App Inventor
used for Control
2 is comprises of two parts to create an Android App.
1 turn off light
The first one is the Designer part where the app is
2 turn on light designed for the graphical user interface (GUI) providing
3 turn off fan various components like texbox, label, buttons, web,
4 turn on fan speech recognizer, notifier, etc [11]. The components can
5 turn off bulb be placed by ’drag and drop’ method onto the screen
6 turn on bulb provided and the layout can be customized as per the
7 turn off charger
need. The second part of the AppInventor 2 is the Blocks
Editor using which the components from the Designer
8 turn on charger
part are programmed to describe the Android app specific
behavior suitably [11].
It works with just 3.3 V supply and the General Input
Output Pins(GPIO) makes it possible to communicate
with the external world [10]. The use of ESP8266
WiFi board in home automated system makes the whole
system cost effective and robust. Table III provides the
specifications of ESP8266 board.

TABLE III: ESP8266 WiFi board Specification

Parameters Specification
Microcontroller TenSilica L 106
Processor Clock 80MHz-160MHz
Built-in WiFi 2.4GHz supports 802.11 b/g/n
GPIO pins 10
Operating Voltage 3.0V - 3.6V
Operating Current 80mA(Average) Fig. 7: Messages in the Serial Monitor of Arduino IDE

The ESP8266 WiFi board is USB powered and the

B. 4- Channel Relay
program is uploaded to the NodeMCU board using
The module has 4 relays of SPDT type with the coil Arduino IDE. Once the uploading is completed and
voltage 5V DC and the specifications of the same are the Serial Monitor in Arduino IDE displays various
given in Table IV. messages as shown in Fig. 7, it attempts to be part of
the WLAN using specific SSID and Password which
TABLE IV: 4 Channel Relay Specification have been included in the configuration section of the
Parameters Specification program. Once the connection is established, it shows
WiFi is Connected and afterwards gives IP address of the
ESP8266 board which has been obtained by it through
No. of Relay Channels 4 DHCP in Serial Monitor as shown in Fig. 7. The web
Coil Voltage 5V (DC) services in the ESP8266 are enabled using its web server.
As soon as the client is connected to the server by
Load 10A, AC 250V/125V,
using the IP address of ESP8266 (Web server), the home
DC 30V/28V appliances may be controlled remotely and the status can
be observed as illustrated in Fig. 7.

Fig. 10 (a) shows the user interface when Use Voice
is selected on the initial screen of the designed Android
App and the user has to enter the IP address address of
the ESP8266 obtained from Serial Monitor of Arduino
IDE onto the text box provided and then tap the Speak
button to give the voice commands when speech rec-
ognizer initializes as shown in Fig. 10(b). The notifier
shows what has been spoken to it just now as shown
in Fig. 10(c). The user can control the home appliances
remotely with their voice commands as provided in Table
II or go to the previous menu (Screen-1) by pressing
Fig. 8: Screen-1 GUI of the Android App Home button.
As shown in Fig.11(a) and Fig.11(b), the ESP8266 is
USB powered and the bulb is controlled remotely with
Using the open source tool, MIT App Inventor 2, designed Android App with both the options of Use
once the design comprising of component designer Block App and Use Voice. The other appliances can also be
Editor has been completed, the apk file is generated using controlled using the same App by connecting them as
the MIT App Inventor cloud platform and the same apk illustrated in Fig. 2.
file is deployed in any Android Smart phone. When the
installation is completed and app is activated, an initial
screen as shown in Fig. 8 giving the user two options
to control the home appliances either by using graphical
buttons or by using voice commands.

(a) Screen-3 view (b) Speak button is


(a) Screen-2 view (b) Light button is

Fig. 9: User Interface when select Use App on Screen-1

Fig. 9(a) shows the user interface when Use App

option is chosen on the initial screen (Screen-1) of the (c) Notifier after
designed Android App and the user has to enter the IP speaking
address of the ESP8266 obtained from Serial Monitor Fig. 10: GUI Screen-3: Use Voice on Screen-1 selected
of Arduino IDE in the text box provided. The user can
control the home appliances remotely by simply clicking
on the button icons as shown in Fig. 9(b) or can go VI. C ONCLUSION
back to the previous menu (Screen-1) by pressing Home The proposed home automation system can be used for
button. both domestic and office environments. The remote con-

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