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There was a leak in the boat. Nobody had yet noticed it, and
nobody would for the next couple of hours. This was a problem
since the boat was heading out to sea and while the leak was
quite small at the moment, it would be much larger when it was
ultimately discovered. John had planned it exactly this way.



The desert wind blew the tumbleweed in front of the car. Alex
swerved to avoid the tumbleweed, but he turned the wheel a bit
too strong and the car left the road and skidded onto the dirt
median. He instantly slammed on the brakes and the car stopped
in a cloud of dirt. When the dust cloud had settled and he
could see around him again, he realized that he'd somehow
crossed over into an entirely new dimension.



Terrance knew that sometimes it was simply best to stay out of

it. He kept repeating this to himself as he watched the scene
unfold. He knew that nothing good would come of him getting
involved. It was far better for him to stay on the sidelines
and observe. He kept yelling this to himself inside his head as
he walked over to the couple and punched the man in the face.



There once lived an old man and an old woman who were peasants
and had to work hard to earn their daily bread. The old man
used to go to fix fences and do other odd jobs for the farmers
around, and while he was gone the old woman, his wife, did the
work of the house and worked in their own little plot of land.


Welcome to my world. You will be greeted by the unexpected here

and your mind will be challenged and expanded in ways that you
never thought possible. That is if you are able to survive...



There were about twenty people on the dam. Most of them were
simply walking and getting exercise. There were a few who were
fishing. There was a family who had laid down a blanket and
they were having a picnic. It was like this most days and
nothing seemed out of the ordinary. The problem was that nobody
noticed the water leaking through the dam wall.



At that moment, she realized that she had created her current
life. It wasn't the life she wanted, but she took
responsibility for how it currently stood. Something clicked
and she saw that every choice she made to this point in her
life had led to where her life stood at this very moment even
if she knew this wasn't where she wanted to be. She determined
to choose to change it.



It wasn't that he hated her. It was simply that he didn't like

her much. It was difficult for him to explain this to her, and
even more difficult for her to truly understand. She was in
love and wanted him to feel the same way. He didn't, and no
matter how he tried to explain to her she refused to listen or
to understand.


The clowns had taken over. And yes, they were literally clowns.
Over 100 had appeared out of a small VW bug that had been
driven up to the bank. Now they were all inside and had taken
it over.



She had been told time and time again that the most important
steps were the first and the last. It was something that she
carried within her in everything she did, but then he showed up
and disrupted everything. He told her that she had it wrong.
The first step wasn't the most important. The last step wasn't
the most important. It was the next step that was the most


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