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Título: Palavra-chave com maior busca ( pode adicionar até 4).

Descrição: Copiar título + breve descrição sobre o produto seguindo a lógica do roteiro

Palavras-chave: Usar palavras-chave do IQ (sempre hierarquizar as palavras).

Tags: Usar estratégias do videoIQ + rapidtags (sempre hierarquizar as palavras).

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(introdução, quem você é e sobre o que será o vídeo)

Today we will talk about the [nome do Produto] we [nome do seu canal], we have prepared a
full review video with everything you need to know, before you buy [nome do produto]. I also
have some really important alerts, which I will talk about throughout the video, so pay close
attention so that you don’t make mistakes when using or purchasing [nome do produto].
The first thing you need to know about [nome do produto] is: be careful about the website
you will buy [nome do produto], because [nome do produto] is only sold on the official
website. To help you, I left the link to the official website below in the description of this

(Descrever melhor o produto e a transformação que ele trará)

So what is [nome do Produto] and really works. And the answer is yes, [nome do Produto]
works and after many laboratory tests, the researchers identified that there is a natural
formula with concentrated ingredients that will [escrever transformação do produto com
dados do site. Incluir lista de ingredientes e características da fórmula]. So yes, you can
trust this product, there are many people who have great results with [nome do Produto],
including on the official website contains numerous testimonials from customers who have
used [nome do Produto] and you can have results too. However, you need to keep in mind
that each body will react in a unique way. That’s a bit obvious, but I’m telling you this so you
can be realistic about your treatment and expectations.

(garantias e formas de uso)

There is something really important about this product that you need to know before you buy
it: you can actually test [nome do Produto] during [Dias de Garantia do Produto - Exemplo:
30, 60, 180] days and if you don’t see results or if you don’t like it for any other reason, They
give you your money back. So be safe to use the [nome do Produto], but rest assured that
you are buying on the official website to ensure the benefits of the warranty.
Also, for [nome do Produto] to work, you need to take the treatment seriously. You need to
take it every day, [explicar como usar ou apagar Essa parte], or else you will not see great
results and you will really get a little frustrated. You can see the initial results in the first
month, but most people get better results after [Tempo médio de resultado dos clientes,
consta muitas vezes nos depoimentos] months using this product. Also important for you to
know, [nome do Produto] has no side effects as it is natural.

(concluir relembrando as qualidades do produto)

So, I decided to record this video, first to tell you to be careful with the site you will buy
[nome do Produto] and also, if you buy the product, do the exact treatment, take it seriously.
Remember to keep in mind that your results will be very different from anyone else because
your body acts in a very unique way. I really hope this video has helped you and also hope
that [nome do Produto] really helps a lot to improve your life, and many other benefits that
this product promotes.
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Thank you for watching this video, see you later!

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