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Why did you select this plant?

o I choose this plant because it can grow in less than a month. Also, I know
that I can make it because the process is more easy. Another, the materials
that will be used is can be easily provided and that it can be planted in any

Date Photo Documentation

Day 1: April 1
Week 1: April 10

Week 2: 17
Week 3: April 24

Week 4: May 1
Week 5: May 8
Week 6: May 13
In not less than 5 sentences, what were your realization after the project? Share your

 I realized that planting is really hard most especially for me that it is my first
time doing it and I’m glad that I was able to experience it. It was hard and
difficult for me because I don’t have any knowledge and experiences but
with the guidance of my mother I’m having progress. It is difficult in a way
that it makes me nervous because I have the what if question like “what if it
will die”, “what if it will not grow”, and many more what ifs. And my
realization also is that this planting make me more productive because of
course I must wake up early in the morning to check it and water it. All in all,
the activity was fun because it makes you think and feel excited and nervous
of the result, also, I now know what does farmer sacrifices of the food that
we eat. Lastly, this activity gave me the feeling of self achievement and I’m
happy also because I have eaten my own planted plant and it is a good

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