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Entry Test Answer Key

Listening (10 marks)

1 F / 2 T / 3 F / 4 T / 5 T / 6 b / 7 c / 8 a / 9 c / 10 c
Vocabulary (15 marks)
11 e / 12 c / 13 d / 14 h / 15 a / 16 g / 17 b / 18 f / 19 visit / 20 sign / 21 invite / 22 join / 23
discuss / 24 know / 25 book
Language (17 marks)
26 c / 27 a / 28 c / 29 b / 30 a / 31 b / 32 c / 33 b / 34 a / 35 c / 36 best / 37 than / 38 a lot / 39
some / 40 very / 41 any / 42 much
Skills development (8 marks)
43 a / 44 d / 45 c / 46 b / 47 d / 48 b / 49 c / 50 a
Reading (10 marks)
51 T / 52 F / 53 F / 54 T / 55 T / 56 a / 57 c / 58 b / 59 a / 60 b

Entry Test Audio Script

Track 02

Part 1
Matt Hello, Gina. Good to see you again!
Gina It’s good to be here. How are you, Matt?
Matt Fine, thanks. How about you? How was your trip?
Gina Terrible! The plane was delayed. We waited four hours at Rome airport. I
arrived very late last night – it was 11 o’clock.
Matt I’m sorry to hear that. You must be tired.
Gina Very tired!
Matt Well, let’s go to my office and I’ll get you some coffee.
Gina Thanks, Matt.

Track 03

Part 2
Matt Gina, can I introduce Tony Lloyd, our Marketing Manager. Tony, this is Gina
Tallarigo from our Rome office.
Tony Very pleased to meet you, Gina. I hear you had a difficult journey last night.
Gina Yes, the weather was very bad, and my plane couldn’t take off.
Tony That’s unusual to have bad weather in Rome! It’s more typical of London
Gina Yes – you’re right. We had English weather!
Tony What time does the meeting start, Matt?
Matt Ten thirty.
Tony OK, we have half an hour. Perhaps I can show Gina round the office. Would
you like to have a look around, Gina?
Gina That would be great. Thank you, Tony.
Tony OK, let’s go.

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