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Carolina Barbosa de Andrade

Revisão Linguística
Thais Monteiro Gomes

Projeto Gráfico
Ricardo Leme Francé

Alberto Rodrigues
Ricardo Leme Francé

Emily Andrade
Ricardo Leme Francé

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WIZARD_T2_EXTRA_PRACTICE.indb 2 14/12/2015 09:06:27

Lesson 5

1. Write the sentences in English.

a. Eu jogo este jogo na escola com meus colegas de classe.

b. Eu não tenho tempo para falar com você agora.

c. Está chovendo lá. Você quer um guarda-chuva?

d. Eu tenho um bom livro de inglês. E você?

e. Estou com sono, mas eu tenho que estudar.

f. Eu não tenho aulas de inglês de manhã. Eu quero dormir agora.

2. Write questions for.

No, I don’t have a new car.

Yes, I do. I have good teachers.

No, I don’t want to play that game, I want to sleep in the afternoon.

Yes, I have an umbrella and a raincoat.

No, I don’t have time to play games on my computer.

Yes, I want to have breakfast at school.

WIZARD_T2_EXTRA_PRACTICE.indb 9 14/12/2015 09:06:29

3. Read and put the dialogue in order.
Hey Mark, do you have time to play computer games in the afternoon?

Do you have a piano in your house?

Great idea!

Yes, I do. I have a new piano and a guitar, too.

Hi Jonathan! Sorry, I don’t. I have piano classes in the afternoon.

Nice! I have an old guitar, do you want to play the piano and the guitar in the evening?

4. Complete with:

only that five an small Let’s another

a. I don’t want this notebook, I want notebook, please.

b. - Do you have car? – Yes, I do. I have two cars.

c. - You have a house, right? – No, I have a big house.

d. I have new computer games. Do you want to play?

e. I have time in the morning. study English!

f. I have old bicycle and some old games in my house.

5. Answer the questions.

a. Do you have a new or an old bicycle?

b. What ice cream flavor do you want?

c. Do you have a big or small house?

d. Do you sleep in the afternoon?

e. What sports do you want to play in the evening?

f. Do you have breakfast in your house?


WIZARD_T2_EXTRA_PRACTICE.indb 10 14/12/2015 09:06:29

Lesson 7

1. Write the sentences in English.

a. Aonde você quer ir hoje? - Vamos ao jogo de futebol Americano!

b. Nós gostamos de ir ao cinema à noite.

c. Você quer ir à sorveteria comigo? Eu gosto muito de sorvete de chocolate.

d. Elas querem ir ao shopping amanhã, mas eles querem ir ao parque.

e. - Até amanhã! – Até mais!

f. Nós estudamos inglês na Wizard. Nós gostamos de estudar lá.

2. Change into interrogative.

a. You like to study alone.

b. You want to go to a soccer game this month.

c. I want to study with you this year.

d. You have to speak English in the classroom.

e. I want to sleep in my house.

f. I want a cheese and ham sandwich.


WIZARD_T2_EXTRA_PRACTICE.indb 11 14/12/2015 09:06:29

3. Circle the correct option.
a. We like to go to the / to mall. We want to go there / here tomorrow.
b. I have to go at the / to the grocery store today. Do you have cereal and milk in your / my house?
c. They like to go to the / in the restaurant. They want to / - eat a big sandwich and drink a big glass
of / an soda.
d. I’m sleepy, I want to drink a cup / some tea and sleep.
e. I really like - / of chocolate milk. Do you like the / to drink soda?
f. Where do / - you have to go this month?

4. Check the odd word out.

a. to play – to eat – tomorrow – to sleep
b. basketball – French – soccer – football
c. where - restaurant – mall – school – movies
d. ice cream – vanilla – chocolate – park
e. small – new – friends – old
f. classmates – school – teacher – movies

5. Complete.
a. I like to go

b. You want some eggs and cheese, so

c. I want to play

d. Let’s go

e. Where do

f. We only have


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