MCMOL I Stage 4 Laboratory

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Mi Conexión al Mundo en otra Lengua 1
Laboratory STAGE 4

NAME: ____________________________________________________ GROUP: __________

I. Match each image with its corresponding symptom.

a) dizziness b) fever c) swollen throat d) stomachache
e) sneeze f) headache g) bruise h) wound

1. ______________ 2. ________________ 3. ________________

4. _______________ 5. ______________ 6. _________________

7. ____________________ 8. _____________________
II. Write down each image the name of the daily activity as it corresponds.

a) go to school b) wake up c) work in the office d) take a shower

e) have breakfast f) drive to work g) do homework h) get dressed

9. ___________________________ 10. __________________________

11. _______________________ 12. ____________________

13. _______________________ 14. _______________________

15. ________________________ 16. ____________________

III. Choose the correct modal verb according to context.

17. You don’t have to / mustn’t answer the phone. Mom already did it.

18. We need to / may not take additional equipment for the excursion.

19. Johnny can / should talk to his boss about how to get a promotion.

20. Could / May I have a coffee, please? –Go ahead.

21. Rose and Mike might / could host the exhigh school meeting next week.

22. A surgeon mustn’t / don’t need to make mistakes.

23. I think Tamara should / would look for a new apartment because this one is not in good
conditions anymore.

24. Children mustn’t / can’t tell lies to their parents and teachers.

25. They wouldn’t / shouldn’t take that road unless it were safe enough.

26. Shanon has to / can climb hills and mountains.

IV. Choose the correct home request for each image.

a) Feed your pets b) Mop the floor c) Do the homework

d) Wash the car e) Take out the trash f) Sweep the floor

g) Do the alundry h) Clean your room

27. ________________________ 28. _________________________

29. _______________________ 30. _________________________

31. _______________________ 32. ________________________

33. ________________________ 34. ________________________

V. Match each image with its corresponding social or cultural rule.

a) Keep quiet b) Do not smoke in public places c) Go to school

d) Keep streets clean e) Wear the safety belt. f) Keep your distance

g) Do not use mobiles while driving h) Respect traffic lights

35. _______________________ 36. _________________________

37. _____________________ 38. _________________________

39. _________________________ 40. _______________________

41. ________________________ 42. ______________________

VI. Complete each sentence with the correct modal + have expression.

43. Let’s have a party next weekend. The workmen ____________________ finished the renovation
by then.

a) could have

b) should have

c) might have

44. I can’t find that email everywhere. I think I ____________________ deleted it.

a) may have

b) must have

c) could have

45. When they interviewed Baker’s wife, the police realised that he ____________
__________________ stolen the jewels.

a) couldn’t have

b) mustn’t have

c) might not have

46. We were very worried after the plane landed since we thought someone
______________________ mistakenly taken our baggage.

a) might have

b) could have

c) should have

47. It’s good to see you. I thought you ___________________ got lost in the forest.

a) could have

b) might have

c) must have

VII. Match each image with a word related to celebrities events as it


a) carpet b) photographer c) ticket d) award

e) claps f) set g) fans h) autograph

48. ___________________ 49. _________________________

50. _________________ 51. __________________

52. ____________________ 53. ______________________

54. __________________ 55. ______________________

VIII. Write down the feeling or emotion that best corresponds to each image.
a) happy b) bored c) sad d) confused
e) angry f) surprised g) serious h) shy

56. ____________________ 57. ________________

58. ________________ 59. ____________________

60. __________________ 61. _______________________

62. ___________________ 63. ____________________

IX. Change the verb in brackets to the correct adjective form with –ed or –ing
according to context.
64. The play my family and I saw at the theater last weekend was so ____________________
(amuse) that we couldn’t stop laughing.
65. Kelly got so ______________________ (annoy) because of the mess her cat made with her
new blankets.
66. The Chamomile tea I drank last night made me feel more (relief) _________________. Now I
can do my daily routines again.
66. Nazi tanks and other war vehicles looked (threaten) ____________________ as they
approached to to the city previously occupied by the army.
67. Sally got very (stress) _________________ after having a hard day at work.
68. The story of the family that almost lost its house was very (touch) ___________________ so that
all the neighbors started collecting goods to help them to survive.
X. Match the USA holidays and traditions with the images as it corresponds.

a) Halloween b) Martin Luther King’s Day c) Easter

d) Veterans’ Day e) Christmas Eve f) Mother’s Day g) Valentine’s Day
h) Father’s Day i) Independence Day j) Thanksgiving

69. ____________________________ 70. _________________________

71. ______________________ 72. __________________________

73. _____________________ 74. _____________________

75. _________________________ 76. ________________________

77. __________________________ 78. _________________________

XI. Match each image with the correct action verb.

a) to sleep b) to win c) to shop d) to eat e) to laugh
f) to cry g) to run h) to sing i) to play j) to scream
k) to touch l) to draw m) to solve n) to read o) to listen

79. _______________________ 80. __________________

81. _______________________ 82. _______________________

83. ________________________ 84. ______________________

85. ________________ 86. __________________

87. ____________________ 88. ________________________

89. _____________________ 90. _____________________

91. __________________ 92. _______________

93. _____________________

XII. Put a checkmark (√) next to each word whether it has the /j/, /d/ or /l/ sound.
Word /j/ /d/ /i/
94. yard
95. library
96. twelve
97. admission
98. cool
99. community
100. usually
101. attend
102. chisel
103. dance
104. nephew
105. hazardous

Este material fue elaborado por el MEI Abelardo Villarreal Benavides como apoyo al curso

‘Mi conexión al mundo en otra lengua I’ el cual se imparte en 3er. Semestre

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