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Protesters in Sri Lanka barge into President's House urging him to flee

Amid the worst political and economic crisis witnessed by the island nation of Sri Lanka,
thousands of protesters ambushed President Gotabaya Rajapaksa's residence urging him to flee
the place in Colombo. A sea of protesters entered the place on Saturday breaking through the
security barricades. The protesters were seen chanting slogans and waving national flags in front
of the residence before breaking the barricades put in place. 
On the other hand, President Rajapaksa escaped through the back door of the house escorted by
navy personnel and took refuge at a navy facility before being transferred to Katunayake air base
which shares a fence with the country's international airport - Bandaranaike International
Subsequent to this takeover, in a televised announcement, the Sri Lankan Parliamentary Speaker
Mahinda Abeywardana declared President Rajapaksa's intention to resign on July 13 to ensure
smooth transition of power. 

Numerous interesting and dramatic footages have emerged from the President’s residence after
thousands of protesters took control of the place. The footage depicts the protesters working at
the gym, watching news, swimming in the pool, lying on the President's bed. One footage even
involves the protesters inside the house listening to a news about themselves.

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