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Name, surname: Juan Sebastián, García Grajales

1. Look for the new EU Drinking Water Directive

European Commission Environment

1.1. Give the number assigned to this legal document: according to the CELEX
code is 2184

1.2. Give the CELEX number document: 32020L2184

2. What are the objectives of this Directive?

Objective number 1: This Directive concerns the quality of water intended for human
consumption for all in the Union.

Objective number 2: The objectives of this Directive are to protect human health from
the adverse effects of any contamination of water intended for human consumption by
ensuring that it is wholesome and clean, and to improve access to water intended for
human consumption.

3. What are the microbiological parameters that have to be tested? See Annex I. part
A, part C, part D

The microbiological parameters that have to be tested are Intestinal enterococci and
Escherichia coli (E. coli), Clostridium perfringens including spores, Colony count 22ºC,
Coliform bacteria and Legionella.

4. The pH value should be between 6.5 (for still water put into bottles or containers,
the minimum value may be reduced to 4,5) and 9.5.

5. Give the maximum concentration for pesticides (total): 0.5 μg/L

6. In the case of radioactive substances, which Directive sets the arrangements for
their monitoring?
Council Directive 2013/51/Euratom or 32013L0051 (CELEX number).

7. Look for this Directive and write down the parametric values for radon, tritium and
indicative dose (ID).
Radon: 100 Bq/L
Tritium: 100 Bq/L
Indicative Dose (ID): 0.1 mSv

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