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Gracefully Aging Grace Bible Church Inheritance Class Dr. Gene Pond May 15, 2011


See what the land is like, and whether the people who live in it are strong or weak, few or many, and whether the cities they inhabit are like camps or fortified cities, and whether the land is rich or poor, and whether or not there are forests in it. And be brave, and bring back some of the fruit of the land. Numbers 13:1720

Detail from "Autumn, or The Bunch of Grapes of the Promised Land." Nicolas Poussin, 1600-1664. Louvre.


The descendents of Anak (Num 13:28,33) Tall Descended from the Nephilim (giants, Gen 6:4; fallen ones) Who can withstand the Anakites? Deut 9:2 We seemed like grasshoppers both to ourselves and to them

Caleb (and Joshua)

The Other Ten Spies

Let us go up We can conquer it Its a good land If the Lord delights in us, He will give it to us Do not fear the people of the land But do not rebel against the Lord

We are not able to go up They are stronger

A devouring land A people of great stature

The People

Murmured against Moses and Aaron Wish we had died! Find us a new leader and return to Egypt! Stone Caleb & Joshua


complained, and destroyed 10:10 1 Corinthians 10:1-11 blameless and 2:14-16 Philippians pure 2:15

1. At the Red Sea Exod 14:11-12 2. Bitter water Exod 15:23-24 3-5. Manna rules Exod 16:2-3 Exod 16:20 Exod 16:27 6. No water Exod 17:1-2 7. Golden calf Exod 32 8. Complaining Burning Num 11:1-3 9. Quail for meat Num 11:4-34 10. Kadesh Num 14:1-3

They have put me to the test these ten times . . . Num 14:22


Moses viewed the land from Mt. Nebo This is the land I promised on oath Moses died at 120

undimmed eye undiminished strength

Joshua was filled with the spirit of wisdom Be strong and very courageous





the past: Gods promise 69 the present: Gods preservation 1011 the future: Gods power 1215



By the Lord: By Moses: By Caleb:

Num 14:24 Num 32:11-12 Josh 14:8

Caleb held fast to a spirit that was different from those around him Num 14:24 Caleb believed God and it changed how he saw his circumstances Num 14:8-9 Caleb left results to God Josh 14:12

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