Pronouns and Adjectives Exercises A2-B2

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NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________

 Complete these sixteen sentences to score your knowledge of POSSESSIVE grammar.
1. My sister bought that new car last 9. The cat was hungry and tired, so it
week. That car is …. ate all … food and fell asleep.
a) his a) its
b) hers b) it’s
c) her c) it
2. The blue car isn’t my sister’s car. 10. It’s not theirs, it’s …. We bought
The green one is … car. it yesterday.
a) her a) our
b) she b) them
c) hers c) ours
3. Excuse me. Have you seen … 11. What time does … English class
cell phone? I lost it. begin?
a) my a) yours
b) mine b) you
c) me c) your
4. That dog belongs to my neighbor. 12. … friend is over there by the
It’s … dog. cafeteria. Can you see him?
a) our a) Me
b) their b) My
c) his c) Mine
5. Is this … pen? Does it belong to 13. Her friend says it’s …, but I think
you? it belongs to them.
a) you a) her
b) yours b) his
c) your c) our
6. No, that’s not …. That pen is blue. 14. What do you like to do in … free
My pen is green. time?
a) my a) your
b) mine b) yours
c) me c) ours
7. … home is located downtown, so 15. I don’t think that sandwich is mine.
it’s close to my work. I think it’s ….
a) We a) her
b) Ours b) yours
c) Our c) their
8. My brother doesn’t like … new job 16. Is it his, hers, yours, ours, or …?
because it’s very boring. I really don’t know!
a) his a) they
b) its b) theirs
c) he c) them

15 – 16 = Excellent 13 – 14 = Good 12 or Less = Study More!

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Pronouns in English — Mixed — Exercise 4

Choose the correct form — Personal pronoun, Possessive determiner,

Possessive pronoun, or Object pronoun.

1. Can you guess who   favorite singer is?
a) my
b) mine
c) me
2. I know a lot about   .
a) he
b) his
c) him
3.  birthday is in June.
a) she
b) her
c) hers
4. Who are   ?
a) they
b) theirs
c) them
5. This isn't your watch. It's   .
a) our
b) ours
c) us
6. Stop yelling at   .
a) I
b) my
c) me
7. Mr. Brown is   teacher.
a) their
b) theirs
c) them

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8. My city is famous for   sandy beaches.
a) it
b) its
c) he
9. These toys are   .
a) you
b) your
c) yours

10. We can't find our shoes. Do you know where   are?

a) they
b) theirs
c) them
11. Is it   room?
a) we
b) our
c) us

12.  is her sister.
a) she
b) her
c) hers
13. William is   cousin.
a) he
b) his
c) him

14. I want to know more about   .
a) you
b) your
c) yours
15. It isn't my bike.   is at home.
a) I
b) my
c) mine

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Possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns exercise 1

Choose the correct word.

1. Is this cup (your / yours)?

2. The coffee is (my / mine).

3. That coat is (my / mine).

4. He lives in (her / hers) house.

5. You might want (your / yours) phone.

6. The new car is (their / theirs).

7. She cooked (our / ours) food.

8. Don’t stand on (my / mine) foot!

9. She gave him (her / hers) suitcase.

10. I met (their / theirs) mother.

11. Is this (their / theirs) coffee?

12. Is the flat (her / hers)?

13. The grey scarf is (my / mine).

14. That red bike is (our / ours).

15. We should take (our / ours) coats.

16. That is (my / mine) car.

17. He dropped (my / mine) bag.

18. Are these phones (their / theirs)?

19. These cakes are (our / ours)!

20. Are those children (your / yours)?

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Personal and object pronouns — Exercise 2

Replace the words in bold with the correct personal or object pronoun,
as in the example.

Are mangoes delicious?
Are   delicious?

Are they delicious?

1. We will meet Mira and Hannah at the railway station.
We will meet   at the railway station.

2. Sandy and I have chosen the same course at university.
   have chosen the same course at university.

3. Dogs are funny animals. I like dogs very much.
Dogs are funny animals. I like   very much.

4. Where are my glasses? Your glasses are on that table.
Where are my glasses?    are on that table.

5. Can you bring this book to me?
Can you bring   to me?

6. I am meeting Paul at the coffee shop.
I am meeting   at the coffee shop.

7. Nick is going on vacation to Turkey.
   is going on vacation to Turkey.

8. Don’t tell your parents that we are going to get married.
Don’t tell   that we are going to get married.

9. You should help Sandra with the suitcases — they are rather heavy.
You should help   with the suitcases — they are rather heavy.

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10. You and Christopher are amazing people.
   are amazing people.

11. Go and buy some bread in the nearest store.
Go and buy   in the nearest store.

12. Amanda is a good friend.
   is a good friend.

13. We need to discuss it with Arthur and Kimberly and then make a decision.
We need to discuss it with   and then make a decision.

14. This story is not interesting for Harold.
This story is not interesting for   .

15. Emma doesn’t want to see William and me.
Emma doesn’t want to see   .

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Personal and object pronouns

Replace the words in bold with the correct personal or object pronouns,
as in the example.

Are spiders dangerous?
Are   dangerous?

Are they dangerous?

1. Andrew likes Lilly.
   likes   .

2. Is Ellie your sister?
Is   your sister?

3. Do you like biscuits?
Do you like   ?

4. The pizza is fantastic.
   is fantastic.

5. My grandmother always makes breakfast for my brother and me.
My grandmother always makes breakfast for   .

6. Do Timothy and Sam live in the countryside?
Do   live in the countryside?

7. How often do you eat fast food?
How often do you eat   ?

8. Christopher is 15 years old.
   is 15 years old.

9. My friends and I usually walk to school together.
   usually walk to school together.

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10. I am waiting for Kevin.
I am waiting for   .

11. Is your sister a singer?
Is   a singer?

12. The table is new.
   is new.

13. How can I help Emily and Steve?
How can I help   ?

14. May I take the book?
May I take   ?

15. Amelia doesn't know William.
   doesn't know   .

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