Valentine's Day - LCERT Tasks - Chatgbt

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B2 level, C1 level

Write an article to your English school magazine about valentine's day traditions in your school,
your views on it and how you celebrate it. Write it at B2 level, in 200 words.
Valentine's Day is an annual holiday celebrated around the world. In my school, we have a tradition of
exchanging cards and small gifts with our friends and classmates. It's a fun way to show our appreciation
for each other and spread some love and kindness throughout the school.

As for my personal views on Valentine's Day, I think it's a great opportunity to celebrate the people we
care about. While it's often associated with romantic relationships, I think it's important to remember that
love can take many forms, and we should use this day to express our gratitude for all the special people in
our lives.

One way I celebrate Valentine's Day is by baking heart-shaped cookies and sharing them with my friends
and family. It's a simple gesture, but it's a way to show that I care and appreciate them. I also like to send
cards and messages to my loved ones who live far away, letting them know that they are in my thoughts
and in my heart.

Overall, Valentine's Day is a great holiday that reminds us to cherish the relationships we have in our
lives. While it's important to show love and kindness every day, this holiday gives us a special opportunity
to go above and beyond and make our loved ones feel truly special.

Make 10 common grammatical mistakes in the above text:

1. Missing apostrophe in "Valentine's"

2. Incorrect use of preposition "in my school" instead of "at my school"
3. Missing article "a" before "fun way"
4. Missing comma in "and kindness throughout the school"
5. Incorrect use of verb tense "think" instead of "thought"
6. Incorrect use of verb tense "take" instead of "takes"
7. Incorrect preposition "for" after "express our gratitude"
8. Capitalization error in "Valentine's Day is a great holiday"
9. Missing article "the" before "relationships"
10. Incorrect use of verb tense "gives" instead of "giving"

Rewrite the text with the above mistakes.

Valentines day is an annual holiday celebrated around world. In my school, we have tradition of
exchanging cards and small gifts with our friends and classmates. Its fun way to show our appreciation for
each other and spread some love and kindness throughout the school.

As for my personal views on Valentines Day, I think its great opportunity to celebrate the people we care
about. While its often associated with romantic relationships, I think it's important to remember that love
can take many forms, and we should use this day to express our gratitude for all special people in our

One way I celebrate Valentines Day is by baking heart shaped cookies and sharing them with my friends
and family. Its a simple gesture, but its a way to show that I care and appreciate them. I also like to send
cards and messages to my loved ones who live far away, letting them know that they are in my thoughts
and in my heart.
Overall, Valentines Day is great holiday that reminds us to cherish relationships we have in our lives.
While its important to show love and kindness every day, this holiday gives us special opportunity to go
above and beyond and make our loved ones feel truly special.
Rewrite the text at C1 level in 250 words.

Valentine's Day is a widely celebrated holiday that occurs annually on February 14th. In my school, we
have a tradition of exchanging cards and small gifts with our friends and classmates. This tradition is an
enjoyable way to show our appreciation for each other and spread some love and kindness throughout the

Personally, I believe Valentine's Day is a great opportunity to celebrate the people we care about. While it
is typically associated with romantic relationships, it is important to remember that love can take many
forms, and we should use this day to express our gratitude for all the special people in our lives.

To celebrate Valentine's Day, I like to bake heart-shaped cookies and share them with my friends and
family. This simple gesture is a way to show that I care and appreciate them. I also like to send cards and
messages to my loved ones who live far away, letting them know that they are in my thoughts and in my

Valentine's Day is a great holiday that reminds us to cherish the relationships we have in our lives. While it
is important to show love and kindness every day, this holiday gives us a special opportunity to go above
and beyond and make our loved ones feel truly special. Whether it's through simple gestures or grand
gestures, the most important thing is to express our love and appreciation for those who mean the most to

Collect 10 expressions from the above text that are C1 level.

1. "a widely celebrated holiday"
2. "exchanging cards and small gifts"
3. "an enjoyable way to show our appreciation"
4. "spread some love and kindness"
5. "a great opportunity to celebrate the people we care about"
6. "love can take many forms"
7. "express our gratitude for all the special people in our lives"
8. "make our loved ones feel truly special"
9. "simple gestures or grand gestures"
10. "the most important thing is to express our love and appreciation"

Give a simpler definition of the above 10 expressions.

1. "a widely celebrated holiday" - a holiday that is celebrated by many people
2. "exchanging cards and small gifts" - giving cards and small presents to each other
3. "an enjoyable way to show our appreciation" - a fun way to express our thanks
4. "spread some love and kindness" - share affection and goodwill
5. "a great opportunity to celebrate the people we care about" - a chance to show our love for the important
people in our lives
6. "love can take many forms" - there are different kinds of love
7. "express our gratitude for all the special people in our lives" - show our thankfulness for the important
people in our lives
8. "make our loved ones feel truly special" - make the people we love feel especially important
9. "simple gestures or grand gestures" - small or big actions to show our love
10. "the most important thing is to express our love and appreciation" - the crucial thing is to show our
affection and gratitude.
Write 6 true or false sentences based on the text.
1. Valentine's Day is a holiday celebrated once a month.
2. In the writer's school, they exchange cards and small gifts with their classmates.
3. Valentine's Day is only associated with romantic relationships.
4. The writer believes that love can only take one form.
5. The writer likes to bake heart-shaped cookies to celebrate Valentine's Day.
6. The writer believes that Valentine's Day is a great opportunity to show appreciation for loved ones.


1. False
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. True
6. True
SPEAKING PART 2. B2 level, C1 level

Write 4 situations for two people based on Valentine's day at B2 level.

1. You and your partner have different opinions on how to celebrate Valentine's Day. Discuss and find a
compromise that works for both of you.
2. You and your partner are in a long-distance relationship and can't spend Valentine's Day together.
Discuss how you can make the day special despite the distance.
3. You and your partner are trying to save money and can't afford an expensive Valentine's Day celebration.
Brainstorm ideas for a low-budget but romantic date.
4. You and your partner are both busy with work and don't have much time for Valentine's Day. Discuss how
you can still make the day special with the limited time you have.

Write 4 situations based on Valentine's day at C1 level.

1. As a business owner, you are struggling to come up with a unique marketing strategy for Valentine's Day.
Brainstorm ideas with your team.
2. You and your partner have different cultural backgrounds and celebrate Valentine's Day differently.
Discuss how you can combine your traditions and make the day special for both of you.
3. You are a relationship coach and have clients coming to you with relationship issues on Valentine's Day.
Discuss ways to address their concerns and help them strengthen their relationships.
4. You are part of a group that believes Valentine's Day should be a day of activism and social justice.
Discuss how you can use the day to bring awareness to important issues and make a positive impact in
your community.

Rephrase the situations to make them simpler.

1. You own a business and need help creating a marketing plan for Valentine's Day.
2. You and your partner have different Valentine's Day traditions due to your backgrounds.
3. You are a relationship coach helping clients with Valentine's Day relationship issues.
4. You are part of a group that wants to use Valentine's Day for social justice activism.

Write a task for discussion. Provide 5 short ideas on why Valentine's day should be cancelled.
Task for discussion: Valentine's Day is a popular holiday celebrated worldwide, but some people believe it
should be cancelled. In groups, discuss the following five short ideas on why Valentine's Day should be
cancelled. Do you agree or disagree with these arguments, and why?

1. Valentine's Day is a commercial holiday that puts pressure on people to spend money on gifts and
flowers, causing unnecessary stress and financial strain.
2. Valentine's Day can be exclusionary, making single people feel left out and inadequate.
3. Valentine's Day promotes harmful gender stereotypes and reinforces societal expectations for men and
women in relationships.
4. Valentine's Day has been associated with negative consequences, such as an increase in breakups and
depressive episodes among those who are not in relationships.
5. Valentine's Day is a superficial celebration of love that fails to address the deeper issues and challenges
of real relationships.

Discuss each of these points in detail, considering both the positives and negatives of Valentine's Day,
and share your own thoughts and experiences on the holiday.

Rewrite the ideas in 10 words max.

1. Valentine's Day promotes commercialism and financial strain.
2. Valentine's Day can exclude and harm single people.
3. Valentine's Day reinforces harmful gender stereotypes.
4. Valentine's Day linked to increased breakups and depression.
5. Valentine's Day is a superficial celebration of love.
SPEAKING PART 4 – B2, C1 level

Write 2 open-ended questions about Valentine's day? Max 10 words. At B2 level.

1. What's your ideal way to spend Valentine's Day?
2. How do you think Valentine's Day affects relationships?

Write 2 open-ended questions about Valentine's day? Max 10 words. At C1 level.

1. How has the commercialization of Valentine's Day impacted its meaning?
2. In what ways does Valentine's Day perpetuate societal expectations for love?

Make the second question simpler.

How does Valentine's Day influence our expectations of love?

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