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Gracefully Aging Grace Bible Church Inheritance Class Dr. Gene Pond June 12, 2011

Office Role Reaction New



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deferred to the future)

The Lord has raised up a horn of salvation that we should be saved from our enemies. He has done this to show mercy to our ancestors, and to remember his holy covenantthe oath that he swore to our ancestor Abraham. And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High.

Zechariahs prophecy Luke 1:6779


We are all called to pray. The subject of our prayers is God. The object of our prayers is for Him to act. How we pray, and what we pray for, shows whether we think God is real and loving and faithful. Parenting is a role for the faithful, an investment in Gods future work.

Lessons from Johns Parents

Rsum Blessing Amazement Prophecy



devotion duty declaration



Faithfulness is underrated today. There is no retirement from devotion to God. Being at the place of worship is important to our spiritual lives. We affect others by our ministry. God still has a use for us, right up to the end.

Lessons from Simeon and Anna

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