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AP Physics 1 Syllabus

1st Period
Mr. Lowe

Topics Covered:
1. Kinematics (Motion)
2. Dynamics (Forces)
3. Circular Motion and Gravitation
4. Energy
5. Momentum
6. Simple Harmonic Motion
7. Torque and Rotational Motion

AP Test Date:
Thursday May 11th

Grading Percents:
Homework: 30%
In-Class Assignments: 20%
Labs: 15%
Quizzes: 10%
Tests: 25%

Course Schedule:
Unit 1: August and September
Unit 2: October to Early November
Unit 3: Early November to Late November
Unit 4: December and January
Unit 5: February
Unit 6: First half of March
Unit 7: Rest of March and Early April
AP Review: Rest of April to AP test
- Some form of calculator (a scientific graphing calculator will make your life easier I
- Paper for scratch work
- Notebook if you would like to write physical notes (optional)
- A willingness to do physics first thing in the morning

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