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19 April 2023
IFRS 17 Tax amendments for
insurers become effective

Let’s talk
For a deeper discussion In brief
The Taxation Laws Amendment Act No. 20 of 2022 (‘TLAA’) was
of how this issue might
promulgated in January 2023 and introduced a series of tax amendments
affect your business, to deal with the impact of the new IFRS 17 accounting standard.
please contact:
Jos Smit In detail
Melissa Hadfield The TLAA was finally Short-term insurance
promulgated on 5 January 2023 amendments
and introduced a series of tax
amendments to provide for the To mitigate the tax impact
Stephen Boakye
impact of the IFRS 17 accounting prompted by the difference
standard. These tax amendments between the measurement of
cater specifically for life insurers insurance contract liabilities under
Maryna Macdonald under section 29A of the Income IFRS 4 and IFRS 17, section
Tax Act No.58 of 1962 (‘the Act’)
28(3D) was introduced to phase
and for non-life insurers under
section 28 of the Act. in the tax impact of the difference
over a period of three years.
The amendments include updates
to the insurance terms used Further corrections relating to the
within the Act to align with IFRS implementation of the
17 and provisions to phase in the amendments may, however, be
tax impact of the transition from required as the wording in the Act
IFRS 4 to IFRS 17. gives rise to uncertainty in
interpretation. This could result in
The amendments to sections 28 unintended phase-in amounts
and 29A came into operation on 1 which should be further
January 2023 and apply in investigated.
respect of years of assessment
commencing on or after that date.
This corresponds with the
implementation date of IFRS 17.
Long-term insurance amendments Takeaway
A tax phase-in period of six years is Insurers should be mindful of the amendments as the
introduced in section 29A(14) to smooth the tax impact will not be the same for every insurer.
cash flow impact for long-term insurers.
The new phase-in rules are complex and therefore, it
In addition, for purposes of determining is imperative that each insurer consider the tax
taxable profit transfers, the definition of ‘value impacts carefully, specifically where the wording of
of liabilities’ has been amended to refer to all the new tax legislation is not clear and may require
other liabilities which fall outside of the refinement.
‘adjusted IFRS value’. The definition of
‘adjusted IFRS value’ has further been The IFRS 17 amendments also generally coincide
amended to refer specifically to insurance with the reduction of the corporate income tax rate
contracts and investment contracts instead of from 28% to 27%, as well as the limitation on the set
the current general reference to liabilities. off of an assessed loss brought forward, both of
which are effective for years of assessment ending
Cell captive arrangements on or after 31 March 2023.

Amounts recoverable from a cell owner under For accounting purposes, the deferred tax impact of
certain third-party cell captive arrangements
the IFRS 17 amendments as well as the IAS 8
are treated as reinsurance arrangements even
though these arrangements may not qualify as disclosure requirements need to be considered for
commercial reinsurance. In addition, amounts financial reporting purposes. This will include the
payable to the cell owner by the insurer in transitional impact as well as a restatement of the
respect of profits due to the cell owner may be comparatives in the year of implementation.
included in the value of liabilities that are
deductible for income tax purposes under
section 29A.
This Alert is provided by PricewaterhouseCoopers Tax Services
(Pty) Ltd for information only, and does not constitute the provision
However, in the recent Budget Speech it was of professional advice of any kind. The information provided herein
proposed that reinsurance contracts relating should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional
advisers. Before making any decision or taking any action, you
to a cell owner be disregarded. In addition, the
should consult a professional adviser who has been provided with
definition of the value of liabilities in section all the pertinent facts relevant to your particular situation. No
29A will be amended to exclude any other responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining
liabilities relating to a cell owner. from acting as a result of using the information in the Alert can be
accepted by PricewaterhouseCoopers Tax Services (Pty) Ltd,
PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. or any of the directors, partners,
employees, sub-contractors or agents of PricewaterhouseCoopers
Tax Services (Pty) Ltd, PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. or any other
PwC entity.

© 2023 PricewaterhouseCoopers (“PwC”), a South African firm,

PwC is part of the PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited
(“PwCIL”) network that consists of separate and independent legal
entities that do not act as agents of PwCIL or any other member
firm, nor is PwCIL or the separate firms responsible or liable for the
acts or omissions of each other in any way. No portion of this
document may be reproduced by any process without the written
permission of PwC.

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