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Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE

International Conference on Robotics and Automation

Barcelona, Spain, April 2005

Motion Study of an Omni-Directional Rover

for Step Climbing
K. H. Low, W. K. Loh, and Heng Wang Jorge Angeles
School of Mechanical and Production Engineering McGill Center for Intelligent Machines
Nanyang Technological University McGill University
Singapore 639798 Montréal, Québec, Canada H3A 2A7
Email:, Email:

Abstract— In this paper, a study of a wheeled mobile robot to move forward and backward. The changing of the robot
(WMR) with omni-directional mobility and rover-like climb- orientation is done by varying the angular velocities of left
ing ability is presented. Various rovers with robust locomotion and right drive motors (differential steering), likes Micro
design had been developed. However, the rover locomotion
design with omni-directional mobility has not been addressed 5, or install a steerable drive wheel, likes Rocker 8. The
commonly. Shrimp suspension system and parallel bogies wheels are controlled by two motors, one for locomotion
were employed as robot locomotion. It adapts to the terrain and one for steering. However, the limitation of such a
profile passively and it has better climbing capability than design is the mobile robot has to keep changing wheels
other rovers. To achieve a singularityless motion, the kine- orientation, which causes time delay, while tracking a
matic model of a wheeled mobile robot (WMR), including a
platform equipped with six omni-directional wheels (ODWs), discontinuous trajectory likes zigzag path. Therefore, the
is formulated. The contents of this study are the design WMRs require an unnecessarily large space when move
principle, kinematics, and motion studies. Also, experimental along a complicated path.
results have been employed to verify the model developed. To cope with this problem, various omni-directional
drives have been proposed to provide mobility of three,
Index Terms— Wheeled Mobile Robot, Rover, Locomotion,
Omni-directional Wheels, Simulation and Experiment namely conventional wheel mechanism [7], orthogonal
wheel mechanism [8], universal wheel mechanism [9], and
I. I NTRODUCTION ball wheel mechanism [10]. Universal wheel mechanism,
also known as Mecanum wheel or Omni-directional wheel
Incorporating mobility into robots has always been the (ODW) is chosen due to ease of control and highly mobile
main focus of study when the robots started to join the daily in applications requiring tight maneuvering.
life of human beings. The robot needs sufficient mobility The main aim of the present work is to design and
to traverse areas of interest, which has a better potential develop a wheeled mobile robot with high mobility not
than other types of robots in replacing, or helping human only on flat terrain but also on undulating terrain. One
beings in the manufacturing, service, and entertainment of the similar works is the omni-directional step climbing
industries. The most common forms of land locomotion are robot designed by Chugo [11]. The vehicle combines seven
legged, wheeled, and tracked. Among the three systems, ODWs and a passive rocker-bogie suspension system. After
the wheeled locomotion is the most popular means for surveying on the available options, it would be ideal to
providing robot with mobility on flat terrain. To move on combine the omni-directional mobility of ODW and the
rough terrain, special mechanism is required. Shrimp robot mechanism, which provides the best step
In general, rovers can be classified into two types of climbing capability, two times of its wheel diameter. Also,
mechanisms, active locomotion and passive locomotion. Shrimp robot is the only robot with tested stair climbing
Active locomotion required to have prior knowledge of abilities. In addition, the authors only consider that the
ground condition, and to precisely and actively adjust the improvement of step climbing ability in fixed direction
location of center of gravity of robot. As a result, such since it is easier to design, and the robot can always re-
a robot is said to have better mobility in the outdoor position itself to desired direction. In the following, the
environment than other types of mobile robots. However, kinematic analysis of a designed omni-directional rover
the active locomotion normally requires extended resources (ODR) is presented. The derived equations can be used
and complex mechanism. The Nomad robot [1], Octopus in position feedback control.
robot [2], T2 ODV autonomous mobile robot [3] represent
the active configurations. On the other hand, passive lo- II. K INEMATIC M ODELLING
comotion means the robot can adapt to terrain passively,
which implies that no active intervention is needed to In this section the kinematics of the ODR is considered.
handle the terrain. For example, Rocky 8 robot [4], Shrimp An understanding of the kinematics for the six omni-
robot [5], and Micro 5 robot [6]. directional wheels (ODWs) platform is fundamental to
Most of the rovers discussed so far are designed only designing a control system.

0-7803-8914-X/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE. 1585

A. Kinematics of a Rover with Omni-Directional Wheels point H n is
The following procedures developed by [12] and [13] ċ
[ḣn ] = [1 Edn ] (1)
were carried out in order to determine the kinematics of ψ̇
the six-wheel omni-directional rover (ODR). The geometry
architecture of 3-DOF ODR, as shown in Fig. 1, is con- where  
0 −1
sidered for analysis purposes. The platform is modelled as E≡ (2)
1 0
a hexagonal slab, which moves on a horizontal plane. Its
pose can be described by an orientation and two position is a 2×2 skew symmetric matrix [14] associated to rotating
variables, and can be represented as [ψ cT ]T . The ODR vectors in the plane through an angle of 90◦ counter-
consists of 6 ODWs and a platform, which consists of three clockwise, while dn is the two-dimensional vector directed
sections, namely front fork (wheel 6), bogies (wheel 1, 2, 4, from C to H n . Note that n is the wheel number and n =
5), and rear fork (wheel 3). Also, the front and rear wheels 1 to 6, as shown in Fig. 1. Note that 1 is the 2×2 identity
are double wheel, and all bogies wheel are helix wheel. matrix, thereby completing the kinematic analysis of the
The configuration is set to maintain the omni-directional platform sub-system considered.
mobility while maintaining the stability of ODR in forward Furthermore, since the plane of the wheel does not vary,
motion. it is more convenient to express the unit vector gn of the
wheel coordinates in the body-frame such that,
B. Kinematics of Platform 
cos(90◦ m + αn )

[gn ] = (3)
sin(90◦ m + αn )
,where m = 1, for n = 1 to 3, and m=-1, for n = 4 to 6.

C. Kinematics of Wheel Models

Fig. 2. Notation for the omni-directional wheel: (a) Double Wheel; (b)
Helix Wheel.

The wheel kinematics discussed in this section start with

the definition of the coordinates as shown in Fig. 2. The
Fig. 1. Notation for the analysis of platform. wheel coordinate, en , fn , and kn is attached to the centre
of the nth wheel, where en is the axis of rolling, and fn is
In Fig. 1, ψ is the angle of the platform orientation with normal to en and parallel to even terrain. Lastly, the kn is
respect to the fixed reference frame G, and c is the two normal to the en , and fn . Therefore, the orientation of the
dimensional position vector of the platform centre, which unit vector kn always same as K, which is common for all
is taken as the operation point, C [14]. Moreover, the fixed wheels’ unit vectors point upward in the vertical direction.
reference frame G, which in dynamics is usually inertia, is The roller coordinate, gn , and pn is attached to the centre
selected so that the ODR moves on the XY plane, while of the nth roller, where gn is the axis of rolling, and pn
iG , jG and k are unit vectors, where k points upward is normal to gn and parallel to wheel coordinate. The αn
in the vertical direction. Next, we define a body-frame, refers to the angle between the vectors en and gn . The
whose orientation is fixed with respect to the platform, its rolling angle of the nth wheel is denoted by θn and the
associated unit vectors, i, j and k, being shown in Fig. 1. radius of the wheel is denoted by rw , which is the distance
Furthermore, the body-frame rotates with respect to the from the point H n to the point of contact between roller and
reference frame G about a vertical axis with an angular ground. Furthermore, the rolling angle and the radius of the
velocity ψ̇. The absolute velocity of point C of an arbitrary passive roller are denoted by fn and rr , respectively. The

velocity of point H n can be determined from the spinning
of the wheels and rollers,
ḣn = −rw θ̇n fn + rr φ̇n pn (4)
where ḣn is the two-dimensional velocity of the centre of
D. Kinematic Modelling of 6-Wheel OWMR
Equating the left-hand side of eq. (1) with the right-
hand side of eq. (4) we obtain the relationship between
the velocity of the platform and the velocity of the wheel, Fig. 3. Pmax test: The point Pmax and working range of front fork.
ċ + Wn Edn ψ̇ = −rw θ̇n fn + rr φ̇n pn (5) corresponding link lengths. Then, the derived front fork
Only θ̇n can be controlled through the actuator of the n th is simulated in Interactive Physics 2000 [16]. First, the
wheel, while φ̇n accommodates itself to allow for pure trajectory of the front fork mechanism is plotted as shown
rolling of the roller with respect to the ground. Since all in Fig. 3. The working range of 200 mm is specified in the
these rollers are unactuated, the rate φ̇n are not controllable present work. The impact point, where the wheel hits on
and therefore not required in our analysis. To eliminate φ̇n , the vertical step, must be equal or above the point Pmax .
we take the inner product of eq. (5) and gn , which is normal Otherwise, the impact force acting on the front fork might
to pn . Therefore, the wheel velocities θ̇n can be determined damage the structure. Note that the point Pmax is defined
through inverse matrix operation. as the maximum point along the path generated by front
  wheel. Also, the point Pmax must be located in lower
d −1 −1 region of the trajectory to have a larger working range,
 d −1 1    which defines the maximum obstacle height.
  ψ̇
1  d 3 −1 0 
θ̇n = −    ẋ  (6)
 d
rw  1 1   ẏ B. Simulation of 3D Mobility Analysis
 d 1 −1 
d6 1 0
The basic function of the developed rover is to move
from point to point, and able to deal with obstacle without
getting stuck. The rover locomotion needs to perform four
actions repeatedly in random order: (a) place new ground
point in front of the rover; (b) shift the weight forward; (c)
remove the rear wheel ground contact point; (d) maintain
the static equilibrium throughout the motion. At first, we
need to determine the optimum front fork dimension.
After that, the 3D model is setup in MSC.visualNastran
2003 environment [15] to capture the quantitative relation-
ships among configuration parameters (e.g. wheel diameter,
chassis articulation location), performance parameters (e.g.
speed) and task parameters (e.g. size of obstacles). Fig. 4. The obstacle tests configuration: (a) Dimension of strictured
obstacles; (b) Notation of ODR; (c) ISO view of 3D-model.
A. Front Fork Analysis
In fact, the ability to overcome obstacle is not the Obstacles refer to any physical characteristics of terrain
primary function of the wheels. It is the rover’s suspension that impede the mobility of the rover. Due to the vast
system determines the rover obstacle climbing ability. The amount of obstacles, it is necessary to define and restrict
Shrimp robot adopted front fork spring suspension system our analysis to a few specific obstacles. For this reason, the
to improve traction [5]. To obtain optimum front fork analyses were done to optimize the ability to climb slope
geometry dimension, which give us possible maximum and step initially. The concluding portion of the analysis
lifting height with minimum energy consumption, both would be channeled back to a more conventional urbanized
analytical synthesis and simulation method are applied and structure commonly known as the staircase.
discussed. In the 3D simulation, the mobility analysis started by
Analytical synthesis allows us to determine front fork driving the ODR on structured terrain, as shown in Fig. 4.
dimension based on given prescribed positions of mecha- The ODR is tested on three different types of terrain,
nism. The three-position synthesis is used to calculate the namely, step, staircase, and slope. The coefficient of friction

was set at 0.6 to simulate the terrain likely to be experi- Fig. 6(a). It shows that the front wheel has crossed the step
enced by ODR. Three runs were conducted as follows: with more that half of the wheel diameter. At this point in
• Run I: Spring rate: 5400 N/m, Speed: 0.1625 m/s time, the front fork is experiencing high compressive force
• Run II: Spring rate: 10000 N/m, Speed: 0.1625 m/s due to the change of the spring length. The attempt by
• Run III: Spring rate: 10000 N/m, Speed: 0.1 m/s the spring mechanism to release the compressive load will
In the following, the results of step and multiple-steps trigger an upward lifting force sufficient enough to lift the
climbing are presented and discussed. The result of slope bogie wheel 1 off the ground when it is in contact with the
climbing is not presented since it is insignificant compared vertical step. During the climbing process, the CoG of the
with the other two. ODR is also lifted concurrently.

C. Single Step Climbing Ability over Obstacles A & B

Fig. 5. Climbing sequence for Obstacles A (H:145 mm) and B (H:200


The step obstacles, refer to Obstacles A and B as depicted

in Fig. 4, were selected primarily due to its consideration as
one of the tougher obstacles that may obstruct the motion
of the ODR. At a 90◦ inclination to the ground surface,
achieving success in overcoming the step obstacle will
give us substantial reasons to believe the majority of the
protruding uneven terrain will not pose too much problem Fig. 7. Torque diagrams of single step climbing analysis: (a) Run I; (b)
to the ODR. Therefore, the purpose of conducting this Run II; (c) Run III.
simulation is to validate the ODR’s step climbing ability
based on the optimum front fork configuration. Obstacle B By now, at the simulation time of 4.35 s(see Fig.5), the
is used to test the maximum step climbing ability of the first three wheels of the ODR have reached the top of
ODR. It shows that the ODR is able to climb up step height the step, leaving the last set of bogie wheels to alliance
about two times of its wheel diameter. with the rear wheels to push the CoG of the ODR above
the step. The moment bogie wheel 2 are lifted off the
ground, the rear wheel has to provide a forward force or
driving torque sufficient enough to maintain the present
motion together with the wheels while climbing the step.
It explains the significant increment in torque readings
from 4 to 6 seconds, as shown in Fig. 7. As the motion
continues, the rear wheel could be seen once again critically
Fig. 6. Single step analysis diagrams of Run I: (a) Front wheel contact overcoming the large contact forces, 45 N, to push itself up
force; (b) Angular velocities. the step obstacle, as shown in Fig. 6 (b). At the same time,
the simulation also registeres sharp increases in angular
Climbing sequence and registered time of the different velocities at time 6.02 s, which implies that all the wheels
Runs, as shown in Fig. 5, are used as a reference in the experience traction failure. However, the rear wheel still
following discussion. At the simulation time of 0.4 s, the able to maintain a contact force in negative Y direction,
front wheel of the ODR contacts the step obstacle and which enables the last wheel to climb up. In addition,
registered a high amount of contact force, 45 N, displayed it is noted that the front wheel is lifted up in the air at
in Fig. 6(a). Also, the angular velocity of front wheel 6.02 s in Run I. A good explanation could be the front
is reduced gradually due to the contact force. However, fork assembly has reached the configuration limited by the
the rest of the wheels maintain their speed and provide spring assembly before falling into the stage of singularity.
adequate forces to allow the front wheel steadily climb up
the step, as showed in Fig. 6(b). At the same time, the D. Multiple Steps Climbing Ability over Obstacle C
front wheel also registeres highest output torque since the To extend the covering range of the robot in the urban
driving torque is directly proportional to the contact force, environment, the functionality of traveling over multiple
as shown in Fig. 7. steps, also conventionally termed as staircase, is equally
As the front wheel progressively moves upward, there important to our analysis. As a rule of thumb, a complete
will be a change of contact force at simulation time 1 s staircase climb would require the ODR to at least overcome
from negative Y direction to Z direction, as depicted in three multiple steps to provide a strong evidence for

validating the success was not an occurrence of riding up
the stairs by momentum only. Therefore, we next aim to
deduce the major geometry constraints faced by the ODR
that shall enable it to climb up the staircase.
Climbing sequence and registered time of Runs I and II,
as shown in Fig. 8, are used as reference in the following
discussion. The results obtained for the stair possess certain
similarity to those recorded for the single step obstacle
until 18.93 s for Runs I, and II, or 31.25 s for Run
III. Therefore, the discussion will only focus on the later
section. At 18.93 s in Run I, the expected large contact
force in negative Y direction is registered on the front
wheel, as depicted in Fig. 9(a). Compared with the time
at 15.45 s, the rear wheel is subjected to much higher
contact force in negative Z direction. It is because the Fig. 10. Torque diagrams of multiple steps climbing analysis: (a) Run
spring mechanism is under compression at a value of 5.08 I; (b) Run II; and (c) Run III.
N. However, the front wheel still manages to move up the
second step until wheel 2 experiences two points contact climbing upward simultaneously. To alleviate this problem,
with the first step at 19.65 s. the geometry dimensions of the ODR is modified such that
Initially, a majority of the ODR models failed to proceed only one wheel is moving upward at any instance. The
forward after the instant of 19.65 s. As seen in Fig. 8, first geometry constraint based on the above criterion is
it is a time instant where both front wheel and rear determined at simulation time 20.8 s, where wheel 1 is
wheel touching the vertical walls. After studied the torque having two point contacts with the second step,
diagrams of the failed models, the rear wheel registered
extremely high torque values compared to the rest of lBogie + rw ≤ Stair Width
the wheels. It also implies that the ODR is unable to Another critical moment is at the simulation time of 21.7
climb up multiple steps with front wheel and wheel 2 s, the rear wheel hits the first step while wheel 1 is about to
overcome the second step. It is even worsen than previous
scene as the front wheel is lifting in the air, and wheel
2 becomes the only propelling force. Based on the above
criterion, wheel 1 needs to cross the second step more than
half of the wheel diameter before the rear wheel establishes
two point contacts with the first step. As a result, the wheels
1 and 2 will work together to propel the ODR moves
forward. Based on the above observation, the relationship
between the stair and ODR geometry dimensions can be
determined. The selected length of bogie, lBogie , and length
of rear fork, lRear , must satisfy the two constraints listed
in Fig. 11 in order to avoid possible failure during the
stair climbing. Fig. 10 shows the recorded wheels’ driving

Fig. 8. Climbing sequence for Obstacle C (H×L: 145×295 mm).

Fig. 11. The stair climbing constraints.

torque in Runs I, II, and III. The results obtained from

three tests indicate that the rear wheel could register highest
driving torque among the wheels. This may be due to
Fig. 9. Stair analysis diagrams of Run I: (a) Front wheel and rear wheel the absence of driving force from the front wheel when
contact force; (b) Angular velocities. it is unable to get a horizontal foothold. Comparing the

results of Runs I and II, the higher spring rate does not In the third test, the rover is tasked to climb up a wooden
help much to the ODR’s stair climbing ability. Indeed, it slope. The objective is determined maximum climbable
creates extra problem by requiring higher torque output. slope. The experiment shows that the rover is able to
However, ODR without spring mechanism can only climb overcome 30 degrees slope. Lastly, the omni-directional
up the stair with coefficient of 0.8. A miniature simulation mobility of the ODR was tested to verify the kinematic
study of the influence of the spring force to weight ratio on model discussed in Section II. The experimental implemen-
ODR step climbing ability reveals that the minimum spring tation of position control and results can be found in [17].
force to weight ratio was found to be approximately 58
percents before any lifting of the bogie wheels is possible.
Therefore, the two springs with a spring rate of 2700 N/m The work presented in this paper revolved around two
are selected to enhance the ODR step and stair climbing main topics, namely, kinematic analysis of the system, and
capability. motion analysis of ODR. The 2-D and 3-D simulation
interface was setup to further investigate the step and stair
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This section summarized the performance of the 6-wheel is tested by commanding ODR overcome three different
ODR during testing. For the testing of omni-directional types of obstacle.
mobility, various trajectories are performed by ODR. For R EFERENCES
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