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How is your phone changing you?

Let’s Begin…
As of 2016, of the 7 billion people on Earth, roughly 6 billion own a cell phone. So what are these popular
gadgets doing to your body and brain? AsapSCIENCE investigates.

1. What is the average amount of time people per day that people spend looking at their
mobile phones?

a. 3,6 hours
b. 4,7 hours
c. 1,4 hours
d. 5,5 hours

2. Time spent in front of screens had ed to n increase in cases of:

a. Back tension
b. Arthritis
c. Depression
d. Myopia

3. What is a compulsion loop?


4. What is nomophobia?
5. How do phones interfere with sleep?


Additional Resources for you to Explore

Platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram leverage the very same neural circuitry used
by slot machines and cocaine to keep us using their products as much as possible. Take a closer

look at the underlying science here:  Dopamine, smartphones and you:

A battle for your time

Want to cut down on your screen time? Explore 13 research-backed tips to spend less time on

your phone

Do you think it's important to take breaks from your phone or computer? Why or why not?

What strategies could you use to make sure you spend less time on your phone?

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